
Gaines Kergosien

Gaines Kergosien

Empowering Tech Progress: Bridging Innovation, Strategy, and Knowledge

Nashville, Tennessee, United States


With over two decades in the tech sector, Gaines stands out as a leader adept at aligning innovative technological solutions with strategic business goals. His accomplishments span transformative software development, infrastructure enhancements, and the integration of agile methodologies to optimize development processes.

In leadership positions within leading global corporations, Gaines's impact was amplified by his knack for maximizing the potential of his teams. It was under his guidance that his organizations experienced significant shifts towards agile practices, yielding marked improvements in both development quality and operational efficiency.

Beyond his corporate roles, Gaines's commitment to knowledge-sharing shines through with the inception of the Music City Code conference. Guiding a dedicated team of community volunteers, he expanded the event, introducing related conferences spotlighting agile techniques and emerging data trends. Music City Tech rapidly established itself as a prime destination for professional development and networking.

When addressing audiences, Gaines excels in demystifying complex subjects, offering actionable insights. His presentations, celebrated for their precision and applicability, have engaged local and global audiences alike, underscoring his dedication to fostering continuous learning in the tech community.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Software Development
  • Agile Methodology
  • DevOps
  • Cloud Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Azure
  • Azure DevOps
  • Business consulting
  • Project Management
  • Product Management
  • Software Principles
  • Process Improvement
  • Process Automation
  • Business Process Automation
  • agile
  • Agile Development
  • Neurodiversity
  • inclusion
  • Augmented Reality
  • Large Language Models
  • Development management
  • blockchain
  • Blockchain Development
  • Chatbots
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Transformation
  • Data Science
  • natural language processing
  • Serverless
  • Chatbot
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Cognitive Services
  • technical consulting
  • Technical Coaching

Neurodiversity in Tech: Harnessing ADHD and Autism Strengths for Team Success

In the realm of software development and technology, the conversation around ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often leans towards perceived challenges. Yet, in many high-performance settings, neurodiverse individuals consistently demonstrate remarkable abilities that can be pivotal for team success. This session ventures beyond the traditional deficit-focused narrative, diving deep into the invaluable traits that individuals with ADHD and ASD bring to the table—such as unparalleled attention to detail, unwavering focus, and an innate knack for pattern recognition.

By adopting a strengths-based approach, we'll explore:
- How neurodiverse strengths align with effective product delivery processes and frameworks like Agile and Scrum.
- Strategies for fostering psychological safety and trust within teams, facilitating a more inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives.
- The role of mentorship and tailored career development strategies for neurodiverse technologists, emphasizing their unique value propositions.
- Enhancing team communication and collaboration by leveraging the innate skills of ADHD and ASD individuals.

Empower your teams by understanding, recognizing, and integrating the unique capabilities of neurodiverse colleagues. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive, innovative, and successful workspace that truly harnesses the full spectrum of human potential in tech.

Optimizing Your Workflow with AI Insights

Delve deeper into the insights offered by AI tools. Discover how to leverage these data-driven recommendations to refine your code, identify areas of enhancement, and optimize your entire development workflow.

Navigating Azure DevOps: Best Practices for Successful Software Delivery

Azure DevOps offers a wide range of customization options for managing software development, but these can be challenging to navigate. This session will provide insight into how professional consulting organizations use Azure DevOps to plan and deliver both short-term projects and ongoing deliverables. We will explore best practices for ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality software, and delve into the functionality and limitations of Azure DevOps. Attendees will learn how to configure the platform to support and enforce key process controls using useful extensions and advanced query techniques. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to Azure DevOps, this session will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to navigate the platform with confidence.

Mastering Solutions Architecture with Design Katas

TLDR: Architects get relatively few opportunities to practice their craft, so we will group up to formulate architectural visions for "real world" business problems. Attendees will then evaluate each group's solution to gain insight into the pros and cons of different approaches.

Fred Brooks said, "How do we get great designers? Great designers design, of course." So how do we get great architects? Great architects architect, but architecting a software system is a rare opportunity for the non-architect. For this, we turn to an ancient tradition, born of the martial arts, designed to give the student the opportunity to practice more than basics in a semi-realistic way. The coding kata, created by Dave Thomas, is an opportunity for the developer to try a language or tool to solve a problem slightly more complex than "Hello world". The architectural kata, like the coding kata, is an opportunity for the student-architect to practice architecting a software system.

