Most Active Speaker

Mitchel Sellers

Mitchel Sellers

Flying Code Ninja!

Ankeny, Iowa, United States


Mitchel Sellers is globally known as a 15-time Microsoft MVP, an ASPInsider, a DNN MVP, is an MCP (Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET and SQL Server), and CEO of IowaComputerGurus Inc. Sellers has a deep understanding of software development and when speaking focuses on proper architecture standards, performance, stability, security, and overall cost-effectiveness of delivered solutions. This message and his abilities resonate in the technical war room as well as the executive board room.

Mitchel is a prolific public speaker, presenting more than 400 sessions at user groups and conferences globally, such as DevUp, SDN, and Code PaLOUsa. Sellers has been the author of multiple books and a regular blogger on technology topics.

When Mitchel is not working in technology, you will find him flying his airplane, teaching others how to fly, or spending time with his family He is also actively involved in the Open Source Community working diligently to further the movement. Find out more about Sellers at his website


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology


  • .net core
  • Visual Studio / .NET
  • ASP.NET Core
  • entity framework core
  • Entity Framework
  • Identity
  • performance
  • architecture
  • OpenSource
  • Azure Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Cloud App Security

Empower Application Search using Azure AI Studio

Although the tools available for AI integration on plentiful, the field of AI tooling is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate and understand. What tools can be combined? What are the costs of the tooling, in the real world? How secure is my data? Do I have enough data to actually leverage these tools? What do I not know, that I should?

All of these are things that we will explore, all while looking at a practical integration of Azure AI Studio to an existing application providing robust search functionality to help better guide users to the content that meets their needs.

At the end of this session, a sample application will be provided, and actual real-world cost estimates will be provided to ensure that attendees understand the true cost of implementation.

Elevate User Generated Content with Azure AI Vision & Content Safety

We live in a world where user generated content is never-ending, and the amount of data recorded is ever growing. AI tools can be utilized to provide world-class experiences to users and also enhance safety of application users.

Azure AI Vision and Azure AI Content Safety both provide tools that can be leveraged by applications accepting User Generated content to provide more robust searches, better content categorization, and even help with moderation of offensive or inappropriate content.

This session takes a look into both of these tools and how they might be leveraged in an application to extract rich context from images as well as how it could be utilized to help identify content that may need moderation support. The primary goal is to provide an elevated user experience while ensuring that the content provided is appropriate for the set audience.

Selecting the Right Architecture: A .NET MAUI / .NET MAUI Blazor Deep Dive

The landscape of cross-platform app development has evolved significantly with the introduction of .NET MAUI, and developers are presented with a myriad of architecture choices. In this engaging conference talk, we will embark on a comprehensive exploration of .NET MAUI and its versatile architecture options. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to expand your horizons or a newcomer eager to make the right architectural choices from the start, this session is designed to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the architectural intricacies of .NET MAUI.

This talk will explore the differences between the various architectures and how existing team skillsets, business requirements, or legacy code can impact the proper selection of project architecture.

Filled with practical examples and real-world user feedback and backed with documentation guidance, attendees will leave the session with a keen understanding of the options available to them and why their team may need to go in a particular direction. Additionally, they will be armed with the proper references to make an educated decision on their project's future direction.

Revolutionizing Communication: Mastering Two-Way Text Messaging Application Interactions

In today's constantly connected, always available world, effective communication is paramount for businesses and organizations to thrive. Two-way text messaging applications have emerged as powerful tools to facilitate real-time, personalized, and interactive conversations with customers, clients, and stakeholders. This conference session aims to delve deep into the world of implementing these interactions and unlocking their potential for enhancing engagement, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

This session will explore not only the technical how of implementation but will also explore the personal, legal, and emotional considerations regarding the proper application architecture to ensure that a truly effective communication strategy can be realized.

With an example application at hand, the session will explore feature enablement, user experience expectations, feature support, and regulatory impacts of SMS messaging implementation projects.

Attendees will leave with the tools and insights to create their own solutions within their apps to better service customers in a manner that is repeatable, reliable, and relatable to a wide variety of users.

Maximizing Productivity and Minimizing Maintenance Costs with ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers

In today's fast-paced world of web development, time is money, and efficient coding practices are crucial to stay ahead of the curve. ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers have emerged as a valuable tool in the developer's toolkit, offering an elegant way to simplify code, enhance productivity, and reduce maintenance costs.

During this session, attendees will embark on a journey through the core concepts of ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers. Starting with the basics, we will explore how to use built-in Tag Helpers for common HTML elements like forms, inputs, and links. You will gain insights into creating custom Tag Helpers to tailor your development experience to your specific project requirements. We will also dive into advanced techniques, such as leveraging Tag Helpers for complex scenarios like authentication and authorization.

The session will continue with practical examples of how reducing developer repetition with carefully constructed tag helpers can reduce lines of code by more than 60%, reduce upgrade risks for major UI changes, and help enforce consistency across applications while improving developer experience.

Attendees will leave with concrete examples of before/after comparisons and real-world tag helper improvements.

Maximizing ASP.NET MVC Performance: Architectural Strategies and Best Practices

This session delves deep into the world of ASP.NET MVC architecture, offering invaluable insights into optimizing performance. Explore the key architectural strategies and best practices to ensure your ASP.NET MVC applications deliver lightning-fast response times, scalable solutions, and an exceptional user experience.

