
Mikael Nystrom

Mikael Nystrom

DeploymentBunny, the one and only

Stockholm, Sweden


Mikael Nystrom is a Microsoft MVP and Principal Technical Architect at Truesec, with an extremely broad field of competence. He has worked with all kinds of infrastructure tasks, in all kinds of environments, enterprise to small business. He is currently working in the CSIRT where he is Rebuilding, Recovering, Deploying, Configuring and Restoring organizations hit by cyberattacks or other incidents. Mikael is a very popular instructor and speaker at major conferences such as Security Summit and MMS


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Windows
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server
  • windows server 2022
  • OSD
  • PowerShell
  • Azure
  • cybersecurity
  • Incident Response
  • Azure Arc
  • Hyper-V
  • Azure Stack HCI
  • Storage Spaces Direct
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • backup
  • ConfigMgr
  • Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
  • System Center Virtual Machine Manager
  • System Center Operations Manager


Implementing Administative Tiering en

Administrative tiering is the practise of securing administrator accounts and ensuring your credentials are not exposed in the wrong place. During this session you will learn how to implement tiering in your Active Directory, why it matters and the common pitfalls

Manage Servers - In the real world en

In this session you will learn how to use PowerShell for bulk administration and tools like Windows Admin Center (formerly Project Honolulu) for the UI based - single task administration. You will learn how to configure your servers for remote administration, use the tools and you will also learn why Remote Desktop should never, ever be used

Tales from Incident Response en

In the Cyber Security Incident Response Team, also known as CSIRT, We salvage / rescue / recover customers every day. Doing this means we have seen things that no one should see, we have done things that you cannot even imagine was possible to do. In this session I will summarize what went wrong and what could have prevented it from becoming an incident. This is a session not to miss...

Recovering from Cyber Attacks - How to salvage your Domain Controllers en

When being hit by ransomeware or other cyberattacks, the threat actor could get full access to the DA account, in that case, nothing can be trusted, not even the backup. So how do we solve that?

How to manage Windows Server and Client in a secure way en

The most commonly used method of manage Windows is by far the worst, from a security standpoint. In this session you will learn how to manage Windows using various methods and tools, yet efficient and secure.

Azure Stack HCI - The perfect solution to run VMs on-prem, but Azure en

Join this session to learn everything about Azure Stack HCI, the on-premises solution to run Virtual Machines, with full support from Azure, in other words, management from Azure, Self-service from Azure, monitoring from Azure, and support from Azure. It also comes with support and functionally that only exists in Azure like the Azure VDI solution as well as Windows Server 2022 Hotpaching. It is session you should attend to, if you care about on-premises VM's

Tales from Incident Response en

In the Cyber Security Incident Response Team, also known as CSIRT, We salvage / rescue / recover customers every day. Doing this means we have seen things that no one should see, we have done things that you cannot even imagine was possible to do. In this session I will summarize what went wrong and what could have prevented it from becoming an incident. This is a session not to miss...

Stop giving your admin credentials to the bad guys en

Let's face it, if you are the admin, you have all they keys the bad guys wants. In this session you will learn how to protect your credentials, so that only YOU can use them. You will learn how to protect the control plane (AD/AAD) and use delegated permissions for everyone using a tiered access model, it is time to step up.

Protect your Admin Account and your Services Accounts! en

Working in the modern world, means Cyberattacks, in masses. The most common way for attackers to gain access is YOUR admin account, approximately 80% of all attacks is based on stolen admin credentials. In this session you will learn how to protect your admin account, and no a strong password is not the solution, you need to change the way you work.

Privileged Access Workstations - Deploy and Configure en

In todays world, all managment should be done from a Privliged Access Workstations and in this session you will learn how to deploy them.

OS Deployment from the cloud, with no infrastructure en

In this session you will learn how to build and use PowerShell Deployment Toolkit Extension, PSD for short. With this free extension to MDT you will be able to deploy operating systems across the internet, extremity fast (we are talking 15-30 minutes) including applications and settings. It also fits directly into any other management framework like, AD, AAD, Intune, etc, etc.