In this workshop, attendees will be split into small groups and given a "real world" business problem (the kata). Attendees will be expected to formulate an architectural vision for the project, asking questions (of the instructor) as necessary to better understand the requirements, then defend questions (posed by both the instructor and their fellow attendees) about their choice in technology and approach, and then evaluate others' efforts in a similar fashion. No equipment is necessary to participate--the great architect has no need of tools, just their mind and the customers' participation and feedback.

Live Demonstration: AI Tools in Action

Experience in real-time how AI-powered tools revolutionize the coding process. From intelligent code suggestions to proactive issue detection, observe the transformative capabilities of AI tools.

Introduction to AI-Powered Development Tools

Kickstart your journey into the realm of AI-enhanced software development. Discover the next-generation tools that are transforming the coding landscape, making development both efficient and insightful.

AI-Powered Coding: Next-Gen Tools and Demonstrations for Smarter Development

Ever paused mid-code and wished for a tool that not only expedites your process but also thinks alongside you, offering insights into potential pitfalls and improvements? Welcome to the era of AI-powered software development tools.

In this session, we will introduce you to the latest AI-driven tools designed for software developers. Experience firsthand, through live demonstrations, how these tools seamlessly integrate with your workflow, offering not just quicker coding solutions but also an intelligent analysis of your code. From pinpointing issues before they escalate to suggesting optimized code structures and even proactively highlighting areas for potential enhancement, these tools are set to redefine the coding experience.

Join us and witness the future of software development, where coding meets artificial intelligence, and every line of code becomes an opportunity for efficiency and advancement.

Boosting Productivity with AI: Tips and Techniques for Software Developers

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent, software developers are looking for ways to harness its power to increase productivity and accomplish more in less time. This session will provide an overview of the latest AI tools and technologies available to software developers, and discuss how they can automate repetitive tasks and improve workflow. Attendees will learn about various AI-based approaches such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, and how they can be applied to software development. We will also showcase real-world examples and provide hands-on demonstrations of AI-based tools and techniques to help developers save time and increase their productivity.

This presentation is based on actual usage of publicly available AI products, such as ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, to write code used in production solutions.

Navigating Azure DevOps: Best Practices for Successful Software Delivery

Azure DevOps offers a wide range of customization options for managing software development, but these can be challenging to navigate. This session will provide insight into how professional consulting organizations use Azure DevOps to plan and deliver both short-term projects and ongoing deliverables. We will explore best practices for ensuring the successful delivery of high-quality software, and delve into the functionality and limitations of Azure DevOps. Attendees will learn how to configure the platform to support and enforce key process controls using useful extensions and advanced query techniques. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to Azure DevOps, this session will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to navigate the platform with confidence.

This workshop/presentation (available in all formats) is based on extensive efforts within our consulting organization to define best practices used across all of our projects with input from all departmental roles and levels of responsibility. By starting with a focus on process improvement, we have mapped key elements and handoffs to how they can best be accomplished on the Azure DevOps platform.

Content will continue to evolve as new functionality is released and our teams explore better ways of automating processes and facilitating collaboration.

Building a Slack Chatbot with Azure Functions

Chatbots have become an essential tool for businesses to improve customer support, automate tasks, and enhance engagement. However, building a chatbot from scratch can be challenging and time-consuming. In this session, we will show you how to build a chatbot for Slack using Azure Functions, a serverless computing platform.

We will start with an introduction to Azure Functions and how they work. Then, we will dive into building a chatbot for Slack, starting with creating a new Slack app and configuring the necessary permissions. We will then create a new Azure Function app and write the code to handle incoming messages from Slack. We will also cover how to authenticate users and respond to messages.

In addition, we will demonstrate how to integrate the chatbot with other Azure services such as SQL Server, Cosmos DB, and Azure Cognitive Services to enable natural language processing and sentiment analysis.

