Anne Dhir
service design, sustainability, strategy
SPARCK, concepteur de service et strategiste
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Anne is a service designer and creative strategist.
She is passionate about achieving sustainable growth by tackling complex systems and balancing the interests of organisations, customers, staff, and the planet. She helps organisations find the path from intention to delivery and learn to design for themselves.
She is a ‘design magpie’, sharing insights across sectors and pushing the boundaries of design by learning from other disciplines.
Anne est concepteur de service chez BJSS, une entreprise de consulting basée au Royaume-Uni.
Elle aide les organisations avec lesquelles elle travaille à rechercher une croissance durable et équilibrée entre les intérêts des organisations, des clients, des employés et de la planète. Elle les soutient de l’exploration d’un challenge, l’intentions de projet jusqu’à la livraison dans tous les secteurs.
Anne est française et installée en Ecosse depuis près de 20 ans.
Area of Expertise
Killing services: lessons learned from decommissioning services en
Agile and design teams focus on creating products and services, but we need to pay equal attention to decommissioning them. Focusing on ending services helps create services that are more effective, efficient, sustainable, and adaptable.
Building on existing research, the talk explores the experiences of people who have closed services in health, government, banking, and energy – from emergencies to planned and soft landings - to incorporate the lessons learned in the agile and design processes.
Services never really die, and we need to deal with the ghosts. Service elements remain and must continue to be provided legally, effectively, and sustainably.
Participant Takeaways:
The closure stories of 30+ services provide prompts to help participants challenge their practice. The talk proposes a framework to ask these questions from day 1.
Designing in the long crisis en fr
For many people, the COVID-19 pandemic was the biggest crisis they had ever faced. It was a time of uncertainty and unpredictability that affected both our work and personal lives.
Most people assumed that this would be the biggest crisis in our lives. As crises continue to pile up, we might be tempted to tune them out, but it’s not sustainable.
This talk explores how designers and technologists can continue to deliver in the long crisis.
Participant takeaways:
- Grapple with volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
- Understand how it affects their customer needs and the sustainability of their organisations
- Explore 10 ways to sustain work in the long run without burning out.
Le cycle éternel: Leçons tirées de l’expérience de fermetures de services en fr
Les équipes agiles se concentrent sur la création de produits et services, mais nous devons porter une attention égale à leur fin de vie. Se concentrer sur la fin des services des la conception nous permet de créer des services plus efficaces, durables et adaptables.
- Pourquoi se pencher sur la fin de vie des services et des produits?
- Que peut-on apprendre des exemples de services et produits à travers le monde?
- Comment dégager des scenarios de fin de vie pour y soutenir cette réflection?
- Une proposition de méthode pour y penser, dès le début.
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