
Daniel Bodky

Daniel Bodky

Open-Source Enthusiast with a Passion for Automation

Nürnberg, Germany


Daniel is a Platform Advocate from Germany who made his way from Systems Engineering via Consulting to Advocating for cloud-native solutions. He's a huge fan of open-source, actively engaged in projects revolving around Ansible and Kubernetes, and loves to try out up-and-coming projects and technologies.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible
  • gitops

Towards Standardized Platforms: How the CNOE Project Can Help

Platform building has become an emerging practice in the IT world, and enterprises strive for unified platform experiences on top of Kubernetes and GitOps.

This endeavor comes at a risk: How to choose the right building blocks and make sure they are maintained and play nicely with each other?
The CNOE project makes an effort to mitigate these risks by providing reference architectures and implementations built on pluggable and extensible open-source tooling.

The speaker will outline the when and why of building platforms before introducing the CNOE project, its tenets, and its aims.
He will also live-demo the deployment of a reference IDP using idpbuilder, a tool maintained by the CNOE project, to provide attendees with steps to get started with platform building and putting together CNCF tools such as ArgoCD, Backstage, or Crossplane.

Attendees will learn what problems IDPs in general and the CNOE project in particular try to solve, and which steps it takes to get started.

ArgoCD Odyssey: Navigating from Basics to Brilliance

GitOps has been around for a few years now, and available tools have matured. With ArgoCD, a single CNCF-graduated project provides a UI, CLI, and many advanced features for templating, customizations, and multi-cluster operations.
But which aspects are great, and which are just noise or nice to have?

In this workshop, attendees will catch a glimpse at different strengths and weaknesses of ArgoCD and apply them hands-on in interactive labs, enabling them to make up their own minds.

In bite-sized sections, topics like ArgoCD's architecture and first steps will be covered as well as the utilization of the project's CLI and more advanced deployment scenarios.

By the end of the session, terms like 'projects', 'application sets', or 'app of apps' won't be mysterious concepts anymore, but first-hand experiences.

Attendees may take their clusters home with them. 😉

From Automated to Automatic - Event-Driven Infrastructure Management with Ansible

A universal truth and recurring theme in the DevOps world is automation. From providing infrastructure to testing code to deploying to production, many parts of the DevOps lifecycle get automated already. One popular technology for managing infrastructure and configuration in an automated way is Ansible, but are we fully utilizing its capabilities yet?

This presentation will give a broad overview of Ansible and its architecture and use-cases, before exploring a relatively new feature, Event-driven Ansible (EDA). Analzying applications of event-driven Ansible, participants will see that automated management is nice, but automatic management is awesome, not just regarding DevOps principles, but also in terms of reaction times, the human tendency for minor mistakes, and toil for operators.

Participants will get first-hand insights into Ansible, its strengths, weaknesses, and the potential of event-driven automation within the DevOps world. All hands-on labs will be made openly available on GitHub for everybody to work through at their own pace.

From Dev to Prod with Acorn - Simplifying Kubernetes Deployments

As Kubernetes adoption continues to grow, more and more developers find themselves in situations where their applications are containerized and ready for deployment but configuring connectivity, volume claims, secrets, and the like might still be cumbersome and complicated at first.

This is where Acorn chimes in with its docker-compose-like look 'n feel, its consistency between Dev and Prod environments, and its 'batteries included' approach, e.g. by enabling and configuring TLS and DNS for your applications right away, if wanted.

Over the course of this workshop, participants will be taking our sample containerized application, consisting of a web app, a Redis instance for data caching, and a PostgreSQL database for persistent storage, and convert it into an application deployed on Kubernetes using Acorn.

We’ll cover the primitives for deploying container applications, such as port configuration and file mappings to more advanced features of Acorn's configuration language AML like probing, templated secrets, args, and profiles, participants will get a concise, yet comprehensive overview of Acorn.

Source code and manifests used over the course of the workshop will be publicly available on the speaker's GitHub account.

KCD Munich 2024 Sessionize Event

July 2024 Munich, Germany

DevOpsDays Zurich 2024 Sessionize Event

April 2024 Winterthur, Switzerland

90DaysOfDevOps - 2024 Community Edition Sessionize Event

January 2024

Civo Navigate Sessionize Event

February 2023 Tampa, Florida, United States

Daniel Bodky

Open-Source Enthusiast with a Passion for Automation

Nürnberg, Germany


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