By the end of this session, attendees will have a better understanding of how to build a chatbot for Slack using Azure Functions and how to integrate it with other Azure services. They will also gain practical knowledge of how to handle user authentication, message handling, and responses, and how to ensure the chatbot is secure and reliable.

This workshop/presentation (available in either format) is based on my experience building a chatbot for internal company use and includes lessons learned with real-world examples.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Developers

Software and website developers are in extremely high demand and rates continue to climb, but many developers have not yet realized their potential. Being good at what you do is important, but it's equally important that you can communicate the value you bring to an organization and build a reputation that will provide opportunities for growth, both professionally and financially. We will work together to measure your accomplishments, establish a personal brand, and walk away with a resume that conveys your true value!

I began speaking at conferences on professional development for software developers in 2013 and this series of presentations and workshops have been incredibly well received over the years with some conferences inviting me back to present the same topic at future events. Past attendees have expressed appreciation for how the insight they gained benefitted their careers.

Some of the previous titles in this series were "How to be a Six Figure Developer" and "7 Habits of Highly Paid Developers".

An Engineer's Guide to Developing People

Making the leap to management isn't easy but, with the right skills and preparation, solving people and process problems can be incredibly rewarding and profitable. In fact, the experience and skills you've gained over the years may have prepared you for this new role without even realizing it!

In this session we will explore how software engineering principals and patterns can guide your journey to becoming a successful development manager. We'll cover what the role entails, common hurdles, and the mental shift required to do it effectively.

I've been working on a series of blog posts for over a year with the intention of publishing a guide on how to become a successful software development manager. Over time I began to notice a trend in the correlation of programming concepts to leadership strategies, so I decided to create a presentation which should resonate with developers and provide insight into how they might follow a similar path.

Succeeding with ADHD

The things that make us different are also often a potential advantage. People with conditions like ADHD must overcome challenges to conform and, in the process, often develop skills that make them exceptional leaders and entrepreneurs.

In this session we will explore how many of the most successful have turned these tendencies into an advantage and how you can do the same, regardless of your diagnosis.

This presentation is based on extensive research as well as personal experience. It is focused on techniques that, while they were developed as coping mechanisms, can be used by anyone with the desire to excel at achieving their goals.

Unleashing Potential: Harnessing the Advantages of ADHD and Autism Traits

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often viewed as disorders with negative consequences. However, individuals with these conditions can exhibit seemingly superhuman abilities in the right setting. This session will explore the potential benefits of traits commonly found in individuals with ADHD and ASD, such as heightened attention to detail, strong focus, and an aptitude for pattern recognition. We will also discuss strategies for harnessing these advantages in the workplace and other environments. By understanding and utilizing these strengths, individuals with ADHD and ASD can achieve greater success and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.

This session aims to shift the conversation from deficit-based thinking to a strengths-based approach, highlighting the unique and valuable contributions of individuals with ADHD and ASD.

This presentation has continued to evolve since I first started speaking on the topic of neurodiversity in 2019 and has become increasingly relevant as remote work has increasingly presented opportunities for adaptable work environments.

Michigan Technology Conference 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Pontiac, Michigan, United States

CodeMash 2024 Sessionize Event

January 2024 Sandusky, Ohio, United States

TechBash 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, United States

dev up 2023 Sessionize Event

August 2023 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Beer City Code 2023 Sessionize Event

August 2023 Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

KCDC 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Greater Nashville IT Summit 2020

How to Benefit from Employing Neurodiversity

November 2020 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Technology Leaders of Nashville

How to Benefit from Employing Neurodiversity

October 2020 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Tennessee Developer Conference (TDevConf) 2020

Succeeding with ADHD

October 2020 Memphis, Tennessee, United States

iR Sessions

Succeeding with ADHD

September 2020 Jacksonville, Florida, United States

php[tek] 2020 Sessionize Event

May 2020 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

CodeStock 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

TechBash 2019 Sessionize Event

November 2019 East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, United States

Connect.Tech 2019

7 Habits of Highly Successful Developers

October 2019 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

dev up Conference 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

dev up 2019

Succeeding with ADHD
An Engineer's Guide to Developing People
7 Habits of Highly Successful Developers

