Yannick Reekmans
Solution Architect @ Qubix | Business Applications & M365 MVP
Mol, Belgium
Yannick (a Microsoft 365 & Business Applications MVP) was born and raised in SharePoint, starting his career in 2011 when SharePoint 2010 was still new and shiny. The changing reality of the cloud made him expand his knowledge to the whole of Microsoft 365, Azure, and Power Platform. He is a Managing Partner and Cloud Solution Architect at Qubix, a Belgium-based consultancy firm, responsible for the technical underpinnings of products and solutions. Problem-solving and development are his passions, and he is still working day-to-day with code. He always asks the important questions: How does it work? What do you want to achieve? Does it have an API? Do we really need development for this? Where's the coffee?
Area of Expertise
Improve your Power Platform security posture with Advisor and Security Hub
More and more security options are added to Power Platform with every release. Unfortunately, it’s hard to keep track of them or know whether you have implemented them (let alone, implemented them correctly). Other parts of the Microsoft cloud have had Secure Score for a while, most notable are Microsoft Secure Score and Identity Secure score. And now finally Power Platform has one too!
In this session, Yannick will take a brand-new Power Platform environment and use the recommendations from Security Hub and Advisor to explain the security features and at the same time increase the security score! Can we do it? Come find out!
A close look at Power Platform’s new native source control/GIT integration
With the introduction of native source control integration in Power Platform, Microsoft fulfilled a long-time wish of anyone working seriously with Power Platform. The feature fundamentally changes how you should build solutions, improves working together with multiple people, and makes it incredibly simple to keep your work safe in GIT source control on Azure DevOps.
In this session, Yannick will examine the feature, its advantages, requirements, and how to get started. Should you use solution-bound or environment-bound? How do push, pull, and merge conflicts work in this new UI? Yannick will explain it all, so don't miss it!
Chris & Yannick bond over AI in a fireside chat
Whenever Chris Huntingford and Yannick Reekmans meet lately, the conversation lands on AI at some point (can you blame them?).
They share what they've read, insights they've gained, and observations they've made both interesting and ridiculous since they last met. It's always energetic, interesting, and loud at times but always with a strong passion for the technology.
At Cloud Tech Tallinn they invite you to join their conversation, and with years of experience and having seen things come and go, these MVPs will make sure you will leave with new and unique perspectives on AI.
So come prepared with your questions and get ready for an engaging and informative session! Just beware: no recording or quotes are to taken out that room!
Develop more secure Dataverse plug-ins with Virtual Network integration and Managed Identities
Code-first Dataverse plug-in development has stayed the same for years, with hardly any significant improvements. Because, why fix it if it ain't broken? On the other hand, a lot has changed for development and plug-ins were due for some much-needed upgrades.
In 2024 this finally happened, with Microsoft's newfound love of code-first development!
In this session, Yannick will discuss two of those new features in plug-in development. He will show a demo of Virtual Network integration, and how to configure, manage, and use it in plug-ins. Managed Identities are also finally a possibility in plug-ins, and Yannick will show why that is a massive enhancement for secure connectivity to Azure and other resources.
Understanding these new features and incorporating them into your developer workflow will improve the security posture of your code and environment, and will make building integrations so much more fun!
Newfound love for code-first plugins: a walkthrough of the latest features
Code-first Dataverse plugin development has stayed the same for years, with hardly any significant improvements. Because, why fix it if it ain't broken? On the other hand, a lot has changed for development and plugins were due for some much-needed upgrades.
In 2024 this finally happened, with Microsoft's newfound love of code-first development!
In this session, Yannick will discuss the newest features in plugin development. He will show a demo of Virtual Network integration, and how to configure, manage, and use it in plugins. Managed Identities are also finally a possibility in plugins, and Yannick will show why that is a massive enhancement for secure connectivity to Azure and other resources.
Understanding these new features and incorporating them into your developer workflow will improve the security posture of your code and environment.
This session is for all developers wanting to learn all about what's new and possible now for developing code-first Dataverse plugins.
Native GIT and other new pro-code features in Power Platform
With the introduction of native GIT integration in Power Platform, Microsoft fulfilled a long-time wish of anyone working seriously with Power Platform. The feature fundamentally changes how you should build solutions, improves working together with multiple people, and makes it incredibly simple to keep your work safe in GIT source control on Azure DevOps.
