Tomislav Bronzin
CITUS, CEO, Microsoft Regional Director & MVP
CITUS, CEO, Microsoft Regional Director & MVP
Zagreb, Croatia
Tomislav Bronzin is Microsoft Regional Director & Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (20th year in a row!) - M365 Apps & Services/Business Applications and founder of CITUS, a Microsoft Silver Partner Company specializing in software development, consulting, and training. He is leading CITUS Team, and managing projects focused on Microsoft365, Power Platform, Mixed Reality, AI, Big Data & Cloud Computing. Tomislav is a trainer and speaker at Microsoft conferences like TechEd Europe, WindDays, NT Konferenca, MS NetWork, CrisCon, Weblica, KulenDayz, Init Conference, etc. He teaches at several universities and mentors student teams for the Imagine Cup Competition. Tomislav organized the http://www.mobilityday.com conference (10 years in a row!) and is helping to organize one of the largest MS Community Conferences in the region - KulenDayz. Tomislav is one of the founders of MS Community in Croatia and the Croatian Chamber of Economy IT Association Vice President. He is also an entrepreneur and innovator who (with his team) has won over 110 international awards for his IT inventions, five patents, and many other recognitions. Tomislav has led the CITUS Team in developing numerous innovative software products based on propriety innovations in mixed reality, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing.
Tomislav Bronzin je Microsoft Regional Director, te (20 godina za redom) Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) - M365 Apps & Services / Business Applications i osnivač tvrtke CITUS specijalizirane za razvoj softverskih rješenja, IT savjetovanje i edukaciju. Uža specijalnost su mu razvoj poslovnih rješenja, sa fokusom na Microsoft365, Power Platform, Mixed Rality, AI, Big Data i Cloud Computing. Tomislav je predavač na Microsoft konferencijama poput Microsoft TechEd Europe, WindDays, MS NetWork, NT Konferenca, te konferencija KulenDayz, CrisCon, Weblica, MSCommunity.ba itd. Predaje na nekoliko fakulteta i mentor je studentskim timovima na Microsoft Imagine Cup natjecanju, organizator je MobilityDay konferencije, te pomaže kod organizacije najveće regionalne MS Community konferencije KulenDayz . Tomisllav je jedan od osnivača MS Community u Hrvatskoj, INETA Europe Vice President, poduzetnik i inovator koji je (sa svojim timom) osvojio više od 110 međunarodnih nagrada za inovaciju u IT-u, vlasnik je 5 patenta i brojnih drugih priznanja. Vodi CITUS razvojni tim u projektima poput razvoja naprednih softverskih rješenja koja su zasnovana na vlastitim inovacijama u području pomiješane stvarnosti, umjetne inteligencije, big data i računalnog oblaka.
Area of Expertise
Programmatic Creation of Multimedia Content Using Generative AI Services en
Every day, we face a lot of content, most of which falls into the "junk" category. Investing a lot of effort is necessary to create quality and relevant content that will attract the audience, and even more effort if you want to achieve the "wow effect." Why not seek help from web services that use generative Al to create content?
And what if they could do it from their applications instead of us as users writing a request in the prompt?
This lecture aims to show how content can be created programmatically using the API of these web services!
Will artificial intelligence (AI) replace or assist developers? en
We live in a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being applied: from home appliances and self-driving cars to robots that look and speak like humans. It is no longer just a matter of AI causing the loss of jobs where repetitive work prevails (e.g., on the assembly line in a factory). There are also examples of application in creative human activities - e.g., art (where AI creates a work of art). The question arises: if and when AI will replace developers? Will AI help solve the labor shortage in the IT sector? What role does AI play in software development today, and how can it help developers?
Attend this session, join the discussion on this exciting topic, and learn how AI is already involved in developing IT solutions such as GitHub Copilot!
I plan to start a discussion about this hot topic in software development by showing existing examples (including GitHub Copilot). It will be great to see how many developers are thinking that AI will replace them and how many devs are actually using some kind of AI-assisted tools to help them in their work!