October 2019 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Music City Tech 2019


September 2019 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

DevSpace 2018

7 Habits of Highly Paid Developers

October 2018 Huntsville, Alabama, United States

dev up Conference 2018 Sessionize Event

October 2018 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

dev up 2018

7 Habits of Highly Paid Developers
From Developer to Data Scientist

October 2018 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Pontiac Developer Conference (PonCon) 2018

September 2018 Pontiac, Michigan, United States

Technology & Networking User Group

September 2018 Troy, Michigan, United States

Code on the Beach 2018

August 2018 Atlantic Beach, Florida, United States

KCDC 2018 Sessionize Event

July 2018

Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC) 2018

July 2018 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Nebraska.Code() 2018

June 2018 Council Bluffs, Iowa, United States

Music City Tech 2018


June 2018 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

CodeStock 2018

April 2018 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Microsoft Tech Summit 2018

March 2018 San Francisco, California, United States

GANG.conf 2017

November 2017 Southfield, Michigan, United States

dev up 2017

October 2017 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

DevSpace 2017

October 2017 Huntsville, Alabama, United States

QL Tech Con 2017

September 2017 Detroit, Michigan, United States

Atlanta Code Camp 2017

September 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC) 2017

August 2017 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Scenic City Summit 2017

July 2017 Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Detroit.Code() 2017

July 2017 Detroit, Michigan, United States

We RISE Women in Tech 2017

June 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Troy .NET User Group

June 2017 Troy, Michigan, United States

Music City Code 2017


June 2017 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

ITCamp Romania 2017

May 2017 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CodeStock 2017

May 2017 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Indy.Code() 2017

March 2017 Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Nashville .NET User Group

February 2017 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Detroit Dev Day 2016

November 2016 Detroit, Michigan, United States

DevSpace 2016

October 2016 Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Music City Code 2016


August 2016 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC) 2016

June 2016 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Nebraska.Code() 2016

May 2016 Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

GR Dev Day 2016

March 2016 Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

CodeMash 2016

January 2016 Sandusky, Ohio, United States

Eat Sleep Code Podcast

December 2015

St. Louis Days of .NET 2015

November 2015 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

DevSpace 2015

October 2015 Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Music City Code 2015


August 2015 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Code on the Beach 2015

August 2015 Atlantic Beach, Florida, United States

CodeStock 2015

July 2015 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC) 2015

June 2015 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Code PaLOUsa 2015

April 2015 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Nebraska.Code() 2015

March 2015 Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

CodeMash 2015

January 2015 Sandusky, Ohio, United States

Barcamp Nashville 2014

October 2014 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Atlanta Code Camp 2014

October 2014 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Nashville .NET User Group

October 2014 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

DevLink 2014

August 2014 Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Code on the Beach 2014

August 2014 Atlantic Beach, Florida, United States

Louisville .NET User Group

July 2014 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

CodeStock 2014

July 2014 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Nashville JavaScript User Group

July 2014 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Cleveland WPF User Group

May 2014 Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC) 2014

May 2014 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Carolina Code Camp 2014

May 2014 Matthews, North Carolina, United States

Nashville .NET User Group

January 2014 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

CodeMash 2014

January 2014

Raleigh Code Camp 2013

November 2013 Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Chattanooga .NET User Group

September 2013 Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

CodeStock 2013

July 2013 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Lower AL .NET User Group

June 2013 Mobile, Alabama, United States

BarCamp Nashville 2012

October 2012 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

NE Arkansas .NET User Group

September 2012 Jonesboro, Arkansas, United States

DevLink 2012

August 2012 Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

CodeStock 2012

June 2012 Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Atlanta Code Camp 2012

May 2012 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Huntsville .NET User Group

May 2012 Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Code PaLOUsa 2012

March 2012 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Nashville .NET User Group

February 2012 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Nashville .NET User Group Lab

March 2011 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Nashville .NET User Group

March 2011 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Code PaLOUsa 2011

March 2011 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Nashville .NET User Group

January 2010 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Nashville Web Developer Group

April 2009 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Nashville Web Developer User Group

January 2009 Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Gaines Kergosien

Empowering Tech Progress: Bridging Innovation, Strategy, and Knowledge

Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.

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