Most Active Speaker

Michał Ziemba

Michał Ziemba

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Cloud Solution Architect & IT Systems Integrator

Certyfikowany Trener Microsoft (MCT), Cloud Solution Architect & IT Systems Integrator

Gdynia, Poland


I use my passion for Microsoft 365 and Power Platform to make business processes more optimized, efficient and secure.
I co-organize Baltic Summit, Baltic Power Platform Community live events, CollabDays Poland and Global Power Platform Bootcamp Polish Edition.
As a trainer, I share my almost three decades of experience in Microsoft services with others during classes and conferences.
I've been selected as Regional Community Leader from Microsoft Global Community Initiative in 2024.

Swoją pasję do Microsoft 365 i Power Platform wykorzystuję do optymalizacji i podniesienia wydajności oraz bezpieczeństwa procesów biznesowych.
Współorganizuję spotkania na żywo pod hasłami Baltic Summit, Baltic Power Platform Community, CollabDays Poland oraz Global Power Platform Bootcamp Polish Edition.
Jako trener dzielę się swoim prawie trzydziestoletnim doświadczeniem w pracy z usługami Microsoft podczas szkoleń i konferencji.
W 2024 roku zostałem wybrany jako Regional Community Leader z Microsoft Global Community Initiative.


  • Most Active Speaker 2024

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Manufacturing & Industrial Materials
  • Media & Information


  • Office 365
  • Office 365 Adoption
  • Office 365 Governance
  • Microsoft 365 governance and compliance
  • Microsoft 365 Security
  • Teams Governance
  • Identity Governance
  • Information Security Governance and Risk
  • Identity Management
  • Azure Identity Management
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Identity Protection
  • Content Governance
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Microsoft Power platform
  • Microsoft Power Automate
  • Microsoft Flow
  • Microsoft Power Apps
  • Microsoft Power Virtual Agents
  • Microsoft Dataverse
  • Data Governance
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • Microsoft Technologies
  • SuccessFactors
  • ITSM
  • Incident Management
  • Service Now
  • ServiceNow Training
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Community Engagement
  • Community Building
  • Community Growth
  • Creating engaging community events
  • Empowering Communities
  • Community Management
  • Tech Community
  • Community Partnership
  • Community Manager
  • Office 365 Identity
  • Microsoft Identity
  • Azure Hybrid Identity
  • integrations
  • Microsoft Integration
  • Power Platform
  • Power Automate
  • Power Automate (Flow)
  • PowerPlatform Governance
  • PVA
  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Office365
  • Microsoft Viva
  • Building Communities
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Mental Health at Work
  • Mental health in tech
  • Proactive Mental Health
  • Youth Mental Health
  • Mental Health Nutrition
  • QiGong
  • Copilot Studio
  • Microsoft Copilot
  • M365 Copilot
  • Microsoft 365 Copilot
  • Power Platform Copilot
  • Copilot for Microsoft 365
  • Copilot for M365
  • Microsoft Copilot Studio
  • Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption
  • Custom Copilots
  • Copilot
  • Microsoft 365 Copilot Readiness


Transform Business Processes with Microsoft 365 Copilot: Real-Life Use Cases en

Join us for an interactive session showcasing how Microsoft 365 Copilot is changing the game for businesses. We’ll walk through real-world examples, including how Copilot can help legal and procurement teams quickly compare B2B contracts, highlighting key differences and ensuring compliance. We’ll also show how HR departments can use Copilot to streamline the hiring process by matching candidates with job criteria more efficiently. With live demos of these scenarios, you'll see firsthand how Copilot boosts productivity, saves time, and empowers smarter decision-making across teams

Mastering SSPR Deployment with SharePoint Lists & Azure Logic Apps en

Immerse yourself in a full-day workshop for a hands-on experience in mastering Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) deployment. Explore the entire process with a focus on security, empowering users while ensuring simplicity and automation in SSPR deployment.

