Anna Leushchenko
Google Developer Expert in Dart and Flutter | Author, speaker at tech events, mentor, OSS contributor | Passionate mobile apps creator
Kyiv, Ukraine
Anna Leushchenko is a mobile development expert, passionate about quality software, from Ukraine. She is a Women Techmakers Ambassador and Google Developer Expert in Dart and Flutter. Anna talks and blogs about cross-platform development, contributes to OSS, and mentors talented women in tech.
Sessions are listed chronologically, scroll to the bottom for Anna's most recent work.
Area of Expertise
"Code less, deliver more" virtual talk at the Flutteristas conference
Lots of everyday programmer tasks consist of creating boilerplate code. It’s not only boring, time-consuming, and error-prone, but it also requires efforts to maintain it later. With code generation, you can create only the essential code and leave all the routine to the computer.
We’ll see how code generation works in Flutter and what typical tasks it can facilitate in mobile apps development.
An online talk by Anna (Domashych) Leushchenko at the Flutteristas conference on April 17, 2021
"Flutter: What? Why? How? Where?" online talk at Women in Tech Global Conference
What is common between BMW, Alibaba Group, Google, Toyota, Square, and eBay? - They all have products created with Flutter. In fact, there are already over 200K applications on Google Play alone created with this beautiful, fast, productive, open, and portable framework.
We’ll talk about what Flutter is, why you should consider it as a technology choice in your company (or why not), and how you can start incorporating it into your projects.
An online talk by Anna (Domashych) Leushchenko at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2021 on June 9, 2021
"Yet another localization approach in Flutter" online talk at Flutter Global Summit
When it comes to localizing Flutter applications, there is already quite a number of approaches. Some offer strongly typed message keys, while others leave you guessing whether a message exists and with no refactoring support. Some use custom commands for generating code and don't offer a file system watching, while others imply only manual work. They differ by supported file formats, pluralization support, a mechanism for locales switching, etc.
In this session, I will share what I am looking for when it comes to localizing Flutter applications (spoiler alert: code generation with build_runner is one of the key requirements), explain the solution that combines pros and avoids cons of existing approaches, and implement it in a multi-language Flutter app live.
An online talk by Anna (Domashych) Leushchenko at the Flutter Global Summit 21 Vol.2 conference on December 9, 2021
"Trash talk: WHENs and HOWs of Dart VM’s GC" virtual talk at Flutter Vikings conference
In the dark deeps of Dart VM, where trees are boughy, tracks are twisted, and the space is limited, there lives a bright hero, who always welcomes new visitors, helps them find their way and stay connected to the roots, respects their age; who cares about the environment and diligently collects and recycles the garbage, freeing up space for new visitors.
Garbage Collector rarely gets the love and attention it deserves. Even though every Flutter developer has it as their friend, only few know it close enough, what it is like, and how it behaves.
I am determined to fix this injustice by spreading the word about all the good things Dart VM’s Garbage Collector does: we’ll look at how Dart objects are allocated, managed, and moved around, and when and how they get collected.
An online talk by Anna (Domashych) Leushchenko at the FlutterVikings conference on February 2, 2022
"Basic and advanced networking in Dart and Flutter" virtual talk at Flutter Global Summit
Tide is the leading provider of UK SME business accounts and one of the fastest-growing FinTechs in the UK. We are transforming the business banking market, providing a smart current account that gives time back to business owners.
At Tide, we develop mobile applications for Android and iOS using Flutter. In general, most applications, be it mobile, web, or desktop, depend on some kind of backend. Thus, an API layer is an integral part of application implementation. And Tide is no exception here.
This talk presents a compilation of tools and approaches developed to facilitate API layer implementation in Flutter and Dart applications we use at Tide.
An online talk by Anna (Domashych) Leushchenko at the Flutter Global Summit'22 conference on June 1, 2022
"Flutter: one framework to rule them all" online talk at Women in Tech Global Conference
Since its first stable release in December 2018, Flutter concurred the hearts of thousands of software engineers. It brings a performant and beautiful user experience to all platforms possible: Android, iOS, web, Windows, macOS, Linux, and embedded devices. All from a single codebase.
We'll talk about how exactly it is possible, what is the Flutter developer experience, and how to try it yourself.
An online talk by Anna (Domashych) Leushchenko at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 on June 8, 2022
"Fun with code generation" in-person talk at Flutter Vikings conference
Data models, JSON serialization, API requests, navigation, localization, dependency injection, tests, assets management are all typical tasks to be solved when developing a mature Flutter application. Quite often, it involves creating boilerplate code. It’s not only boring, time-consuming, and error-prone, but it also requires later maintenance. Code generation with build_runner makes it more fun, it allows creating only the essential code and leaving all the routine to the computer.
We’ll create a Flutter mobile application and apply the build_runner code generation technique to as many tasks as the time allows. Hopefully, it’ll be fun.
An in-person talk by Anna Leushchenko at the Flutter Vikings Conference on August 31, 2022
"Building Flutter apps in Lego style" virtual talk at Flutter Vikings conference
What’s the coolest thing about Lego? It’s the countless amount of combinations of little pieces that are put together through a primitive connection interface. This simplicity and versatility hold great power. Once you learn how to combine the bricks, you can unleash your creativity and build anything imaginable.
