Law & Regulation

Legal experts and regulators who drive the discourse in law, governance, and policy-making, shaping the legal landscape with their knowledge and experience

Steve Michelotti

Steve Michelotti

Steve Michelotti works for Microsoft on the Azure Government Engineering team, focusing on developer enablement. In his role on the Azure Government Engineering team, Steve works with numerous law enforcement, defense, and intelligence agencies – enabling them to bring innovation to their mission by leveraging the full power of Azure is the most optimal way. He is a contributing author for Pluralsight training and a member of ASPInsiders. Before joining Microsoft, he was a 7-time Microsoft MVP in ASP.NET. In addition, Steve is a frequent presenter at developer user groups, conferences, and Code Camps throughout the US. Steve is an avid blogger (, has contributed articles to Visual Studio Magazine, and his work on high performance web solutions was featured on Channel 9. Before Microsoft, he served as an Architect/Developer for Applied Information Sciences (AIS) where he led numerous projects including a multi-year effort to modernize the business systems of a major insurance carrier. Previously he was the Chief Technologist at e.magination where he consulted with clients including where he was the Tech Lead for one of the highest volume .NET applications in the world.

Steve Michelotti works for Microsoft on the Azure Government Engineering team, focusing on developer enablement. In his role on the Azure Government Engineering team, Steve works with numerous law enforcement, defense, and intelligence agencies – ena... Show more

Pawel Potasinski

Pawel Potasinski

Member of the Microsoft Fabric Customer Advisory Team (CAT). In his professional career Pawel has always been associated with data engineering and analytics (SQL, BI, Big Data). Founder of the Polish SQL Server Users Group (PLSSUG), today known as Data Community Poland. Regular speaker at conferences, community events and user groups. Former Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP).

Member of the Microsoft Fabric Customer Advisory Team (CAT). In his professional career Pawel has always been associated with data engineering and analytics (SQL, BI, Big Data). Founder of the Polish SQL Server Users Group (PLSSUG), today known as Da... Show more

Pavel Dzidukh

Pavel Dzidukh

My mission is to build innovative products and strong teams using modern technologies and methodologies. During my career I have gained experience in product development, operations & management, product marketing, strategic planning and I can say the following about myself:

As a Product Manager
• I make customer-centric decisions that are the basis for creating a profitable and high-quality product.
• I prefer the synergy of personal product vision and data driven decisions because hypotheses are good, but hypotheses backed by research and data are better.

As a Project Manager and Scrum Master I can lead and grow teams from 10 to 80 people
• I facilitate and help teams solve internal and external impediments, releasing the full potential of each member.
• I understand and speak tech, while at the same time explain in simple terms the business needs to tech.

Last but not least - I refine and educate to be a better version of myself
• I'm constantly learning new things, taking the best from other areas and constantly improving my core skills.
• Remaining calm in the face of uncertainty and difficult challenges.

I'm always glad to meet new people and discuss new opportunities with common points of interest. Send me a message if you want to talk about finance, Web3 or just meet and have a cup of coffee.

My mission is to build innovative products and strong teams using modern technologies and methodologies. During my career I have gained experience in product development, operations & management, product marketing, strategic planning and I can say th... Show more

Andre Ng

Andre Ng

Andre leads the Scam Analytics and Tactical Intervention System (SATIS) product team at GovTech. His team works closely with the law-enforcement and the industry to detect, deter, and disrupt tech-enabled scams at scale.

Before his role at GASP, Andre led the Engineering team that supported the Government Cybersecurity Operations Centre (GCSOC), worked on writing and reviewing IM8 Cybersecurity policies, and delivered on Government wide programmes such as the Vulnerability Disclosure Programme (VDP) and the Bug Bounty Programme (BBP).

Andre leads the Scam Analytics and Tactical Intervention System (SATIS) product team at GovTech. His team works closely with the law-enforcement and the industry to detect, deter, and disrupt tech-enabled scams at scale. Before his role at GASP,... Show more

Vincent Koc

Vincent Koc

Vincent Koc is a highly accomplished, commercially-focused engineering technologist with a wealth of experience in data-driven disciplines. He holds a fellowship at the Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia, where he serves as a thought leader and mentor to the next generation of data professionals.

With over a two decades of experience in the field, Vincent has worked across a wide range of industries, including finance, telecommunications, travel, and fast-moving consumer goods. He has driven data-driven projects for major organizations such as Qantas, Telstra, Volkswagen, Expedia, the Australian Federal Government, and the NSW Government. Previously Vincent has held critical positions at major Australian organisations.

Vincent Koc is a highly accomplished, commercially-focused engineering technologist with a wealth of experience in data-driven disciplines. He holds a fellowship at the Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia, where he serves as a thought leader ... Show more

Tiffany Songvilay

Tiffany Songvilay

Tiffany is a SharePoint solutions product owner with 20 years’ experience in Modern Workplace who began her career at Microsoft supporting Office 2003. At Avanade, she is the global tech lead for the Copilot Adoption Program and currently delivers prompt-a-thons and demonstrations for her clients. She has a deep understanding of the Workplace Experience market, the problems and opportunities it presents, and the solutions and services that Microsoft offers. Her industry experience spans across public and financial services, products, and resources, and she is a favorite amongst her peers for her ability to present content in a fun and engaging way.