Workshop highlights:
- Step-by-step guidance on hassle-free SSPR setup.
- Build secured but shared SharePoint Lists
- Introduction to GRAPH API
- Introduction to Azure Logic Apps
- Putting all elements together
- User Empowerment: Witness how users take control of their security information for a more user-friendly experience.

Expanding Microsoft Outlook with Power Platform: An Introduction to Power Automate en

Explore the limitless possibilities beyond traditional rules in Microsoft Outlook by leveraging Power Automate. In this session, discover how Power Automate empowers you to do more with Outlook, offering practical insights and ready-to-implement ideas.

Few takeaways:
- Understand the fundamentals of Power Automate.
- Learn to build a simple flow and effectively test it.
- Gain best practices for building flows in Power Automate.
- Receive ready-to-implement ideas on extending Microsoft Outlook functionality.

Easy Auto-Replies: Example of use-case of Microsoft Copilot Studio (PVA) en

Get ready for a game-changer! Learn how Microsoft Copilot Studio (formerly Power Virtual Agent) in Teams can make setting auto-replies in Outlook a breeze for managers, all without needing IT help. Join us for a live demo that breaks down the process and shows you how this tool can work wonders for businesses.

Takeaways for Attendees:
- Master building a chatbot with Microsoft Copilot Studio in Teams.
- Pick up tips for creating user-friendly chatbot topics.
- Understand how Power Automate flows integrate with Microsoft Copilot Studio.
- Explore using Graph API to set auto-replies in Azure AD effectively.
- Get inspired to implement chatbots in your organization.

Streamline the project team time registartion with Outlook Calendar and Power Automate en pl

Do you need yet another tool to count hours spent on a project? Not anymore since you use the Microsoft 365 suite.
In this short demonstration, I will show you how to combine Outlook Calendar, Power Automate, SharePoint, and Power BI to seamlessly register and report time spent on projects in your organization.

Key takeaways from the session:
- how to schedule your time to keep your live-work balance and avoid stress :)
- how to register time spent on projects in Outlook calendar effectively
- how to use Power Automate with Outlook Calendar events to avoid recurring triggers and feed SharePoint list
- how to use Power BI for simple reports on time spent on projects in your team

Target audience: non-technical, level of expertise = beginner
Preferred session duration 45 -50 min as a demo

Mini CRM - use of PowerApps to rebuild the meeting customers system en pl

Replace Excel recordings of customers' meetings by sales reps with a fully integrated M365 experience.
For this purpose used:
- PowerApp (UX and data collection)
- Power Automate (dataflow push&pull)
- SharePoint (list and triggers under Flow)
- Power BI (reporting and KPIs)

Mini_CRM - how to ease Sales reps by rebuilding tool which record client meetings en

Fully automate process for Sales Reps to record, administrate and analysis business meetings with clients.
This process include Power App, Power Automate, Power BI, Sharepoint and O365 calendar.
Before this process was inefficient both for sales reps as well as for back office. However when make this change we ware oblige to keep the data structure unchanged and with use of Power Platform tools we bypass everything with low effort and final effects surprised everybody in organisation. Now we plan to spread this solution to other countries.

Automate cleanup of Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams. en pl

Many organizations do not delete terminated users from Azure Active Directory. This leaves Office 365 and Azure Groups which are maintained manually with many non-active users. Sometimes they were the only owners of those groups.
I will present how Power Automate can help to maintain and declutter groups and teams in Microsoft 365 and report back. This might be an inspirational session for administrators and IT Ops.

I will show how to use Graph API without a premium connector to filter members of the Azure groups against disabled users, and how to remove them and report back changes made by the flow in Power Automate.

