
Kevin Kline

Kevin Kline

Expert at enterprise-scale database systems, in the cloud or on-premises. Besting author of "SQL in a Nutshell".

Nashville, Tennessee, United States


Kevin Kline is a noted database expert and software industry veteran. A 20-year Microsoft Data Platform MVP and noted community leader in the IT industry, Kevin is a founder and former president of the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS.ORG), as well as the author of popular IT books including the bestseller "SQL in a Nutshell". Kevin is a top-rated speaker at industry trade shows worldwide and has a monthly column at Database Trends & Applications magazine (DBTA.com). His product designs for database tools have won numerous awards at industry trade shows and from a variety of trade magazines. He is on social media as @kekline and blogs regularly.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information
  • Business & Management


  • All things data
  • Databases
  • Analytics
  • Analytics and Big Data
  • Data analysis
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Azure SQL Server
  • AWS Databases
  • AWS Data & AI
  • AWS Architect
  • AWS Architecture
  • AWS S3
  • AWS Data
  • SQL Server DBA
  • SQL Server Developer
  • SQL Server Indexes
  • Cloud Computing
  • Database and Cloud
  • Cloud Migration
  • Database Migration
  • Azure Migration

How to Troubleshoot SQL Server CPU Problems

CPU is the workhorse of any SQL Server and Azure SQL. CPU handles not only core processing but also worker thread management and parallelism. And yet many of us don’t know the fundamentals beyond “SQL Server take cares of that for me”. So what happens to those CPUs when things go wrong? In this session, we’ll go deep into the internal behavior of SQL Server CPU, including the internal and external memory pressure, worker thread management, and how to troubleshoot CPU problems.

Winning Influence in IT Teams

How does a mild-mannered and often overlooked IT professional become the “go-to guru” for the IT organizations top managers and executives? The good news is that there is lots of research that teaches us how to be an influencer within our IT team. This session explores how to become a trusted adviser and informal leader within your IT organization. This session delves into a variety of important behaviors, including:
• How can you best build a solid foundation for lasting influence?
• What is the most effective way to persuade others to your way of thinking?
• What techniques will bring other IT professionals to your door for advice, assistance, and help with office politics?
IT professionals who ignore office politics and influence do so at the risk of their own career. Learn how to make winning influence a part of your regular interactions!

Ten Query Tuning Techniques Every SQL Developer Should Know

SELECT statements have a reputation for being very easy to write, but hard to write very well. This session will take you through ten of the most problematic patterns and anti-patterns when writing queries and how to deal with them all. Loaded with live demonstrations and useful techniques, this session will teach you how to take your SQL Server queries mundane to masterful.

SQL Server Internals and Architecture for Developers

Let’s face it. You can effectively do your job of writing code of how SQL Server works. Many great developers, DBAs, and architects get their day-to-day work completed on time and with reasonable quality while never really knowing what’s happening behind the scenes of their computer systems. But if you want to take your dev skills to the next level, it’s critical to know SQL Server’s internal processes and architecture. This session will answer questions like:

- What are the various areas of memory inside of SQL Server?
- How are queries handled behind the scenes?
- What does SQL Server do with procedural code, like functions, procedures, and triggers?
- What happens during checkpoints? Lazywrites?
- How are IOs handled with regards to transaction logs and database?

This fast paced session will take you through many aspects of the internal operations of SQL Server which you can use to ensure your code performs at its best.

How to Design and Normalization a Relational Database

Designing a relational database isn’t hard work. But that doesn't mean it's a good design. Invest a little time and effort early on will yield big benefits by providing a database that is self-documenting, easy to maintain and change, and provides high-quality data to its users.

This session will use extensive examples and a real-world use-case to teach you:

• How to approach a new database design project
• How to normalize a relational database up to Third Normal Form (3NF)
• How to read an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) or create your own
• How to transform a design into a real database

This is a great session for developers who’ve never undertaken a database design project themselves, administrators who focus on operations, and for other IT professionals who are interested in databases.

