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David Drever

David Drever

Microsoft 365 MVP - Compliance, Data Protection, and M365 Specialist

Calgary, Canada


David is an Associate Director with Protiviti Canada and a 9-time Microsoft 365 & Security MVP with 25 years of experience working within information technology. For over 15 years, David has assisted organizations to collaborate efficiently and effectively within SharePoint and Microsoft 365. David assists companies to understand their compliance needs and how to protect their data. He has helped organizations build data protection programs to safeguard their most sensitive information while ensuring the business can collaborate and work with their content. Over the past 20 years, David has built a great deal of experience in a wide variety of areas in IT, ranging from Desktop\Server support to development in C++ and .NET technologies. He has added value to many clients in several sectors, including utilities, government, banking, and agriculture.

David is a knowledgeable and sought-after international speaker within IT circles and is consulted regularly by companies formulating their digital workplace strategies and compliance platforms.

David blogs at


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Microsoft 365
  • SharePoint Online
  • Power Apps
  • Power Automate
  • Microsoft 365 Compliance
  • Records Management
  • Information and Records Management
  • Microsoft Information Protection
  • Compliance
  • M365 Compliance
  • M365 information architecture
  • M365
  • Microsoft 365 Security

Building the Foundation of Your Data Protection Program with Microsoft Information Protection

All organizations store sensitive information. This information can be sensitive to the organization itself, to you as an employee, to you as a customer, or in any number of other ways. All businesses have a responsibility to keep that information safe. Organizations are learning that data protection is not fully realized with a single feature but with the collaboration of multiple solutions to create a fully realized data protection program.

Join David Drever as he illustrates how Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) provides the foundation necessary to build out a robust and versatile data protection program. He'll cover the many features of MIP, how it can protect the organization’s sensitive information, leading practices in implementing the technologies and processes, and how MPIP is the foundation for many other features within Microsoft 365 that work together to protect your information.

Implementing Data Protection, Risk, and Compliance Management from the Ground up In Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 gives enterprises and government organizations the tools they need in the modern workplace to identify their risky information and to govern their data effectively to meet regulatory compliance needs. Additionally, these tools help to protect sensitive data from both accidental and malicious data loss, and they protect the organization from risk by ensuring data is appropriately managed under regulatory controls such as GDPR, NIST, and CIS. Implementing these compliance solutions requires a clear understanding of the capabilities available in the Microsoft cloud and industry best practices for establishing a data governance framework.

In this all-day workshop, David Drever and Joanne Klein will help you learn how to develop a framework for information governance for enterprises and government organizations, including understanding how your environment meets regulatory policy requirements. They’ll discuss how utilizing features such as Compliance Manager and Insider Risk Management can further govern your environment. You'll learn how to build a data protection framework using specialized features such as Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Finally, you will learn how to use eDiscovery to facilitate legal holds and “Freedom of Information and Privacy” (FOIP) requests to discover how your information has been used and how it has been exposed. Join David and Joanne to discover how to implement data governance and compliance in Microsoft 365!

Implementing Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention. A Real World Approach

As more and more organizations' content is stored in cloud locations, it can become further at risk for accidental or malicious misuse. Users make good use of cloud collaboration features to share documents with others. Information contained within documents or even the intended recipient of the files may not be properly considered before transmission. This can often lead to data loss and poses significant risks to the organization. To protect against the loss of data control, organizations are looking for solutions that protect the data when it is shared.

Join David as he takes a practical approach to understand data loss prevention techniques and capabilities available within Microsoft 365. David will also provide a real-world approach to implementing the technologies with a strong consideration of the balance of protection and user experience.

This session is intended as a detailed review of Data Loss Prevention technologies within Microsoft 365 and the process of implementation that balances user experience with the protections required by the organization.

Throwing out Old Data. An In-Depth Look at Content Disposition in Microsoft 365

Many organizations look to record management within Microsoft 365 to maintain their data throughout its lifecycle. Records management ensures content is maintained within the environment until it must be removed. Removing that data is key to proper records management processes for all organizations.

David Drever will cover the disposition process within Microsoft 365. Additionally, he will demonstrate how disposition reviews can occur within the environment, from standard disposition reviews on a label to advanced disposition processes via Power Automate workflows. Join him to find out the method that best meets your needs and how to configure it.

An Introduction to Implementing Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)

All organizations store sensitive information. The information can be sensitive to the organization itself, to you as an employee of the organization, to you as a customer of that organization, or in any other number of ways. All businesses have a responsibility to keep that information safe. Historically, this protection has come by locking down network locations from external access, permission control, and data encryption. But it is being discovered that this is no longer sufficient. More is required to protect your sensitive information.