Mini CRM - użycie PowerApps do przebudowania systemu rejestrowania spotkań z klientami en pl

Zastąpienie exceli rejestrujących spotkania przedstawicieli handlowych z klientami na w pełni zintegrowane doświadczenie M365.
W tym celu użyto:
- PowerApp (UX i zbieranie danych)
- Power Automate (data flow push&pull)
- SharePoint (lista i triggery pod Flow)
- Power BI (raportowanie i KPIs)

Make a PDF from Word files in SharePoint library using Power Automate without additional costs en pl

Imagine. You are working in a small company in a sales team. We are preparing commercial leaflets with selected products which our company offers. You want all leaflets which contain different products formatted the same way to keep the communication outside the company consistent, And when it is ready, within a click of the button on the SharePoint list we should be able to publish a leaflet to a PDF file and store it in the department document library for future use.
This 40-45 min inspirational and interactive session shows how to use Teams as a collaboration space, Word templates on SharePoint Online, how to build a flow in Power Automate, and avoid costly premium connectors to generate PDFs.
I walk the audience through the requirements, show the working solution, and build Power Automate flow together. I do mistakes on purpose to engage the audience and figure out how to fix them.
If time allows, as a bonus, I show how to build a button on the SharePoint list which runs particular Power Automate flow and how to make it possible for all team members to run it.
The session shows that automation doesn't require high privileges and IT skills. Anyone with a Microsoft 365 license, can do it, no matter what position holds in the organization.

The session initially has been presented live at the Baltic Power Platform Community Event in 2022 in Gdansk.
It was rated high as it doesn't require any knowledge, it is targeted at regular users not working in IT and show real live scenario.

Utwórz plik PDF z pliku Word z biblioteki SharePoint używając Power Automate bez dodatkowych kosztów en pl

Wyobraź sobie. Pracujesz w małej firmie, w zespole sprzedaży. Przygotowujemy ulotki reklamowe z wybranymi produktami, które oferuje nasza firma. Chcesz, aby wszystkie ulotki zawierające różne produkty były sformatowane w ten sam sposób, aby komunikacja poza firmą była spójna. A gdy będziemy gotowi, klikając przycisk na liście w SharePoint powinniśmy wygenerować ulotkę do pliku PDF i zachować ją w bibliotece dokumentów naszego działu, do wykorzystania w przyszłości.
Ta 40-45 minutowa inspirująca i interaktywna sesja pokazuje, jak używać usługi Teams jako przestrzeni do współpracy w obrębie działu, szablonów programu Word w usłudze SharePoint Online, jak budować przepływ w usłudze Power Automate i uniknąć kosztownych elementów typu premium do generowania plików PDF.

Przeprowadzam uczestników przez wymagania, pokazuję działające rozwiązanie i wspólnie budujemy przepływ w Power Automate. Aby zaangażować audytorium celowo robię błędy aby wspólnie je naprawić.
Jeśli czas pozwoli, jako bonus, pokazuję, jak zbudować przycisk na liście SharePoint, który uruchamia konkretny przepływ w Power Automate i jak sprawić, by wszyscy członkowie zespołu mogli go uruchomić.
Sesja pokazuje, że automatyzacja nie wymaga uprawnień oraz wiedzy informatycznej. Każdy, z licencją Microsoft 365, może to zrobić, bez względu na stanowisko jakie zajmuje w organizacji,

Sesja początkowo była prezentowana na żywo podczas Baltic Power Platform Community Event w 2022 roku w Gdańsku.
Została oceniona wysoko, ponieważ nie wymaga żadnej wiedzy, skierowana jest do zwykłych użytkowników nie pracujących w branży IT i scenariusz z życia wzięty.

Zautomatyzuj czyszczenie Grup Microsoft 365 i Teamsów en pl

Wiele organizacji nie usuwa kont pracowników, którzy już nie pracują w firmie z Azure Active Directory. To pozostawia wielu nieaktywnych użytkowników w zarządzanych ręcznie grupach Office 365 lub Azure. Niektórzy z nich byli jedynymi właścicielami tych grup.
Pokażę, jak Power Automate może pomóc w utrzymaniu i porządkowaniu grup w Microsoft 365 oraz raportowaniu. Może to być inspirująca sesja dla administratorów i pracowników działów operacyjnych IT.

