Ray Kim
Technical writer and trainer -- my job is to make other people's jobs easier
Troy, New York, United States
Ray Kim is an advocate for documentation and technical communication. He is a co-founder of the Albany, NY SQL group (CASSUG) and a member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). He has spoken at PASS Summit and STC Summit, as well as numerous SQL Saturdays and other events. He has worked various positions in technology, including as a developer, webmaster, analyst, technical writer, and instructor. He holds an MS in technical communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a BS in computer science from Syracuse University. He currently works as a technical writer and trainer for The Professional Development Program at The Research Foundation for SUNY.
A musician in his spare time, Ray plays four different instruments (piano, clarinet, mallet percussion, saxophone). He also enjoys going to ball games and doing CrossFit, and is a two-time SQLServerCentral.com fantasy football champion. He lives in Troy, NY with his wife, Lianne, and their tuxedo cat, Bernard.
Area of Expertise
SQL101 -- Learning about SQL: Building a Sandbox
An old joke goes, "how do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice!"
Similarly, getting better at SQL Server takes practice. As someone just getting their feet wet with SQL Server, a sandbox environment in which you can safely "play" with SQL Server without having to worry about repercussions or fallout if you make any mistakes (of which there are bound to be plenty when you're learning SQL Server) would be beneficial for your SQL education.
In this session, we will discuss setting up a sandbox environment in which you can play to your heart's content. We will talk about downloading and installing Microsoft's free developer version of SQL Server and using it to practice various SQL tasks. I will also demonstrate some of these tasks with a preinstalled version of SQL Server and a data set to answer any questions you might have and to get you going on your journey of learning about SQL Server!
What air disasters teach us about communication
A jumbo jet crashes in the Florida Everglades. Two 747s collide on the runway in the Canary Islands. An airliner goes down after running out of fuel.
These accidents all have one thing in common: poor communication either caused or contributed to the accidents.
Many aviation accidents are the result of poor communication. In this session, we will look at the history of air disasters and explore the role that communication had in contributing to — or helping to resolve — the situation.
Blogging for Success: Advancing your career by blogging
Ever wanted to start a ‘blog, but have no idea how to do it? It’s easier than you think! A number of people have become successful by writing ‘blog articles. I originally started my ‘blog to supplement my presentations. Since then, it’s taken on a life of its own.
In this presentation, I’ll tell you how I got started with ‘blogging, where it’s taken me since then, and lessons I’ve learned along the way. We’ll discuss ‘blog platforms, how to get started, what to write about, and what to do (and what NOT to do) when writing articles.
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
You’ve just been told by HR that you are no longer a part of their organization. You’ve been kicked to the curb. You are now living in the no-man’s land called unemployment.
Unemployment is a scary situation. You’re dealing with emotions and uncertainty. You don’t know if you’ll be out of work for days, weeks, or months.
Fortunately, unemployment is survivable. In this session, I’ll share my own experiences (and perhaps we’ll talk about some of yours) with unemployment, and how I managed to get through the tough times. We’ll discuss emotional impact, the job hunt, and things you can do to get yourself through this tough time. Hopefully, you’ll land on your feet once again before long!
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
Networking. You keep hearing that word throughout your career development, but you don’t know much about it, much less, how to do it. You want to connect with technical and data professionals, so you attend events such as Data Saturday and your local user group. But what about your book club, your gym, your church group, or your kid’s soccer game? Those are prime — and overlooked — opportunities to network!
In this interactive session, we will discuss networking — what it is, why it’s important, and where opportunities exist. You will even have an opportunity to practice networking within the confines of our room. You might even leave this session with new networking contacts that you didn’t previously have! Bring business cards if you have them!
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
I was an employee of a company that had an office in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Prior to that infamous date, I had written several departmental documents that ended up being critical to our recovery. In this presentation, I provide a narrative of what happened in the weeks following 9/11, and how documentation played a role in getting the organization back on its feet.
While other disaster recovery presentations talk about strategies, plans, and techniques, this presentation focuses on the documentation itself. We will discuss the documents we had and how they were used in our recovery. We will also discuss what documents we didn’t have, and how they could have made the process better.
So you want to be a presentation speaker?
