Most Active Speaker

Ixchel Ruiz

Ixchel Ruiz

Karakun AG

Karakun AG

Basel, Switzerland


Ix-chel Ruiz has developed software application & tools since 2000. Her research interests include Java, dynamic languages, client-side technologies and testing. Java Champion, Oracle ACE pro, Testcontainers Community Champion, CDF Ambassador, Hackergarten enthusiast, Open Source advocate, public speaker and mentor.

Ixchel Ruiz ha desarrollado aplicaciones y herramientas de software desde el 2000. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen Java, lenguajes dinámicos, tecnologías del lado del cliente, DevSecOps y pruebas. Java Champion, embajadora de CD Foundation, SuperFrog, entusiasta de Hackergarten, promotora de aplicaciones open source, conferencista y mentora, Ixchel viaja por todo el mundo (a veces virtualmente) compartiendo conocimientos; es uno de sus principales objetivos en la vida.


Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Information & Communications Technology


  • java
  • Java and Server-side
  • Core Java / Java SE
  • Java & JVM
  • Java language
  • Java in the cloud
  • DevOps
  • Software Deveopment
  • DevOps Transformation
  • DevOpsCulture
  • Modern Software Development
  • DevOps Journey
  • DevOps Agile Methodology & Culture
  • Migrating to devops
  • Teamwork
  • Team Leading
  • team coaching
  • Teaching Code
  • Diversity in Creative Teams

Engineering Team Performance

The latest project is behind schedule, bugs are popping up like weeds, and team members are starting to lose their spark.

This is a familiar scene for many software development teams. Deadlines loom, code quality suffers and good solutions are stifled. Team members feel overwhelmed and undervalued, and their passion for coding begins to wane. It's a vicious cycle that can leave your team stuck in a code-writing rut. No, not AI bot will help you there!

But what if there was a way to break out of this cycle? What if you could unlock your team's true potential and unleash a wave of creativity and productivity?

What if your engineering team could consistently deliver sound solutions? What if every team member felt willing to contribute their best ideas?

This session explores the five key factors that transform teams into high performing units. We'll look at the science behind creating a culture where risk is embraced and innovation is enabled. We'll explore how to build the trust and strong relationships that will drive collaboration and productivity.

We'll also look at how to inspire a shared sense of purpose that aligns everyone around a common goal and drives innovation and success.

High-Performance Teams
Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of high-performance teams

1. Psychological Safety
2. Trust and Relationships
3. Adaptability and Learning
4. Shared Purpose and Goals
5. Effective Communication
6. Conflict Resolution

Top References:
* Druskat, V. U., & Wolff, S. B. (2001). Building the emotional intelligence of groups. Harvard Business Review, 79(3), 80-89.
* Edmondson, A. C. (2012). Psychological safety: The hidden driver of high performance. John Wiley & Sons.
* Grant, A. (2016). Originals: How non-conformists move the world. Penguin Random House.
* Heffernan, M. (2020). Uncharted: How to map the future. Penguin Random House.
* McChrystal, S. (2015). Team of teams: New rules of engagement for a complex world. Portfolio.
* Sinek, S. (2011). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Penguin Random House.

It's not my code! You check it! : Practical Strategies for Analyzing and Improving Large Codebases

As codebases grow and incorporate more AI-generated code, analyzing and maintaining them becomes increasingly complex. This session is designed for experienced developers, team leads, and architects who need practical strategies to improve code quality, streamline code reviews, and enhance maintainability. We'll discuss the challenges of understanding AI-generated code, including hidden bugs and security vulnerabilities. You'll learn about essential metrics to assess code quality, usefulness, and performance. We'll cover specific techniques to analyze codebase structure, identify potential issues, and improve code quality. Additionally, we'll explore how to extract insights from the codebase regarding domain knowledge, development team dynamics, bugs, features, and economic aspects. We'll also discuss the benefits and risks of using AI-generated code, including increased productivity and reduced development time, while acknowledging potential challenges. Attendees will leave with actionable insights and real-world examples to effectively manage and improve their codebases.

This session proposal focuses on practical strategies for analyzing and improving large, growing codebases that include AI-generated code. The fast addition of AI-generated code presents challenges such as unknown quality, potential blind spots, and increased security and conformance risks.

This session will address these concerns by providing essential metrics and techniques for identifying and mitigating potential problems and ensuring that AI-generated code integrates seamlessly with existing systems. The session will also cover methods for extracting insights from the codebase regarding domain knowledge, team dynamics, bugs, features, and more.

