![Merethe Stave](https://sessionize.com/image/a85e-400o400o2-JMwvt5QaHRTQ7kZjWgF6cY.jpg)
Merethe Stave
Viva Navigator | CCO & Senior Cloud Architect at CloudWay | Microsoft MVP Office Apps and Services
Oslo, Norway
Merethe Stave is Chief Customer Officer and Senior Cloud Architect at CloudWay, and a Viva Explorer Navigator. She is an Office Apps and Services MVP, was recognized as one of Norway’s 50 leading women in tech 2020, a board member of the Norwegian Microsoft 365 Community and part of the organizer team at Microsoft Women in Teams and Viva Explorers communities .
Read more here: https://cloudway.no/about-us/merethe-stave/
Area of Expertise
Veien til et engasjert og levende felleskap
Veien til et engasjert og levende felleskap
Episk Prolog: Kom og hør, la oss samles rundt leirbålet mens vi forteller den episke sagaen om de modige navigatørene som setter kurs gjennom kjente og ukjente farvann til digital transformasjon. Vår historie følger de fryktløse oppdagelsesreisende som søker å erobre den nye verdenen til Microsoft Viva Engage, da de forlater de kjente kystene til Workplace og Yammer.
Vi vil utforske tre krønikere om oppdagelse:
Kartlegging av de gamle territoriene: Våre modige utforskere vil dykke ned i kartene fra fortiden, sammenligne de gamle landskapene med de frodige områdene til Viva Engage. De vil avsløre skattene og verktøyene som venter i dette nye landet, med eksempler på de mulighetene det gir.
Vi ankrer opp ved Viva Engage: Med kompassene satt og seilene heist, vil ekspedisjonen legge ut. Vi blir loset i hvordan man samler skattene til Viva Engage innenfor Teams-galleonen, og justerer underveis etter stjernene, og tar hensyn til værforholda. Vi seiler over til Microsoft 365 og Viva Engage, og mønstrer på gode hjelpere.
Navigering av felleskaps-havene: Kapteinene vil dele sine erfaringer som er nedskrevet i loggbøker, mønstre på folk-skapet (de gode hjelperne), tolke kartene med luper, forstørrelsesglass og analyser, og dyrke et blomstrende økosystem på de stadig skiftende tidevannene til Viva Engage.
Du får med deg 3 skatter hjem:
Kompasset for forutseenhet: Oppdagelsesreisende vil få visjonen og se tydeligere hva som ligger i horisonten. De vil få gode råd om hvordan navigere gjennom strømmene før utfarten, forstå de essensielle ritualene og harmonien til folk-skapet som kreves for en vellykket reise.
Kartet for nye begynnelser: Pionerene vil skaffe seg de hellige skriftene som markerer begynnelsen på deres Viva Engage-eventyr, fra å heise appen om bord på Teams til å få ombord de første felleskap av reisende.
Kunsten å seile fremover: Krønikerne vil lære oss de erfarne strategiene for å styre fellesskapene gjennom endringens vinder, og sikre at de nye Viva Engage-landene blomstrer med samarbeid, kunnskapsdeling og enhet.
Så gjør skipene klare og sett seil mot horisonten, der verdenen til Microsoft Viva Engage venter på å bli hevdet og dyrket. Måtte denne økten inspirere mange til å legge ut på denne storslåtte reisen for digital mestring!
Explore possibilities for a Learning and Skilling Ecosystem with Copilot for Microsoft 365
Knowledge, learning and competency is perhaps top of mind in your company? How do you do competency development, learning and skilling in your company?
Many organization faces these challenges:
- Fragmented and may different learning sources and LMS solutions
- No or little time for learning and skilling/reskilling
- Fast pace of tech updates
- Too much information all over the place
These days there is a lot of focus on AI and Microsoft Copilot. To succeed with new technology and new tools it is vital to have the right competency and skilling to make technology choices as well as govern and manage the way we work moving into tomorrow.
Learning and skilling material and resources are often fragmented and at times complex to both access, consume, contribute to and manage in an organization.
In this workshop we will explore how to use
- Microsoft 365
- Microsoft Viva
- Copilot for Microsoft 365
to set up (no-code/low-code) and manage an ecosystem for learning and skilling in your organization.
