Gregory Carpenter, DrPH
CSO of KnowledgeBridge International
Washington, Washington, D.C., United States
Gregory Carpenter is the CSO of KnowledgeBridge International, a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, and the National Security Agency’s Operations Officer of the Year. He serves on the Board of Directors for ATNA Systems, is a Senior Advisor for ARIC, Inc., and is a Special Operations Medical Association and Military Cyber Professionals Association member. He is a former member of the Board of Advisors for EC-Council University and the International Board of Advisors for the Mackenzie Institute.
He has held various senior military and civilian positions, including COO, VP for Cyber Operations, Chief of Security Testing, Counterintelligence Division Chief, Chief of Special Space Operations, and Functional Team Lead for Electronic Warfare. He has been an epidemiological primary investigator.
Gregory is a retired army officer of 27 years, he holds a Doctorate in Public Health. He is a Certified Information Security Manager, Lean Six-Sigma Black Belt, and ISO-9000 lead auditor.
Area of Expertise
Tough Adversary? Don’t Blame Sun Tzu
Years ago, when I started working at the NSA, I said to myself, now I can see what’s really happening and what needs to be done to address our adversaries and put an end to cybercrime. Well, I was sure wrong. I worked in a few different offices and participated in hundreds of operations, only to find frustration time and time again. What happened? What was it that we just couldn’t put our finger on? Yes, we were successful in addressing criminal activity. Yes, we could successfully negotiate the contested cyberspace domain. But adversarial activity kept popping up on our radar. It was Whack-A-Mole 2.0.
Was it the technologies we used? No, we had state-of-the-art capabilities. Was there a lack of technical training amongst operators? No, again, taxpayers coughed up plenty, and they got their money’s worth. I concluded that it was strategy; it was philosophy. Sure, we had all the technical capabilities in the world, but we were using everything wrong.
I was in the Information Warfare Support Center. We were supposed to know what to do and how to do it! So, I started studying not only traditional but contemporary philosophy as well. I gained access to curricula in China, Russia, and the USA. This presentation informs the attendees of the adversarial philosophy taught in the military academies in China and Russia, which is taken from their curricula and papers published in various journals and practice today.
Teaching Information Warfare: Strategies in Academic and Government Institutions
This presentation provides a concise overview of the teaching strategies employed in academic and government institutions to educate individuals on information warfare. Academic institutions integrate these disciplines into their curricula, while government institutions, and academies, also emphasize specialized training programs. The multidisciplinary nature of information warfare actively encompasses cybersecurity, psychological operations, Operations Security, electronic warfare, deception techniques, and associated intelligence support. Curriculum integration involves adapting existing programs to address emerging information warfare threats. Specialized training initiatives, such as workshops and simulations, enhance preparedness and response capabilities in government institutions. This presentation emphasizes the role of academic and government institutions in equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the complexities of information warfare. To highlight the foundational differences in approach, we investigate similarities and differences in policy and lexicons unique to distinct cultures. By adopting interdisciplinary approaches, adapting curricula, providing specialized training, and considering cultural nuances, these institutions contribute to developing competent professionals capable of safeguarding national security in the digital age.
Cyber Chess Upcoming
INFOSEC at the SubMolecular Level
Cybersecurity & Technology Forum
Keynote Address: Tough Adversary? Don’t Blame Sun Tzu
Peak Cyber Symposium
Keynote Address: Tough Adversary? Don’t Blame Sun Tzu
Peak Cyber Symposium
Panel Discussion: The Future of AI…The Docs Weigh In!
