
Power Pages: Developer Edition

Can you add fully functional payment facilities to your Power Pages website in 45 minutes? With the flexibility and extensibility of Power Pages using Power Platform and Azure, you absolutely can. Using payment implementation as an example, we will explore how Power Pages can revolutionize your website development.

Bring your advanced maker and pro developer mindset to this session as we explore Power Pages extensibility. JavaScript, API, PCF controls, automation, companion apps, and more. Using these techniques, we will build fully functional payment solutions, from simple links to embedded payment controls.

Makers - leverage your business knowledge and Power Platform expertise to build a secure working website that accepts payments in minutes.

Developers - take the Power Pages website to the next level with PCF controls, Web API, companion web apps, and your Azure knowledge.

Business Owners - accept payments in Power Pages and grow your business, so you can pay your makers and developers generously.

George Doubinski

The Enabler: Awakening the Power Platform Hero in You

Sydney, Australia

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