In this session, Yannick will examine the feature, its advantages, requirements, and how to get started. Should you use solution-bound or environment-bound? How do push, pull, and merge conflicts work in this new UI? Yannick will explain it all, so don't miss it!
While native GIT is the main attraction point of this session, there are other new pro-code features to put in the spotlight, and Yannick will cover them too!
Old men yell at cloud: biased opinions to all your questions!
Join Chris Huntingford, Mark Christie, Antti Pajunen, and Yannick Reekmans as they share their opinions on all your curiosities related to the Microsoft Cloud. With years of experience and having seen things come and go, these MVP’s will provide unique insights into your long-time questions. Laurie Pottmeyer has accepted the challenge to moderate, and to keeping our panelists in line.
Come prepared with your questions and get ready for an engaging and informative session! Just beware: no recording or quotes are to taken out that room!
Extending Model-driven Apps: what choices do you have and how should you decide?
Known and loved for years, model-driven apps always have had several ways of being extended by pro-code developers. The increased popularity of low-code brought additional extensibility methods for makers: just think about business rules, Power Automate flows, and low-code plugins as the newest addition.
Pro-devs love their plugins and form scripts, because it “just works and has always worked”, low-code developers want to take advantage of what the platform is offering them. Is there a right
and a wrong here?
• How: compare the options in specific scenario’s, looking at
advantages and disadvantages
• Who: for low-code and pro-code developers wishing to look
beyond their current skillset, and solution architects who
might end up taking the design decision
• Why: being able to decide objectively (beyond one's own
skillset and bias) on the implementation approach
significantly improves the quality of the solution
Join Vivian and Yannick, both Solution Architects with one coming from a low-code and the other from pro-code, on a tour of the possible. They will show you their decision-making process on why they pick one over the other, and in what situations, which will help you make more informed decisions in the future!
Designing a loosely coupled, extendable architecture in Power Platform
The Publisher/Subscriber method has been a developer-favourite design pattern for years, as it increased testability, introduced separation of concern, and has many more advantages over tight-coupled system integrations. Unfortunately, the pattern didn’t really transfer well into Power Platform, being limited to the out of the box events and the available triggers in the standard connectors.
Until today! In this session Yannick will show a way to describe custom events, fire them at certain points during the execution of your application, and subscribe to them to handle additional business logic. He will show how to do all this using plugins, Power Automate flows, and even Power Fx inside Canvas Apps. All this will result in a loosely coupled application design, increasing the stability and also extensibility of your implementation. Be prepared to architect better systems after attending this session!
Architectural and technological considerations when implementing a Dual-Write integration
The only thing you hear about Dual-Write integrations are horror stories, people unhappy with the technology, the implementation process, or the result within their project. Finding a success story feels a lot like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yannick truly believes dual-write could be a viable integration solution between Dataverse and F&O.
First there is a lot of work with customers on the architecture phase of dual-write implementations: discussing what data needs to be synced, does it all need to be there or is a subset enough? How to design the integration, what mappings are needed, and how does it all fit together?
After that, we look at dual-write from the technology implementation side: what do we get out of the box, what is missing and needs some custom development trickery?
Combining both perspectives in this one session will give you the tools and knowledge to make your next dual-write implementation a success!
Streamlining environment lifecycles with Power Platform CLI & Azure DevOps
Yannick hates to do anything twice, and loves to automate it all! Join this session to learn how you can too by using the Power Platform CLI in Azure DevOps pipelines to automate all actions related to the lifecycle of Power Platform environments:
- Creating new developer environments on behalf of a user
- Copy/restore an environment before a big production release
- Running custom PowerShell in the same pipeline
- …
Learn how to use the Azure DevOps build tools for Power Platform for all your environment lifecycle needs, resulting in an industrialized procedure and reducing the chance of human errors along the way. Cherry on top: he shares how to reuse the Power Platform CLI & Azure DevOps authentication information in your own scripts, opening unlimited possibilities for customization through the standard Dataverse APIs as well as the brand new Power Platform Service APIs!
In the Flow of Dataverse: Leveraging Plugins & Power Automate Intelligently
Navigating Power Platform effectively requires a solid grasp of Dataverse plugins and Power Automate flows. Luise and Yannick will guide you through the practicalities of these tools, helping you enhance your applications and processes strategically.
