Mikey Bronowski
Husband | Dad | DBA | MCT | Data Platform MVP | UG Leader
Mąż | Tata | DBA | Trener Microsoft | Microsoft Data Platform MVP | Lider grupy użytkowników
Southampton, United Kingdom
What do I do? I select, I select stars!
Data enthusiast with a mathematics background. Working with SQL Server for over 15 years. Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer with a couple of certificates sharing knowledge. Blogger at (bronowski.it).
Not long ago Poland Data Community member, now proud UK Data Platform active member and SotonDataCloud.org leader.
When not working or teaching, learns new things or attends various data/technical conferences and meetups.
Italian Calcio fan and traveller, amateur photographer catching anything that moves.
Michał jest miłośnikiem danych, który pracuje z serwerem SQL po ponad 17 lat. Obecnie pracuje jako architekt platformy danych, skupiając się głównie wokół technologii Microsoft SQL Server.
Michał jest trenerem Microsoft, a w roku 2021 roku nagrodzony przez Microsoft tytułem Most Valuable Professional w obszarze Data Platform.
W wolnych chwilach prowadzi blog bronowski.it.
Nie tak dawno był członkiem Data Community Polska, a obecnie jest aktywnym uczestnikiem życia społeczności danych w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Kiedy nie pracuje lub nie uczy innych, uczy się nowych rzeczy na różnych konferencjach czy spotkaniach dotyczących technologii oraz danych.
Area of Expertise
DBCC CHECKDB: The Never-Ending Story - Why It Takes Forever? en pl
DBCC CHECKDB is an essential tool for ensuring the health and integrity of SQL Server databases.
If you're a database administrator, you've probably experienced the agony of waiting for DBCC CHECKDB to complete. It's a never-ending story that can leave you feeling stuck in a slow-motion time warp. But don't despair, my fellow database adventurers! In this session, we'll dive into the depths of DBCC CHECKDB and unravel the mystery of why it takes forever. Along the way, we'll share some quirky tips and tricks to help you speed up your checks and get back to enjoying your life.
Grab your coffee and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of DBCC CHECKDB - the never-ending story that just got a whole lot more fun!"
Attendees should have a basic understanding of SQL Server and database administration concepts. Familiarity with DBCC CHECKDB and its purpose is recommended, but not required. Basic knowledge of database snapshots is also helpful.
1 Understand the common causes of slow DBCC CHECKDB performance and how to identify them in your own environment.
2 Learn practical techniques for optimizing DBCC CHECKDB performance
3 Gain confidence in running DBCC CHECKDB more efficiently, allowing attendees to ensure the health and integrity of their databases with greater speed and ease.
DBCC CHECKDB: Niekończąca się historia - "daleko jeszcze"? en pl
DBCC CHECKDB to narzędzie niezbędne do zapewnienia dobrej kondycji i integralności baz danych serwera SQL.
Jeśli jesteś administratorem baz danych, prawdopodobnie doświadczyłeś bólu oczekiwania na zakończenie DBCC CHECKDB. To nigdy nie kończąca się historia, która może sprawić, że poczujesz się jak uwięziony w powolnej pułapce czasu. Ale nie rezygnuj!
W tej sesji zagłębimy się w głębiny DBCC CHECKDB i rozwikłamy tajemnicę, dlaczego trwa tak długo. Po drodze podzielimy się nietypowymi wskazówkami i trikami, które pomogą przyspieszyć procesy i pozwolą Ci wrócić do cieszenia się życiem.
Chwyć swoją kawę i przygotuj się na dziką jazdę przez świat DBCC CHECKDB - nigdy nie kończącą się historię, która właśnie stała się dużo bardziej zabawna!
Wymagania wstępne:
Uczestnicy powinni mieć podstawowe zrozumienie SQL Servera i koncepcji administracji bazami danych. Zalecane jest, ale nie jest wymagane, posiadanie znajomości DBCC CHECKDB i jego celów. Podstawowa wiedza o migawkach bazy danych również może być pomocna.
Zrozumienie powszechnych przyczyn wolnej wydajności DBCC CHECKDB i nauka identyfikowania ich w własnym środowisku.
Poznanie praktycznych technik optymalizacji wydajności DBCC CHECKDB.
