
Mufrid Krilic

Mufrid Krilic

Domain-Driven Design Coach at CoWork, Norway

Domain-Driven Design Coach og konsulent i CoWork

Bodø, Norway


Mufrid is devoted to leading and coaching product development teams, by cultivating knowledge sharing in the organization and increasing co-developer’s business understanding. His professional philosophy is rooted in Domain-Driven Design and in building agile and technical coaching culture on an organization-wide level. With 20+ years of experience as software architect, developer and technical coach, Mufrid has been deeply involved in developing enterprise-solutions in complex domains, such as healthcare, insurance and telecom.

Currently working as a consultant and Domain-Driven Design coach at CoWork, Norway.

Apart from work he enjoys spending time engaging his children in STEM activities. Mufrid is an enthusiastic First Lego League mentor and has actively contributed to the FIRST community locally and internationally.

En erfaren arkitekt, utvikler og teknisk og smidig coach med lang bakgrunn fra enterprise systemer i komplekse domener, forsikring, telekom og helse. Som faglig leder og coach for flere produktteam i over 20 år, har Mufrid jobbet kontinuerlig med kunnskapsdeling i organisasjoner og investering i at teamene forstår forretningsprosesser og modellerer programvaren på bakgrunn av den kunnskapen. Hans profesjonelle filosofi er forankret i Domain-Driven Design og å kunne bygge smidig og teknisk coaching kultur på bredere organisasjonsnivå.

Jobber som konsulent og Domain-Driven Design coach i CoWork.

Mufrid bor i Bodø med familien og bruker fritiden til å engasjere barna i naturvitenskapelig aktiviteter som FIRST Lego League, der han har vært en aktiv bidragsyter i mange år

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Domain Driven Design
  • Domain Storytelling
  • Impact Mapping
  • Event Storming
  • Software Architecture
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Programming
  • Collaborative Modeling


Multiple Models with Multiple Perspectives in a Cross-Functional Team - Case Study from Healthcare en

In many cross-functional teams we encounter communication challenges between different roles in the team. Making domain experts, designers, testers, developers and tech leads align on the shared understanding is not an easy task. This is mainly due to different perspectives that each team member brings to the table, each perspective being a valid one however not adequate on its own. The different perspectives are particularly visible when reasoning about different approaches to the decomposition of the domain problem at hand which leads to different perceptions of subdomains and bounded contexts.

In this case study we will go through different models of domain problem decomposition that helped align the perspectives in a cross-functional team in the healthcare domain. We will go through functional, role-based, user-context based and business capability based decomposition along with pros and cons of each approach, backed up by the feedback provided by the impact each approach had on the data ownership in resulting bounded contexts.

We will wrap-up with the reasoning behind the choice the team actually made and how it played out in structuring the code base, delivering value to their customers, and how it impacted the different roles in the team.

Presented at:
Domain-Driven Design Europe 2024, Amsterdam
KanDDDinsky 2023, Berlin

Video: https://youtu.be/JUNkVv--PBM?si=bxXICnMFPzpeInVo

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/multiple-models-with-multiple-perspectives-in-a-cross-functional-team-case-study-from-healthcare

Data Ownership in Legacy Systems - Building a Foundation for Data Mesh en

Data analysis and reporting have traditionally operated using tailor-made data models after the operational data has been extracted and transformed. Behind it we find that the application development uses a data model which is much less suited for data analysis and reporting. One of the main reasons for this mismatch is the approach denoted as functional decomposition, where the system is designed based on functions as described in requirements, use-cases, product backlogs etc. Moreover, this approach is the one that most application developers take as a default choice.

What if there is another way to do the application design that explicitly allows the data to play a much more prominent role in system decomposition? What if this alternative approach can bridge the gap between application development and data analysis and reporting?

Join and explore an alternative to complex system design that emphasizes data ownership with foundation in business capabilities, which presents a very different opportunity for rich data analysis and reporting. The talk is based on real-world cases from the domains for healthcare and insurance.