The same composition concept can be applied to building Flutter apps. Individual building blocks, containing UI, state management solution, business logic, dependency injection, navigation, localization, and configuration points, are put together through common interfaces just as Lego bricks. They can be easily plugged in and out and reused across products.
Join us to learn how to build Flutter apps in Lego style!
An in-person talk by Anna and Oleksandr Leushchenko at the Flutter Vikings Conference on September 1, 2022
"Private Dart and Flutter packages" virtual talk at Flutter Forward
It is hard to imagine a mature Flutter project written in a single package. Sooner or later, product scale forces to split the project into multiple packages. There are multiple ways of referencing packages in pubspec.yaml. The most common of which is to use hosted packages from pub.dev. However, it is not always possible to open source the team’s work, hence there is a need for private packages. In this video, we show how private packages may be referenced and what is the most convenient way of working when you need to keep packages secret and safe.
A virtual talk by Anna and Oleksandr Leushchenko at Flutter Forward on January 25, 2023
"Assertions in Dart and Flutter tests: an ultimate cheat sheet" online talk at Flutter Global Summit
Tests are essential for ensuring any software quality. Whether you are creating unit, widget, or integration tests for Flutter applications, the end goal of any test is asserting that the reality matches the expectations. Here is an ultimate cheat sheet for assertions in Dart and Flutter tests with many details explained!
An online talk by Anna Leushchenko at the Flutter Global Summit'23 conference on February 7, 2023
"The power of the community" online talk at WeAreDevelopers LIVE
One of the powerful ways to speed up your journey to success is to emerge yourself in the right environment - community, which can influence your mindset, motivation, goals, and opportunities that life brings.
I will share my story: how joining the right community changed my mindset and empowered me to reach the next professional level, from being a good software developer to becoming a frequent speaker at tech conferences, mentor, and role model for a younger generation of women in tech.
I will talk about the power of communities, and how joining them can influence your career, and what other benefits it may bring. I will also provide useful links to female communities worth checking out.
A live online talk by Anna Leushchenko at the Women in Tech Day by WeAreDevelopers LIVE on March 8, 2023
"Flutter for all: platforms, users, developers" online talk at Women in Tech Global Conference
Since its debut in 2018, Flutter has rapidly gained popularity among software developers for its ability to provide a high-performing and visually appealing user experience on all platforms: Android, iOS, web, Windows, macOS, Linux, and embedded devices, all with a single codebase.
We will talk about what Flutter is, and how its superpower allows to build products for all platforms, meet all users’ expectations, and make developers of many backgrounds happy. A live demo of Flutter applications running on multiple platforms will give you a taste of the current developers’ experience and possibilities.
A live online talk by Anna Leushchenko at the Women in Tech Global Conference on May 10, 2023
"Live technical interviews for Flutter roles" in-person talk at FlutterCon
Let’s get together for live interviews for Junior and Senior Flutter developer roles!
After a brief introduction, we jump into the heart of the talk: first, a Flutter expert will interview a fresh Flutter enthusiast for a Junior role; then, the roles reverse. Both parts will contain questions that touch on concepts likely to come up in real-life interviews, followed by a brief post-mortem. Additional Flutter interview resources are included.
After watching this talk, you will walk away with:
- An overview of key concepts:
-- for a Junior role interview
-- for a Senior role interview
- Interview best practices for interviewees and interviewers
- Confidence going into the interview process
An in-person talk by Anna Leushchenko and Sarah Fullmer at the FlutterCon on July 6, 2023
"From native to Flutter in less than a year" virtual talk at WeAreDevelopers World Congress
Tide is a financial services platform with a strong presence in the UK market and very ambitious global growth plans. We’ve been developing our mobile applications using native technologies for several years, and in pursuit of a solution with better performance, maintainability, and scalability, we chose to rebuild our product with Flutter, which is an emerging open-source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
We are here to share our transformation journey: how we upskilled our native mobile engineers to Dart and Flutter, migrated our codebase to the new tech stack, and rolled out the new product to our users, ensuring the best possible transition. We will highlight the challenges we faced, the solutions we implemented, and the objectives we have achieved for our business and engineering team. We will also provide insights into the best practices and lessons learned during the process.
A virtual talk by Giorgos Ampavis and Anna Leushchenko at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress on July 27, 2023
"Basic and advanced networking in Dart and Flutter" in-person workshop at Flutter&Friends conference
Most applications, be it mobile, web, or desktop, depend on some kind of backend. Thus, an API layer is an integral part of application implementation. This is a hands-on workshop, where Anna will present tools and approaches that facilitate an effective API layer implementation in Flutter and Dart applications.
We will apply this knowledge together to create a Flutter application that displays data obtained from a hosted REST API. You will walk away with knowledge about code generation in Dart and its application examples, and learn a few cool hacks on how to turn its principles to your advantage.
