
Data Defense 101: Building a Strong Foundation for M365 Copilot

Dive into 'Data Defense 101: Building a Strong Foundation for M365 Copilot', a session designed to elevate your data protection strategy. Uncover the essentials of sensitivity labels and DLP policies, and learn how to seamlessly integrate them into your business framework. This session will guide you through the key steps to fortify your organization's data security, ensuring a solid base for leveraging Microsoft 365 Copilot. Through practical demonstrations, gain the skills to implement effective data governance measures, enhancing your organizational resilience. Join us to transform your approach to data security and prepare your enterprise for the advanced capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Technical Requirements: This session requires a setup capable of showcasing live demonstrations, including a secure internet connection and screen-sharing facilities for detailed walkthroughs of Microsoft 365 environments.

Target Audience: Specifically tailored for IT Administrators, Business Leaders, CIOs, and Security Teams. The content is crafted to resonate with professionals who are keen on strengthening their organization's data governance in preparation for Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Session Novelty and Relevance: This will be the first public delivery of the session. The content, derived from extensive real-world consulting in M365 environments, is freshly developed with a focus on preparing organizations for Microsoft 365 Copilot, particularly beneficial for those not immediately qualifying for Copilot due to seat requirements.

Practical Focus: Emphasizing hands-on demonstrations, this session translates complex information governance concepts into practical, actionable strategies. Attendees will experience the IT Admin process of setting up policies and see how these policies impact end users.

Microsoft 365 Copilot Preparation: The session places a special emphasis on preparing organizations for Copilot, highlighting the importance of establishing robust information protection and DLP policies in advance.

Preferred Session Duration: A 60-minute slot is ideal to comprehensively cover the topics, including time for practical demonstrations, audience engagement, and a Q&A session to address specific implementation concerns.

Interactive Elements: Incorporating interactive demonstrations and audience Q&A, the session aims to provide a dynamic learning environment, offering real-time insights and solutions to common challenges in data governance and Microsoft 365 Copilot preparation.

Galen Keene

Chief Business Transformation Leader | Lion Tech LLC

Ladera Ranch, California, United States


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