What's New in Microsoft Teams? en
Unveil the latest innovations coming to Microsoft Teams to make teamwork easier, more flexible, and more inclusive! In this session, we will show what is already here and what you can expect soon! See how Teams enable hybrid/virtual meetings, what Teams Rooms are, what special hardware is available, what Microsoft Places are, and what is new in chat and collaboration!
How to manage innovative projects? en hr
Managing innovative projects can be challenging, but it is very rewarding if the right steps are taken. The discipline of project management is one of the important tools that can help when it is necessary to bring innovation from an idea to a product or service. It doesn't matter if you are new to the field of innovation or an experienced innovator, come to listen or join the discussion with the speaker, entrepreneur, and innovator, who, with his team, has won more than 90 international innovation awards and developed a number of innovative IT products!
The preferred session duration is 40-60 minutes
Create apps by using low/no code dev platform Microsoft PowerApps en
If you need to create (fast) in-house app solution and you know how to use PowerPoint and Excel formulas, then join this session! Learn with us why and how to use low code/no code Microsoft PowerApps suite of apps, services, connectors and data platform that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps for business needs. And you know what? If your organisation already have Microsoft 365 implemented / most of the things are, not free, but included in your license!
Odaberite svoj alat za upravljanje zadacima u Office 365 en
U Microsoft Office 365 postoji više alata koji se mogu koristiti za upravljanje zadacima, odnosno resursima i vremenom. Neki od njih su: Outlook Tasks, new TO-DO app, Office 365 Planner, SharePoint Task List and Microsoft Project. Svaki od tih alata ima svoje specifičnosti, prednosti i mane, te su stoga više ili manje primjenjivi za konkretne namjene. Ovo predavanje će dati usporedni prikaz svih navedenih alata, kroz konkretne scenarije upotrebe. Dođite i poslušajte iskustvo dvoje Microsoft MVP u korištenju, ali i implementaciji navedenih alata kod korisnika.
Simple tools for simple project management en
Doing the project management is not a simple task. But sometimes projects are simple and doesn't need complex tools. Join the session to learn about what is there to help you manage simple, light-weight projects in Microsoft ecosystem. Session will start with "old" friends like Planner, Tasks and To Do, and finish with new one: Microsoft Project Moca (a.k.a. Outlook Spaces). Choose you "arm" in the battle for the better project management!
Sve što ste želeli znati o novom Office365 admin portalu i admin mobilnoj aplikaciji en
Iako se novi admin portal poceo pojavljivati kod korisnika gdje je First Release ukljucen još u travnju 2016., još uvijek vecina administratora (prema anketama na Office 365 Community) koristi stari portal. Dodite i saznajte zašto je dobro cim prije preci na novi admin portal, gdje se što nalazi na njemu, što još nema (pa admini moraju otici na stari portal) te koje novosti nam „Centar za administratore sistema Office 365“ nudi. Pogledati cemo i novu mobilnu aplikaciju, koje mogucnosti nudi i što možemo s njom napraviti.
Top NEW features in Microsoft Teams for real geeks! en
OK, you are asking yourself, what I can learn more about Microsoft Teams that I don't know already? Do you know what Microsoft Teams Product Group added in past several months and how you can use the best of it? Do you know all the best new features that you can use in your next webinar or online session? Are you event organiser and you would like to know "what is in it for you?". Join this session and found out how to "stand-out" and be more productive with Microsoft Teams!
Uvod u Microsoft Office 365 Teams razvojnu platformu en
Ukoliko koristite Microsoft Office 365 sigurno ste čuli, a možda i koristite Microsoft Office 365 Teams koji predstavlja radnu okolinu koja se integrira s Office 365 aplikacijama i uslugama za unaprjeđenje komunikacije i timski rad. Razvojna platforma za Microsoftove Teams olakšava integraciju vlastitih aplikacija/usluga s Microsoft Teams, bez obzira jeste li razvili prilagođene aplikacije za svoje tvrtke ili SaaS aplikacije koje nudite timovima širom svijeta. Moguće je stvarati aplikacije koje stvaraju nove kartice (tabove), botove, priključke (connectors), proširite komunikaciju porukama, integrirati informacije o aktivnosti (activity feeds) i kreirati Outlook web hooks. Predavanje će, uz pregled mogućnosti, prikazati demonstraciju povezivanja web aplikacije/servisa sa Microsoft Teams, korak po korak.