Presented at:
Software Craftspeople Community 2023
Developer Week Enterprise 2023
Make Data Smart Trondheim 2022

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUbkzgA4QAU
Video (in Norwegian for members of Dataforeningen): https://gnist.styreweb.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2F%3Futm_source%3DInformasjon%2Bfra%2BDND%26utm_campaign%3D023a2a67e9-Nyhetsbrev_alle_uke51%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_term%3D0_988e9a11c7-023a2a67e9-39541197%26ct%3Dt

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/data-ownership-in-legacy-systems-building-a-foundation-for-data-mesh
Slides (in Norwegian): https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/dataeierskap-som-grunnlag-for-applikasjonsutvikling-make-data-smart-trondheim-2022

Domain Storytelling - Collaborative Modelling with Strategic Domain-Driven Design en

Domain-Driven Design at its very core focuses on collaboration between software developers and business stakeholders as traditional businesses and IT melt together. Collaborative Modelling is a paradigm for all kinds of activities that represent working together across different disciplines, ranging from traditional workshops to outright software design and modelling.

The challenge of Collaborative Modelling lies in both facilitating the collaborative process and aligning the acquired understanding of the problem domain with boundaries in the software system. The cost of poor facilitation is a mismatch in expectations between the stakeholders and the development team while the cost of misaligned boundaries is a software design with little adherence to the principles of high cohesion and low coupling.

This workshop addresses the challenge by presenting Domain Storytelling as a technique to build shared understanding between people with different backgrounds while providing ground for deep technical insights in software design. The focus is on building visual stories that highlight both the implicit relations in the problem domain and candidates for system boundaries.

Workshops conducted for NDC Workshops: https://ndcworkshops.com/slot/domain-storytelling-collaborative-modelling-with-strategic-domain-driven-design

Aligning Bounded Contexts with Subdomains in Legacy Code en

One way or another, each system contains some kind of boundaries. I would go so far and claim that even the dreaded Big Ball of Mud systems consist of parts that could be perceived as separate though undoubtedly only under deep scrutiny. The difference is in the “thickness” of the boundaries and the measure of interrelationships between the different parts of the system, the frequency and amount of data that is passed across the fences. It is the latter that leads to increased coupling resulting in systems that are hard to maintain and hard to change.

This presentation will present a story of an attempt to achieve an alignment between perceived subdomains, logical boundaries and source code structure in a legacy system. Based on the use case from healthcare we will go into technical detail on concrete steps that were followed to create a new bounded context using strategic Domain-Driven Design and 4+1 Architectural View Models.

KanDDDinsky, Berlin 2022: https://youtu.be/mZOfRm1Gv68
Build Stuff, online 2022: https://youtu.be/puGUAIjN2kg
Booster Conference, Bergen 2022: https://vimeo.com/692597907
NDC Oslo 2021: https://youtu.be/9V_ENgl_wVY


Building Quality in Legacy Systems - The Art of Asking Questions en

The goal of being able to build quality in software products from the get-go is something that many organizations are trying to achieve. However, the very definition of software quality is somewhat elusive which makes it difficult to agree upon the perceived level of quality in software products. Moreover, working with legacy systems poses its own set of challenges as uncertainty of preserving overall quality in the legacy product seems to be an everyday struggle for many teams.

This talk builds on a multi-perspective definition suggested by Gojko Adzic in his blogpost “Redefining Software Quality” some years ago. For each perspective a series of well-defined questions will be presented that help teams challenge its own assumptions about quality in the end-product.

The talk is based on practical applications of Gojko’s definition as embraced by the teams working on a legacy enterprise software in healthcare domain.

NDC Oslo 2020, online: https://youtu.be/KSH8-2x5j-U

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/building-quality-in-legacy-systems-the-art-of-asking-questions-javazone-vr-2020

Domain Storytelling – Facilitator’s Guide to Enhance Learning in Your Organization en

In order to understand business rules and processes in a complex enterprise environment one must learn the language in which the business operates, i.e. a domain language. This talk will present Domain Storytelling as a lightweight technique that helps teams learn the domain language in a close collaboration with domain experts as well as providing strong hints on subdomains and contexts for implementation to kick off in a right direction.

Join to see how facilitating a Domain Storytelling workshop can enhance learning in your organization as well as push teams towards critical decisions using strategic Domain-Driven Design.

The talk will be based on a real-world use-case from a healthcare domain.

