Most Active Speaker

Valerie Junk

Valerie Junk

Data Analytics, Visualization & Storytelling | PorcuBI

Utrecht, The Netherlands


Hi there. I am Valerie Junk.
I am passionate about creating insights from data and designing dashboards using Power BI. With my expertise in data analytics and visualization, I support companies in developing effective data-driven strategies that yield results and take the business to the next level.


  • Most Active Speaker 2023

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Consumer Goods & Services
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • power bi
  • Power Platform
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Microsoft Power platform
  • Data Storytelling
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Strategy
  • Data Engineering
  • Analytics and Big Data

Elevating Power BI Visualizations: Combining Design Strategies and DAX

Are you interested in learning how to take your Power BI reports to the next level? This session will explore various design strategies to help you create visually stunning and engaging reports. From infographics to dark mode, this session covers different design options and provides insights into choosing the right design for your specific audience.

We will discuss effective color choices, design best practices, and strategies for implementing new design approaches at your company or for your customers.

But that’s not all! We’ll also dive into using DAX to improve custom Power BI visuals. You’ll learn how to create dynamic titles, implement color conditional formatting, adjust labels on the fly, and fine-tune visuals for a cleaner, more focused presentation.

By the end of the day, you’ll have a deep understanding of why diverse designs are key to success and how getting to know your audience can take you a long way. Also, you’ll learn how to use DAX to make your visuals stand out and take your reports to a new level. So get excited, and let’s get started!

This is a hands-on session where you can learn how to use different design types and DAX in everyday report building to enhance your visuals.

Power BI – Designing for Accessibility

Accessibility isn't just a buzzword; creating inclusive reports is important.
Creating reports that lead to data insights can be challenging. While you, as a developer, might be familiar with all the details of Power BI and your data, your audience might have different experience levels. Furthermore, some users may depend on accessibility tools, like screen readers or keyboard navigation, to interact with your reports. Do you know how to make your report accessible?

Is it even possible to design for everyone?

In this session, we'll explore how to create data visualizations that are insightful, actionable, and accessible to all users.

Throughout the session, I will provide practical examples and demonstrations of creating insightful and accessible data visualizations using Power BI.

By the end of this session, attendees will have a solid understanding of how to design reports that are accessible, engaging, and informative.

Power BI Dashboard Design - from "that's fine" to "that's amazing"

Do you want to elevate your Power BI design skills?
I've created hundreds of reports in the past years and, step-by-step, improved my design skills from - this looks like a copy of the Excel, I hope the customer likes this - (because the customer asked for it and I had no clue how to improve it) to - this report does not only has great insights but also looks great and works well for the user.

In this 3-hour session, we will start with an "okay" report and step-by-step improve it by using
- visualization best practices
- storytelling techniques
- user experience best practices
- some DAX tweaking

And, of course, there is some room for discussion (because who defines what is good?).

At the end of the session, you will have an improved Power BI report and some guidelines on how to do this yourself for your own reports.

You need to have some experience in Power BI in this session to be able to follow it.

Elevating Power BI Visualizations using DAX

Power BI is a powerful tool for data modeling, analysis, and visualization. Effective data visualization not only enhances decision-making but also empowers users, giving them a sense of mastery over their data.

This hands-on session helps attendees understand which actions they can take to improve Power BI visuals using DAX. While most people are familiar with DAX for creating measures on the fly, did you know it can also be used to create, for example:

- Dynamic Titles: Craft titles that adapt based on user interactions or selections, enhancing user-friendliness, interactivity, and context.

- Color Conditional Formatting: Employ DAX expressions to dynamically adjust data point colors in visuals, spotlighting target achievement and specific conditions.

- Dynamic Labels: Modify labels on-the-fly to offer a user-centric experience, adjusting values and colors as needed.

- Visual Tweaks: Refine visuals to meet specific business requirements and preferences. This includes fine-tuning data point granularity, creating more detailed labels, customizing tooltips, and defining data point interactions.

- Simplifying Visuals: Streamline visuals for a cleaner, more focused presentation.

Who is this session for?
This session combines theory and hands-on examples. Whether you're a data analyst or a business intelligence pro, this session shows you what is possible with DAX.