BsidesNoVa 2024 Sessionize Event
Securing the Future: CISO Insights and Industry Leaders Discussing Current Cyber Threats and Strategic Defense Practices
Adversary Village at DEF CON 32 Sessionize Event
Creative Problem Solving Workshop
Moderator: "Securing the Future: CISO Insights and Industry Leaders Discussing Current Cyber Threats and Strategic Defense Practices"
26th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit
Panel: Quantum Computing - Security Implications in 2024
Workshop: Protecting the Blueprint of Life: The Importance of Information Security at the Molecular Level
Planet Cyber Security Conference
Protecting the Blueprint of Life: The Importance of Information Security at the Molecular Level
Cyber SouthWest
AI's Dual Edge: The Bright Horizons and Dark Depths
BSides Colorado Springs Sessionize Event
Bsides Colorado Springs
Teaching Information Warfare: Strategies in Academic and Government Institutions
Hacking as Performance Art
Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services CISO Day
Securing Your Digital World: Artificial Intelligence
National Cyber Summit
Protecting the Blueprint of Life: The Importance of Information Security at the Molecular Level
Teaching Information Warfare: Strategies in Academic and Government Institutions
Misinformation Village at DEFCON 31
Teaching Information Warfare: Strategies in Academic and Government Institutions
Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services Back to School Security Day
Back to School_Cybersecurity Reminders and Resources
Planet Cyber Security Conference
Using Molecular Communication Systems to Activate In Vivo Bio-Nanorobotic Malicious Code
Hack SpaceCon
Hacking Astronauts: Techniques from Terra Firma
25th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit
Quantum Computing: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Is Quantum Computing One of the Most Serious Threats to Cybersecurity or Might it be the Solution to a More Secure Internet?
Health & Human Services Cybersecurity Awareness Forum
Cyber Vulnerabilities of Today's Connected Medical Technologies
Association of the US Army (AUSA)
Cyber Terrorism & Today’s Connected Medical Technologies
The Cat in the IRC Chat – Intersection of OPSEC & Deception
Hack in Paris
If Descartes Applied Counter Deception in Cyberspace: Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
Centers for Medicaid & Medicare CISO Cybersecurity Forum
The Dark Web, An Enabling Capability
Cyber Defense Working Group
Nuclear Command & Control: Cracking the Code
Cyber Terrorism UNOCT Workshop
le Hack
You Own Your Computer, I Own You
Cyber Defense Working Group
Nuclear Command and Control: Securing our Future
UNODC SE Asia Regional Exercise on Joint Cybercrime Intelligence Collaboration
UNODC SE Asia Regional Exercise on Joint Cybercrime Intelligence Collaboration for Joint Cybercrime and Counter Terrorism Response
Session: Ancient Wisdom Applied in the Technical Realm
UNODC SE Asia Regional Exercise on Joint Cybercrime Intelligence Collaboration
UNODC SE Asia Regional Exercise on Joint Cybercrime Intelligence Collaboration for Joint Cybercrime and Counter Terrorism Response
Session: Ancient Wisdom Applied in the Technical Realm
Using Molecular Communications Systems to Activate In Vivo Bio-Nanorobotic Code
Hacker Halted
Hack in Paris
Debate: To Serve Man AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning in Security with Winn Schwartau, Michael Masucci and Gregory Carpenter
National Fire Control Symposium
Systems To Activate In Vivo Bio-Nanorobotic Malicious Code
SecureWorld Expo
Internet of Bio-Nano-Things:Using the In Vivo Biochemical and Connecting to the Electrical of the Human Internet
Hacker Halted
Keynote Debate: Hackers, The Media, Truth, Trust, and Alternative Facts
Talk: Deceiving the Master
Dept of Commerce Security Awareness Day
Why Your Cyber Survival Hinges on Common Sense
Hacker Halted
Security Concerns of Future Technology Arriving Today
TakedownCon UCONN
What Do You Mean The Friend of My Friend is My Enemy???
NCMS 55th Annual Training Seminar
Security Concerns of Future Technology Arriving Today
BSides Ottawa
What do you mean the friend of my friend is MY ENEMY?
Hacker Halted
Cyber Medical Terrorism: Hacking DNA for a Brave New World
TakedownCon Rocket City
It walks, It talks and it will conduct economic espionage
TakedownCon Rocket City
What Do You Mean The Friend of My Friend is My Enemy???
Hacker Halted
Unmasking the Idealism Surrounding Critical Infrastructure: or Are Those Your Soiled Shorts on the Floor?
Foreign Denial & Deception Committee
Session on Identifying Adversarial Deception
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