We'll dive into the creation, management, and troubleshooting of plugins and flows, offering practical guidance and showcasing real-world apps to underline each step of the journey. Clear strategies to circumnavigate potential challenges will be highlighted, offering a straightforward path through common issues.
This session explores the distinction and selection between plugins and flows, examining their respective advantages and limitations. Through real scenarios and tangible use-cases, we’ll delve into when and why you might select one over the other and how to implement them effectively.
Making informed choices between plugins and flows is vital for developing efficient, user-friendly solutions within the Power Platform. Whether it’s managing real-time data, enforcing business rules, or automating processes, the knowledge gained in this session will equip you to make decisions that ensure your applications are robust, scalable, and meet user needs effectively.
Challenges of being a Solution Architect in the ever-expanding Microsoft cloud
In the olden days, the boundaries between responsibilities were much clearer, and a Solution Architect rarely needed to know anything outside their product or field of expertise. In the ever-expanding Microsoft cloud ecosystem, the role of a Solution Architect is filled with challenges that demand ever-greater knowledge and flexibility. Challenges that pose a risk to companies as well as people, pushing both to a level that becomes unsustainable.
Join Yannick in this session where he speaks from first-hand experience - coming from SharePoint, expanding to Microsoft 365, Azure, Power Platform, and Dynamics 365 - on how he sees the role of a Solution Architect evolving. From responsibilities and knowledge, to the creation of an “Ecosystem Architect”.
Connecting to Dataverse: do's, don'ts, and how not to make all your data public by accident
All your business-critical data is stored in Dataverse, segmented, secured, and available for all your Power Platform-based applications. Now, what if you want to access that data from a custom-built app? Or how do you get access to this data in an Azure Function, in a secure way? You are a SaaS-platform developer and need to understand multi-tenant?
Don't worry, Mats and Yannick are here to teach you all about the pros and cons of each authentication method, managed identities for Power Platform, available SDK's, and API limits!
Low-Code to Collaboration: Mastering Source Control for Power Platform Solutions with Git & GitHub
This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the whys and hows of using source control for Power Platform projects
Assuming that "everything is code," Yannick will show you what issues may be addressed by using source control and how to do so with the help of GitHub and Git. He will show you how to use the most useful commands for keeping your GitHub project running smoothly.
He will emphasize how these skills will allow you to participate in and benefit from open-source initiatives, fostering greater opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and personal growth.
You can expect a significant improvement in your Power Platform development workflow after attending this session.
Introduction to Power Automate's "when an action is executed" trigger for Dataverse
As soon as your implementation involves Dataverse, I'm sure you use the "When a row is added, modified, or deleted" trigger in Power Automate. It's useful and easy, but it might mean modifying rows on "helper fields" just to get the flow to run.
Or what if you'd like your flow to run when some built-in system action is executed, like when two Accounts are merged?
This is where the "When an action is performed" Dataverse trigger comes in! Yannick will show you the potential of this undervalued trigger, and how you can start using it in your projects.
You'll learn when it makes sense to look into this trigger, how you can add your own actions, and what this could mean for the architecture of your bigger applications.
Secure and harden Power Automate flows in the enterprise
“Everyone but the kitchen sink can create Power Automate flows” is what the marketing message wants us to believe. From the real world we know that it takes training and experience to create good flows, but how do you create secure Power Automate flows? Can a low-code workflow platform go hand in hand with enterprise-level security?
Yannick believes we could and should do much better. He will show you the possibilities for security improvements, how to harden your implementations, and make your Chief Information Security Officer sleep better at night. Key vaults, security principals, secure environment variables, and much more… they might not always be perfect in Power Platform but they will get you a long way in your journey to be secure.
Attendees will walk away with an understanding of
- security risks in standard implementations
- the use of Service Principals
- Azure Key Vault & secure environment variables
in Power Automate
Time to Dataverse-ify your Business Central data
It's not easy to create applications on a platform if your business data isn't there... Of course there is the Business Central connector for Power Automate, but what if you prefer to have the data natively in Dataverse tables?
Time to deep dive into the Business Central Dataverse sync feature, the new Business Central Virtual Tables option, and when you'd use one over the other!