What are Available Options to Manage Tasks in Office 365? en
There are different tools available in Microsoft Office that enables users to manage their tasks: Outlook Tasks, new TO-DO app, Office 365 Planner, SharePoint Task List and Microsoft Project, to name the few. This session will show how to use this options in Office 365 and when to use what and how. Both speakers are Microsoft MVP for Office 365 and have huge experience in using above Office 365 tools for task management.
Zaštite cjeloživotni ciklus podataka u Office 365 pomoću Microsoft Information Protection en
Danas organizacije više ne djeluju samo unutar svojih vlastitih ureda i serverskih soba, što znači da se podaci nalaze na više lokacija nego ikada prije - kako u privatnom, tako i javnom računalnom oblaku. Ta činjenica je omogućila povećanje produktivnosti i suradnje između korisnika, no u isto vrijeme je otežalo zaštitu osjetljivih podataka. Na ovom predavanju saznajte na koji način Microsoft Information Protection, korištenjem jedinstvene inteligencije, pruža integriranu platformu koja će vam pomoći identificirati, klasificirati, zaštititi i pratiti osjetljive podatke tijekom njihovog cijelog životnog ciklusa.
Provedite uspješnu migraciju u Microsoft Office 365 en
Microsoft Office 365 skup servisa svakim danom sadrži sve više korisnih servisa i funkcionalnosti koje mogu pomoći u digitalnoj transformaciji bilo koje organizacije. Nakon što neka organizacija donese odluku o migraciji, prvo je potrebno dobro promisliti kako ju provesti. Bilo da želite migrirati informacije vlastite tvrtke ili vaših klijenata u Office 365, sam proces je potrebno dobro isplanirati. Budući ovisi o puno parametara, važno je dobro poznavanje svih alata koje Microsoft, ali i neki drugi proizvođača nude.
Prvi korak je napraviti snimku postojećeg stanja, što podrazumijeva stvaranje i tehnološke i poslovne slike o organizaciji. Nakon toga, potrebno je sagledati nove zahtjeve na koje će morati nova Office 365 implementacija odgovoriti, a tek onda je moguće sve to mapirati u konkretnu tehnološku arhitekturu i odabrati odgovarajući model migracije.
Predavanje će prikazati nekoliko stvarnih korisničkih scenarija migracije, pa umjesto da prolazite kroz tone dokumentacije ili učite na vlastitim pogreškama, saznajte na konkretnim primjerima iz prakse kako isplanirati i provesti uspješnu migraciju!
Create your first app in Microsoft Teams with PowerApps with low/no code en
If you have always wanted to learn how to build your first app in Microsoft Power Apps, join this session and learn how you can do it in three steps: create your app, create your table, customize and publish your app. All that by using low code/no code platform that enables 'citizen developers'.
Office 365 Security Best Practices You had to Implement Yesterday en
Microsoft Office 365 serves as communications hub for organizations that receive and send huge number of emails, and store increasing volume of data and documents. Although Microsoft spends large sum of money every year on cybersecurity research and development, it's up-to organizations to apply critical Office 365 security best practices to fully protect their information. Come and listen to the two Microsoft MVPs for Office Apps and Services about best practices how to protect your valuable data with Office 365 tools, whether you are just planning to deploy Office 365 or you have just finish migration, or if Office 365 is already an inevitable tool for your productivity-enhancing team.