This session covers essential topics such as optimizing database interactions, efficient use of caching, minimizing latency, and harnessing the power of asynchronous programming. We'll also discuss load testing and profiling techniques to identify bottlenecks and improve overall system performance. Whether you're a seasoned ASP.NET MVC developer or just starting, this session equips you with the knowledge and skills to build high-performing web applications.

Bundles, Migrations, Magic; Managing CI/CD with Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework continues to grow in the available features and functionality available to developers, with these increases it can be harder than ever to figure out how to manage deployments of your DB Context from one environment to another.

In this exploratory session, we will review the available tools and techniques for managing DB deployment available with Entity Framework. The session focuses on the practical application of the tools available and will include examples of GitHub Actions to complete the deployments of each type, including known limitations, gotcha's and more.

After the session attendees will have a great understanding of the tools available and how they might be applied to their specific use cases.

One Codebase for Mobile, Desktop and Web Using .NET MAUI Blazor

With the introduction of .NET MAUI Blazor a lot was promised with regard to code-reusability and the ability for developers to build for android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and the Web. However, there is still limited information about HOW to accomplish this goal, and limited architecture guidance to do this effectively.

This session will explore architecture patterns, including a sample project, that demonstrates utilizing .NET MAUI Blazor, as well as a Blazor WASM application to use a single codebase to build an application that can service clients on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and the web.

A focus on project structures, best practices, limitations, and how this can be used on your OWN project will be a focus. All session materials are based on real-world implementations that are in production now.

Practical Unit Testing Patterns With .NET Core

Reaching 100% Code Coverage is often a mythical number, however, when you dive deep into an application you might discover that patterns of the technology limit your ability to achieve good code coverage. This sessions explores this topic and introduces attendees to tips and tricks that can be used to help reduce the amount of code that needs to be written while at the same time allowing project Code Coverage to be reported accuratly with the ultimate goal of helping to implement higher quality code.

After the session attendees will leave with a greater understanding of Unit Testing principles, methods to manage coverage percentages, and areas of .NET Core that inhibit unit testing and how to work around those limitations.

Make Your ASP.NET Core Application Amazingly Fast!

Everyone has seen the performance benchmark reporting for ASP.NET Core, it can be blazing fast. However, these are optimized benchmark situations that might not directly translate to your application.

This session takes a deep dive into the performance features and configurations that will take your application from fast to amazingly fast. Understanding the tools of the trade to ensure that you can achieve benchmark worthy performance with applications of any kind is of the utmost importance.

Even if you are using Entity Framework, third-party solutions, or otherwise should not impact your performance so lets work together and make your application work as you expect!

But It was Logged! Practical Logging & Monitoring with .NET Core

.NET Core makes writing log entries a breeze within your applications, however, that is where the out-of-the-box simplicity ends. So you have decorated your code with all of these pretty log messages that are designed to make your life easier, but then what? Have you actually reviewed them? Something bad happened, did it tell you? What about confidential information, have you limited that from being logged?

Well, this session is designed to help take your logging from ***IMPLEMENTED*** to ***USABLE***. Logging is great, but we have so many questions to answer, including where you store the logs, how you get notifications etc. In this code-focused solution, we explore the following concepts, with detailed examples.

* Where to log entries to, and flexible configurations
* Monitoring and escalation of log entries
* Integration with logging & external assemblies
* Configuration & build systems with logging

At the end of the session, attendees should be able to work with logging and exception handling in .NET Core effectively.

Architecting ASP.NET Core for Geo-Distributed Deployment

With the combination of ASP.NET Core and Azure PaaS tooling, it is possible to quickly, easily, and cost-effectively create a geo-distributed application that can be hosted for <= $400 a month. Doing so, however, does require specific knowledge in both application architecture as well as application deployment to ensure operational effectiveness is managed.

This session will explore a sample application and distribution that shows automated deployment and operation of an application in multiple Azure Data Centers and the inputs necessary to accomplish this, including application architecture dependencies and options for Azure Configuration.

After this session attendees will have an example model allowing them to explore geo-distribution of their own applications with a solid understanding of pitfalls and troublesome areas of implementation.

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February 2024 Sanford, Florida, United States

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dev up 2023 Sessionize Event

August 2023 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

KCDC 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Scenic City Summit 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

DNN Virtual Summit 2022 Sessionize Event

February 2022

NDC Oslo 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Oslo, Norway

KCDC 2021 Sessionize Event

September 2021 Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Code PaLOUsa 2021 Sessionize Event

August 2021

DNN Virtual Summit 2021 Sessionize Event

February 2021 Orlando, Florida, United States

NDC London 2021 Sessionize Event

January 2021 London, United Kingdom

Code PaLOUsa 2020 Sessionize Event

August 2020 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

SciFiDevCon Sessionize Event

July 2020

DNN Summit 2020 Sessionize Event

February 2020 Orlando, Florida, United States

dev up Conference 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Code Camp NYC 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 New York City, New York, United States

Code PaLOUsa 2019 Sessionize Event

August 2019 Louisville, Kentucky, United States

dev up Conference 2018 Sessionize Event

October 2018 St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Mitchel Sellers

Flying Code Ninja!

Ankeny, Iowa, United States


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