Pokażę, jak używać Graph API bez wykorzystania elementów typu premium, do filtrowania nieaktywnych członków grup Azure. Pokaże także jak usuwać ich konta i raportować wprowadzone zmiany przez flow w Power Automate.

Submit an application for grants for holiday - example of the process supported by Power Platform en

Real use case scenario that can be developed as a foundation of any application submission business process in any company.
During the workshop, we will map the process, find bottlenecks, discuss possible solutions, and use Microsoft SharePoint Lists, custom forms, a standalone application built in Power Apps, and Power Automate flows with acceptance to simplify and automate the process. We can develop the process furthermore if time allows.

The workshop has been successfully done at the Baltic Power Platform Community Event. It shows the process design from the requirements up until the first mockup of the solution.
We build Microsoft SharePoint List, a custom form, a standalone application in Power Apps, and a Power Automate flow with acceptance to simplify and automate the process.
It might be in a form of a 45-50 min session showing the steps but preferably it should be delivered as a 4-6h workshop (depending on how deep we are going to dive)

Odzyskaj kontrolę nad swoim czasem w pracy używając Microsoft 365 i Power Automate en pl

Potrzebujesz kolejnego narzędzia do zliczania godzin spędzonych nad projektem? Już nie, ponieważ korzystasz z pakietu Microsoft 365.
W tej krótkiej demonstracji pokażę Ci, jak połączyć Kalendarz Outlooka, Power Automate, SharePoint i Power BI, aby bezproblemowo rejestrować i raportować czas spędzony nad projektami w Twojej organizacji.

Co wyniesiesz z sesji:
- jak zaplanować swój czas, aby zachować równowagę między życiem prywatnym a pracą i uniknąć stresu :)
- jak efektywnie rejestrować czas spędzony nad projektami w kalendarzu Outlooka
- jak używać Power Automate ze zdarzeniami z kalendarza programu Outlook, aby uniknąć powtarzających się wyzwalaczy i zasilać listę w SharePoint danymi
- jak wykorzystać Power BI do prostych raportów dotyczących czasu spędzonego nad projektami w Twoim zespole

Pierwsza publiczna prezentacja podczas MS Tech Summit 2022 w Polsce
Grupa docelowa: nietechniczna, poziom wiedzy = początkujący
Preferowany czas trwania sesji 45 -50 min jako demonstracja

Example of Self Service Password Reset deployment with SharePoint Lists and Azure Logic Apps en pl

How to collect private phone numbers for SSPR and MFA from users so that as few people as possible can access this information? We can ask them to enter this information themselves!
What if most employees don't have access to a computer at work? Can we ask their managers to do it for them? How can managers update the security information of their employees without the help of IT?!

I will show how this problem was solved using a list in SharePoint and Azure Logic App.

What will you learn from this session?
-> what are an SSPR and MFA and how to configure them in AzureAD
-> how can you save or change the "security information"
-> what is an Azure Logic App and what advantages it has over Power Automate
-> how to update sensitive data in Azure AD unattended
-> you will learn a particular property of SharePoint lists that will help us in the whole process you may not know before
-> how the whole process looks like and how it works at the end

The lecture can be conducted in a workshop (let's do it together) or in a presentation, where I will show how the process works and how it was built.

The form of a workshop where I will build a live process will take about 55-90 minutes (105-120 minutes would be ideal)
Form of presentation - 45-50 minutes.

The amount of time required for the session depends on how much information we want to pass to partici[ants, how advanced they are, and how deep we should dive into each topic.

Przykład wdrożenia Self Service Password Reset z pomocą SharePoint Lists i Azure Logic Apps en pl

Jak pozbierać od użytkowników ich prywatne numery telefonów na potrzeby SSPR i MFA tak aby jak najmniej osób miała dostęp do tej informacji? Możemy ich poprosić, aby wpisali tą informację sami!
A co w przypadku, gdy większość pracowników nie ma dostępu do komputera w pracy? Czy możemy poprosić, aby zrobili to za nich ich przełożeni? Jak umożliwić przełożonym uaktualnienie informacji "security information" swoich pracowników bez pomocy działu IT?