Supercharge your Adaptive Cards with Cards for Power Apps
Do you want to learn how to work with “micro-apps with enterprise data and workflows and interactive, lightweight UI elements that other applications can use as content”? Power Apps Cards is a brand-new feature designed to bring information and transactions in an easy UX that we all know: Microsoft Teams.
During this session, we will share with you some tips and tricks on how to make the most of Power Apps Cards. You will learn:
1. Why this functionality adds value to your customers and business scenarios.
2. How you can use Cards to connect data through Dataverse.
3. How to build a simple card live.
Get ready to learn 🙂
Automate your business: start simple, start now!
As a (small) business owner you have better things to do than repetitive, administrative tasks but for some reason, it seems like we are still doing those tasks over and over again. It is time to change this and take back our time, by automating what can be automated.
Yannick is a small-business owner himself, and will show and build some of the automations that saved him time when running his business!
What, why and how of ALM in the Power Platform
"Friends don't let friends right-click publish" has been a thing for years in development, and now it is time to put it in practice with the Power Platform too!
Learn about the different components and pieces necessary, the prep work, and the pipelines in Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions. We'll also take a look at the new out-of-the box pipelines that are available in Managed Environments!
What are Power Pages and why you should put them in your toolbox!
A high-paced, energetic introduction to Power Pages. Learn what Power Pages are and aren't, how they are different (or not) from their predecessor Power Apps Portals, and the benefits + challenges of using them. Take a peek at the new Studio and out-of-the-box templates for your next Pages project!
Dynamics 365 + Teams: a match made in the cloud
Microsoft Teams is the defacto irreplaceable tool for collaboration, internal and external communication, and even calling or webinars. The modules of Dynamics 365 offer the best experiences regarding sales pipelines and forecasting, invoicing, marketing, and many more depending on the module itself.
But what happens when you combine these 2 great tools? This is exactly what Vivian and Yannick will do during this session! They will walk you through the most interesting options to integrate your processes with Dynamics 365 and Teams, increasing efficiency for both your users and the organization as a whole.
Automate user, license and access management by combining the best of Dataverse and Azure AD
On all platforms, continuous user and access management is a pain for administrators. Hiring, firing, retiring, and changing positions, … all require the administrator to make changes in Azure Active Directory and Dataverse/Dynamics.
Vivian and Yannick will demonstrate learnings from a real-life customer case, using automated processes and out-of-the-box functionalities to maximize the use of information already existing in Dataverse and Azure AD. It simplifies the work and lets the customer focus on more important tasks!
Power Pages and Azure AD B2C: a deep-dive and advanced scenario's
How do Azure AD B2C and Power Pages work together? The basic setup has been discussed before, but the inner workings are rarely uncovered. Learn about the magic in this session, with external identities, access token inspection, and custom user journeys. And as a cherry on top: discover how these techniques allowed us to use one B2C identity for multiple Portal contacts!
Learnings from a Microsoft 365 developer moving into the Power Platform
Yannick has been developing for 10 years, first on SharePoint and then on Microsoft 365. Most recently he started moving into Power Platform development, and he has been supporting a team of Dynamics 365 consultants moving into this cloud world. It provided some unique learnings and insights from both perspectives.
This session will cover patterns and practices for M365 development that can transfer to Power Platform, Microsoft Graph (and its wealth of information) & a lot of practical tidbits from real-world experience!
Hello from the other side - how makers and developers make a FusionDev team
FusionDev is the collaboration between makers and developers - but how can we make this work? Luise and Yannick will walk you through some considerations and their real-world experiences why both roles are better together. Get an idea on how to ensure that maker solutions still comply with governance and security requirements. Learn how makers can benefit from developers' experience with proper tooling, DevOps pipelines and more. Understand which concepts developers can learn from makers to implement faster and with improved alignment to business needs. Go home with examples, demo's and lessons learned that you can apply yourself!
Authentication, authorization and app secrets
Security is key! Learn how identity management can control access with Conditional Access policies, and Entra groups. Explore best practices for implementing managed identities, authorizing Dataverse records, and securely handling app secrets with Key Vault and secure inputs.
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Yannick Reekmans
Solution Architect @ Qubix | Business Applications & M365 MVP
Mol, Belgium
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