Query Tuning Telemetry for the Advanced SQL Developer

You are a skilled SQL developers who knows how to make your SQL statements scream with speed. But now you want to advance that skill by analyzing instance-wide performance and overall workload analysis. As it turns out, SQL Server includes a variety of Extended Events, DMVs, and other telemetry to help us. It’s just that few people know these secrets. We will examine this seldom used instrumentation through a variety of everyday queries to reveal their overall resource consumption and internal behavior. Lots of examples and demos!

Presentations that Persuade

Many new presenters are happy just to create a presentation that is informative and formatted properly. But there is a comes a time when a presenter wants to achieve more than simply delivering information to an audience, they want to persuade the audience. How does a speaker move from being merely a speaker to an influencer?

In this session, you will learn at least three important new skills. First, you will learn how to create informative technical presentations that are also memorable, impactful, and personal. Second, you will learn aspects of presentation such as stage presence and speaking cadence that elevate presentations from good to great. And finally, you will learn the secret ingredient that turns a set of information into an inspiring call to action that motivates your audience to do more than simply absorb details.

Query Tuning Internals for the Advanced SQL Developer

Skilled SQL developers know that the SQL Server query optimizer uses a multi-step process to produce execution plans. But what about deeper components like the parser, the binder, the algebrizer, as well as the optimizer itself? This session will teach you advanced techniques for query tuning as well as surprising behaviors of the query optimization process that can have a dramatic impact on performance, with special attention paid to the processes controlled by the algebrizer, including associative, commutative, and transitive transformations. We will examine a variety of everyday queries whose performance can be greatly improved by apply a deeper understanding of these internal behaviors. Lots of examples and demos!

• Goal 1: Learn advanced and undocumented methods to see the steps of parsing, binding, algebrizing, and query optimization.

• Goal 2: Explore the SQL Server internal memo structure to see how SQL Server uses the heuristics of the algebrizer and query optimizer.

• Goal 3: Walk through several examples of SQL queries whose behavior can be greatly improved when you apply what you’ve learned about the algebrizer and query optimizer.

5 Critical Considerations When Moving Your Database to the Cloud

Migrating an existing on-premises SQL Server application to the cloud can be a daunting task that consists of many complicated steps. In this webinar, we will focus on what is perhaps the MOST important step of the process – those that lead up to the actual move to the cloud.
We will dive deep into the most critical considerations for moving your data and databases into the cloud, whether you use Microsoft Azure, Amazon, or another cloud provider.
We will cover:
• Forecasting how much migration will cost
• The importance of cleansing your data before a major migration
• Fully documenting your data sources and metadata
• Choosing from many different tools and techniques to actually move data
• How to test data for fidelity
• How to maintain parallel systems during transitional phases
Attend this session with one of the industry’s database top experts!

Architectural Choices That Affect Performance of SQL Server

This session takes you through ten common design choices made during the creation of a Microsoft SQL Server database / Azure SQL database application which actually hurts the performance of your application.
This session is great for Developers who have not had much training on database and for DBAs who are usually concerned with keeping servers up and running, but have not done much database design.
This session takes you through a variety of demos that show what sort of anti-patters are common in applications you buy on the open market, how to detect them and, when possible, how to refactor those problems. Don’t miss out!

Communication Skills for the Technology Pro

What sets apart the most credible, trusted, and influential members of an IT team from the rest? What habits and behaviors do they exhibit that result in being treated with respect, while other team members of equal technical skill on the same team are virtually ignored? While technologists are often analytical and data-driven in our work, we are rarely systematic about interpersonal communication and soft skills. This session will teach you how to bridge those gaps.

One of the most fundamental practices among successful data professionals is self-awareness. We will help, through personality profiles like DISC, MTBI, and StrengthFinder, to help reveal your own preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. With that foundation, we move to best practices in communication, such as listening and questioning skills. Finally, we cover a variety of difficult conversations and common conflicts and the communication techniques that help navigate those situations successfully.

These lessons, in turn, build your confidence and influence in interpersonal situations, while enabling you to personally achieve new heights of productivity and greater personal effectiveness.