Zyskanie pewności w uruchamianiu DBCC CHECKDB w sposób bardziej efektywny, umożliwiający uczestnikom zapewnienie zdrowia i integralności ich baz danych z większą szybkością i łatwością.
Double Vision with Copilot: Enhancing Your Code Twice as Fast en
Dive into the future of coding! Explore the groundbreaking capabilities of Copilots, your AI-powered coding assistant that transforms the way you write code.
Usługa elastycznych zadań w Azure pl en
Stary dobry agent serwera SQL jest dobrze znany administratorom baz danych. Ma wiele opcji i możliwości, jednak jest niedostępny dla usługi Azure SQL Database. W tym miejscu na pomoc przychodzi agent elastycznych zadań Azure! Ta sesja pomoże nam zrozumieć dlaczego i jak można poruszać się w elastycznym świecie zadań chmury Azure. Będzie Azure Portal i PowerShell.
Automate management tasks using elastic jobs in Azure SQL Database pl en
The good ol' agent, SQL Server Agent, is known widely in the DBA world. It is powerful, but... Azure SQL Database requires something more, something different. Meet elastic Elastic Database agent and its jobs!
Arm your Bicep with D(i)SC - how to make your life easier while building new environments en pl
This little wordplay is about the Bicep a domain-specific language (DSL) and PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) for Windows. We will cover the basics of both concepts, we will mention the ARM templates and show some examples. The goal of this session is to present the tools to those who want an easier way to create their environment or labs.
Niezwykłe trio ARM, Bicep oraz DSC - by łatwiej budować nowe środowiska w Microsoft Azure en pl
Ta sesja pozwoli przybliżyć słuchaczom kocept języka dziedzinowego Bicep (ang. DSL, domain-specific language) oraz Usługa konfiguracji żądanego stanu programu Windows PowerShell (and. DSC, Desired State Configuration). Zaprezentujemy postawy obu rozwiązań, a także wspomnimy o usłudze Azure Resource Manager (ARM) i pokażemy przykłady jej zastosowania. Celem tej prezentacji jest pokazanie narzędzi osobom, którym zależy na łatwiejszym sposobie tworzenia własnych rozwiązań czy przestrzeni testowej w środowisku Microsoft Azure.
AutomatedLab 101 en pl
The AutomatedLab PowerShell module enables you to set up test and lab environments on Hyper-v or Microsoft Azure with multiple products or just a single VM in a very short time.
This introductory session will give you a taste of what it does and hope it can help you.
AutomatedLab - własne środowisko testowe en pl
AutomatedLab - moduł PowerShell, który pozwala na stworzenie własnego środowiska testowego na platformie Hyper-V lub Microsoft Azure. W krótkim czasie możemy uruchomić pojedynczą maszynę wirtualną lub całe środowisko z wieloma aplikacjami.
Ta sesja wprowadza w świat bardzo interesującego narzędzia i być może pozwoli nabrać apetytu na więcej.
Not what you expect to see in SQL Server Management Studio en
This session will cover few things you might not know about SQL, like the thing with variables, or that other thing when inserting data, or... and many more - as many as can fit in this session. WARNING: The results you might see in your SSMS will blow your mind - be careful out there.
Azure Synapse Analytics in PowerShell en
Azure Synapse Analytics is a hot topic. It can be even hotter if you could run it with PowerShell instead of a graphic interface.
In this session, we will go through the Az.Synapse PowerShell module and see how to make our life easier.
SQL Server and PowerShell walk into a bar... en
Managing SQL Server can be very exciting, but there are times when one needs to do a number of similar operations and it may become frustrating.
In this session, you will learn about PowerShell community modules that will help you to manage the SQL Server in a way you only dreamed of years ago.
The talk will cover dbatools and dbachecks, as well as importExcel.
Azure Data Studio and keyboard shortcuts - all you can eat en
In this session, we will go through a number of useful predefined shortcuts in Azure Data Studio. And because the sky is the limit, we will learn how to create our own combinations.
Do you miss keyboard shortcuts from the SQL Server Management Studio? Do not worry, you will learn where to find them!
Let's CTRL+X yourself from the comfy sofa and CTRL+V into this session.
PS: I promise to use the mouse only in emergency.
An introduction to the ImportExcel PowerShell module en
The ImportExcel PowerShell module is a tool designed to manage Microsoft Excel spreadsheets without requiring Microsoft Excel to be installed. With just a few lines of code, you can create pivot tables and charts and apply conditional formatting.