David Drever has been helping organizations secure their information with Microsoft Information Protection for many years. Join him as he walks through the features of MIP, how it can protect the organization’s sensitive information, leading practices in implementing the technologies and processes, and how MIP is the foundation for many other features within Microsoft 365 for protecting your information.

Microsoft Purview Compliance – Tales from the Trenches

As more and more of an organization's data is stored within the cloud, controlling the sheer amount of data can be daunting. Administrators and compliance professionals are being called on more and more to support content management to ensure it is protected and maintained throughout its data lifecycle.

Joanne and David have assisted organizations for years and helped many enterprises design and build compliance solutions within Microsoft 365 Purview from the ground up. In this session, they'll discuss critical topics organizations should consider when implementing Records Management and Information Protection controls. They will also cover common pitfalls affecting the organization on its compliance journey.

Microsoft 365 Records Management: Crawl, Walk, and then Run

Microsoft provides record managers and administrators with many features to classify and manage the information within their organization. This workshop takes the audience on the Microsoft 365 Records Retention journey through a Cralk-Walk-Run approach. Attendees will begin by understanding the concepts and basic features of Microsoft 365 records retention (Crawl). Once the foundation is established, the workshop will move on to advanced concepts such as event-based retention (Walk). Finally, attendees will continue along this journey and begin automating retention processes to increase adoption and remove the need for user intervention (run).

Leading practices will be discussed and demonstrated for information governance guidelines and controls via retention policies and labels. Attendees will learn how to build on these concepts and advance the process with auto-applied policies and other automation methods. To further support adoption, the workshop will discuss the organizational change management required to support the various stages of deployment to ensure a great user experience. Attendees will also be shown techniques to understand if users are adopting the established approach within their organization.

Microsoft 365 Compliance: Implementing information governance, risk, and compliance management

Microsoft 365 gives enterprises and government organizations the tools they need in the modern workplace to identify their risky information and to govern their data effectively to meet regulatory compliance needs. These tools help to protect sensitive data from both accidental and malicious data loss, and they protect the organization from risk by ensuring we retain our data appropriately following regulatory controls such as GDPR, NIST, and CIS. Implementing these compliance solutions requires a clear understanding of the capabilities available in the Microsoft cloud and industry best practices for establishing a data governance framework.

In this all-day workshop, David Drever and Joanne Klein will help you learn how to develop a framework for information governance for enterprises and government organizations, including planning a record retention schedule and implementing retention labels/policies. They’ll teach you how to leverage disposition reviews, implement event-based retention, and to apply retention labels to your data automatically. They’ll discuss how utilizing Compliance Manager and Insider Risk Management can further govern your environment. Finally, you will learn how to use eDiscovery to facilitate legal holds and “Freedom of Information and Privacy” (FOIP) requests. Join David and Joanne to discover how to implement data governance and compliance in Microsoft 365!

Protecting your Data with Microsoft Purview Information Protection

With the immense growth of data and an increasingly mobile workforce, it’s critical to implement a Data Protection strategy that not only meets your internal security objectives, but also addresses new and emerging compliance and privacy requirements. Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MIP) provides a comprehensive set of capabilities to help your organization protect sensitive data throughout its entire lifecycle – across devices, apps, cloud services, on-premises and Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online, Teams, OneDrive). Join me to learn about the significance and business impact of information protection, key success factors for planning & implementation, real use cases on how MIP helps global organizations protect their data, and new capabilities that have been recently released for MIP.

Using AI to Augment Information Protection and Records Management with SharePoint Premium

All organizations have sensitive information! This could be content that contains financial, personally identifiable information or even company secrets. With the increase in cloud collaboration, more and more sensitive information is stored in Microsoft 365. With this comes the ever-present risk of sensitive information being shared with others who should not have access. Businesses also need to delete content based on its age to reduce their attack surface and meet regulatory requirements. Join us as we walk you through how Content AI can help protect your information with SharePoint Premium (formally, Microsoft Syntex), Microsoft Purview Information Protection, and Records Management.

We will use Content AI to demonstrate how SharePoint Premium can integrate with your organization's sensitive information classifications and record retention plan. In this workshop, we'll demonstrate how SharePoint Premium models can be built to review data as it is uploaded to SharePoint Online, extract metadata, and enforce classification and retention policies. Join us to learn how SharePoint Premium works with Microsoft Purview to dramatically increase the organization's ability to automate the protection of your sensitive data.

I've Got Microsoft Purview!... Now What?

When Microsoft Purview is discussed with organizations, it is usually in the context of Information Protection or Records Management. Sometimes, both are known as being part of Purview. But in reality, Microsoft Purview is so much more than just either of these features. Purview is a suite within the Microsoft 365 platform and provides several services to organizations that understand the power of the toolset.