DevDays Europe 2021, online: https://youtu.be/ANfYEt16vRI

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/domain-storytelling-facilitators-guide-to-enhance-learning-in-your-organization

Domain Storytelling - How to Learn a Domain Language en

Understanding business rules and processes in a complex enterprise environment should be high on a priority list for a development team, as a basic precondition to be able to create solutions that provide value to the users. In order to understand the business one must learn the language in which the business operates, i.e. a domain language.

This talk will present Domain Storytelling as a lightweight technique that helps teams learn a domain language. In a close collaboration with domain experts the language is visualized using pictographic notation while highlighting the users’ most urgent needs. Using Domain Storytelling is an engaging exercise on the domain experts’ terms, enabling teams to acquire knowledge about the business in an efficient way. Domain Storytelling can as well provide strong hints to the development team about subdomains and contexts that the software project could use as a basis for modularization.

The talk will be based on a real-world use-case from a healthcare domain.

CukenFest, London 2019: https://youtu.be/a6Ek_XWOIm0

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/domain-storytelling-how-to-learn-a-domain-language

Domain Model in Multi-Language Environment with Examples from Healthcare en

The literature and resources on software-related topics in general, are mostly in English. Even the domain-specific discussions are presented in English. However, many of you design software for users whose native language is not English. In such cases when going through the knowledge-crunching process with the domain experts there are no English terms mentioned and both the domain model and the Ubiquitous Language of the Domain Driven Design are expressed in the native language. Then you try to implement the model and suddenly there is a dilemma whether or not to continue using non-English domain terms in code or do we try to translate them? How do you bridge the two worlds? Ignoring the issue may lead to discrepancy of Ubiquitous Language applied in code vs. oral communication and documentation.

This talk will present the challenges the teams have encountered while developing patient record systems for Norwegian hospitals, trying to code in English and communicating with users and domain experts in Norwegian. Takeaways are the lessons learned and suggested approaches on improving the domain model while lowering the language barrier.

µCon London 2019 - The Conference on Microservices, DDD & Software Architecture: https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/13540-lightning-talk-domain-model-in-multi-language-environment-with-examples-from-healthcare#video

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/domain-model-in-multi-language-environment-with-examples-from-healthcare

Strategies to Learn Complex Domains - Experiences from Developing Enterprise Software for Healthcare en

Software developers are generally great solution-oriented people. We propose solutions to difficult problems, we try to make life easier for our customers by shielding them from overwhelming technologies by abstracting the details and creating nice and intuitive user-interfaces. However, in enterprise business domains, what happens when the business rules of the domain are overwhelmingly complex by themselves? When trying to understand complex domain a quick solution proposal could lead to wrong problem being solved. Inherent focus of a developer is on technology, not on business rules, which risks hiding the complex enterprise business rules beneath e.g. framework choices. How can one be sure that the correct solution was being applied to the correct problem?

Domain Driven Design (DDD) is a mindset for focusing on domain first when developing software. Some emerging DDD techniques offer light-weight, high-reward methods for learning complex domains while visualizing the complexities in the domain. Most notably, Event Storming and Domain Storytelling have been gaining traction recently and are astonishing methods for techies and non-techies alike. Both methods create an arena where domain knowledge can be shared among all participants in a project. In this talk I will present examples of learning the domain of healthcare and how applying Event Storming and Domain Storytelling methods helped my team to expose and embrace the complexities of the domain in our software. The methods reveal ways to deal with complexities using essential DDD patterns such as Bounded Contexts where complexity is naturally divided into different contexts that align with the boundaries that exist in the domain.

Trondheim Developer Conference, 2018 (in Norwegian): https://vimeo.com/296639897

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/strategies-to-learn-complex-domains-experiences-from-developing-enterprise-software-for-healthcare

Motivate, Do Not Teach - Motivation Leads to Ownership and Ownership Leads to Innovation en

Talk about mentoring FIRST Lego League teams at Detroit, MI 2018

Video: https://youtu.be/nd88NY9BinA

Desentraliserte datadrevne beslutninger med Data Mesh og Domain- Driven Design no

Mange virksomheter strever etter å være data-drevet med mål om å ta beslutninger basert på godt gjennomført dataanalyse. Utfordringen som gjerne møter oss på veien dit er veksten og størrelsen på organisasjoner. Med dette på kjøpet kommer kompleksitet i form av avhengigheter og mengde data som produseres av ulike kilder forankret i flerfoldige brukerbehov. I de siste årene har organisasjoner adressert veksten ved å etablere tverrfaglige autonome team, desentralisere applikasjonsutviklingen med bl.a. mikrotjenester og forkorte veien til tilbakemeldinger fra brukere med DevOps-prinsippene.