Multi-server agent jobs administration with happy faces and pigeons en
This talk will be about multi-server administration using MSX and TSX servers. Built-in feature you may have seen, but was too scared to play with. Will show you how to configure multi-server environment and how to manage it with least possible resources.
What SQL Server and pigeons have in common? Not much, besides that you do not want to be a pigeon - pigeon post to be specific.
I have been a DBA pigeon in my past. Managing hundreds of SQL Servers and visiting every single SQL Agent to setup the maintenance jobs, backup jobs or any jobs that would help me to keep the servers up and running. Sometimes using SQL scripts, other times Powershell scripts to deploy or update new jobs, but it was still the same ol' way. Flying between instances like a bird. Until, one day, I found out about MSX and TSX! And now my life is full of happy faces! I want your face to be happy too.
In this session you will learn how easy is to setup this hidden and forgotten feature of SQL Server. Will show you how quick is to make a master server and add some new target servers. If you discover an urge to go back to your shop and make a revolution - you can leave before the end - to save the world! Your world!
The pigeon says: "coo roo-c'too-coo"
How to become PowerDBA - PowerShell and SQL Server training for a busy SQL Server DBA? en
Are you a busy DBA who spends most of the time fixing ad-hoc issues and working on unexpected incidents? Do you wish you have more time to focus on fixing your environment, so there is less unplanned work? Or maybe you do not even have time to know exactly where your estate is hurting?
We have been there and that is why we want to share our hands-on experience with you. During this training session, you will learn about the following modules:
- Chocolatey - the environment to install your
- SqlServerDsc - module containing Desired State Configuration resources for SQL Server. Manage your infrastructure configuration as a code.
- SqlServer - have you heard about SQLPS? SqlServer is the updated version from Microsoft. Some earlier versions come with SSMS, so it is at your disposal.
- dbatools - open-source, community maintained tool that servers as SQL Server Management Studio in the command line. The actual SSMS will feel like an old rusty car in comparison to a robust PowerShell module.
- Pester - a module that helps you to write custom tests to make sure your PowerShell code is always working. You will start writing custom Pester tests even on your home PC.
- dbachecks - Pester wrapper to validate and keep an eye on your estate and track if it follows the best practice. The same stable as dbatools. The same excellent quality.
- AZ.Sql - Authored by Microsoft, alternative way to manage the cloud resources. There is a good chance you won't even open the Azure Portal after this training.
- ImportExcel - Have you ever had to deal with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets but felt like there is too much clicking around? This open-source and free module will help you to create and manage workbooks without Microsoft Office on your machine.
We will start with building the environment and applying the custom configurations from scratch. Once we have a working SQL Server we will see how to be a PowerDBA. We will cover SQL Server patches, database backups and environment refreshes. Migration from one server to another won't be a mystery and a struggle anymore. You will find security management and keeping up with best practices extremely easy. Finding issues in your environment and tracking the progress of fixing them in Power BI dashboards won't be a dream, it will become your reality.
After this full day of training, you will get incredible powerful tools in your DBA tool belt. The tools that not only will make your work easier and more efficient, but you will find time to enjoy your work. More time to make friends. We want you to be our friend.
This workshop is designed to be demo-heavy with PowerPoint slides reduced to a minimum. The goal is that attendees learn about useful tools and why and how to apply them in their environment. Most of the time we will be working with VS Code.
Prior PowerShell knowledge is not required although it will not hurt. Most of these modules can be used with some basic understanding of scripting languages. The workshop is going to be presented in VS Code and Azure Data Studio, but prior experience with that environment is not required. It is expected from the attendees to know at least the basics of SQL Server database administration, including the best practices. This is a session for database administrators who are busy fighting with fires and more efficient tools to be able to work on preventing those in the future. Primary the attendee works with the on-premises estate and works hard on upgrading, migrating the servers to newer versions. The DBAs who work with SQL in the cloud (Azure) may find this session valuable.
Is Your Job at Risk? Strategies to Thrive in a World of Automation en
How can you use the power of PowerShell and AI to secure your career? Learn how to use PowerShell to create automated processes that can help you stay ahead of the curve.
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Mikey Bronowski
Husband | Dad | DBA | MCT | Data Platform MVP | UG Leader
Southampton, United Kingdom
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