Join David as he highlights, defines, and describes the many features of Microsoft Purview. You'll come away with a working knowledge of Purview and it's many parts.
He'll explain the intended use of each feature and provide you with the knowledge you need to answer the question, now what?

Protecting Your Organization from the Inside with Insider Risk Management

When someone hears the term data breach, they immediately think of an attack by a hacker or group of hackers from outside the organization, worming their way through the company's security infrastructure and accessing its sensitive data. That person would be correct, But many businesses don't realize that over 40% of all data breaches involve someone from within their organization. Whether malicious or accidental, many data breaches are caused by an internal actor. Insider Risk Management within Microsoft 365 provides protections to help ensure an organization can protect itself from within.

In this session, attendees will learn the features of Insider Risk Management, how it can be used to monitor and protect sensitive data, the various templates available, and which template will best meet their needs. Advanced options such as adaptive protections and forensic evidence gathering will be discussed. Finally, attendees will come away with a real-world understanding of how best to implement insider risk management within their organizations to protect themselves from the inside.

Leading Practices for Planning and Implementing Anything SharePoint and Microsoft 365

Whether implementing a new farm or tenant, upgrading your on-premises system, migrating to SharePoint Online, or even developing a large application within your system something not considered often enough is how to plan and prepare the SharePoint\M365 project. We will discuss a series of topics supported by real-world examples that should be considered for any such project. It doesn’t matter the role you hold in your organization, everyone can benefit from the lessons learned here.

Modernizing Your Data Retention. Moving Beyond the Created Date

Historically, data retention in an environment has been based mainly on two key pieces of data: when the document was created or when the document was last modified. More recently, retention policies have also been controlled based on the content of the data, but again determining disposition goes back to created or last modified dates.

Perhaps you would like more options for controlling document retention. Maybe basing retention policies for employee documents on when they are no longer with the company, or project documents that are retained based on the project end date make more sense to your organization. In this session, we will illustrate how you can go beyond the basic created or modified dates of data to controlling retention based on events that occur. No longer do you need to be constrained to a few pieces of metadata for determining the data retention policies of your content.

Information & Records Management 101 - Building Your Records Management Foundation

Records management is becoming more and more critical. It's more than just preserving or disposing of your data. It's also about categorizing it. As more and more organizations move away from paper documents to purely electronic storage, organizations need to categorize and control how their data is maintained.

In this session, we'll cover the basics of records management. WHAT is records management, WHY is it essential, WHO needs to be involved, WHEN should it be considered, WHERE it occurs, and finally, HOW can it be accomplished in Microsoft 365.

Increasing Adoption in Microsoft 365 Information and Records Management

Businesses are ramping up the adoption of information and records management (IRM) within their organization. However, the problem many are facing is that IRM can require a lot of user interaction to be fully effective. These increased requirements on the user greatly affect the adoption of IRM processes. Microsoft 365 provides several powerful and robust features that can increase records management within the organization while decreasing the load on the end-user.

This session will cover many topics such as auto-classification, retention inheritance, and trainable classifiers to assist organizations with their information and records management adoption.

You Have Sensitive Information. Now Let's Protect It.

Every organization has data considered sensitive to their business, employees, or even the industry they exist within. In 2021, nearly 80% of large organizations experienced data breaches that had compromised information. As a result, protecting its data has become a priority for many organizations worldwide. Microsoft provides several tools for identifying sensitive information within the organization and protecting it from being provided to sources that should not have it.

In this session, we'll cover features and processes such as Microsoft Information Protection (MIP), Data Loss Prevention (DLP), and more to help you protect your organization's sensitive information from leaving your control and falling into the hands of those that should not have it.

Building the Foundation for Your Organization's Information and Records Management

This fully interactive workshop will discuss and use Information and Records Management (IRM) concepts and features within Microsoft 365. Together we'll understand the tools at every organization's fingertips to classify, retain, and, if required, ultimately dispose of their data.

This workshop will provide hands-on instruction to create and implement an IRM file plan to allow your users to classify their records. We'll discuss and implement disposition processes to ensure your data is maintained for as long as required and isn't accidentally removed before it should be. The experience gained in this workshop will allow you to build an IRM model within your organization to meet your compliance needs best. This workshop won't just show you how to do it but also try it out yourself.

Using Microsoft 365 Information and Records Management Advanced Features

Building on your foundation knowledge of Information and Records Management (IRM) concepts and features within Microsoft 365, this interactive workshop will discuss and illustrate advanced concepts such as auto-classification and trainable classifiers. Fully implemented IRM processes can add complexities to your users' day-to-day responsibilities. Because of this, you may not get the adoption you need to ensure your data is maintained as it should be.