Office 365 Security Best Practices You had to Implement Yesterday en hr
Microsoft Office 365 is an important communications tool for many organizations that use it to receive and send large amounts of emails and store more and more data and documents. While Microsoft is spending a large amount of money on Cybersecurity research, the business organizations themselves have to take care of implementing the best practices of security practices to fully protect their data in Office 365. Come and listen to what data is protected and Office 365 documents have long-standing practitioners, Microsoft MVP Office Apps & Services certification holders, regardless of whether you are planning to implement Office 365 or have just completed migration or if Office 365 is already an inevitable tool for your productivity enhancement team.
Najbolji primjeri implementacije sigurnosti u Microsoft Office 365 en hr
Microsoft Office 365 je važan komunikacijski alat mnogih organizacija koje ga koriste za primanje i slanje velike količine e-mailova i pohranu sve veće i veće količine podataka i dokumenata. Iako Microsoft godišnje troši veliku svotu novca na istraživanje i razvoj računalne zaštite (engl. Cybersecurity), poslovne organizacije moraju se same pobrinuti da implementiraju najbolje primjere sigurnosne prakse kako bi u potpunosti zaštitile svoje podatke u Officea 365. Dođite i poslušajte što o zaštititi podatka i dokumenta pomoću alata Office 365 imaju za reći stručnjaci s dugogodišnjom praksom, nositelji Microsoft MVP Office Apps & Services certifikata, bez obzira planirate li implementirati Office 365 ili ste upravo dovršili migraciju ili ako je Office 365 već neizbježan alat za vaš tim za povećanje produktivnost
Napredak u primjeni Deep Learning tehnologije en
Predavanje daje kratki pregled razvoja specifičnog područja AI tehnologija koji je poznat pod nazivom "Deep Learning" i koji trenutno predstavlja glavni trend razvoja AI u cijelome svijetu. Obuhvaćeni su mnogobrojni primjeri iz različitih područja primjene poput igara (GO, šah i Shogi), zdravstva i medicine, autonomne vožnje, poljoprivrede, obrade slika i videa, prepoznavanja govora, chatbotova i humanoidnih robota, te je naznačen smjer njihovog budućeg razvoja u sljedećih nekoliko godina. Pored tehničkog aspekta, predavanje se detaljno bavi i mogućim utjecajima na ekonomiju i njihovim posljedicama na svakodnevni život te sve značajnijim etičkim aspektima primjene AI tehnologija u cjelini.
Extend Microsoft Teams with PowerApps & Project Oakdale with No/Low Code en
Project Oakdale enables everyone to build and deploy applications in Teams with Power Apps and Power Virtual Agents. Project Oakdale delivers a built-in low code data platform for Microsoft Teams, and provides relational data storage, rich data types, enterprise grade governance, and one-click solution deployment. This session will explain how to create real-life business applications using Power Apps.
Create Mixed Reality App with Microsoft PowerApps in less then 30 minutes en hr
If you are thrilled about mixed reality (MR) applications and would like to write one of your own even you are not a hard-core developer, join this session to learn how you can do it by using the Microsoft PowerApps platform for low code/no-code solutions. You will learn how to create a demo application that allows users to view 3D models on a mobile device by using PowerApps mixed reality components in a little bit more than half an hour. We will explain how this scenario is using AI, cognitive services and we will show how to create an online data source, populate data and connect Power Apps to it in a secure way and what options are there to store non-structural data like pictures and other files.
First public delivery: KulenDayz 2021
List of conferences: KulenDayz, Data Saturday Sofia, Global AI Back Together, Power Platform Day, Global XR Conference 2
Technical requirements: possible to deliver on-line or in-person
Audience: Citizen Developers, Business, Hardcore Devs, AR/MR enthusiasts
Preferred session duration: 30-45 min
Microsoft Office 365 Planner en
ffice 365 Planner je jednostavan vizualni nacin kako organizirati timski rad. Upotrebite ga kako bi kreirali nove projektne planove, napisali i dodijelili zadatke, dijelili zajednicke datoteke, raspravljali o projektu, te na jednostavan nacin slali ili primali obavijesti o promjenama na projektu. Planner se može koristiti za razlicite tipove projekta: od onih koji zahtijevaju strogi pristup i preciznost, do "labavijih" projekata poput osmišljavanja (eng. brainstorming) novog proizvoda. Otkriti cemo tajnu Planner-a koja leži u korištenju tzv. "ploca" i "kantica" i integraciji s OneNote-om, no za više o tome što je i kako koristiti ovaj interesantni novi Office365 alat - dodite na naše predavanje!
