
Richard Teachout

Richard Teachout

CTO - El Toro

Louisville, Kentucky, United States


Rich currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer for El Toro - a nationally recognized leader in ad tech and advanced analytics. Rich is one of the original developers and part of the core brain behind the tech that fuels El Toro's success. Since 2014, Rich and his team have been developing incredible technologies while constantly expanding the El Toro story, to reshape the advertising industry. El Toro has and continues to create a complete shift in ad-tech industry standards. El Toro is the only 1-1, 100% cookie-free ad solution on the market, holding multiple patents. Think IP Targeting, Mobile Ad ID Targeting, and fully capable Data Science and Business Intelligence all under one roof.

Rich brings over 30 years of experience from an assortment of technical realms. Across his journey, Rich has developed in 14 languages and worked with nearly all major databases. Rich operates as a hands-on leader, working together with junior to senior-level developers, all while still steering the ship. He is considered to be a highly motivated unique leader with who is one of the top outside of the box thinkers in the industry.

When he's not leading El Toro's tech teams, Rich runs one of Louisville's largest haunted houses, along with a haunted house prop manufacturing company, a warehouse fulfillment company, a large bitcoin mining operation, a few other businesses he owns, and sits on multiple boards and/or facilitates an advisory role on many others. He also has helped create multiple patents in a variety of unique areas... You can easily say he is a highly motivated person in everything he does.

Rich's speaking abilities: Essentially ...unlike anyone you've ever met. Rich is charismatic, personable and he has an encyclopedic knowledge of tech and analytics. Rich's unique history, innate ability to relate to people, and his crowd-pleasing personality make him a one of a kind presenter.

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Media & Information


  • Software Development
  • software engineering
  • Open Source Software
  • Microsoft Stack
  • Linux
  • Security
  • Security & Compliance
  • Information Security
  • Data Security
  • Azure
  • Azure Cloud AWS Google Cloud
  • aws
  • Microsoft
  • Data Architecture
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Strategy and Architecture
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Sales Management
  • Sales & Marketing Innovation
  • Technological Innovation
  • Business & Innovation
  • Intelligent Business Process Automation
  • Operational Technology
  • Management
  • Service Management
  • Communications with the Board and Executives
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Hacker
  • CTO

Avoiding IT burnout - Become Happier and More Productive - A workaholics perspective

This is a workaholics perspective to thriving without burning out. For most people, burnout is one of your gravest threats, but holding back when you’re passionate is a challenge. It’s about balance. For some that means meditating or enjoying a social or family life. Finding my path led to a number of realizations and new ideas that I now share with others.

This talk is firstly about the problem, so we all understand what the real issues are. What they mean to you, why they happen, and how to see it. Secondly it is about the things I have done to prevent the problem, why I did it, and why it worked for me.

This is an expert talk on what you should be doing for greater productivity and avoiding the burnout. Leave with new ideas, thoughts, and maybe even some advice you can help others with.

The struggle of delegation and how to get over the hump and be more productive as a leader

During any large project, especially as a new or emerging leader, there comes a time when you're forced to delegate portions (or all) of the tasks to other people. Sometimes, however, it's a real struggle to give up the reins.

Understanding how to handle the accountability, loss of control, requirements of mentoring, and how to handle the internal struggle are often the most common things to address - but a complete requirement if you really want to focus on priorities and scale our businesses.

I will give lots of examples, and real world scenarios, to help bring clarity to those going through this same struggle, and a bunch of suggestions to solve it for you.

Conceptual Reverse Engineering: How to use it to create new ideas and inventions

Sometimes, finding the best path isn't about being the smartest person in the room. Sometimes it is just seeing a problem, and being willing to fix it. It also, on occasion, means you have to reverse engineer people. The old adage "Don't focus on the drill bit. People don't want drill bits, they want holes" applies more than you know.

This seminar is from the perspective of a CTO of one of america's fastest growing tech companies, and the things we did to get ahead of the industry, and work hard to stay there.

Past, Present, Future -> How data will change the trajectory of your ...

Understanding the Cloud, Data, Big Data, Data Processing, Data Science, and all the data things... Why it will be a NECESSITY now and for the future. How does it affect your corporate structure, your team, your products, your bills, even the direction of your career? To look forward, we need to look backward, understand the current state of the world, and begin to look forward.

All of this from the Visionary perspective of a CTO of a major tech company, who is already planning the future state many years into the future.

This talk is about understanding everything from low-code environments to big data processing. Rich is a highly motivated speaker who is extremely technical, but also speaks to the masses and helps make technology easy to understand (most of the time) :)

target audience is a wider spread audience. The only requirement is to be awake, and you will come away with some thoughts to steer the future of your business or career.