Are you interested in presenting at user groups or conferences? When I attended my first SQL Saturday in 2010, I realized that I wanted to contribute — but I didn’t know how. I spoke at my first SQL Saturday in 2015. Since then, I've spoken at various events such as PASS Summit, STC Summit, and WE Local conferences, and it has had a tremendous impact on my career!
In this presentation, I’ll take you through my journey from attending my very first SQL Saturday to becoming a regular presenter at numerous events. We'll discuss the benefits of speaking, how you can get started, and things you can do to improve your craft. Hopefully, we'll see you presenting at a conference very soon!
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
Documentation is one of the most critical, yet most blatantly ignored and disrespected tasks when it comes to technology. Businesses and technical professionals ignore documentation at their own risk. This session discusses what tech writing and documentation is about and why it’s critical for business. It also explores possible reasons for why it’s ignored, how documentation can be improved, and how “non-writers” can contribute to the process.
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
Many tech professionals are faced with the challenge of explaining technical concepts to people who don’t understand technology. And only a few are able to do it well. This session provides some strategies and suggestions to go about bridging the technological knowledge gap. With time and practice, a technical person can serve as an effective interpreter of technical concepts. This is an interactive session; audience participation is expected and encouraged!
SQL Saturday New York City 2025Sessionize EventUpcoming
SQL Saturday Boston 2024Sessionize Event
SQL Saturday Albany 2024Sessionize Event
San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication
Networking 101: Building Professional Relationships
DevOpsDays Montréal 2024Sessionize Event
STC Summit 2024
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
PASSMN Meeting 2023-11-21
I lost my job! Now what?!?
HASSUG User Group Meeting
Hybrid/condensed presentation: Whacha just say/Networking 101
STC Summit
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
SQL Saturday New York City 2023Sessionize Event
WE Local Conference
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
PASS Data Community Summit
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
SQL Saturday Boston 2022Sessionize Event
SQL Saturday New Jersey 2022Sessionize Event
WE Local Conference
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
PASS Data Community Summit 2021Sessionize Event
Tech Con '21Sessionize Event
DataSaturdays #13 - Minnesota - Oct 16 2021Sessionize Event
Data Geeks Saturday ConferenceSessionize Event
Virtual 2021 Data.SQL.Saturday.LASessionize Event
SQL Saturday #1017 (virtual), Minnesota
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
PASS Summit 2020 (virtual)
Blogging for Success: Advancing your career by blogging
SQL Saturday #1003 (virtual), Memphis
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
SQL Saturday #961 (virtual), Albany
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
SQL Saturday #953, Rochester
Business cards: the most important networking tool (lightning talk)
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group
Blogging for Success: Advancing your career by blogging
CASSUG user group meeting
What I did on my first PASS Summit! (lightning talk)
PASS Summit 2019
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
SQL Saturday #912, New York City
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
SQL Saturday #892, Providence
Blogging for Success: Advancing your career by blogging
SQL Saturday #855, Albany
Blogging for Success: Advancing your career by blogging
CASSUG user group meeting
Business cards: the most important networking tool (lightning talk)
SQL Saturday #839, Virginia Beach
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
SQL Saturday #835, Philadephia
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
SQL Saturday #813 (BI Edition), Boston
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
PASS Professional Development Virtual User Group
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
New England SQL Server User Group meeting
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
SQL Saturday #814, Washington, DC
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
SQL Saturday #797, Boston
Networking 101: Building professional relationships
SQL Saturday #741, Albany
Networking 101: Building professional relationships (as "Networking: it isn't just for breakfast anymore")
SQL Saturday #716, New York City
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
So you want to be a SQL Saturday speaker?
SQL Saturday #714, Philadelphia
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
SQL Saturday #723, Rochester
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
SQL Saturday #694, Providence
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
CASSUG user group meeting
I lost my job! Now what?!? A survival guide for the unemployed
SQL Saturday #622, Albany
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
SQL Saturday #638, Philadelphia
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
SQL Saturday #615, Baltimore
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
SQL Saturday #545, Pittsburgh
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
SQL Saturday #513, Albany
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
SQL Saturday #517, Philadelphia
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
SQL Saturday #526, Rochester
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
CASSUG user group meeting
Disaster Documents: The role of documentation in disaster recovery
CASSUG user group meeting
Tech Writing for Techies: A Primer
SQL Saturday #465, Providence
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
SQL Saturday #386, Albany
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
CASSUG user group meeting
Whacha just say? Talking technology to non technical people
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