OS Deployment directly from the Cloud with no local Infrastructure en

In my work, we need to rapidly deploy computers without any "infrastructure", it could be that we are recovering from a cyber attack, at that time, there is nothing, and there is no time to build or restore a full client OSD solution, right now, the company needs to survive, and that is what we use PSD for. Want to know more? Join the session to learn everything about PSD (PowerShell Deployment Toolkit Extension for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit)

Manage your Servers using Azure Arc en

This session is all about manage your servers on -premis from the cloud, using Azure Arc. The session covers both Azure arc Agent and Azure Arc bridge, you will also learn how to use Azure Update Manager, Windows Admin Center from Azure Arc, if you like the cloud, but have servers, this session is for you

Backup/Restore/Recover - That works in today's cybersecurity landscape en

Most backup solutions will cover things like hardware, overwritten files, flooding, fire, etc, etc. For the last 4 years I have been working in CSIRT, and so far, what the customer hoped for, did not work at all.

Azure Arc Bridge - Self Service and then some en

Azure Arc bridge is currently in preview, and it extends the Azure Cloud directly in to your VMware or Hyper-V environment, you can now build, deploy and manage everything from Azure, the cost? Currently free, expected to be free

Using PAW's to manage your Azure Stack HCI solution en

Privileged Access Workstation (PAW's) should be used to manage high sensitive solutions, there is no question about that. The question is how to deploy and protect them correctly. Here is the session when you learn how to start using PAW's

Windows Server 2022 - Whats Up en

Easy, join this session to learn the new cool things about Windows Server 2022 and some System Center 2022 features. Join the session to learn more.

Windows Admin Center - All cool things in 60 minutes en

Windows Admin Center has grown, for each day it gets better and better, and now it is packed with new features, new ways, new integrations, it is awesome, join this session to learn all about Windows Admin Center

Hybrid Datacenter med Azure en sv

En majoritet av företag och organisationer är övertygade att moderna datacenter är byggda enligt hybrid modellen, dvs, valda delar körs lokalt och andra delar körs I Azure. Under en heldag får du lära dig hur du kan nyttja Azure som en del av ditt datacenter. Du kommer att lära dig vad du bör ha kvar i din lokala miljö, vad du enkelt kan flytta, vilka delar som bör flyttas tillsammans, hur du kan köra Azure lokalt med Azure Stack, hur du kan köra traditionellt, men ändå nyttja hybrid lösningar med Azure, men också hur du växlar till en modern infrastruktur men ändå kör vissa valda delar lokalt vid behov. Det här blir en dag med Azure, IaaS, PaaS, Azure Stack, Azure Pack, Windows Server 2019, PowerShell, Network, Hyper-V, Storage, Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, System Center, Log Analytics och mycket annat skoj.

Hybrid Datacenter med Azure en sv

En majoritet av företag och organisationer är övertygade att moderna datacenter är byggda enligt hybrid modellen, dvs, valda delar körs lokalt och andra delar körs I Azure. Under en heldag får du lära dig hur du kan nyttja Azure som en del av ditt datacenter. Du kommer att lära dig vad du bör ha kvar i din lokala miljö, vad du enkelt kan flytta, vilka delar som bör flyttas tillsammans, hur du kan köra Azure lokalt med Azure Stack, hur du kan köra traditionellt, men ändå nyttja hybrid lösningar med Azure, men också hur du växlar till en modern infrastruktur men ändå kör vissa valda delar lokalt vid behov. Det här blir en dag med Azure, IaaS, PaaS, Azure Stack, Azure Pack, Windows Server 2019, PowerShell, Network, Hyper-V, Storage, Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, System Center, Log Analytics och mycket annat skoj.

Windows Server Management Using Windows Admin Center en

With multiple versions of Windows Server, different versions of RSAT, MMC being a bit “old”, getting a overview using PowerShell is a bit tricky, someone must have done something to fix this… And Microsoft has done it! Say hello to Windows Admin Center (FKA "Project Honolulu")! In this session you will learn how to setup and deploy Windows Admin Center in your environment. You will learn management of servers in the UI as well ass Role Based Access Configuration and Security configurations and that will give you a really cool tool to use!

