
Andrea Saltarello

Andrea Saltarello

CTO @ Managed Designs, Microsoft Regional Director, Chuck addict, Depeche Mode überfan

CEO @ Improove, Professor @ GSoM Politecnico di Milano, Software Developer, Depeche Mode uberfan

Milan, Italy


I am an entrepreneur and consultant in the Software Architecture field from Milan, Italy, serving as the CTO of Managed Designs while still eager to write code in real projects to get feedback about my architectural decisions.

I am a Microsoft Regional Director for Italy, providing strategic feedback to Microsoft's senior leadership team.

As a trainer and speaker, I had several speaking engagements for courses and conferences across Europe such as TechEd Europe, Ignite Dev Tour and Codemotion.

In 2001 I co-founded UGIdotNET, the first Italian .NET User Group, of which I am the leader; due to my contributions to the .NET developer community, I have been awarded by Microsoft as a Most Valuable Professional since 2003.

Andrea Saltarello è founder di Improove, il network di community che supporta la crescita di talenti tech ed aiuta le aziende ad entrare in contatto con loro.

È docente della School of Management del Politecnico di Milano e, in qualità di Microsoft Regional Director, è advisor del senior leadership team di Microsoft Corporation.

È relatore presso eventi e conferenze internazionali quali: Codemotion, Microsoft Ignite Tour, WPC ed altre ancora, autore di articoli tecnici per differenti testate editoriali e co-autore di "Microsoft .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise", pubblicato da Microsoft Press.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Software Architecture
  • Domain Driven Design
  • .NET
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Event Sourcing
  • Azure
  • Cloud computing

WebAssembly chiama, Blazor risponde

WebAssembly sembra essere la panacea di tutti i mali dello sviluppo di front-end: binario, performante, standard W3C, language neutral; un vero e proprio SDK "nativo" per lo sviluppo web ormai supportato da tutti i browser più diffusi, insomma. Facendo leva su Razor, il view engine di ASP .NET Core, Razor è il toolkit open source proposto da Microsoft per generare WASM compilando codice C#. In questa sessione introdurremo Blazor ripercorrendo il percorso che mi ha portato a sostituire il front-end di una SPA realizzata con Vue.js con una app WebAssembly.

Technology as a means for inclusion

The son of a deaf person, I've soon become well-aware of how disabilities make for a harder living.
My father had all his auditory bones (hammer, anvil and stirrup) surgically removed because of acute otitis, yet he could hear sounds by means of bone conduction glasses. This was in the late ‘70s and despite being bulky and awkward, those glasses were pure magic in the eyes of a child. Technology-based magic.

Forty years on, I’m amazed by the technology we have and how effective it might be when it comes to tackling these issues: bots, for example, make software accessible to people who simply can’t “just” point’n’click. Furthermore, Azure Cognitive Services are key to addressing a variety of impairments.

Even if your ethics didn’t kick in, this is a market you don’t want to turn a blind eye (pun intended) to in this day and age, so let’s have a conversation (and a few code-based demos) about it.

Azure Cognitive Services: una panoramica

Creare, addestrare e mantenere un modello è tipicamente la parte più difficile nel processo di adozione dell'Intelligenza Artificiale: gli Azure Cognitive Services affrontano il problema offrendo modelli domain-specific preaddestrati e facilmente consubabili da una applicazione per scopi quali riconoscimento del linguaggio naturale, sintesi vocale, computer vision ed altro ancora.

Cloud tales: real world CQRS/Event Sourcing

CQRS and Event Sourcing (or, more in general, applications using events as their basic information block) are by no means new kids on the block, yet a lot can be told about how to use cloud platforms to unleash their power without having costs soaring.
The ingredients list is quite simple: an event store, an event dispatcher, read model(s) and computing options to run back-end services. Picking up technologies in a cost savvy way, though, isn’t trivial due to the amount of viable options: should we go PaaS (e.g.: CosmosDB/DynamoDB, AppService, ASB/SQS) or IaaS? CosmosDB/DynamoDB or Mongo? Where do containers fit in this context?
Eager to know our recipe (and look at real code)? Don’t miss this talk then.