De primære utfordringene som gjenstår å løse, på veien til å bli ekte data-drevet, ligger i det grunnleggende skillet mellom operasjonelle data, dvs. data produsert og rettet mot sluttbrukerens daglige behov, og analytiske data, data brukt i rapportering som gir innsikt i trender og utviklingen over tid. På den ene siden er operasjonelle data utviklet og forvaltet i en modell som ligger langt unna analytiske behovene, gjerne belastet med historikk i legacy systemer. På den andre siden jobber man ofte med sentraliserte løsninger for analytiske data i form av tradisjonelle datavarehus-løsninger som er mindre optimalt tilpasset organisasjonsveksten.

I dette foredraget vil vi gå gjennom prinsippene bak det nye paradigmet kalt Data Mesh, som viser vei til desentralisert tilnærming for analytisk arbeid basert på domene-orientert applikasjonsutvikling med Domain-Driven Design. Vi vil underveis følge opp med flere use-case’r og eksempler fra ulike domener og implementasjon av prinsippene i andre større norske virksomheter.

Gjennomførte foredrag:
Skatteetaten, Analyseteamets kompetansegruppe
Bodø, 2023-03-29
Deltagertilfredshet: 9 av 10 vil anbefale foredraget!

Tilbys som 2 timers bedriftsinternt inspirasjonsforedrag

Tverrfaglig samarbeid med Strategisk Domain-Driven Design no

Domain-Driven Design (DDD) kan betraktes som et sett med prinsipper for produktutvikling av IT-systemer der kjernefokus ligger på tett samarbeid mellom domene-eksperter og utviklingsteam. Med DDD legges det vekt på modellering av forretningsprosesser der modellen skapes i tverrfaglig samarbeid og itereres over ettersom den felles forståelsen vokser fram.

Denne prosessen kalles Collaborative Modelling og representeres av et sett med lettvekts-teknikker som bygger bro på tvers av fagdisipliner. I dette seminaret går Mufrid Krilic gjennom grunnpillarer for Strategisk Domain-Driven Design, og viser noen eksempler på Collaborative Modelling-teknikker. Målet er å øke bevisstheten rundt modellering, og gi deltakerne inspirasjon til å praktisere dette i egne kontekster.

Presentert på Smidig Meetup

Video: https://vimeo.com/650554654

Om kompleksitet, autonomi og brukerperspekiv - historie om hvordan komplekse systemer blir til no

Når vi snakker om produktutvikling av større IT-systemer snakker vi ofte om prinsipper, strategier og gode retningslinjer for produktdesign, IT-arkitektur, team-organisering og industristandarder for programvareutvikling, alt støttet av solid dose domenekunnskap. Likevel, selv med de beste hensiktene blir ofte systemer vi lager et godt stykke unna de målene som ser åpenbart oppnåelig ut om vi tar utgangspunkt i de samme prinsippene og retningslinjene. Dette skillet mellom målbildet og det faktiske resultatet er som regel synlig kun i retrospekt ved å se på de valgene vi har gjort, valgene som tas med beste hensikt av mennesker som deltar i produktutviklingen med ulik kompetanse og perspektiver.

I dette foredraget vil vi presentere en historie om et produkthus i et komplekst domene som har gjort sitt beste i å oppfylle kundens behov og å etablere seg i marked med sterk konkurranse, som nå befinner seg i en situasjon der kundenes oppfatning av selve organisasjonen er negativt preget. Vi vil bevege oss fra det strategiske mot det operative, ved å se på beslutninger som har ført til at uhåndterlig kompleksitet har sakte, men sikkert overtatt både sluttproduktet og IT-arkitekturen.

