Linux Foundation Events

Linux Foundation Events

Building and sustaining open source communities

  • 2 events
  • Managed by Alessandra Amato Carolyn Ingalls Cody Galloway Jennifer Crowley Jillian Hall Linux Foundation Events Shannon Jessee

SigstoreCon Supply Chain Day

SigstoreCon Supply Chain Day is a one-day conference dedicated to Sigstore and software supply chain security. SigstoreCon will be a vendor-neutral conference dedicated to collaboration and learning about not only Sigstore as a way to simplify signing and verification but also related software supply chain projects that leverage Sigstore to sign metadata, such as in-toto, SLSA, or SBOM, and software that Sigstore is built on, such as The Update Framework and transparency logs. SigstoreCon invites open source contributors, maintainers, and industry professionals to showcase their efforts related to Sigstore and software supply chain security. 

Suggested Topics:

  • Case studies: How your project adopted Sigstore, SLSA and/or TUF, and what outcomes have you experienced
  • Package registry adoption: Dedicated to maintainers of package registries to discuss Sigstore or SLSA adoption
  • Client development: Learnings from building a Sigstore client
  • Technical deep-dives or research: Topics could include discussions on improving transparency, privacy-preserving identities, or academic research on Sigstore
  • Best practices in supply chain security

SigstoreCon Supply Chain Day is a one-day conference dedicated to Sigstore and software supply chain security. SigstoreCon will be a vendor-neutral conference dedicated to collaboration and learning about not only Sigstore as a way to simplify signin... Show more

The Linux Foundation Member Summit 2024

The Linux Foundation Member Summit is the annual gathering for Linux Foundation members that fosters collaboration, innovation, and partnerships among the leading projects and organizations working to drive digital transformation with open source technologies. It is a must-attend for business and technical leaders looking to advance open source strategy, implementation, and investment in their organizations and learn how to collaboratively manage the largest shared technology investment of our time.

The Linux Foundation Member Summit is the annual gathering for Linux Foundation members that fosters collaboration, innovation, and partnerships among the leading projects and organizations working to drive digital transformation with open source tec... Show more

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Linux Foundation Events

Over 90,000 open source technologists and leaders from around the globe gather at Linux Foundation events annually to share ideas, learn and collaborate.