Microsoft Office 365 Groups Deep Dive en
Office 365 Groups, novi nacin poticanja suradnje unutar organizacije, a ovo predavanje ce predstaviti glavne znacajke koncepta grupe, arhitekturu koja ih podržava te objasniti kako najefikasnije upravljati s Office 365 Groups, te koje su mogucnosti za proširenje. Sudionici ce takoder imati prilike saznati više o integraciji konverzacije (poruka), datoteka (OneDrive4Business & SharePoint Sites), Plannera i OneNote bilježnice.
Microsoft Business Application Platform - moćna plaforma za razvoj poslovnih aplikacija en
Ukoliko želite maksimalno iskoristiti snagu Office 365, Azure ili drugih Cloud platformi na nacin da razvijete multiplatformske poslovne aplikacije, ili samo automatizirate poslovne procese na jednoj ili više platformi, sve uz minimalno ili nikakvo pisanje programskog koda, dodite i poslušajte o novoj Microsoftovi poslovnoj platformi za razvoj aplikacija.
Microsoft Business App Platform omogucava naprednim korisnicima da sami kreiraju aplikativna rješenja korištenjem tehnologija PowerBI, PowerApps & Microsoft Flow, te mogu koristiti vec pripremljene komponente (napravljene prema Microsoft Common Data Modelu) za izradu poslovnih rešenja ili se mogu spajati putem konektora i gatewaya na postojece servise u racunalnom oblaku i on-premise.
Uz navedeno, predavanje ce objasniti kako developeri i sistem administratori mogu proširiti pojedine elemente MS Business App Platforme i time podržati specificnije scenarije upotrebe, te bitno skratiti vrijeme potrebno za isporuku IT rješenja
Microsoft Bookings en
Microsoft Bookings is an online and mobile application for small businesses that provide services to customers by scheduling their terms or reservations. Examples of such companies include hairdressing salons, dental clinics, ambulances, law firms, financial service providers, IT service providers, consultants, auto services, etc. Microsoft Bookings has three basic components: a website where users can schedule appointments with a staff member who should provide the service, the web application designed for small business owners to manage reservations and clients, a mobile app for small businesses where owners can see all reservations, customer access lists, and contact information, and where they can make manual reservations. If you're interested in how you can use this functionality, this lecture is for you!
Kako kreirati pametne uređaje upotrebom kognitivnih servisa i umjetne inteligencije? en
Motivacijsko predavanje
Kako izgraditi "serverless" web aplikaciju korištenjem Office 365 PowerApps i Azure Functions en
Microsoft PowerApps omogućuje naprednim korisnicima i profesionalnim razvojnim inženjerima nove načine izrade web i mobilnih aplikacija brzo i produktivno. Olakšava gradnju bogatih aplikacija bez pisanja koda, korištenjem online drag & drop razvojne okoline i jednostavnu mogućnost povezivanje s aplikacijskim servisima koji su smješteni u Microsoft Azure ili nekom drugi sustavu u oblaku. Cilj ovog predavanja je pokazati kako se mogu razviti potpuno funkcionalni prototipovi web i mobilnih aplikacija, korištenjem Azure funkcija i Office 365 PowerApps, kao i kako se te iste Azure funkcije mogu koristiti u "pravim" web aplikacijama poput ASP.NET, PHP, itd.
Drive Your Own Digital Transformation with Office 365, PowerApps, Flow & Azure en
Today it is important for business to be able to adapt and change fast and. Microsoft Business Application Platform, enables power users and professional developers alike to gain new ways of working and adapting more productively. Microsoft PowerApps makes it easy to build rich applications without writing code. Microsoft Flow allows poweruser integrators to quickly automate workflows, while the Common Data Service (CDS) unites information from across Microsoft Dynamics, Office, and beyond in a common model and easy extensibility point. All are easily extended with building blocks based on Microsoft Azure. In this session, get hands on with the Business Application Platform and see how to develop useful application connected to various data sources in 35 minutes.