Vi vil avslutte med noen alternativer på hvordan organisasjonen kan ta steget videre med å legge til rette for at produktteamene kan fokusere på brukerbehov når de tar veivalg i det tekniske- og produkt-designet, samt rendyrke sitt kjernedomene og spille på lag med kompleksiteten ved å avgrense og kontekstualisere den.

I verktøykassa på veien videre finner vi Two Mindsets og Level of Alignments som hjelper organisasjoner anvende riktig tilnærming avhengig av problemets kompleksitet og effekten de ønsker å oppnå. Alt kombinert med Domain-Driven Design som hjelper deg å unngå å lage unødvendig komplekse IT-løsninger, ved å respektere behovene til mennesker som jobber i forretningsdomenet via tett tverrfaglig samarbeid.

Gjennomførte foredrag:
Keynote speaker på d:Xchange 2023, DIPS AS sin årlige fagkonferanse, Bodø, 19.4.2023
Bedriftssamling i Fifty AS (Statnett og Svenska Kraftnät joint venture), Oslo, 7.6.2023

Deltagertilfredshet: 7 av 10 vil anbefale foredraget!

Tilbys som bedriftsinternt inspirasjonsforedrag

Tverrfaglighet - Hvorfor tverrfaglig arbeid skiller seg fra annen type arbeid? no

De fleste virksomheter i sin produktutvikling går gjennom tre essensielle samarbeidstilstander om sine eksterne omgivelser:
"Vi vet ikke" (hvordan vi løser kundens problem),
"Vi forutsetter" (at denne løsningen vil fungere) og
"Vi vet" (at vår antakelse om løsning har løst eller ikke løst problemet).

Dette gjenspeiler seg i tre tilsvarende faser i klassisk prosjektarbeid: "Planlegging", "Gjennomføring" og "Drift"
Utfordringen har tradisjonelt vært den lange tiden det tar for en virksomhet å bevege seg fra "Vet ikke"/"Planlegging" til "Vi vet"/"Drift". Dette kan igjen negativt påvirke vår evne til å reagere raskt på skiftende kundebehov, særlig i komplekse forretningsdomener.

I dette foredraget vil vi se på om tverrfaglighet, kombinert med bruker-perspektiv og systemtenking, kan gi en virksomhet verktøy til å håndtere endringer i komplekse omgivelser på en bedre måte. Gjennom konkrete eksempler viser vi praktisk anvendelse av tverrfaglighet med støtte i styringssystemer, kalt Level of Alignments, og strategisk Domain-Driven Design med mål om å skape fleksibel og skalebar domeneorientert produktorganisering.

Gjennomførte foredrag:
Helse Nord IKT ledersamling, Bodø, 26.4 2023

Kurs i tverrfaglig produktutvikling med Domain-Driven Design no

Jobber du i en produktorganisasjon der hindringer til produktteamene oppleves som vanskelige å følge opp på grunn av mange avhengigheter på tvers av organisasjonen?

Kjenner du på den krevende ubalansen mellom vedlikehold på legacy systemer og behovet for å skape innovasjon gjennom ny funksjonalitet?

Ønsker du å forbedre din IT-arkitektur slik at den er optimalisert for å imøtekomme disse kravene?

Om du kan svare bekreftende på et eller flere av disse spørsmålene anbefaler vi at du sjekker dette kurset!
Lær å oppnå balanse mellom verdiskapning for kunder og produktutvikling med innebygd kvalitet, med evne til å takle endringer som følger markedsdrevne forretningsbehov.

Les mer om kurset på: https://www.cowork.no/kurs/domain-driven-design

Tilbys som 2-dagers bedriftsinternt kurs

Data som et produkt - en historie om modellering på vei mot Data Mesh no

Data Mesh er en populær desentralisert tilnærming til dataanalyse i større virksomheter. Likevel oppstår det et gap mellom visjonen og praktiske beskrankninger forankret i legacy og skyggesystemer i IT landskapet.