An in-person hands-on workshop by Anna Leushchenko at the Flutter&Friends conference on September 5, 2023
No recording available
"Mobile apps distribution with Firebase" talk at Flutter Firebase Festival
Having a well-defined release strategy is important for the success of any commercial mobile product. A good strategy should include some form of distributing release-candidate builds to the testers and internal users before uploading them to app stores for general availability. This allows catching problems earlier which dramatically improves the quality of the final product.
Firebase Distribution is a great way to solve this task: it's easy to use, secure, and reliable. First, we’ll look into using Firebase Distribution via web interface to create testing groups and distribution rings, and to share builds internally.
Automating build distribution is not an easy process, but it’s a time and effort-saver in the long run. That’s why we'll demonstrate how to use the Firebase CLI tool and Fastlane to automate this process on CI.
An in-person talk by Anna and Oleksandr Leushchenko at the Flutter Firebase Festival on September 26, 2023
"Code less, deliver even more" online talk at the Flutteristas Conference
Over two years ago, at the first edition of the Flutteristas conference, Anna gave an insightful talk “Code less, deliver more” about using code-generating packages when solving typical tasks in mobile app development.
This year Anna is back for the second edition of the Flutteristas conference to show how developers can create their own code-generating packages to automate even more daily routines, what typical challenges they may face, and where to look for inspiration on how to solve them.
An online talk by Anna Leushchenko at the Flutteristas Conference on November 11, 2023
"Native to Flutter: A tale of Tide’s transformation" in-person talk at the LeadDev Berlin
Tide is a financial services platform with a strong presence in the UK market and very ambitious global growth plans. We’ve been developing our mobile applications using native technologies for several years, and in pursuit of a solution with better performance, maintainability, and scalability, we chose to rebuild our product with Flutter, which is an emerging open-source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
We are here to share our transformation journey: how we upskilled our native mobile engineers to Dart and Flutter, migrated our codebase to the new tech stack, and rolled out the new product to our users, ensuring the best possible transition. We will highlight the challenges we faced, the solutions we implemented, and the objectives we have achieved for our business and engineering team. We will also provide insights into the best practices and lessons learned during the process.
An in-person talk by Anna Leushchenko and Giorgos Ampavis at the LeadDev Berlin Conference on December 4, 2023
Is your JSON deserialization implementation efficient?
I think we all agree that JSON deserialization is one of the most common tasks we as developers of Dart and Flutter applications, have to perform regularly, which means that implementation efficiency in this area has a significant impact on the overall speed and ease of the development. Yet over and over I see a few pretty common scenarios.
Some folks prefer to do JSON deserialization manually, which is more time-consuming and error-prone than using code generation. And even if they do use code generation, they’d have data models with JSON deserialization logic, corresponding domain models with similar structure, and mappers that copy data back and forth between data and domain models, maybe with slight modifications.
Clearly, such an approach has a big benefit: if there's a change in the data structure received from the backend, the required application change is minimal and is contained in the deserialization logic, so that the domain model structure remains unchanged and thus no further updates are required in the business logic layer and above. This is a very important benefit, and in this session, I’ll show you how to achieve the same result with less code.
An online talk by Anna Leushchenko at the Full Stack Flutter conference on May 28, 2024
Your ultimate guide to code generation productivity for Dart and Flutter
Creating Dart and Flutter applications often includes typical tasks, such as implementing JSON deserialization, consuming backend APIs, creating a dependency inversion mechanism, implementing navigation and localization, managing assets, writing tests, and more. These tasks require writing repetitive code, which is time-consuming, error-prone, and tedious. Fortunately, we can get a significant development productivity boost by letting build_runner generate all the boilerplate. But once the project grows, extensive usage of code generation brings additional challenges, such as slower generation execution, frequent merge conflicts, analyzer performance downgrade, and others.
In this session, we will discuss how build_runner and different code-generating packages can facilitate many typical application development tasks, and also talk through a dozen practical tips for efficiently maintaining Dart and Flutter projects that extensively use code generation. I will not only show how to speed up the generation process, but also how to minimize chances for merge conflicts and improve overall developers’ experience.
Even if you are familiar with code generation topic, you will certainly get valuable takeaways from this session!
An in-person talk by Anna Leushchenko at FlutterCon on July 4, 2024
Build for users, not platforms
To be successful, modern businesses are required to meet their potential clients right where they are. Users expect applications to be available on their phones, tablets, and desktops, providing a familiar experience across platforms.
However, each operating system has its own design language recommendations. Blindly following these guidelines when developing an application would lead to a generic soulless product lacking distinction. At the same time, extremely unusual and unique designs may misalign with users’ expectations and confuse them.
While maintaining consistency with platform conventions is essential, it’s equally crucial to implement a strong brand that would stand out among competitors. In this session, we’ll dive into the topic of prioritizing user experience over platform-specific design, explore how focusing on users rather than platforms can support the brand identity and improve user satisfaction, and give recommendations on how to implement this in practice.
A virtual talk by Anna and Oleksandr Leushchenko at WeAreDevelopers World Congress on July 19, 2024

Anna Leushchenko
Google Developer Expert in Dart and Flutter | Author, speaker at tech events, mentor, OSS contributor | Passionate mobile apps creator
Kyiv, Ukraine
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