Tiffany is a SharePoint solutions product owner with 20 years’ experience in Modern Workplace who began her career at Microsoft supporting Office 2003. At Avanade, she is the global tech lead for the Copilot Adoption Program and currently delivers pr... Show more

Josh Hankins

Josh Hankins

Josh Hankins has over 25 years of experience within the IT field. From the mid '90s to 2006, he worked as a network engineer and held the CCNP certification for 20 years. Since 2006, he worked in various roles within the cybersecurity profession, such as security architect, analyst, engineer and incident handler. These roles spanned businesses ranging from a Fortune 500 financial institution, a credit card processor and a global consulting company.

He served 9 years as the Director of Security and Incident Response for a data analytics subsidiary for the 5th largest retailer in the world. During this tenure as a security leader, Josh successfully built and matured several cyber security programs such as: Vulnerability Management, DevSecOps, Cyber Risk Metrics, and Incident Response for on-prem & the cloud. Before moving back into consulting, Josh worked recently for a global SaaS security & compliance vendor as a Field CISO where he assisted customers to achieve their strategic business goals in a secure manner.

He holds many industry certifications (such as CISSP, 3x GIAC) and is a member of his local InfraGard chapter. Josh volunteers his time by mentoring others and serving on the cyber security board for Northern Kentucky University since 2017.

Josh Hankins has over 25 years of experience within the IT field. From the mid '90s to 2006, he worked as a network engineer and held the CCNP certification for 20 years. Since 2006, he worked in various roles within the cybersecurity profession, suc... Show more

Cat Easdon

Cat Easdon

Cat is an engineer and researcher fascinated by the intersection of privacy, security, and tech policy. In her current role at Dynatrace, she translates law and policy into code to protect users and integrates privacy controls into the SDLC. She also engages on policy issues, most recently as a fellow at the Internet Society and the European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative. Previously, she hacked CPUs for a living in academia, investigating how hardware behavior leaks sensitive data within software. When she's not coding, you'll usually find her knee-deep in snow in the mountains!

Cat is an engineer and researcher fascinated by the intersection of privacy, security, and tech policy. In her current role at Dynatrace, she translates law and policy into code to protect users and integrates privacy controls into the SDLC. She also... Show more

Ruud Gijsbers Rademakers

Ruud Gijsbers Rademakers

I'm working in IT for almost 25 years now and I started at a helpdesk. From there, I grew my roles into my current role as Technologist/Technical Architect at Avanade. For the last 10 years my passion is Microsoft 365 and Endpoint Management.

I'm working in IT for almost 25 years now and I started at a helpdesk. From there, I grew my roles into my current role as Technologist/Technical Architect at Avanade. For the last 10 years my passion is Microsoft 365 and Endpoint Management. Show more

Susana Blaya

Susana Blaya

Susana Blaya is a versatile and trilingual journalist with a passion for international affairs, women's empowerment, technology, and human rights. With experience across various media formats including TV, radio, news agency, and book publishing, she serves as an official delegate for UN Women UK at this year's United Nations Commission.

Susana holds both an undergraduate degree in Journalism (Hons), and a Master's Degree in TV Journalism, and has completed several courses in Creative TV and Outside Broadcasting. Originally from Spain, she spent four years in Portugal during her Erasmus studies and scholarship, later working as a Communications Manager and Editorial Coordinator for a publishing house.

In Scotland, she collaborates with EFE News Agency, providing coverage for Spanish audiences.

Susana Blaya is a versatile and trilingual journalist with a passion for international affairs, women's empowerment, technology, and human rights. With experience across various media formats including TV, radio, news agency, and book publishing, she... Show more

Bhupendra Chopra

Bhupendra Chopra

Managing Revenue Growth for enterprise customers. Implement Data to Value Services across Data Analytics, Fabric, BI, Data Integration , Hyper Intelligence Automation and RPA Solutions. Kanerika Inc. is a boutique enterprise software development and consulting company. Experts in optimizing, managing and securing mission-critical IT services for their enterprise.

Kanerika help customers in their digital transformations & Data driven value creation.

Expertise include Data Integration (Informatica or Microsoft), Data Analaytics (Fabric, R, Python, H2o), AI, ML and RPA (UI Path, MS Power Automate), DataLake, Informatica EDC, Data Governance, Power BI, Tableau, Incorta, Trifacta, and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure & GCP), Streaming using Kafka, Databases and Product Engineering.

Managing Revenue Growth for enterprise customers. Implement Data to Value Services across Data Analytics, Fabric, BI, Data Integration , Hyper Intelligence Automation and RPA Solutions. Kanerika Inc. is a boutique enterprise software development and ... Show more

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi se graduou em direito trabalhista na Universidade de Carabobo, na Venezuela, e iniciou sua carreira jurídica na equipe do Dr. Luis Ruiz Carrillo. Lá, ela se destacou na preparação de documentos e estratégias para litígios complexos, estabelecendo-se rapidamente como uma profissional meticulosa e dedicada.