ASP .NET Core: a pragmatic introduction

It has controllers, but they’re not quite like the ones we already know.
It has middlewares, but they’re not OWIN’s.
For how much similar ASP .NET Core might appear to its “Classic” counterpart, it is definitely worth our while to know the differences so to not trigger the threat posed by the assumption that we actually can design our solution in the same very way we’re already used to.
Integrated Dependency Injection and Logging, cross platform support when run on top of .NET Core, the revamped Razor view engine and the upcoming v 2.1… All this and much more will be covered throughout this code-focused talk.

Implementing chatbots and Alexa skills using Azure Cognitive Services

Thanks to the recently released v4 of the Bot Framework SDK, creating your first bot is a breeze; still, implementing a production viable one is no easy task since several aspects must be taken into account such as user authentication, integration within existing apps, multi language support, technical considerations (e.g.: Azure Functions vs. Web Apps, Blob Storage vs. CosmosDB) and, last but not least, operational costs.
Moreover, you might want to reuse your bot’s Azure hosted, Cognitive Services-backed code to address Amazon’s Alexa users to avoid the need to implement (and evolve) it twice.
Eager to learn how to do that for real? Don’t miss this code-based talk then.

AI & ML Conference 2021 Sessionize Event

September 2021

A.I. Day 2021 Sessionize Event

March 2021

Cloud Day 2020 Sessionize Event

October 2020

AI Conference 2020 Sessionize Event

September 2020

Global Azure Milan 2020 Sessionize Event

April 2020 Milan, Italy

Microsoft Ignite | The Tour 2020

Talk "Azure tales: real world Event Sourcing"
Talk “Technology as a means for inclusion”

January 2020 Milan, Italy

WPC2019 Sessionize Event

December 2019 Assago, Italy

ITCamp 2019 Sessionize Event

June 2019 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

App Modernisation day Sessionize Event

April 2019 Milan, Italy

Microsoft Ignite | The Tour 2019

Talk "Azure tales: real world Event Sourcing"
Talk "Implementing chatbots and Alexa skills using Azure Cognitive Services"

January 2019 Milan, Italy

Codemotion Milan 2018

Talk "Cloud tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive"

November 2018 Milan, Italy

WPC2018 Sessionize Event

November 2018 Assago, Italy

TechFest 2018

Talk "Upgrading to ASP .NET Core"

September 2018 Bucharest, Romania

ITCamp 2018 Sessionize Event

June 2018 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

WPC 2017

Talk: "ASP.NET Core: una introduzione pragmatica"
Talk: "Azure tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive"

November 2017 Assago, Italy

Cloudburst 2017

Talk: "Azure tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive"

October 2017 Stockholm, Sweden

ITCamp 2017

Talk: "Azure tales: a real world CQRS and ES Deep Dive"

May 2017 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

WPC 2016

Talk: "Azure unleashed: ASP.NET Core <3 CQRS"
Talk: "Migrare una soluzione ASP.NET 4 verso ASP.NET Core"

November 2016 Assago, Italy

Codemotion Berlin 2016

Talk: "The Fine Art of Time Traveling: implementing Event Sourcing"

October 2016 Berlin, Germany

IT Camp 2016

Talk "The Fine Art of Time Travelling: implementing Event Sourcing"

May 2016 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

TUGA IT 2016

Talk: "The Fine Art of Time Travelling: implementing Event Sourcing"

May 2016 Lisbon, Portugal

WPC 2015

Talk: "A gentleman’s introduction to ASP.NET 5 "
Talk: "Gestire il versioning delle entità con CQRS ed Event Sourcing"

December 2015 Assago, Italy

Software Architect Conference 2015

Talk: "The Fine Art of Time Travelling: implementing Event Sourcing"

October 2015 London, United Kingdom

IT Camp 2015

Talk: "Implementing Domain Driven Design"
Talk: "Implementing CQRS and Event Sourcing"

April 2015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Tech-Ed Europe 2014

Talk: "Applying CQRS and Event Sourcing in Microsoft .NET Applications"

Talk: "Architecting and Implementing Domain-Driven Design Patterns with Microsoft .NET"

October 2014 Barcelona, Spain

Andrea Saltarello

CTO @ Managed Designs, Microsoft Regional Director, Chuck addict, Depeche Mode überfan

Milan, Italy


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