Uncomplicatify Collaboration Architecture
Most of us are experienced in one way or the other when it comes to collaborating in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and more. However, we sometimes tends to over-complicate stuff, and running head over heals with these awesome tools, before considering what would be a good way of organizing them.
In this session Merethe will guide you through:
– The Microsoft 365 apps and tools seen in combination with Microsoft Viva:
– What to use when and why
– What to think of when either implementing Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva, or making or structuring a project collaboration space, or a solution for publish information across your organization.
Each product and app is amazing in itself. Still, it is when combining the right set of products and apps, and setting them into a concrete context, that you can truly experience magic!
Twelve Days of Viva - Day 9
On the ninth day of Christmas, Microsoft gave to me... curated topic cards, improved well-being, engaged frontline workers, new learning pathways, CLEAR OKRs... awesome focus plans, better communication, an intranet in Teams, and great experience for employees.
Twelve Days of Viva - Day 6
On the sixth day of Christmas, Microsoft gave to me... new learning pathways, CLEAR OKRs... awesome focus and learning plans, better communication, an intranet in Teams and great experience for employees.
Turn Rubik's Cube into Microsoft Viva!
In the 1980s, Rubik's Cube won a slew of awards for best toy and became a craze for all ages worldwide. We looked back in time to see why it was so popular and found by turning the cube we reimagined a neat business benefits metaphor for Viva; with cross solution integrations and a hub for collaboration and productivity. Join this session to discover the smart M365 features you have in the palm of your hand but not consuming! Also includes how to operate Viva with the appropriate job roles and competencies. And, tips for IC on a variety of end user Viva adoption campaigns.
Turn Rubik's Cube into Microsoft Viva!
In the 1980s, Rubik's Cube won a slew of awards for best toy and became a craze for all ages worldwide. We looked back in time to see why it was so popular and found by turning the cube we reimagined a neat business benefits metaphor for Viva; with cross solution integrations and a hub for collaboration and productivity. Join this session to discover the smart M365 features you have in the palm of your hand but not consuming! Also includes how to operate Viva with the most appropriate job roles and competencies. And, tips for IC on a variety of end user Viva adoption campaigns.
Struktur og kultur gir god og sikker samhandlingsdur
Tekniske verktøy kan gjøre mye for å gjøre arbeidshverdagen sikker. Samtidig hjelper det lite å låse og bolte hoveddøren, hvis noen andre åpner hverandadøren om de ikke ser skumle bjørner i hagen. Her vil Merethe se på hvordan struktur og kultur ved hjelp av Microsoft 365 plattformen kan gjøre samhandling og kommunikasjon trygt og sikkert.
Structure and culture makes the collaboration go purrrr(-e)...
Digital and technical tools are improving daily to build more robust and secure workday for people. Still, technology can do only so much, and it doesn't cover the full picture. It won't work if someone secure and bolt the front door, if someone else opens the door to the terrace, as they don't see any scary bears outside in the garden.
In this session Merethe will show you how structure and culture, using the Microsoft 365 platform, can support safe and secure collaboration.
Although this is not a technical session, it will be beneficial to have a basic understanding of the Microsoft 365 platform apps.
Target audience: Developers, IT Pros, IT Security representatives, Business Decision makers, Microsoft 365 Champions and others helping their customers/colleagues to see possibilities in a new digital work life.
Spread the word with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva
In a world of information overload, how do you keep your people up to date and informed? How do you channel communication with employees, managers, partners, vendors and customers?
In this session Merethe will guide you how to use Microsoft 365 (Microsoft Teams, Yammer, SharePoint, and more), Microsoft Viva, mainly Microsoft Viva Connections, Microsoft Viva Engage and Microsoft Viva Amplify, to structure and organize internal and external communications.
Key takeaways:
- An overview of which tools, both Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva are smart to use for internal and external communications
- Roles and competencies to make communications fly, in the right direction
- Ideas and inspiration to revolutionize your company communication
Ship o'hoi and bring your mates onboard!
When we're onboard our ship (our company) and set sails, we would love our mates to stay happy and empowered to sail all seven seas and beyond!
Onboarding new mates can be made easier and more effective using tools like Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint site templates, Microsoft Viva Learning and Microsoft Viva Topics.
In this session Merethe will describe how to utilize what you've already got in Microsoft 365 and amplify it with Microsoft Viva, as well as making onboarding a smooth operation, both before, during and after.