How DBAs Can Launch a Data Governance Program

When organizations are small and simple, information technology is often thought of as just a means to support their their business. But as organizations grow in complexity and sophistication, they begin to realize that their data is a real asset with enormous value requiring proactive management. Enter data governance, a set of concepts and processes centered on ensuring that an organization has secure and high-quality data throughout its life cycle.

In this session, we begin with an overview of the problems and lost productivity faced by organizations without data governance but aren’t using it. We then discuss the basics of data governance as it applies to the Microsoft Data Platform, as well as important related concepts, like master data management, metadata management, and data stewardship.

From there, we dive into best practices for DBAs to start a database governance program and ensure its success.

De-Risk Your Database Move to Azure: Overcoming Business and Technical Roadblocks

Migrating an existing on-premises application to the cloud can be a daunting task that consists of many complicated steps. In this full day session, we will cover critical considerations around migrating your workloads and discuss both the technical and business roadblocks that commonly challenge this process and how you can overcome them. We will go from beginning to end starting with the pre-planning that must occur and move into discussing the actual migration and post-migration elements of the project looking at the challenges along the way. While we will review the technical aspect, this is more then just a step-by-step session. Its a practical look at real world issues companies are being challenged with today and what you can do to resolve them. Topics such as budgets and costing, architectural decision making, security, team success factors, performance considerations and so much more. Join us to gain the skills you need to de-risk migrating your data workloads to the cloud!

How to Conduct a Database Design Review on SQL Server and Azure SQL

Most database administrators don’t have enough time in the day to review every database put into product by their employers. And that’s big probable because the average database design put into product, whether built in-house or bough, are not high quality. But what if we could automate the review of our database for quality?

In this session we will teach you how to conduct a database design review that yields improved storage behavior, consistent table designs, good data types choices, best practices for keys and constraints, and strong indexing. The design review is scripted and does not require that the developers explain their code to you. Instead, you can run a set of scripts on a database that is actively testing workloads to see if any anti-patterns are in play. We will also show examples of anti-patterns that are the direct result of poor database design choices.

Join us to learn this tips and techniques that improve not only your personal skillset, but also have the potential to vastly improve your SQL Server and Azure SQL database performance.

How to Conduct a SQL Server Configuration Review

Installing an on-premises SQL Server is easy. But configuring SQL Server to make performance the top priority of all configurable aspects of service usually takes years of study and experience to do well. In this webinar, we’ll take you through the important server settings and configuration options, show you which to change and which to ensure are not changed, and share a toolkit of T-SQL scripts to automate the process. We’ll also spend a few minutes detailing the differences between installations on Windows OS, Linux OS, and in the Azure cloud. We’ll cover important details like:
• How to properly configure CPU settings, memory, and file arrangements for databases and transaction log files
• How to properly configure SQL Server settings for parallelism and other internal configuration options
• Automated jobs to take care of preventative maintenance, backup and recovery, and more

How to Conduct a Transact-SQL Code Review

Modern database administrators have many responsibilities, including perhaps their most important responsibility of performance tuning. Performance tuning takes many forms. It might include tuning server settings, improving database designs, or even extensively tuning queries and query code. This becomes even more important when database workloads moved to the cloud because poor performance increases consumption of resources like CPU, memory, and IOPS.

In this session, we’ll teach you how to conduct a Transact-SQL code review that avoids a variety of common anti-patterns frequently used by junior developers who don’t know much about SQL Server. We’ll also share a collection of scripted checks to run against your SQL Server/Azure SQL database to reveal issues lurking within your application’s stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers. The design review is scripted and doesn’t require developers to explain their code. A portion of the scripted checks are best when run against a database at rest. But other scripts within the library are best run in an active database to see if the workloads expose any anti-patterns in flight.

Join us to learn these tips and techniques to improve not only your personal skillset and that of the teams you support, but also gain the potential to vastly improve your SQL Server and Azure SQL database performance.

Kevin Kline

Expert at enterprise-scale database systems, in the cloud or on-premises. Besting author of "SQL in a Nutshell".

Nashville, Tennessee, United States


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