Most Active Speakers 2023

Sessionize proudly presents the list of the most active speakers in the year 2023!

  • 751 speakers
  • Auto-generated
Steven Coochin

Steven Coochin

Senior Dev Advocate Lumigo, AWS Community Builder. Dev/Maker/Geek/Speaker/streamer/ruralite 🐴🐶🏞️ Prev @snyksec @IBMDeveloper @telstradev @XeroAPI @PayPalDev

Senior Dev Advocate Lumigo, AWS Community Builder. Dev/Maker/Geek/Speaker/streamer/ruralite 🐴🐶🏞️ Prev @snyksec @IBMDeveloper @telstradev @XeroAPI @PayPalDev Show more

Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers.

Most Active Speakers 2023

Every year, we put together a list of the most active speakers. This list features the top 3% of speakers who have participated in events using Sessionize during the 2023.

The 3% is calculated from the pool of all speakers that have at least one accepted session in year 2023. We don't include inactive speakers or speakers that had no accepted sessions during the year. There are around 25 thousand unique accepted speakers this year, the 3% is 771. Not all of them have their speaker profiles set as public, and we respect that, so the list doesn't show all of them.

The calculation is based on the number of accepted events, that's the main criteria, but to get more refined results we also look at things like multiple sessions per event, sharing a session with a co-speaker and how big the event is. Number of submissions and declined sessions don't affect the list.

Please note that the count of events and sessions in this list does not represent the number of events and sessions from the year 2023. Instead, it shows the number of events and sessions featured on the speaker's public speaker profile; these numbers have nothing to do with the award itself.