Best Practices for Migrating to Microsoft Office 365 en
Instead of going through pages of online documentation and learning from your own mistakes let us take to a journey of migration to Microsoft Office 365! Two Microsoft MVP’s will start session with explanation how to choose the right licensing model, how analyses of existing state should be done, how to choose the right migration model, how planning looks like and what pitfalls you can avoid. Finally, we will speak about what is not yet available and what you can expect in near future!
Manage your projects with Microsoft Office 365 Teams & Planner en hr
Most small and medium-sized organizations do not use any project management tools/software to manage small or medium projects. Many project managers for that purpose use tools such as Excel to keep track of information, Outlook calendar for scheduling and assignment of tasks, and OneDrive to share documents with members of its team. Microsoft Teams enable integration of all these frequent activities in project management and adds a conversation service that enables instant notification of team members and other stakeholders about the plan and status of projects. Come and see how to use Microsoft Office 365 Teams and Planner services to create a plan, using the "bucket" and "card" system, at the same time assign the tasks you need to do, specify the start and end of the task, create short checklist, enable the discussion related to each task, track and monitor status of tasks, and much more!
Upravljajte projektima pomoću Microsoft Office 365 Teams & Plannera en hr
Za većinu projekata u malim i srednjim organizacijama ne koristi se nikakav alat za upravljanje projektima, bilo oni veliki ili mali. Većina voditelja takvih projekata koristi alate poput Excela da podatke evidentira, Outlook kalendara da kreira vremenski plan i dodjeli zadatke, te OneDrive da podijeli dokumente s članovima svoga tima. Microsoft Teams omogućava integraciju svih ovih čestih aktivnosti kod vođenja projekta, a dodaje i konverzacijski servis koji omogućava trenutno obavještavanje članova projektnog tima i ostalih dionika o planu i statusu projekata. Dođite i pogledajte kako možete kreirati plan, upotrebom sistema "kantica" i "karata", i to tako da u isto vrijeme dodijeliti zadatke osobama koje ih trebaju obaviti, odredite početak i završetak zadatka, kreirate kratke liste pod-zadataka, omogućite diskusiju vezano za svaki pojedini zadatak, pratite statuse izvršavanja zadataka, nadgledanje čitavog tima i još puno toga!
How to Choose the Right SQL Server Subscription/Licensing Model in the Cloud? en
Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most popular databases in the world so it's no brainer that it's the same thing with Azure SQL Server service. On the other hand, it's one of the most priciest Azure service and that's why it is very important to choose optimal subscription/licensing model that fits the needs of the project/product and that will not drain development/production budget out. Come to this session and see how to start with basic ("free") models and how to upgrade / scale up when you need it!