Pokażę jak rozwiązano ten problem wykorzystując listę w SharePoint oraz Azure Logic App.

Czego dowiesz się z tej sesji?
-> co to jest SSPR i MFA i jak to skonfigurować w AzureAD
-> w jaki sposób zapisać lub zmienić tzw. "security information"
-> co to jest Azure Logic App i jaką ma przewagę nad Power Automate
-> jak aktualizować wrażliwe dane w Azure AD bezobsługowo
-> poznasz pewną właściwość list SharePoint, która pomoże nam w całym procesie, o której mogłeś nie wiedzieć
-> jak wygląda i jak działa cały proces po zakończeniu

Prelekcja może być przeprowadzona w formie warsztatu (typu zróbmy to razem) lub w formie prezentacji, gdzie pokażę jak proces działa i jak został zbudowany.

Forma warsztatu gdzie będę budował proces na żywo zajmie około 55-90 min (idealnie byłoby 105-120 min)
Forma prezentacji - 45-50 min.

Czas potrzebny na sesję zależy od tego, ile informacji chcemy przekazać uczestnikom, jak bardzo są zaawansowani i jak głęboko powinniśmy zagłębiać się w każdy temat.

Document Management System in Teams powered by Power Automate en

How to build a collaboration space for many departments where they can create, and maintain work procedures and manuals and when they are ready, can publish them in a space available for everyone in the company.
Can we do it without asking IT for help?

In this inspirational demo, I will show you how we used Microsoft Teams, SharePoint templates, customized document libraries with document templates, and Power Automate to build a solution that is maintained by the business and can serve many departments without exposing documents to unauthorized access before they are published. When the document is published anyone in the organization can find it easily using search.

From the session, you will learn:
-> The idea of Teams for an open and secured, same-time, space for collaboration
-> SharePoint templates
-> Custom document libraries
-> How to use document templates in SharePoint Online
-> How Power Automate can support the whole document management process including publishing to PDF

I want to present a possible use case scenario of Teams supported by Power Automate to build a custom document management system.
Depending on the requirements, I can spend more time on Teams, templates, and customization aspects or focus on Power Automate flows used in the solution.
This session can also be combined with a session with Sari Soinoja "SharePoint is a full-blooded document management system - and I can prove it!"

Practical use of Microsoft Power Virtual Agent. Real use-case scenario en pl

No matter the company size, every manager has the same wish. In the situation, when the employee is sick, out of the office, and couldn't set the auto-reply by him/herself, set it up for the employee quickly and without engaging IT.

During this inspirational real live scenario demo session, you will see how you can build a chatbot in Teams to make this wish come true and also how to make the solution available for the whole organization quickly without any cost.

Main takeaways:
- How to build a chatbot using Microsoft Power Virtual Agent in Teams
- practical advices on how to build smart topics and not confuse your user
- How to run a Power Automate flow from a Power Virtual Agent and how to check the manager of a particular user
- How to use a Graph API to set auto-reply for a user and avoid extra license costs

Depending on time, I can build the solution (min time requirement of about 1,5h) or demo how this has been made and how it works (45 minutes), The session demonstrates the use of PVA, Power Automate, Logic Apps, and SharePoint lists.

Praktyczne zastosowanie Microsoft Power Virtual Agent. Scenariusz z życia wzięty. en pl

Nie ważne, jaki jest rozmiar firmy, każdy menedżer ma takie samo życzenie. W sytuacji, gdy pracownik jest chory, poza biurem i nie może samodzielnie ustawić automatycznej odpowiedzi, zrobić to za niego, szybko i bez angażowania działu IT.

W trakcie tej sesji zobaczysz, jak możesz zbudować chat-bota w Microsoft Teams, który spełnia takie życzenia oraz zobaczysz jak udostępnić to rozwiązanie całej organizacji w krótkim czasie.