Microsoft 365 plattformen som prosjektverktøy
I denne gjennomgangen vil Merethe vise hvordan man som prosjektleder raskt kan sette opp et digitalt prosjektrom ved hjelp av Microsoft Teams, og andre Microsoft 365 apper, og bruk av ut-av-boksen-funksjonalitet sørge for at alle i prosjektteamet kjører i samme retning, og at man har god kontroll på tilgangsstyring.
ShareLotte Holm & Dr. WhatsPoint investigates...Office 365 treasures
Sharelotte Holm & Dr. WhatsPoint investigates the Office 365 treasures, aka how to plan and execute for business value realization from migrating to and/or implementing Office 365.
This session will give you inspiration and ideas, and if you are planning a migration or implementation, know where to start and how to move forward.
Microsoft Viva, the new hire bestie for the connected Supervisor
A great use case of how the Microsoft Viva Suite can support HR new hire process. This can be streamlined into an integrated, holistic experience through the lens of Microsoft Teams with a more systematic approach aligned with the M365 Admin Center and features, many at your fingertips in the E3 license. Consider:
+Viva Learning: Target-specific training for new employees with videos for training.
+Viva Topics: New team members can learn about popular terms, acronyms, projects and more.
+Viva Insights: Help new team members spend time productively and avoid burnout once they get past the three-month probation period.
+Viva Connections: Provide easy access to benefits, training materials and valuable resources when they might be working from home and do not know anyone.
+Viva Engage: The social enterprise network to share news and views, realize company culture and build new relationships.
+Viva Goals: For setting objectives and key results (OKRs) with your team aligned to why the company exists by your leaders.
By the end of this session you will learn how Supervisors can onboard new hires, reduce erratic information overload, improve role clarity and time management, and streamline your LMS training in those challenging first three months. Microsoft Viva for the hybrid workplace: Onboarding employees who are new or changing roles.
Microsoft 365 MOCA and possibilities
In this session Merethe will guide you through:
- How to organize and get control of information, communication and content flow
- What to think about when restructuring your work into the Microsoft 365 platform
- How to combine apps - out of the box - such as SharePoint lists and libraries, Microsoft Teams, OneNote and Planner
- Look at the differences between OneDrive and different types of SharePoint
- Have a look at MOCA - Microsoft Modern Collaboration Architecture and when to use which apps and why.
How to organize your learning ecosystem
Most organizations have different learning sources and with Microsoft Viva you can bring all learning elements, from different sources, into Teams. Is it just to turn on Viva Learning and it all magically appears in Teams? In this session Merethe will show you how to plan for, organize and manage your learning ecosystem with the help of Microsoft 365, Microsoft Learning Pathway and Microsoft Viva.
Microsoft 365 Governance, "operations" and "maintenance"- navigate the hard stuff
When we move over from SharePoint on-premise to Office 365 we wave goodbye to our good old servers. Does that mean we can leave all the management, "operations" & "maintenance" over to our partners or suppliers?
In this session Merethe will guide you through
- Key learning points, methods and tools that can help you plan for the governance, operations and maintenance of Office 365
- Examples of choices that are necessary to make along the way
- Examples of digital competence, roles and responsibilites that the company should own and manage, and what could be delegated to a partner and/or supplier
Gi arbeidsflokken din et digitalt løft ved hjelp av Microsoft Viva Learn
Når du bygger et hus setter du ikke plankene rett på bakken og satser på at taket rekker i alle kanter. Du definerer hvordan huset skal se ut, hva det skal brukes til, hva slags materialer det skal bygges av og du bygger en grunnmur. Det samme gjelder for arbeidsflokken din og spesielt digital kompetanse. Du kan gjerne tre nye digitale verktøy ned over hodene på dine ansatte. Noen vil mestre de umiddelbart (de har da bygd hus før) mens andre vil gå seg litt bort (kan de ikke bruke to-toms-fir-toms til alt?). Koronasituasjonen har lært de fleste av oss hvordan kjøre møter og snakke sammen via digitale verktøy som Microsoft Teams og Zoom. Hva med resten? Hvordan skal vi samhandle i en ny hverdag? Hvordan er det lurt å strukturere samhandlingsrom? Hvordan håndterer vi dokumenter nå som vi kanskje jobber mer asynkront og på forskjellige lokasjoner, det være seg hjemmekontor eller kanskje til og med flyttet fordi muligheten til å jobbe for det meste online materialiserte seg?