Protect your data with Microsoft Azure Backup en hr
Security copies are susceptible to destruction, accidentally erasing and locking by malicious "ransomware". In this lesson, find out how Azure Backup can reduce the costs and complexity traditionally associated with backups by enhancing compliance with business policies or law. See how Azure Backup can protect data on servers located in your business or public cloud computing
Sačuvajte svoje podatke koristeći Microsoft Azure Backup en hr
Sigurnosne kopije su osjetljive na uništavanje, slučajno brisanje i zaključavanje od strane zloćudnih "ransomware". U ovom predavanju saznajte kako Azure Backup može smanjiti troškove i složenost tradicionalno povezanu s sigurnosnim kopijama uz povećanje usklađenosti s poslovnim politikama ili zakonom. Pogledajte kako Azure Backup može zaštititi podatke na serverima koji se nalaze u vašoj tvrtki ili javnom računalnom oblaku
Provedite digitalnu transformaciju koristeći Office 365, PowerApps, Flow & Azure hr
Danas je za svaku organizaciju važno da se njeni poslovni procesi odvijaju brzo, ali isto tako da se aplikacije koje prate te procese mogu brzo prilagoditi i promijeniti kako bi procesi bili produktivniji i konkurentniji. Microsoftova poslovna aplikacijska platforma omogućuje naprednim korisnicima i profesionalnim razvojnim inženjerima nove načine izrade mobilnih aplikacija brzo i produktivno. Microsoft PowerApps olakšava gradnju bogatih aplikacija bez pisanja koda, korištenjem online drag & drop razvojne okoline. Microsoft Flow omogućava naprednim korisnicima da brzo automatiziraju tijekove rada, dok Common Data Service (CDS) unificira pristup podacima iz programskih paketa Microsoft Dynamics, Officea, kao i s drugim aplikacijama kroz zajednički podatkovni model i jednostavnu mogućnost proširenja PowerApps, povezivanjem s aplikacijskim servisima koji su smješteni u Microsoft Azure ili neki drugi cloud sustav. Cilj ovog predavanja je pokazati kako se mogu razviti potpuno funkcionalni prototipovi mobilnih i web aplikacija, na osnovu kojih kasnije razvojni inženjeri mogu razviti mobilne aplikacije namijenjene široj publici ili jednostavno, te aplikacije razvijene u PowerApps/Flow, publicirati izravno na korištenje poslovnim (Enterprise) korisnicima unutar svoje organizacije – na siguran način i uz potpunu kontrolu pristupa i korištenja.
U predavanju ćemo staviti posebni naglasak na pozivu "custom" servisa na primjeru poziva funkcija/Web API u Azure-u, te objasniti na koji način profesionalni developeri mogu proširiti funkcionalnost PowerApps.
What's New in Office 365 Security? en
Microsoft Office 365 is an important communications tool for many organizations that use it to receive and send large amounts of emails and store more and more data and documents. While Microsoft is spending a large amount of money on Cybersecurity research, the business organizations themselves have to take care of implementing the best practices of security practices to fully protect their data in Office 365. Come and listen to what data is protected and Office 365 documents have long-standing practitioners, Microsoft MVP Office Apps & Services certification holders, regardless of whether you are planning to implement Office 365 or have just completed migration or if Office 365 is already an inevitable tool for your productivity enhancement team.
Deep learning advancements en
This session explains how recent development in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes gap between human and machine smaller than ever before, by explaining and comparing traditional approach user in development of AI systems with new approach that has been used by AI system AlphaZero, developed by DeepMind. Traditionally AI systems have been tested in chess and the same has been done to demonstrate the power of AlphaZero. But, instead of playing against human, it played against the best (at the time) chess program Stockfish. While chess programs (before AlphaZero), were using powerful hardware and embedded built-in formal knowledge about the game, AlphaZero is using completely new approach, running on standard hardware and using deep learning. It learned about the game by playing a large number of games with itself, learning in the process. Session will also explain what is so revolutionary in AlphaZero approach to AI and how this new approach can be used in different areas of processing visual information, bio-medicine, autonomous driving, robotics and AI generated images/videos of humans.
Izgradite "serverless" web aplikaciju korištenjem Office 365 PowerApps i Azure Functions en
Microsoft PowerApps omogućuje naprednim korisnicima i profesionalnim razvojnim inženjerima nove načine izrade web i mobilnih aplikacija brzo i produktivno. Olakšava gradnju bogatih aplikacija bez pisanja koda, korištenjem online drag & drop razvojne okoline i jednostavnu mogućnost povezivanje s aplikacijskim servisima koji su smješteni u Microsoft Azure ili nekom drugi sustavu u oblaku. Cilj ovog predavanja je pokazati kako se mogu razviti potpuno funkcionalni prototipovi web i mobilnih aplikacija, korištenjem Azure funkcija i Office 365 PowerApps, kao i kako se te iste Azure funkcije mogu koristiti u "pravim" web aplikacijama poput ASP.NET, PHP, itd.