Why is it important?
This session offers not only a deeper understanding of DAX but also practical insights that can transform your reports and dashboards. The importance lies in empowering you to create user-centric, data-rich visuals that not only inform but also inspire action. By learning these DAX techniques, you're equipped to make a real impact on your organization's data-driven decision-making, elevating the value of your reports to new heights.

In a nutshell: Join this data-driven journey as we unlock the power of DAX, elevating your Power BI visualizations to new heights and providing your organization with data-driven insights like never before.

Power BI Design: Thinking Outside the Box


Designing a Power BI dashboard can be challenging. While Power BI is a powerful tool for data visualization, many people are hesitant to move away from traditional report design. This session will show you how to think outside the box and create dashboards that grab your audience's attention.

Topics covered:

- The challenges of designing Power BI dashboards
- Different design options for Power BI dashboards, such as infographics, dark mode, minimalism, and interactivity
- How to choose the right design for your audience
- Effective color choices for Power BI dashboards
- Design best practices

Who is this session for?

This session is for anyone who wants to learn how to create more visually appealing and impactful Power BI reports. You do not need massive Power BI experience to follow along.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

- Understand the benefits of using a different design for your Power BI reports
- Chose the right design for your audience
- Understand the basics of design principles and how to use them in Power BI
- Sell your ideas to the business and get approval for your designs

From data to action: Driving decision-making with Power BI

Let's face it; there are probably not many people designing dashboards and reports just to have something pretty to look at. Companies asking for dashboards want to get insights and eventually take action with these insights.
Many Power BI dashboards companies use do not fully fulfill this need. Often there is data, which is good, but taking action and taking the next step with the insights needs many additional steps... When we take a step back, the dashboards were intended to lessen the workload and not add to the workload.

In this session, "From Data to Action," I will show how you can visualize the data in a way that helps companies to take the next step. Often, this is not complicated, and you don't need to buy additional tools. Just some visual tweaks will go a long way!

Also, this session will focus on asking the right questions and tailoring the design to your audience. So it's a mix of visuals, examples, and theory about choosing the right design to answer the (actual) question.

Whether you are a business analyst, a data enthusiast, or a decision maker, this session will help you to bring your dashboards to the next level. It will also help you to communicate more clearly to the team what you are looking for, even if you don't know everything about Power BI and dashboard design.

Paint it Black: Rocking Dark Mode Dashboards

Designing Power BI reports can be tough; designing them in a different way than the old-school white background and standard Power BI color scheme can be even harder. Most people are afraid to use something other than the standard provided; however, designing a dashboard in a dark mode style (black or dark color background) is not only aesthetically better (okay, personal opinion 😉) but also can enhance user experience. Just think about working with tools that all have dark mode all day and then suddenly opening a Power BI report brighter than the sun. Who wants that?

The session aims to guide the audience through the process of designing a Power BI report that is presented in dark mode. From selecting appropriate visual elements to optimizing readability and accessibility, guidelines will be presented to create stunning visualizations that leave a lasting impression. And, of course, there is also some advice on how to sell this to the business!

Key topics
- Understand why a dark design can actually be beneficial
- Learn about the art of contrast and effective color choices
- Tips to increase readability and ease for the eyes
- Best practices in general when designing in Power BI
- How to sell this to the business

Visualizing Data for Non-Data Experts: Making Reports Accessible to All

Creating reports that effectively communicate data insights to non-data experts can be tough! While you as a developer know all ins and outs of Power BI and the data in the report, your audience maybe just got started or are less familiar with interpreting data.

The charts, graphs and tables you provide with the intention to inform, engage and trigger the audience may even have a complete different effect: they confuse and overwhelm your audience.

In this session, we'll explore how to visualize data in a way that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise. The sessions attendees will learn how to identify their audience's needs, select the appropriate visualizations for their data, and present their findings in a clear and concise manner.
The session starts with discussing the importance of storytelling and how it can be used to create engaging reports that resonate with the target audience. Then it covers the key principles of effective data visualization, including:

* Choosing the right chart or graph for the data
* Simplifying complex data to make it easily digestible
* Incorporating visual cues to highlight important information
* Designing for accessibility, including colorblindness and other disabilities

Throughout the session, I provide practical examples and demonstrations of how to create effective data visualizations using Power BI.

The audience of the session will leave the session with a solid understanding of how to create reports that are accessible, engaging, and informative for everyone in their organization.