Introduction (5 minutes)
Challenges of AI-Generated Code (10 minutes)
Essential Metrics for Code Quality (10 minutes)
Analyzing Codebase Structure (10 minutes)
Improving Code Quality and Maintainability (10 minutes)
Extracting Insights from the Codebase (10 minutes)
Benefits and Risks of AI-Generated Code (5 minutes)
Q&A and Discussion (10 minutes)

All about dependencies

Software dependencies have several benefits for software developers. They help to deliver software quickly by providing pre-built functionality and extending the project's capabilities.

Dependencies play an important role in the software development cycle and are used at various stages such as development, execution, and testing. However, dependencies can also introduce compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and dependence on external updates or maintenance. It is essential that dependencies are properly assessed and managed, including version management.

In this session, we will explore different types of dependencies, highlight the hidden costs of dependency management, provide concise guidelines for using open-source libraries, and discuss important security considerations to improve the software development process.

We will focus on tools, guides, proposals from the OSSF Foundation, CNCF, OWASP and CDF

Main focus on Tools, Guides, Suggestions from the OSSF Foundation, CNCF, OWASP

What does it take to deploy to production with confidence?

How often do we question the wisdom of releasing to production on a Friday afternoon? Has the production software been tested thoroughly enough to identify vulnerabilities? If we do find security problems in production, what steps can we take to fix them? And how can we take preventative measures against potential problems or attacks? Recently, software supply chain security has become an increasingly important topic. Concepts such as SBOMs, SLSA, Reproducible Builds and CI/CD Security are often discussed to address previous concerns. This session will explore these concepts and provide guidance on how to apply them to your individual projects. We will focus on tools, guides, proposals from the OSSF Foundation, CNCF, OWASP and CDF

Main focus on Tools, Guides, Suggestions from the OSSF Foundation, CNCF, OWASP and CDF
Cyber Resilience Act

Killing me softly..

Starting a new project, launching a new platform, releasing a new workflow. There is a plethora of documents out there suggesting best practices, considerations, patterns and possible solutions for how and when to start a project or process. Interestingly, however, there is not enough focus on retiring outdated and costly legacy applications in a way that meets business and compliance needs.

Conducting an assessment based on factors such as the value of the application to the business, the cost of retiring it, and the potential savings that can be achieved is the first step at the project level. What else can we do at application development and even more so at operations?

In this session we will discuss what challenges every project should consider when thinking about the entire software application lifecycle.

In this session we will explore fitness functions as measure of effectiveness, efficiency, and adherence to best practices. It encompasses various aspects, including functionality, readability, maintainability, and performance.
Other topics that will be included are: ( list is not exhaustive BECAUSE this is not a X things that you should know type of session )
- Code Complexity, Churn, Duplication, and Smell
- Data Migration ( data integrity and consistency)
- Incremental Rollout
- Disaster Recovery and Rollback Plan
- Security Plans, concerns and disclosures

Failure is not an option. It's a fact

Failure is an inevitable part of success. As an engineer, failure is not a question of if, but when. Failure in the context of innovation efforts has helped thousands of start-up companies succeed, but in the context of a known execution process it can damage results or reputation or create undue risk.
In software development we are at the intersection of innovation and known processes, so how do we benefit from failure and achieve success?
Understanding the types of failure is the key to harnessing the power behind them! This is a session for everyone because failure comes in many different forms and has several different types! We can only benefit from failure if we know how to recognise the type of failure we are facing and how to deal with it.
In this session we will explore several studies and best practices from successful companies that have embraced both.

I present multiple studies, books, white papers to showcase HOW to make it possible to leverage FAILURE and what types of failure should be address with an open strategy and which ones should be avoided

My top resources on this topics are:

HBR The special issue on failure. April 2011
HBR: Increase Your Return on Failure by Julian Birkinshaw and Martine Haas
The Failure Files perspectives on failure. Edited by David Hillson
Learning from Design Failure, Collaboratively by Shulong Yan and Marcela Borge
Learning from Success and Failure by Robert I. Sutton
Strategies for Learning from Failure by Amy C. Edmondson
The Real Reason Why Your Brain Is so Scared of Failure Failure doesn't scare you. Not knowing does By Mithu Storoni
The Skills You Need To Make Failure Productive by Vivian Giang
When We Learn From Failure (and When We Don’t) by Gretchen Gavett
The Tipping Point Between Failure and Success by Dashun Wang

One size fits all! Not at all!