Kreirajte aplikaciju za pomiješanu (MR) stvarnost s Microsoft PowerApps u 30 minuta en hr
Ukoliko ste oduševljeni aplikacijama koje koriste proširenu/pomiješanu stvarnost (AR/MR) i sami želite kreirati jednu takvu, čak i ako niste "punkorvni" programer, pridružite nam se na ovom predavanju i saznajte kako to možete učiniti korištenjem platforme Microsoft PowerApps koja omogućava razvoj aplikacija bez pisanja koda ili uz vrlo malo programskog koda. Naučit ćete kako izraditi demo aplikaciju koja korisnicima omogućuje pregled 3D modela na mobilnom uređaju korištenjem PowerApps komponenti mješovite stvarnosti za nešto više od pola sata. Objasnit ćemo kako možete koristi umjetnu inteligenciju, kognitivne usluge i pokazat ćemo kako kreirati online spremište podataka, popuniti podatke koje su opcije za pohranu nestrukturnih podataka poput slika i drugih dokumenata, i te kako sigurno povezati Power Apps aplikaciju s njima.
First public delivery: KulenDayz 2021
List of conferences: KulenDayz, Data Saturday Sofia, Global AI Back Together, Power Platform Day, Global XR Conference 2
Technical requirements: possible to deliver on-line or in-person
Audience: Citizen Developers, Business, Hardcore Devs, AR/MR enthusiasts
Preferred session duration: 30-45 min
Kako upravljati inovativnim projektima? en hr
Upravljanje inovativnim projektima može biti izazovno, ali je vrlo korisno ako se poduzmu odgovarajući koraci. Kako dovesti inovaciju od ideje do proizvoda ili usluge korištenjem moderne IT tehnologije. Nije važno jeste li novi u području inovacija ili ste iskusni inovator, dođite poslušati ili se uključite u raspravu s govornikom poduzetnikom i inovatorom, koji je sa svojim timom osvojio više od 110 međunarodnih nagrada za inovacije i razvio niz inovativnih IT proizvoda!
The preferred session duration is 40-60 minutes
Master the Power Platform with the help of Microsoft Copilot en
Everybody in software development complains about the high price of creating applications, and they say that a way to go is to use low-code/no-code. Microsoft Power Platform is a tool that enables citizen developers to develop enterprise applications, but it is far from simple. Join our session to witness how Microsoft Copilot can empower beginners to master the Power Platform and actualize the potential of developing apps without code - a true success story!
I am delivering this session together with my colleague Gabrijela Vrataric. We can deliver this topic as a 45-60 minute session or a 2-4 h workshop
Low Code/ No Code Power Platform Conference Sessionize Event
NZ Business Applications Summit 2024 Sessionize Event
Weblica 2024 Sessionize Event
Infobip Shift 2023 Sessionize Event
Granite State Code Camp 2022 Sessionize Event
Init 2022 Dev Conference Sessionize Event
DataSaturday Croatia 2022 Sessionize Event
Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2022 Poland Sessionize Event
Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022 Sessionize Event
Advanced Technology Days 16 Sessionize Event
Global XR Conference 2021 Sessionize Event
Power Platform Day 2021 Sessionize Event
Global AI Back Together Bulgaria 2021 Sessionize Event
Data Saturday Sofia Sessionize Event
5th International Scientific and Professional Conference “THE CHALLENGES OF TODAY”
Speaker: Tomislav Bronzin
Session: "The importance of innovation for the digital economy"
KulenDayz 2021 Sessionize Event
Humanitarian conference for earthquake victims in Croatia Sessionize Event
Init 2019 Dev Conference Sessionize Event
CrisCon konferencija 2019. Sessionize Event
KulenDayz 2019 Sessionize Event
Weblica 2019 Sessionize Event
Global Azure Bootcamp 2019. Developers Edition - Križevci Sessionize Event
CrisCon konferencija 2018. Sessionize Event
KulenDayz 2018 Sessionize Event
Weblica 2018 Sessionize Event
Global Azure Bootcamp 2018. Križevci Sessionize Event
Advanced Technology Days 12 Sessionize Event
Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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