Speakers create account for events, but stay for the convenience

Submitting to a single event or managing your speaker portfolio — we have you covered!

Top speaker features

  • Build your speaker profile with the full history of your speaking activity and details

  • Add biography, links, awards, area of expertise and topics you cover

  • Maintain all your talks in one place — add external talks and share with others

  • Multiple languages support for sessions and speaker biography

  • Embed your sessions or events list directly on your site

  • Add all your events to your favorite calendar application

  • Use social, company or school account to login or create a classic account

  • Track the status of your submissions in one place

  • Withdraw a session when you're forced to cancel

  • Discover events that match your profile

  • Submit sessions to Sessionize events with just a few clicks

Create Speaker Profile Speaker profiles will always be free

762,000 sessions submitted over time in Sessionize

211,000 speakers are using Sessionize to apply for conferences

57,000 speakers have public profiles on Sessionize

26% speakers applied for two or more events


Don't take our word for it — read what speakers say about us.

BTW can I just say here that is the best way to organize your talks even if you cannot use their site to submit your talk. Even when conferences do not use it, I send them my profile from sessionize. It's great.

All conferences should use @SessionizeCom, all conferences. It makes speakers life so simple. Love it.

Just did some session proposals for @ExpertsLiveEU. What a nice and smooth process using @SessionizeCom. Now it's time to wait if sessions will be approved. :) cc @pvanderwoude #ExpertsLive

So glad more and conferences are using @SessionizeCom - it makes submitting session so much easier and I can easily track the status of the talk. Please let every conference use this awesome platform!

@SessionizeCom is the GOAT 🐐 We use it at @WeAreDevs and it's an absolute delight working with it - for speakers and organizers ❤️

As a speaker, I am really enjoying the on-ramp of @SessionizeCom's success. I can manage my abstracts and apply to conferences in a fairly cohesive manner now.

57,000 speakers have public profiles with vanity URLs

Reserve Your Own
Matthias Haeussler Paula García Esteban Rachel Dubois Kevin Arnold Niko Neugebauer Thomas Naunheim Gittitat Ekchantawut Shari Oswald Sami Laiho Ankit Sharma Pawel Piwosz Asanka Abeysinghe Rui Romano Sal Kimmich Erwin de Kreuk Bas Land
Sylvia Dieckmann Javier Ramirez Saeid Dahl Marco Ippolito Thomas LaRock Kenneth Kousen Marcel Meurer Valerio De Sanctis Rachel Irabor Sasha Denisov Antoine Robiez Rob Farley Riccardo Perico Christos Galanopoulos Luigi Fugaro René Wasel
Jennifer Wadella Marcin Moskała Arindam Mitra Rui Carvalho Scott Shearer Antti Koskela Derek Bingham Rohit Ghumare Juergen Gutsch Luis Beltran André Krämer Cecilia Esparza André Melancia Sasha Kranjac Nikola Mitrovic Alberto Diaz Martin
Fabien Vauchelles Markus Ehrenmueller-Jensen Justin Lee Joanne Gouaillier Joost van Uitert Daniel Raniz Raneland Jose Maria Flores Zazo Andrea Saltarello Magnus Ahlkvist Nathalie Leenders Heidi Jordan Ståle Hansen Christian Wenz Abdul Kazi Kevlin Henney Mikael Nystrom

Are you also an organizer? You've found your match in Sessionize

Organizer Features
  • The simplest submission experience possible for speakers

  • Smart voting mechanism to select the best content for you event

  • Communicate with speakers. Send them info, surveys and invites

  • Drag and drop sessions to build your schedule

  • Mobile app with schedule where attendees can set favorites

  • Cloud based, safe and easy. Fair and simple pricing

  • Smart Task List that will guide you through the whole process

  • Embed schedule, speakers and sessions on your website