Czego dowiesz się z tej sesji?
- Jak zbudować czat bota używając Microsoft Power Virtual Agent w Teams
- praktyczne ready jak zbudować mądrze tematy aby nie wprowadzać użytkownika w zakłopotanie
- Jak uruchomić przepływ w Power Automate z chat-bota i jak sprawdzić kto jest menadżerem danego użytkownika
- Jak użyć Graph API aby ustawić auto-odpowiedź użytkownikowi i uniknąć dodatkowych kosztów licencji

W zależności od czasu, mogę zbudować rozwiązanie na żywo (minimalny wymagany czas to około 1,5 godziny) lub zademonstrować jak to zostało wykonane i jak to działa (45 minut).
Sesja demonstruje użycie Power Virtual Agents, Power Automate Logic Apps i list w SharePoint.

Learn the Secrets of Community Building: From 0 to 100+ Attendees! en

Join me for a session that delves into the art of community creation and event organization. In this engaging talk, I'll share the key techniques and tools we used to transform the Baltic Power Platform Community from a mere concept to a thriving network of over 100 attendees, complete with an impressive lineup of international speakers and stellar workshops.

Whether you're an AI & Machine Learning Expert, Software Developer, UI/UX Designer, Cybersecurity Guru, Tech Decision Maker, DevOps Engineer, QA Engineer, or Product Owner, this session is tailored for you. We'll explore:

🌱 How to start a community from scratch and watch it flourish.
💡 The tools and strategies we employed for event planning, attracting top-tier speakers, and delivering engaging workshops and sessions.
🚀 Building connections and promoting mutual growth within your community.
🎯 Practical steps and real-world examples for your own community's success.
🔮 Strategies to foster a collaborative space for like-minded individuals to learn, network, and prosper.

By the end of this session, you'll be armed with the knowledge and inspiration to initiate and nurture your community, fostering an environment where all members can learn and grow together.

Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to elevate your community-building journey!


Community Kickstart: Learn how to begin your community-building journey with minimal resources, focusing on time efficiency.

Team Building Secrets: Discover strategies for assembling and maintaining a productive team,

Effective Communication: Master communication tips for improved efficiency and collaboration within your organizing team

Social Growth Techniques: Explore strategies for rapidly expanding your community and followers, along with automation tools to enhance audience engagement.

Improving Holiday Pay Advance Approval Process for HR: Power Platform Workshop en

If you work in finance or HR and you feel almost like a citizen developer in Power Platform but still don't know what does it really means, this workshop is for you.
Join us for a comprehensive, hands-on workshop where we delve into the nuances of the Holiday Pay Advance Approval Process using the dynamic capabilities of the Power Platform and Microsoft 365. This full-day immersive experience is designed to empower attendees with practical skills to enhance operational efficiency.

During the workshop, participants will engage with the following services: Power Apps, Power Automate, AI Builder, Dataverse, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Forms, and Microsoft Teams.

Throughout the day, we will tackle a real-life use-case scenario, guiding you through the process of building a comprehensive solution. You will learn how to map the business process and leverage a variety of tools across the Power Platform and Microsoft 365 suite to create a seamless Holiday Pay Advance Approval Process.

Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your skills and transform your approach to process automation. Join us for a day of practical insights, hands-on learning, and the opportunity to revolutionize your workplace processes.

Register now to secure your spot and take the first step towards transforming your processes with Power Platform and Microsoft 365!

Attendees are encouraged to bring their laptops for a hands-on experience.
The workshop content is designed for participants with basic familiarity with Power Platform and Microsoft 365.
The agenda and content are subject to change to better meet the needs of the participants.

Microsoft Hybrid Identity: Cloud vs. LDAP User Provisioning for ServiceNow en pl

Explore hybrid identity management with Microsoft Entra ID and Active Directory. Delve into the advantages and challenges of Azure AD and LDAP user provisioning for ServiceNow. Join my session to explore best practices and share your experiences so we can enrich each other's toolbox.