I denne sesjonen vil Merethe knytte sammen struktur, organisering og hvordan bruke Microsoft Learning Pathway, Microsoft Teams og Microsoft Viva Learn, også sett i sammenheng med Microsoft Viva Connection og Topics, for å bygge en god og sterk digital kompetanse og hvordan gå frem for å fortsette å bygge og forvalte en digitalt stødig, trygg og innovativ arbeidsflokk i din virksomhet.
Goldmin(d)ing with Microsoft 365 & Microsoft Viva
Are you too busy chasing bling aka all the different learning and knowledge that is out there, and forgetting your own jewel box aka the knowledge and learning created within your own organization?
Many organizations have a plethora of LMS and training solutions, some used more and some used less, some are more useful than others.
I our every day work we produce great presentations, webinars and courses that we share with customers and/or colleagues, perhaps we write articles, blogs, and more. This own curated production of knowledge sharing is the often hidden-in-plain-sight-gold in an organization. Using Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva pretty much out of the box, can help you and your organization mind this internal knowledge gold and put it to good use.
In this session Merethe will show how you can organize and structure your internal knowledge gold with the help of Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva.
Read this blog for inspiration: https://merethesharepointstave.com/2023/03/05/gold-minding-with-microsoft-viva-learning/
Get on the right track for a better workday!
Most of us have now experienced online meetings and working. We have figured out to run and manage our online meetings. Or, perhaps not figured it out quite yet, and are working on it. What about the rest? What about all these documents on file servers, or OneDrive, that could perhaps be collaborated on in a common workspace, should we use Teams? What is this SharePoint sites thingy? And OneNote, what is that? And now this Task by Planner?! Why should I use these tools, and where do I start? How are these apps connected? How are we as a company actually going to work together and communicate now when we might get back to our offices? So many times we focus on the tools and perhaps not where it can support business.
In this session Merethe will, with the help of the Microsoft Modern Collaboration Architecture (MOCA), the Microsoft 365 platform, good practice and smart tips guide you and show the possibilities. Merethe will look at processes and business life cycles. She will show where the different apps in Microsoft 365 can help YOU; both as a company, a person using the apps, or a collaboration manager responsible for it all, to get a better workday.
This session can be useful for decision makers, end-users, collaboration managers, and others responsible for managing or working in a collaboration solution. The session will contain some PowerPoint-presentation and mostly demos. The demos will show out-of-box functionalities. I have spoken about the topic previously, however, this is a new session not presented before.
Få skuta på rett kjøl!
Er det flere digitale initiativer og prosjekter i din organisasjon som er i ferd med å kollidere eller miste retning? Har dere opplevd fragmentering i bruken av verktøy og systemer? Da er det på tide å få skuta på rett kjøl!
I denne inspirerende sesjonen, kalt "Få skuta på rett kjøl", vil Merethe vise deg hvordan du kan samkjøre og koordinere alle de digitale initiativene i organisasjonen din ved hjelp av Microsoft 365, Microsoft Viva og Microsoft Copilot.
Gjennom praktiske eksempler og innsikt vil du lære hvordan disse kraftige verktøyene kan knuse siloer, etablere eierskap og få alle prosjekter og initiativer til å seile i samme retning. Merethe vil demonstrere hvordan du kan utnytte den teknologiske infrastrukturen og ansattes digitale kompetanse for å sikre en helhetlig og effektiv digital transformasjon.
Du vil også få innsikt i beste praksis for endringsledelse og hvordan du kan håndtere motstand i organisasjonen underveis. Denne sesjonen er ikke bare en presentasjon, men en interaktiv diskusjon der du oppfordres til å dele erfaringer, stille spørsmål og sammen finne løsninger for å få skuta på rett kjøl.
Bli med på denne spennende reisen mot en mer samkjørt og effektiv digital satsing! La oss sammen få skuta på rett kjøl og navigere organisasjonen mot suksess!
Få skuta på rett kjøl!
Er det flere digitale initiativer og prosjekter i din organisasjon som er i ferd med å kollidere eller miste retning? Har dere opplevd fragmentering i bruken av verktøy og systemer? Da er det på tide å få skuta på rett kjøl!