MVP Show Case - Hantera en Microsoft baserad plattform med PowerShell, rätt verktyg och rätt attityd en

En session full med demos från MVP:er som hanterar Microsoft baserade lösningar hela dagarna. Den här session ger dig mängder med nyttiga tips och tricks som du direkt kan ta och använda I dina egna miljöer

Securing administrative access and privileges en

Det är DU som är målet för en angripare, helt enkelt för att du som administratör har åtkomst till allt.

I den här sessionen kommer du att lära dig att skydda dina administrativa behörigheter och fortfarande kunna arbeta på ett effektivt sätt, till och med via Remote PowerShell. Du kommer att lära dig hur du börjar med att tier:a din miljö, använda isolering, samt riktiga PAW:ar, förstå hur Host Guardian Självklart förklarar vi hur du lyfter dig. Du kommer också att lära dig hur du korrigerar den miljö du redan har, oavsett om det är en hybrid, cloud-only eller On-Premises. Och, ja, du kommer att få tillgång till alla PowerShell script vi använder för att bygga och konfigurera detta. Sessionen är helt baserat på praktiska erfarenheter.

Migrera och uppgradera till Windows Server 2019 och till Azure en

Det är dags att migrera till Windows Server 2019, allt som är äldre än Windows Server 2016 bör uppgraderas, för länge sedan.

I den här session lär du dig hur man på enklast sätt växlar från gammalt till nytt med inbyggda verktyg, script och metoder, oavsett om det ligger i ett moln, eller om du kör det i din egna miljö. I vissa scenarion kan det vara lämpligare att migrera till en tjänst i Azure och därför kommer du att lära dig hur man kan exempelvis migrera en lokal filserver till en filserver tjänst i Azure. Sessionen är helt och hållet baserat på scenario med demo.

Expert-level Windows 10 deployment en

Join us for a rich set of live demos on how to build a Windows 10 deployment solution, based on System Center Configuration Manager. In the session, we take OS deployment with Microsoft Deployment Toolkit and System Center Configuration Manager to its outer limits. Expect a lot of real-world deployment tips and tricks in this session and some hard core debugging.

Building a HCI/S2D solution from Bare Metal to Done using MDT and PowerShell en

In this session you will learn how to build a server deployment solution that can deploy HCI/S2D fully automated, this will not only help build the solution perfect, it will also provide you with a perfect DR solution.

Windows Admin Center - Deploy, Configure and use with HCI/S2D en

In this session you will learn how to configure Windows Admin Center to manage your HCI/S2D solution. You will learn how to configure it so that is secure and available and very "shiny", you will also learn how to use the existing PowerShell code inside Windows Admin Center, note that this session is demo intense, with just a few slides

How to successfully patch a HCI/S2D cluster en

So, you need to run Windows Update on your HCI cluster, that's easy, just logon and run Windows Update, right?
Wrong, in this session you will learn how to update a HCI/S2D cluster in the correct manner, verifying each and every step on the way.

Fabric Isolation in the Enterprise - The art of surviving en

When Single Sign On was introduced, it was amazing, and it still, however, SSO is also the No:1 reason for attackers to seek and destroy everything in very short time, In this session you will learn how to prevent this.

Building/Configuring a modern infrastructure means that controlled isolation is a must, we will never stop the attacker, but we can make it harder and slow down the attack by creating isolation islands, great examples is VMware, Hyper-V, Monitoring, Backup. In this session you will learn how to reconfigure and/or build your environment so that "One Credential To Rule Them All" issue is minimized

NIC Cloud Connect 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Oslo, Norway

Global Azure Stockholm 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm TECH Show 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

NIC X Edition Sessionize Event

June 2022 Oslo, Norway

Microsoft TechDays 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Kista, Sweden

MVPDays Storage Spaces Direct Online Sessionize Event

February 2019

Microsoft TechDays 2018 Sessionize Event

October 2018 Kista, Sweden

Mikael Nystrom

DeploymentBunny, the one and only

Stockholm, Sweden


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