Peter Ward
SoHo Dragon - CTO - Microsoft MVP
New York City, New York, United States
I'm now the CEO (former CTO) of SoHo Dragon, a New York-based Microsoft Partner. I'm involved with developing and delivering Microsoft cloud solutions, as well as presenting new ideas and motivating the people within the team to provide outstanding service to our clients. In many ways, my goal is to help clients master the best of what other people have already figured out.
I prefer taking the lead on technical Microsoft Azure / O365 projects to architect and deploy. Other traits include:
-In many ways, I’m old school as I Iike projects delivered on time and on a budget without surprises
-UX simplicity
-Good O365 trainer and motivator
-Co-authored 4 SharePoint books and frequent contributor to Github
-Author of the book- Leadership in a zoom economy with Microsoft Teams
-Staying on the leading edge, not the bleeding edge of technology
-Good at thinking on my feet in meetings or complex situations
-I find myself often being able to get to the heart of the issue whilst not ruffling to many feathers
-Love yoga, vegetarian food, and reading Malcolm Gladwell books
Area of Expertise
Power BI - Analysis or Process?
We all make decisions, some of them are large, and many of them are small, but few of us understand the process we use to make those decisions with Power BI data. And even fewer people are aware of the analysis we put into the decision based on data.
Peter Ward – MVP and CEO of SoHo Dragon, a Wall Street-based Microsoft gold partner, has spent 6 years observing and training how and why people make the decisions they do from reports, specifically with Power BI.
In this session, he will discuss:
-The field of decision-making from report information
-The difference between experience and expertise in decision-making from data
-Why do some people stagnate at an intermediate level of decision-making with data
- The role of storytelling, how to gain insights, fixation errors, cognitive biases, mental models of Power BI reports
-Why be a good manager, you want things to run smoothly. And insights are not ways of running smoothly because insights are disorganizing and disruptive.
-How reducing report insight information provides more value to management
In this session, Peter will help you master what other people have already figured out with Power BI data.
CEO Guide to M365 Leadership tools
Peter Ward, the author of 4 SharePoint books and "Leadership in a Zoom Economy with Microsoft Teams: Applying Leadership to a Remote Workforce," shows the audience highly practical M365 tools to lead and mentor teams.
Peter an MVP, adds a team engagement WOW factor with MS Teams , OneNote, and Whiteboarding to bring thought process, accountability, and mentoring to a team. This is something every CEO must do to scale a team with a remote company.
This subject matter will probably be taught in an MBA class in a few years.
Other topics covered include:
What a proper organ chart looks like to add value to a company- It's not with you think
Mentoring Teams with OneNote
Making a MS Teams meeting 10X more value
Whiteboard- Microsoft's new unsung hero
How to optimize personal assistants with the M365 tools
Properly running a team hall meeting with MS Teams in a global company
How to get your message across with Message Board
Brainstorming with the whiteboard- M365's unsung hero - Digital ink - How to turn ideas into a reality- Next Steps
Peter reveals gold nuggets for senior management who are overwhelmed with the day-to-day workload and want to get to the next level of their career.
So you think that you are a senior azure developer?
In a world where everyone claims they are a senior developer or a principal solution architect, there's a certain expected behavior of senior resources.
Peter Ward, now CTO of SoHo Dragon an MVP, has been a developer, hired and fired developers, and builds teams for New York's most challenging projects for projects provides insight into what makes a senior developer and where they fall down.
Other topics covered include:
-5 rookie mistakes of a SharePoint developer who think they are Azure developers
-What makes senior developers excel- It's not what you think
-5 key tools that every senior Azure developer should use
Building a commercial Teams application for the Microsoft Store
Any technical team can build a Teams app, but for many its uncharted territory to get the app in the Microsoft Teams store.
In this session, Peter will explains the fundamentals and Gotcha's of Teams product application development. This session is from the lens of the technical product management or developer who wants to put their code in the store.
Other topics covered include:
-Who am I and what makes me qualified to speak on this subject
-What is in scope and out of scope in this presentation
-In scope: Market acceptance, Figuring out the value, post product support
-Out of scope: Blizscaling, SEO, affiliate programs
-Why build a Teams product for the store
-Technical fundamentals
-Lessons learnt
-Road Blocks
-Store submission process
-3rd party payment gateway tools
-Non code / Low Code approaches
-Post live support - How to you do release updates
-How to turn what you have just heard into reality- Next Steps
Meta Data with Teams- Yes Teams not SharePoint
We all know what it is in SharePoint, but in Teams it's a little more challenging
In this session, Peter will explains how to use Teams as a fully blown document management system. Something that SharePoint being doing for years.
Other topics covered include:
-Teams metadata limitations
-Teams workaround
-Using Reusable React controls for your SharePoint Framework solutions
-Git hub code
-Bulk meta tagging- code give away
Making a successful SharePoint career in your 40s
So you were born before 1981. Before MTV, and the release of Van Halen's Discography album and you still want to work in tech, particularly the M365 stack.
This session explains:
-The myths (and truths) about job searching after age 40
-How to leverage your existing IT skills for the next 10 years
-How to stay relevant
-Microsoft IT skills that no one talks about but people need
-Career changers
-Maturity skills that Zoomers are looking for
-Hard truths of the IT industry
-Where to start
Power BI Dashboard for the Metrics that Drive Your Business
Data allows organizations to determine the cause of problems and allows organizations to visualize relationships between what is happening in different locations, departments, and systems. But are you looking at the wrong metrics
-Why Metrics Matter
-Types of Metrics
-Track Goals
-Scorecard for your Metrics
-Scorecard for your Team
-Scorecard System
-Examples of Sales, Marketing, and Operations Scorecards
-Build your own Scorecard
-Q & A
Why M365 product development is different from project development
While products are designed to meet customers' needs and desires, projects are established to achieve specific goals or objectives. This difference is not widely understood by enterprise or Microsoft partner development teams.
This session explains:
- Why agile is widely used in “product” development environments and less widely used in “project” development environments.
- When it makes sense to build a product for the Microsoft store
- What development teams need to understand when developing a product
-How to define the development scope
- How to make a product a commercial success
At the end of the session, attendees will understand that there is a big difference between the business model and decision process in a product versus project development environment.
CollabDays New England - Microsoft 365 - 2022 Sessionize Event
Teams10X - Sep 28-29, 2022 Sessionize Event
Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon Sessionize Event

Peter Ward
SoHo Dragon - CTO - Microsoft MVP
New York City, New York, United States
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