I denne inspirerende sesjonen, kalt "Få skuta på rett kjøl", vil Merethe vise deg hvordan du kan samkjøre og koordinere alle de digitale initiativene i organisasjonen din ved hjelp av Microsoft 365, Microsoft Viva og Microsoft Copilot.
Gjennom praktiske eksempler og innsikt vil du lære hvordan disse kraftige verktøyene kan knuse siloer, etablere eierskap og få alle prosjekter og initiativer til å seile i samme retning. Merethe vil demonstrere hvordan du kan utnytte den teknologiske infrastrukturen og ansattes digitale kompetanse for å sikre en helhetlig og effektiv digital transformasjon.
Du vil også få innsikt i beste praksis for endringsledelse og hvordan du kan håndtere motstand i organisasjonen underveis. Denne sesjonen er ikke bare en presentasjon, men en interaktiv diskusjon der du oppfordres til å dele erfaringer, stille spørsmål og sammen finne løsninger for å få skuta på rett kjøl.
Bli med på denne spennende reisen mot en mer samkjørt og effektiv digital satsing! La oss sammen få skuta på rett kjøl og navigere organisasjonen mot suksess!
Explore Microsoft Viva with a Tech Realist, an Optimist and a Visionary!
Microsoft Viva is here to improve the "Employee Experience" from the moment a new hire is on boarded to the day they exit, and everything in-between. Nurturing Collaboration, Productivity and digital wellbeing in the hybrid workplace; and in the flow of your work on Microsoft Teams.
Join the Viva Explorers: The Viva Visionary predicts why use Viva and the Business benefits. The Viva Realist shares snapshots to optimise the seeded content and the setup. The Viva Optimist navigates the Viva Roadmaps and premium features.
By the end of this session you will have discovered what you can easily do right now without additional cost to instil modern ways of working; and the art of the possible!
Explore Microsoft Viva with a Tech Realist, an Optimist and a Visionary!
In Microsoft Viva we can ALL have at our fingertips a flexible intranet that reaches Frontline Workers with their own device, accessible learning opportunities, knowledge in the flow of your work and employee insights to help you work smarter not harder.
Towards the end of the year there will be icing on the cake with new features to track our objectives against the company strategies .
Nurturing an empathic leadership culture with digital wellbeing features. Taking collaboration, accessibility, employee engagement, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion to a higher humanistic level. These seeded features are available now. You are paying but not consuming!
By the end of this session you will have explored and discovered:
•The What, the art of the possible business benefits (MVP, Lesley Crook, Viva Visionary in UK)
•The Why, reasoning, logic and roadmaps (MVP, Merethe Stave, Viva Optimist in Norway)
•The How, set up and licensing implications (MVP, Sara Fennah, Viva Realist in UK)
Community Connect with Office 365
Do you have one or more expert communities in your company?
Are you moving these communities from a variety of on-premise SharePoints, from other combinations of tools to Office 365, or are you just starting to build your community or communities?
In this session Merethe will guide you through how to connect the different Office 365 tools like SharePoint Online Communication site, Streams, Teams and more to structure and manage an expert community across the company.
She will show you the pitfalls and possibilities when moving from an "old" solution to Office 365, what to think of when planning the move, what to consider when choosing combination of tools and what it takes to "build" a sustainable collaboration and communication solution for the community, OTB.
Community connect with Office 365
Do you have one or more expert communities in your company? Are you moving these communities from a variety of on-premise SharePoints, from other combinations of tools to Office 365, or are you just starting to build your community or communities?
In this session Merethe will guide you through how to use the Office 365 tools like SharePoint Online Communication site, Streams, Teams and more to structure and manage an expert community across the company, as well as what it takes to keep a community relevant, up to date and engaging.
Accelerate skilling with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Viva
Knowledge, learning and competency is perhaps top of mind in your company? How do you do learning and skilling in your company?
These days there is a lot of focus on AI and Microsoft Copilot. To succeed with new technology and new tools it is vital to have the right competence and skilling to make technology choices as well as govern and manage the way we work moving into tomorrow.
Learning and skilling material and resources are often fragmented and at times complex to both access and manage in an organization.
In this session Merethe will guide you through the possibilities of how to use
- Microsoft 365 (Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and more)
- Microsoft Learning Pathway
- Microsoft Viva, mainly Microsoft Viva Learning
to structure and set up an ecosystem for skilling and competency journeys, and bring learning into the context of work.
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