A new understanding of disruptive change is just one of many lessons we have learned over the past five years. A hard one that has left us disoriented, but open to improvement. We live in an ever-changing world with IT challenges that are growing in both size and complexity.
Meeting these challenges and turning them into opportunities requires a creative, adaptable and effectively distributed team.

Understanding the underlying differences in diverse teams, such as differences in functional background, education or personality, can facilitate creativity or group problem solving - but only if a group process is well defined.

In this presentation we will explore the idea of group process and diversity beyond race/ethnicity, gender or age. What are the specific needs, requirements or strategies that need to be in place to create cohesive teams?

In this session I will present several books, studies, white papers and other materials to show how we can use and understand better team dynamics, personality and leadership structures.

- The Mix That Matters. Innovation Through Diversity by Rocío Lorenzo, Nicole Voigt
- The Secrets of Great Teamwork by Martine Haas and Mark Mortensen
The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training on Teamwork Behaviors and Team Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Interventions by Desmond McEwan
- An Experimental Study of Team Size and Performance on a Complex Task by Andrew Mao
- Team Effectiveness in Software Development. Human and Cooperative Aspects in Team Effectiveness Models and Priorities for Future Studies by Torgeir Dingsøyr
- The Feedback Fallacy by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall
- Supporting the productivity and wellbeing of remote workers:
 Lessons from COVID-19 by Thomas J. George, Leanne E. Atwater
- Role of empathy, emotional intelligence, transformational leadership of the project success by Rusan Nadiia, Kozyr Boris
- Psychological Empowerment and Project Success: The Role of Knowledge Sharing by Jabran Khan , Basharat Javed
- Employees’ perceptions of relational communication in full-time remote work in the public sector by Rasa Jamsena,
- Vicious circles of gender bias, lower positions, and lower performance: Gender differences in scholarly productivity and impact by Peter van den Besselaar, Ulf Sandstro

Words that Matter: Why Writing, Reading and Talking matters in Development

The ability to craft a compelling narrative can help convey your message in a direct and concise manner, saving time and creating clear boundaries for all parties involved.

In storytelling, every word and detail serves a purpose, leading the audience to a specific goal or outcome. By understanding different archetypes, styles, and characters, you can tailor your stories to resonate with your audience and ultimately lead to success in your communication efforts.

In this session we will explore and practice different techniques to improve story telling and communication in general.

# Understanding the Importance of Documentation
## Why Writing Matters
Discuss the role of documentation in software development.
Highlight the impact of clear writing on project outcomes and team collaboration.

# The Art of Storytelling in Development
## Crafting a Compelling Narrative
Introduce the concept of storytelling and its relevance in technical writing.
Explain how narratives can clarify complex ideas and engage the audience.
### Key Elements of Storytelling
Explore how to select the right elements to resonate with the audience.

# Practical Techniques for Effective Communication
## Writing with Purpose
### Best practices for writing clear and concise documentation.
### Techniques for structuring technical documents and user stories.
### Reading for Understanding
How to read and analyze documentation for clarity and completeness.
The importance of feedback loops in improving documentation.

# Sharing and Feedback

The HARDest part of SOFTware: Conflict Resolution and Effective Communication

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a drawn-out technical discussion, wondering why the best decisions aren't being made? Or frustrated that only the loudest voices are being heard? These are common challenges in the IT world. Effective communication and conflict resolution are critical to success. This session will explore practical strategies for overcoming these challenges, drawing on the insights of leading experts such as William Ury, Adam Grant, Amy Edmonson, Margaret Heffernan and General Stanley McChrystal. We'll explore the unique communication dynamics within technical teams, how to make better arguments, encourage open dialogue and build consensus even when disagreements arise. Join us to unlock your communication toolbox and learn how to turn conflict into collaboration, leading to better decisions, stronger teams, and ultimately a more productive and fulfilling work environment.

Proposed Agenda
1. Understanding the Roots of Conflict
2. The Art of Communication
3. Strategies for Resolving Conflict
4. Building/Adopting/Buying into a Culture of Collaboration
5. Applying These Principles to the IT World

JChampions Conference 2023 Sessionize Event

January 2023

DevOpsDays Tel Aviv 2022 Sessionize Event

December 2022 Tel Aviv, Israel

JavaSummit IL '22 Sessionize Event

November 2022 Tel Aviv, Israel

Ixchel Ruiz

Karakun AG

Basel, Switzerland


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