Kim Oppalfens
OSCC, Principal consultant
Herent, Belgium
Kim Oppalfens was awarded as an MVP 1st of April 2005, which makes him one of a couple of ConfigMgr April fool's MVP's and gives him over 2 decades of systems management experience. As an industry expert Kim is a frequent speaker at both national and international events with a keen interest in security. He dived head first into Windows Defender Application Control when it was still called Device Guard and build extensive knowledge in this area in the past 7 years. He's also the co-chair of a company that focuses on making Microsoft allow-listing easier.
Area of Expertise
Windows Application Allow Listing - Notes From the Field
Application allow listing is still largely considered the single security measure any organization can take to combat a large family of malware in general and ransomware specifically on the Windows platform. It’s often considered to be hard to implement as well. Tom & Kim have invested a ton of time in investigating this technology and popularizing it through trainings, conference sessions, YouTube videos and Tweets. In this session they’ll share their notes to kickstart your application allowlisting endeavors.
Intune, Cloud Integrated Configmgr for Azure Ad and Hybrid Devices
Whether you have Azure AD only, hybrid joined devices or a mix, Intune, Co-Management, Cloud Attach all have their merits to manage both. Combined they offer so much more. The old "better together" Microsoft slogan has never been more applicable than with the Intune cloud service and ConfigMgr. The benefits that Intune bring to the table have been highlighted over the years by marketing campaigns and doc articles. This session focusses on what Co-Management brings to the table.
SCCM - Protecting the castle
Any systems management platform is a powerful tool that allows code execution on any of its clients. As a result the security of your systems management platform is an important matter. On top of that a systems management platform comes in contact with a ton of security related items. This session gives you an insight into what 2 SCCM Mvp's analyze when they perform security audits on existing SCCM implementations. Get realworld tips on things you can implement in your environment to increase its security posture.
Building a settings management practice
This session is about the current state of settings management in a Windows workstation environment. It starts of with some history of settings management and where we're at currently. The second part and biggest chunk of the session is about taking the lessons learned from the past and implement them to avoid ending up with the same challenges. We'll discuss GPO and surrounding technologies and evolutions in Intune settings management.
Application control in a modern managed environment
Application Control provides a huge opportunity to boost your security. Both Configuration Manager and Intune have functionality that can mark any application deployed through these tools as trusted. This session will go into detail on how this works and how to set it up so you can deploy apps through both Configuration Manager and Intune.

Kim Oppalfens
OSCC, Principal consultant
Herent, Belgium
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