Data som et produkt, en av Data Mesh prinsippene, er ment å koble sammen forretningsbehovene for datainnsikt direkte opp mot konkrete datastrukturer. En historie om modellering i forsikringsdomenet vil vise måten dataprodukter kan brukes på for å understøtte forretningsbeslutningene

Presentert på Make Data Smart Trondheim 2023

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/data-som-et-produkt-en-historie-om-modellering-pa-vei-mot-data-mesh

Building an Application with TDD, DDD and Hexagonal Architecture - Isn't it a bit too much? en

Many experienced developers are longing for an opportunity to build an application from scratch. Compared to the heavy legacy applications that you might be dealing with on a daily basis, which are seen as filled with technical debt and incomprehensible architecture and design choices, a fresh start promises that you can finally write code and build an application in "the right way."

This was exactly the opportunity my colleague and I recently got and with high motivation we applied many of the principles that we highly value, such as Test-Driven Development and Domain-Driven Design. On the other hand, experience has taught us that complexity in the code creeps in regardless. We wondered then if the very principles we based ourselves on, could actually contribute to making the code harder to read and maintain in the long run?

This presentation will show how we built a backend application for integration between three different systems based on TDD, DDD and hexagonal architecture. Along the way, we have assessed the complexity of the solution and asked ourselves some questions:
- Have our decisions about isolation of the domain model and abstraction layer between the systems led to less or greater complexity?
- What constitutes a domain model?
- What about deliberately reduced test coverage on selected parts of the code?

The presentation will conclude with a balanced look at the decision-making process we used while we were writing code and whether it was worth applying "best practices" to this application at all.

Presented at Booster Conference 2024, Bergen

Video: https://vimeo.com/924293338
Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mufrid/building-an-application-with-tdd-ddd-and-hexagonal-architecture-isnt-it-a-bit-too-much

TDC 2024 Sessionize Event

October 2024 Trondheim, Norway

NDC Oslo 2024 Sessionize Event

June 2024 Oslo, Norway

Domain-Driven Design Europe 2024 Sessionize Event

May 2024 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Booster conference 2024 Sessionize Event

March 2024 Bergen, Norway

Software Craftspeople Community 2023

Session: Data Ownership in Legacy Systems - Building a Foundation for Data Mesh

November 2023 Ahmedabad, India

Make Data Smart Trondheim 2023

Session (in Norwegian): Data som et produkt - en historie om modellering på vei mot Data Mesh

November 2023 Trondheim, Norway

DeveloperWeek Enterprise 2023 Sessionize Event

November 2023

KanDDDinsky 2023 Sessionize Event

October 2023 Berlin, Germany

Make Data Smart Trondheim

Session (in Norwegian): Data Ownership as a Prerequisite for Application Development

November 2022 Trondheim, Norway

Build Stuff 2022 Lithuania Sessionize Event

November 2022 Vilnius, Lithuania

KanDDDinsky 2022 Sessionize Event

October 2022 Berlin, Germany

Booster Conference

Session: Aligning Bounded Contexts with Subdomains in Legacy Code

March 2022 Bergen, Norway

NDC Oslo 2021 Sessionize Event

November 2021 Oslo, Norway

Smidig Meetup Online

"Tverrfaglig samarbeid med strategisk Domain-Driven Design"

November 2021

Dev Days Europe

Session: Domain Storytelling - Facilitator's Guide to Enhance Learning in Your Organization

June 2021 Vilnius, Lithuania

Java Zone VR

Session (in Norwegian): Building Quality in Legacy Code - The Art of Asking Questions

September 2020 Trondheim, Norway

NDC Oslo 2020 Sessionize Event

June 2020 Oslo, Norway

µCon London 2019 - The Conference on Microservices, DDD & Software Architecture

Session: Domain Language in Multi-Language Environments with Examples from Healthcare

May 2019 London, United Kingdom

CukenFest 2019

Session: Domain Storytelling - How to Learn a Domain Language

April 2019 London, United Kingdom

Trondheim Developer Conference 2018

Session (in Norwegian): Strategies to Learn Complex Domains - Experiences from Developing Enterprise Software for Healthcare

October 2018 Trondheim, Norway

FIRST Championship Conferences 2018

Session: Motivate, Do Not Teach - Motivation Leads to Innovation and Innovation Leads to Ownership

April 2018 Detroit, Michigan, United States

Mufrid Krilic

Domain-Driven Design Coach at CoWork, Norway

Bodø, Norway


Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.

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