
Raphaël Semeteys

Raphaël Semeteys

Head of DevRel & Architect at Worldline

Head of DevRel & Architecte sénior chez Worldline

Paris, France


25 years experience in IT in several business fields and positions (dev, run, business analyst, project manager, architect, consulting, presales... and now DevRel)
Strong expertise about Free and Open Source Software (9 years in a dedicated skill center, animating communities, talks and articles...)

25 ans d'expérience en informatique dans plusieurs domaines et postes métiers (dev, run, business analyst, chef de projet, architecte, consulting, avant-vente... et maintenant DevRel)
Forte expertise sur les logiciels libres et open source (9 ans dans un centre de compétences dédié, animation de communautés, conférences et articles...)

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Architecture
  • open source
  • enterprise open source
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • generative ai


Desktop Yoga : dynamisez votre travail (et votre vode) avec le Yoga fr en

Venez tester et apprendre des techniques issues du Yoga pour améliorer votre posture et booster votre énergie !

A pratiquer sur chaise, au bureau ou en télétravail, entre vos réunions ou vos sessions de coding... Apprenez à intégrer des exercices simples et sans risques dans votre quotidien, sur les conseils de Raphaël, professeur certifié de Yoga, senior architect et Head of DevRel chez Worldline.

Mon objectif est de partager mes connaissances de plus de 30 ans de Yoga avec mes collègues du domaine informatique en leur partageant des pratiques et mon expérience pour mieux prendre soin de soi (posture, respiration, gestion du stress et concentration) et donc indirectement de son code☺.

Je pourrai également répondre aux questions que l'on se pose généralement sur le Yoga avec le langage d'un geek informatique.

From OpenAI to Opensource AI: Navigating Between Commercial Ownership and Collaborative Openness en

This presentation explores the evolution of generative AI, highlighting the trajectories of various models such as GPT-4, and examining the dynamics between commercial interests and the ethics of open collaboration. We offer an in-depth analysis of the levels of openness of different language models, assessing various components and aspects, and exploring how the (de)centralization of computing power and technology could shape the future of AI research and development.
Additionally, we explore concrete examples like LLaMA and its descendants, as well as other open and collaborative projects, which illustrate the diversity and creativity in the field, while navigating the complex waters of intellectual property and licensing.

- Talk presented at State of Open 2024 in London, UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVTtyLuiYQk
- As a keynote at the "I LOVE Tech" event in Timisoara, Romania: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/unlocking-ainavigating-open-source-vs-commercial-frontiers/266821723
- At AI_Dev Europe Summit in Paris, France: https://sched.co/1c1mU

Vers une re-decentralisation d'Internet : panorama des technos et initiatives actuelles en

Je vous invite à un voyage captivant à travers les initiatives et technologies émergentes (telles que celles du Web3, du Web3.0, et du Fediverse) qui pourraient façonner un avenir d'Internet décentralisé. Découvrez comment vous pouvez vous impliquer dans ce mouvement en faveur de la (re)decentralisation du Web et d'Internet. Rejoignez-nous pour explorer les opportunités offertes par ces avancées, et contribuez à façonner un Internet où le contrôle des données est entre les mains des utilisateurs.

The hitchhiker's guide to software architecture and design en

Designing a new platform is always tricky to set up.

How to start? What is the best strategy to adopt while designing a platform? What kind of architecture should we deploy: event streaming, orchestration, or choreography?

For a brand-new platform: "Donut @ Home", we will proceed a live architecture study.

After analysing the customer needs, brainstorming, and exchanging our ideas, we will choose among all the potential solutions the *least worst* option.

You will be asked to validate our design and the different implementation examples.

At the end of this talk, you will have tips and tricks for thinking about it and starting working on architecture studies in complete peace of mind.

Why should we say Internet3 rather than Web3? Let's demystify blockchains and decentralized apps! en

Do words like Blockchain, proof-of-stake, smart contract, dApp, token, NFT, DAO or Web3 leave you perplexed, dizzy or even annoy you? Come and discover the concepts and structuring components that are hidden behind it all!

Let's take a step back from buzzwords and speculative bubbles and focus on what is at stake in the background: the redecentralization of the Internet (and not just the Web!). This presentation is the map that I would have liked to have when starting my lonely exploration of the enormous Web3 ecosystem.

Its objective is not to feed endless debates on the usefulness or business value of these technologies and usages, but rather to better understand the ongoing effort to rebuild the Internet and give back control to users over their data. You'll the be able to make your own opinion on the future of all this!

This presentation is a didactic effort to introduce a complex and bubbling ecosystem. It offers a visual and progressive mapping of Web3 (or decentralized Internet) technical stacks in order to position concepts and technologies. It aims to share enough background to be able to step back and see the global picture, without going too deep in technical details.

It is currently being finalized and tested with my colleagues and friends.
I can give an overview of the slides if necessary to gauge the type of content. A video should soon be available.

Dialoguer avec vos documents : découvrez la magie du RAG avec et sans OpenAI fr

Découvrez le monde fascinant du Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), une avancée révolutionnaire dans les Large Language Models (LLMs).

Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage pratique à travers l'implémentation du RAG avec OpenAI et des solutions Open Source alternatives.

Apprenez comment maîtriser les embeddings et vectorstores, et déverrouillez les secrets d'une mise en œuvre concrète adaptée à vos besoins.

Ce que les participants vont apprendre
- Compréhension approfondie des concepts clés du RAG : embeddings, vecteurs et vectorstores.
- Compétences pratiques pour implémenter le RAG avec des solutions commerciales ou Open Source.

Desktop Yoga: Energize Your Work (and Your Code) with Yoga fr en

Come test and learn yoga techniques to improve your posture and boost your energy!
Practicable in your chair, at the office, or while remote working, between meetings or coding sessions... Learn how to integrate simple, risk-free exercises into your daily routine, under the guidance of Raphaël, a certified yoga teacher, senior architect, and Head of DevRel at Worldline.

My goal is to share my over 30 years of yoga knowledge with my colleagues in the computer science field by sharing practices and my experience to better take care of oneself (posture, breathing, stress management, and concentration) and thus, indirectly, of one’s code ☺.
I can also answer common yoga questions in the language of a computer geek.

State of Open Con 24 Sessionize Event

February 2024 London, United Kingdom

Open Source Experience 2023 Sessionize Event

December 2023 Paris, France

Raphaël Semeteys

Head of DevRel & Architect at Worldline

Paris, France


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