In this workshop, we'll work together to understand and use advanced features to help decrease the need for user interaction when implementing IRM compliance within your organization. We'll cover the topics and work together to understand how Microsoft 365 features can remove the need for user interaction and help to ensure your IRM needs are met automatically.

OneDrive, and SharePoint, and Teams...Oh my! Understanding Microsoft 365's Collaboration Features

Microsoft 365; it's a vast platform that every organization uses a little differently. The options available to meet the needs of the business are endless. You have so many ways to communicate, collaborate, and store your data. To be honest, many find it daunting. With more and more organizations moving into the cloud and adopting a hybrid working model, understanding which tool best meets your organization's needs is paramount for an efficient transition to this new way of working.

Join David as he breaks down the key collaboration tools within Microsoft 365 and helps you understand which tool best fits the different situations. He will break down an organization's options for communications, collaboration, and maintenance of their information. He'll leave you with the understanding you need to support your organization as it tries to determine which application best meets its needs.

Protecting users from themselves: How to engage your employees and drive effective data protection

Many organizations feel they must choose between protecting their data or enabling strong collaboration. David and Sarah ask: “Why not do both?”

Sarah Haase (renowned user adoption specialist) and David Drever (data protection expert) join forces to demonstrate you can collaborate, share files, and protect your data at the same time! Join them as they demonstrate how to configure your Microsoft 365 environment to collaborate internally and externally while ensuring your data is protected. Sarah and David will outline methods for planning your security, configuring Microsoft Purview, and driving effective employee engagement and adoption. By the end of the session, you’ll understand how to build a highly collaborative environment that lets your users share and protect your data.

Building Your Data Protection Program with Purview, Defender, and Microsoft Copilot

In recent years, the amount of digital content moving to the cloud has been dramatic. This has undoubtedly made collaboration easier and more versatile, but it's also brought with it a new set of problems, such as oversharing, data exfiltration, and non-compliant destruction of data. Organizations like yours must ensure data is available when required and protected when sensitive.

Microsoft 365 provides a multitude of tools and features that can assist any organization in protecting its data. Any one of these features can help a business protect its data, but it's the deployment of multiple tools and features that will help organizations build a true data protection program.

In this workshop, your data protection expert will take you through the many features of Microsoft 365 that can assist your organization in protecting its information. Attendees will learn about features such as Microsoft Purview Information Protection, Data Loss Prevention, Endpoint Protection, Insider Risk, and much more. They will also learn how Microsoft Copilot for Security can bolster your data protection program and support your cybersecurity team in protecting your organization.

M365 Twin Cities Sessionize Event

September 2024 Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, United States

Microsoft TechCon365 DC 2024 Sessionize Event

August 2024 Washington, Washington, D.C., United States

Microsoft TechCon365 & PWRCON Seattle 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Seattle, Washington, United States

2024 Microsoft 365 Conference Sessionize Event

April 2024 Orlando, Florida, United States

YYCM365UG Microsoft 365 Community Days Sessionize Event

February 2024 Calgary, Canada

M365 Twin Cities Sessionize Event

November 2023 Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, United States

Microsoft 365 EduCon Chicago 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Chicago, Illinois, United States

Microsoft 365 Ottawa Event 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Ottawa, Canada

Microsoft 365 EduCon DC 2023 Sessionize Event

June 2023 Washington, Washington, D.C., United States

May 2023 Microsoft 365 Conference Sessionize Event

April 2023 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

M365 Twin Cities Sessionize Event

January 2023 Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, United States

Microsoft 365 Conference December 2022 Sessionize Event

December 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

M365/D365 Ottawa Event Sessionize Event

November 2022 Ottawa, Canada

Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon 2022 Sessionize Event

May 2022

Microsoft 365 Conference April 2022 Sessionize Event

April 2022 Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Canadian Cloud Summit 2022 Sessionize Event

February 2022

Global Power Platform Bootcamp 2021 - Canada Sessionize Event

February 2021

Microsoft 365 Friday California 2021 Sessionize Event

January 2021

M365 Friday Cincinnati Sessionize Event

October 2020 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

M365 Saturday Ottawa Sessionize Event

October 2020 Ottawa, Canada

SharePoint Saturday Saskatchewan 2020 Sessionize Event

October 2020 Regina, Canada

Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon Sessionize Event

May 2020

SharePoint Saturday Twin Cities Sessionize Event

November 2019

SharePoint Saturday Ottawa Sessionize Event

October 2019 Ottawa, Canada

Microsoft 365 Saturday Montreal 2019 Sessionize Event

May 2019 Montréal, Canada

Global Integration Bootcamp - Calgary Sessionize Event

March 2019 Calgary, Canada

David Drever

Microsoft 365 MVP - Compliance, Data Protection, and M365 Specialist

Calgary, Canada


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