Storytelling & Power BI - Creating Power BI reports that connect with different audiences

Designing a report that will be viewed and used by different audiences can be challenging. You want to present information in an actionable, informative, and visually appealing way. However, users across an organization may have various requirements and Power BI experience levels. While some users need detailed information presented in different dimensions with possibilities to filter and drill through, others may only look for key performance indicators. Some users like to click through a dashboard to see specific information, while others want to print it or have a quick look on the phone to see the most relevant information.
This session covers steps you can take to understand the needs of different audiences. Topics covered are:

- Techniques and questions you can ask to understand your audience and to gather the report requirements.
- Examples of different visualizations (and ways to format them) to communicate with different audiences and get your message across
- Providing a consistent look and feel (with templates and color schemes) to reduce the cognitive load when looking at a report
- Best practices & tips to design actionable, informative, and easy-to-understand reports.

By the end of the session, attendees will understand better how to create a Power BI report that connects with different audiences across an organization.

Dashboard Design - The icing on the cake

Level: Beginning & Intermediate

This session uses a baking competition analogy to guide the audience through 5 steps for creating visually appealing and easy-to-read reports.

Just like anyone can bake a cake, anyone can build a report. But the best ones turn heads! Learn simple tricks to make your reports visually appealing, easy to understand, and leave a lasting impression. No prior design experience needed!
In this session, you will:

• Master the basics: Get a clear understanding of design principles that make reports pop in Power BI.
• Craft clear visuals: Discover easy-to-use techniques for creating visuals that make an impact on your audience (the end-user).
• Boost readability: Learn how to format your reports for clarity and impact.
• Design with Confidence: By the end of this session, you'll have the skills to create reports you're proud of and feel confident presenting them to any audience.

Transform Your Power BI Reports with Storytelling Techniques

Are you struggling to make an impact with the Power BI reports you’ve created? Do you have a hard time targeting the report to the users viewing the report? If so, you're not alone. Many of us believe that creating a report is a straightforward task, but the truth is that designing an effective report requires careful consideration and a lot of practice.

In this session, I will explain, based on my personal experience and lessons learned through the years how you can improve the usability of your Power BI reports by incorporating storytelling elements.

First, we'll explore why storytelling is crucial to report design. You'll discover how it helps you connect with your audience, engage them, and ultimately supports them to take the right actions. We'll dig into techniques for identifying your audience's needs, what motivates them, and how to tailor your report to resonate with them.

Throughout the session, I'll share practical examples and insights gained from my own experiences. I'll showcase how I overcame common design mistakes, such as the "data dump" or the "cluttered canvas," to create actionable and effective reports. You'll also learn how to choose the right visuals, colors, and fonts to reinforce your narrative and create a cohesive, visually appealing report.

By the end of the session, you'll have a clear understanding of how storytelling can improve your Power BI reports, and you'll walk away with tips and tricks that you can immediately apply to your reports. Don't miss this opportunity to take your Power BI report design to the next level!

SQL Konferenz 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

September 2024 Hanau am Main, Germany

DATA:Scotland 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

September 2024

Data Saturday Oslo 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

August 2024 Oslo, Norway

European Power Platform Conference (EPPC24) Sessionize Event

June 2024 Brussels, Belgium

Data Saturday Stockholm 2024 Sessionize Event

May 2024 Solna, Sweden

DataGrillen 2024 Sessionize Event

May 2024 Lingen, Germany

SQLBits 2024 - General Sessions Sessionize Event

March 2024 Farnborough, United Kingdom

Power BI & Fabric Summit 2024 Sessionize Event

February 2024

Data Community Austria Day 2024 Sessionize Event

January 2024 Vienna, Austria

DATA BASH '23 Sessionize Event

November 2023

Budapest BI Forum 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023 Budapest, Hungary

#DataWeekender 6.5 Sessionize Event

November 2023

dataMinds Connect 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Mechelen, Belgium

Data Moshpit 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Berlin, Germany

SQL Konferenz 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Hanau am Main, Germany

Data Saturday Croatia 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Zagreb, Croatia

Data Saturday Stockholm 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023 Stockholm, Sweden

Power BI Gebruikersdag 2023 Sessionize Event

March 2023 Utrecht, The Netherlands

Power BI Summit 2023 Sessionize Event

March 2023

Valerie Junk

Data Analytics, Visualization & Storytelling | PorcuBI

Utrecht, The Netherlands


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