Big Data and AI: How Technology will Change Everyday Life

Straight from the runner of a multi-complex haunted house, big data is creepy. Massive amounts of data gets more massive by the minute. With data, we have access to some of the most eerily accurate details of consumers' day to day lives down to locations, tendencies, preferences and more. Data and its abilities are only growing more powerful in everyday lives, but where is it all going?

The potentials are endless, but so are the possible ramifications. This discussion spotlights the current state of big data, the upcoming capabilities, the changes coming to everyday life, and consequences that will accompany it in the future.

Building Your Company Future: Building a Tech Culture for Junior Developers

What if I told you the improvements you’re looking to make and the growth you’re looking to experience are right at your fingertips? What if I told you I could provide your team with new insights and fresh perspectives along with a team that’s excited and eager to contribute?

There’s a highly untapped marketing that brings you loyal senior developers, and it’s right in front of you. One simple aspect is the crucial development factor that most companies are overlooking. This talk emphasizes the potential from building and utilizing junior developers for the benefit of company advancement.

Existential Flexibility: Short term sacrifices for long term success

Business owners, job applicants, and even content employees tend to approach their existential debates all wrong.

What if I told you it’s not about being the best, but being YOUR best? This talk is how to schematically focus on long term success, sustainability, and growth ..all to skyrocket your current development and trajectories.

Digital Transformation: Suggestions from a CTO

Take it from the tech guru and CTO of one of the fastest-growing tech companies in the nation: whether you think your company has a strong digital presence or not, you’re probably still falling behind. Consumers live online, nearly every waking minute of the day, this and the constantly evolving digital landscape means changes come by the day. This digital transformation conference is your chance to talk with a tech industry leader to establish, master, and keep relevant your brand’s online presence.

keynote or 1hr seminar

Job Skill Tips from a Chief Technology Officer

If you are looking for some tips and tricks to get that promotion, or find your Dream Tech job.. this session is what you're looking for to make a real difference. Learn some tips from my years of experience on the key facets to getting the promotion or interview... and hopefully get it.

This session is a complete and total brain dump. This talk comes complete with QA, examples, suggestions, and tips and tricks for any Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, or CaveNerd developers. This discussion will enhance your skill-set, allow you to work towards a promotion, enhance your resume, and grow as a thriving professional.

Many people consider this a very motivational seminar that gives you a new perspective on moving forward and advancing in our high tech world.

"Standing out" in the Tech Industry

There are thousands of people in tech, what makes you so special? That's up to you!

Build yourself, but not like everyone else. Forget your past concern and focus on your future. Do more than what's normal. Learn the business, learn the industry, then stay ahead of the curve learning where the industry is going. Always ask "what else?".

This talk is the secrets on how to stand out in tech, and how you can embody your uniqueness in its entirety.

Sell yourself. Build your resumes, not your resume. Stand out, on paper and in interviews. Your passion, your confidence, and your honest self are what make you unique.

A Helmholtzian​ Approach​ ​to​ Advertising​ ​Technology: Why it Works

Hermann​ ​ Helmholtz​ ​ is​ ​ the​ ​ father​ ​ of​ ​ modern​ ​ physiology and​ ​ the creator of​ ​ the​ current​ ​ study​ ​ of biological​ ​ senses.​​ His​ ​ father​ ​ was​ ​ a ​ ​ philosopher,​ ​ so​ ​ he​ ​ explains​ ​ the​ ​ philosophical​ ​ approach​ ​ to everything​ ​ he​ ​ did.​ ​ This​ ​ is​ ​ why​ ​ he​ ​ was​ ​ one​ ​ of​ ​ the​ ​ most​ ​ prolific​ ​ scientists​ ​ of​ ​ the​ ​ enlightenment period. In​ ​ distributed​ ​ service​ ​ architecture,​ ​ the​ ​ global​ ​ system​ ​ may​ ​ be​ ​ viewed​ ​ as​ ​ an​ ​ ecosystem​ ​ where each​ ​ service​ ​ is​ ​ integrated​ ​ as​ ​ a sensory​ ​ system.​

This discussion explains the approach, and how it not only solves the needs of customers but also fundamentally changes the advertising industry when applied correctly. We also will discuss the pros and cons of technologies used today in advertising, such as cookies, IP's, MAID's, etc. This session will cause you to re-think your approaches to everything from customer-facing creatives, to methodologies used to execute campaigns.

1 hr session. Participants who want to learn what is good and bad with how most of the advertising industry works are welcome to attend. Not extremely technical, but very technically informative.

Richard Teachout

CTO - El Toro

Louisville, Kentucky, United States


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