Welcome to our curated list of tools, apps, and scripts designed to enhance your experience with the Sessionize API.
Please note that while we strive to feature useful and innovative solutions, these tools are created and maintained by third parties, and we cannot provide support for them or guarantee their performance, reliability, or security. Always use caution and perform due diligence when integrating third-party software into your workflows.
KotlinConf App
This is the official app built for KotlinConf, and the full source code is available on GitHub! All pieces of the application are implemented in Kotlin. Backend, frontend, and mobile apps are Kotlin applications.
Session evaluation utility
An electronic solution to replace paper-based session evaluations for conference attendees. Uses Sessionize API to retrieve sessions and speakers.
M365 Connector
Connects data from Sessionize API with Power Apps, Power Automate, and Logic Apps.
For developers
Sessionize HTTP Client Library for .NET
The Sessionize HTTP Client Library for .NET is a software library designed to simplify communication with the Sessionize platform's API. Sessionize is a platform where conference organizers and speakers connect, facilitating the management of session data, room information, and schedules for events. This library provides a convenient interface for .NET applications to interact with Sessionize's API endpoints, allowing developers to integrate Sessionize functionality seamlessly into their applications.
Sessionize Java Client
Java client for the Sessionize API. This client is generated from an openapi.yml using OpenAPI Generator.
Kotlin library
A Kotlin library containing a parser and models for the Sessionize API.
OBS Studio Plugin
This plugin updates text sources with current and next session information from an event. Please note that this script is intended to be used with OBS Studio, and as such, you will need to have OBS Studio installed and set up on your machine.
Is your tool missing?
Don't hesitate to contact us and tell us more about it - we'd love to include it on the list!