Massimo Terzo
Agile Coach
Padova, Italy
I am an Agile Coach and Consultant passionate about my job and I am specialised in the application of Agile in the development of physical products.
I am currently a freelance Agile coach and consultant and my mission is to support organisations of different sectors and sizes in their Agile journey and to help development teams in creating amazing new products in a complex environment.
I worked in London and Paris for different companies, every experience enlarged my perspective of the world. I supported a large car manufacturer in their Agile transformation, a unique chance to see from the inside how a major corporation mutates and what are the challenges and opportunities in this situation. This experience has been the foundation for the rest of my professional life: since then I have helped large organizations developing physical products to become more Agile. That has allowed me to push the limits of Agile, and to apply Agile values, principles, frameworks and practices beyond the digital world.
I am a regular speaker to conferences in Italy and abroad: the topics of my talks come from my experience from the trenches and are Agile for hardware, Agile for Engineering and Product Development.
Area of Expertise
Exploration and Exploitation for the Agile teams
Agile is seen by teams as a way to create products effectively. Often, teams forget that Agile should be a way to experiment and to identify innovative solutions to the problems and to the technical challenges. Agile teams tend, in other words, to focus more on the exploitation than on the exploration side of the product development.
In this talk I will explore the benefits of having an Agile team which want to be innovative and, based on my experience with many teams, I will suggest how to create the conditions to foster a mindset of exploration.
Miglioramento dei team: come rendere efficace un Retrospettiva
In questa sessione parlerò di come animare efficacemente una retrospettiva. Partiremo dal modello di Larsen / Darby in 5 punti per capire quali sono gli elementi chiave di una retrospettiva.
Parleremo poi di team healthcheck e di tecniche avanzate di retrospettiva.
Vedremo infine come integrare e monitorare l'attività di miglioramento nello sprint / iterazione.
Nella talk parlerò di come la retrospettiva deve evolvere con la maturità del team e darò esempi di retrospettive fatte con team all'inizio del loro percorso agile e di retrospettive condotte con team più avanzati. Spiegherò come il ruolo di un Coach Agile o Scrum Master cambia nel corso dell'accompagnamento e di come la retrospettiva includa una componente di test & learn.
Agile for Engineering
Is it possible to apply an Agile approach in large organization which are developing physical product?
Agile is becoming more and more popular in many industries outside IT where it was born. Large organizations are looking at Agile to find ways to become more effective in delivering their products to the customers and to be more adaptable to change. When using Agile in an engineering world, it is key to understand how to adapt the methodologies and the approaches from the IT into new contexts.
In this situation we must be prepared to face three main challenges that are crucial for the implementation of Agile:
1. How can we create a physical product incrementally?
2. How can we organize an Agile team when there are specific competences and a T-shaped developer is rare?
3. How can be agile when we need to work with suppliers of parts, products and systems with a long lead time?
During this session I will share my experience from the trenches to draw a parallel between software and physical development and, using examples taken from real projects from the automotive, packaging and aerospace industries I will try to show what can be achieved, the lessons learned, the key success factors and what to watch for when applying Agile in a physical product engineering context.
If you want to understand how to implement Agile to help you develop physical products, then this is the session for you!
Agile Transformations
Organisations want to become more Agile in order to be more competitive in the market, sometime being more agile is the way to survive in the competitive environment.
Transforming an organisation, is much more than applying a framework, it means identify the needs for a change, to create an adaptable roadmap and, more important, win hearts and minds of people.
Agile transformation, in particular, is a sort of paradox: often we look for a paradigm which allows adaptability and empowerment of the teams and people but we want something which won't change and we impose it to the people.
During this talk I will go through the lessons learnt during the Agile transformation in large organisations, from digital, to automotive, aerospace and packaging: what are the key factors of success, the pitfalls to avoid and what are some strategies. I will focus on groups and organisations which work with physical products for which these transformation is critical to achieve a competitive advantage and, at the same time, more complex than in the digital field.
Agile for Physical products: the case study of Dainese
Dainese was facing a big challenge: to develop the key product of their bike helmet range in a very short time, within a given budget and with the greatest value for the customer. They decided to be pioneers in the use of Agile for the development of physical products.
During this talk we will go through the story of this product, providing a compelling example of what is the Agile approach outside the IT industry. This is a real story from the trenches, and we will explain the key factors to success as well as the shortcomings and the obstacles we had to overcome.
This case study will highlight how an Agile approach can be beneficial in a complex environment like the one Dainese had to operate:
- a new technology to master
- a brand new plant to produce the product
- a global supply chain to set up and to coordinate
We will go demonstrate how the use of an Agile approach in the context of physical products can be beneficial to create value for the customer and for the business, specifically:
- how to do the test and learn to validate or invalidate hypothesis on the product and on the business model
- how to manage the risks
- what it means an incremental and adaptive approach for hardware
This talk wants to provide the audience with practical tips to use when implementing agile in the development of physical products.
Trasformazioni corsare: quando l’unico framework è il Manifesto Agile
Immagina di essere il CEO di un’organizzazione che vuole diventare agile. Probabilmente la prima cosa che faresti è assumere dei consulenti e dei coach Agile per definire e realizzare questa trasformazione. Costoro, probabilmente, ti proporrebbero di usare un approccio sperimentato come Scrum, SAFe, LeSS o il “modello Spotify”. Eppure, il più delle volte, le trasformazioni agile che si appoggiano a questi framework non danno i risultati attesi e, in ultima battuta, falliscono.
Partendo da un caso studio reale di un’azienda metalmeccanica che ha sviluppato una divisione software, parlerò di come sia possibile far evolvere un’organizzazione ispirandosi solamente ai valori e principi del Manifesto Agile senza affidarsi a un framework specifico. Con il team agile interno a quest’azienda abbiamo considerato la situazione specifica e il contesto competitivo e questo ci ha portato a intraprendere una via non battuta avendo come unico obiettivo la soddisfazione del cliente e il raggiungimento di un vantaggio competitivo rispetto ai competitor.
Nel corso del talk spiegherò come sia possibile essere agili e allo stesso tempo violare alcune delle regole sacre dell’agilità così come viene interpretata da alcuni dei framework più diffusi. Vi dimostrerò come, più che di trasformazione, questa sia stata un’evoluzione emergente dell’organizzazione che si è basata sull’empirismo e su alcuni pilastri chiave presi dal Manifesto Agile:
• Focus sul cliente per definire le priorità e il valore
• Trasparenza sul lavoro da fare e la comunicazione
• Semplicità sulla struttura per fluidificare il flusso di valore
• Autonomia dei team per garantire creatività e flessibilità operativa
Nel corso di questa discussione illustrerò gli elementi di questa trasformazione che possono essere utilizzati in ogni contesto e supporterò con degli esempi presi dal caso specifico al fine di rendere più viva e concreta la narrazione. Sarò trasparente su quali sono stati i limiti e gi impedimenti che abbiamo incontrato e quali i fattori di successo.
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