The preferred session duration is 45 minutes without space for questions.

Hybrydowa tożsamość użytkowników w Microsoft: tworzenie użytkowników w ServiceNow z chmury vs LDAP en pl

Odkryj zarządzanie hybrydową tożsamością Microsoft Entra ID i Active Directory. Podczas sesji zgłębimy zalety i wyzwania tworzenia użytkowników poprzez Azure AD i LDAP w ServiceNow. Dołącz do mojej sesji, aby odkryć najlepsze praktyki oraz podziel się swoimi doświadczeniami abyśmy mogli wzbogacić wzajemnie swój warsztat.

Preferowana długość sesji to 45 minut bez czasu na pytania.

Practical use of Microsoft Copilot Studio for Teams en

Join the session where we will walk through step-by-step how to build chatbot with Copilot Studio in Microsoft Teams and share with you best practices from the filed. I will also share with you some great use-case scenarios and we will brainstorm together how to shift chatbots in Teams to the next level.

Transform Business Processes with Microsoft 365 Copilot: Real-Life Use Cases en

Join an interactive session showcasing how Microsoft 365 Copilot is changing the game for businesses. Real-world examples, including how Copilot can help legal and procurement teams quickly compare B2B contracts, highlighting key differences and ensuring compliance. HR departments can use Copilot to streamline hiring by matching candidates with job criteria more efficiently.

With live demos of these scenarios, you'll see firsthand how Copilot boosts productivity, saves time, and empowers smarter team decision-making.

This session will include live demonstrations of Microsoft 365 Copilot's business use cases. A stable internet connection is required for optimal viewing. The session is ideal for professionals in legal, procurement, HR, and business operations who are looking to enhance efficiency and decision-making in their departments. The preferred session duration is 50 minutes, with time allocated for Q&A at the end

Manchester365 Microsoft Cloud Engineering Summit Sessionize Event

September 2024 Manchester, United Kingdom

Power Platform Developer Power Summit Sessionize Event

May 2024 London, United Kingdom

Teams Nation 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024

Cloud Technology Townhall Tallinn 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024 Tallinn, Estonia

Scottish Summit 2023 Sessionize Event

August 2023 Manchester, United Kingdom

Microsoft 365 UK (M365UK) User Group User group Sessionize Event

June 2023

Global Power Platform Bootcamp Saarbrücken 2023 Sessionize Event

February 2023

Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2023 Aba, Nigeria Sessionize Event

February 2023

MS Tech Summit 2022

Conference on Microsoft technology and related areas.
My session: Practical use of Microsoft 365 tools and automation to get control of your time.

Do you need yet another tool to count hours spent at work? Not anymore since you use Microsoft 365 suite. In this short workshop, I will show you how to use Outlook calendar, Power Automate, and Excel spreadsheets to manage and summarize your time spent on projects.

- how to schedule your time to keep your live-work balance and avoid stress :)
- how to use Power Automate with Outlook Calendar events to avoid recurring triggers
- how to calculate the week number of the year and duration of events
- how to register time spent at work or on projects in Outlook calendar to summarize it in the Excel table

December 2022 Warsaw, Poland

Baltic Power Platform Event

Workshop part 2: example of inquiries based on real-life scenarios, SharePoint Online list, custom forms in SharePoint built-in Power App with Power Automate

November 2022 Gdynia, Poland

Baltic Power Platform Event

Workshop part 1: example of inquiries based on real-life scenarios, SharePoint Online list, custom forms in SharePoint built-in Power App with Power Automate

October 2022 Gdańsk, Poland

Baltic Power Platform Event

Workshop (live demo) on how to generate PDF from Word documents stored in the SharePoint Online library using Power Automate without a premium connector.

September 2022 Gdańsk, Poland

Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2022 Poland Sessionize Event

February 2022

Michał Ziemba

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Cloud Solution Architect & IT Systems Integrator

Gdynia, Poland


Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.

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