Após ganhar experiência e reconhecimento no campo jurídico, ela e seu esposo decidiram diversificar seus investimentos, entrando no setor empresarial com foco em imóveis e restaurantes. A transição de Carmen para o empreendedorismo revelou sua habilidade em aplicar conhecimentos jurídicos em um contexto comercial, administrando com sucesso os aspectos legais e operacionais de seus negócios.

Mais recentemente, ela liderou a fundação da Hydrog, uma startup baseada em Houston que trouxe inovações para a indústria de extração de petróleo com uma tecnologia patenteada. Este empreendimento, gerido em parceria com seu esposo, promete revolucionar os métodos tradicionais de extração de petróleo, oferecendo soluções mais eficientes e sustentáveis. A apresentação dessa tecnologia ocorrerá em um evento de lançamento que pretende reunir especialistas do setor e potenciais parceiros.

Desde jovem, Carmen foi uma atleta excepcional, participando de competições de natação e basquete, onde suas habilidades e espírito competitivo a levaram a várias vitórias. Sua paixão pelo esporte andava de mãos dadas com um amor pela leitura, que alimentava sua mente com ficção e textos históricos, expandindo sua visão de mundo.

Ela tem um profundo apreço pela cultura venezuelana, dedicando tempo para explorar o país e aprender sobre sua história e diversidade cultural. Esses esforços para entender e celebrar sua herança ajudaram a reforçar sua identidade e valores pessoais.

No centro de sua vida está sua família. Carmen prioriza o bem-estar e a união familiar, desempenhando com orgulho o papel de matriarca. Ela cultiva um ambiente familiar onde amor, apoio e respeito são fundamentais, perpetuando os valores herdados de sua mãe.

Nos últimos anos, ela adotou práticas de vida saudável, integrando Pilates e meditação em sua rotina diária para manter o equilíbrio entre as demandas de sua vida pessoal e profissional.

Junto com seu esposo, Carmen Josefina López Arismendi também lidera esforços através da Fundação St. Antonio no Panamá, focada em reduzir a evasão escolar e apoiar jovens em suas trajetórias educacionais. Eles estão empenhados em melhorar a educação como meio de transformação social, procurando ampliar o impacto de suas iniciativas para beneficiar um número maior de estudantes.

Carmen Josefina López Arismendi se graduou em direito trabalhista na Universidade de Carabobo, na Venezuela, e iniciou sua carreira jurídica na equipe do Dr. Luis Ruiz Carrillo. Lá, ela se destacou na preparação de documentos e estratégias para litíg... Show more

Simon Heimler

Simon Heimler

15+ years experience in software development and architecture, with a focus on metadata / model driven development.

15+ years experience in software development and architecture, with a focus on metadata / model driven development. Show more

Marcia Ditzel Goulart

Marcia Ditzel Goulart

Bacharel em Direito. Analista judiciária, supervisora de inovação institucional na Justiça Federal do Paraná; gestora do Laboratório de Inovação e Criatividade da JFPR; especialista em jurisdição inovadora para além de 2030; especialista em gestão na Administração Pública; especialista em design thinking e transformação digital; aplica e orienta pessoas e instituições a aplicarem Linguagem Simples e Visual Law em documentos oficiais; facilitadora gráfica.

Bacharel em Direito. Analista judiciária, supervisora de inovação institucional na Justiça Federal do Paraná; gestora do Laboratório de Inovação e Criatividade da JFPR; especialista em jurisdição inovadora para além de 2030; especialista em gestão ... Show more

Enrique Aznar

Enrique Aznar

Academic Background
Enrique holds a Law Degree from the University of Barcelona. He obtained a Master's Degree (MA) in International and Comparative Business Law from the London Guildhall University (now London Metropolitan) (1993). He obtained a PDD (Management Development Program) from IESE (2002) and a Certificate from the IE Law School in Blockchain: Legal Implications (2018), a Certificate in the Oxford Blockchain Strategy Program of the Saïd Business School (University of Oxford ) (2018), a Certificate in Digital Currency from the University of Nicosia (2019), a Postgraduate in Blockchain by BITBCN (2019), has a Diploma FT Non- executive Directors (2017) and has completed leadership and transformation programs at Stanford and INSEAD.
Academic Experience
Enrique currently lectures on business ethics and blockchain in different programs at IE Law School. He also lectures at the Master in Compliance of ICAB (Barcelona Bar Association). He is a Professor at Lismullin Institute, Timoney Leadership Institute (Ireland) and Universidad del Valle (Guatemala). In the past, he was a visiting lecturer at IESE and at IAE (Argentina). He is a frequent speaker at conferences on ethics and compliance, law and culture transformation. Since May 2021, Enrique is Academic Director of the IE-Elecnor Observatory on Sustainable Corporate Cultures.
Corporate Experience
Enrique is a practicing lawyer in Spain and England and Wales and a compliance officer. He has developed a large part of his professional career in senior management positions in multinational companies in the telecommunications and technology industries (VimpelCom/ VEON, Millicom, Nokia Siemens
Networks, Tyco, Dell) and professional and legal services (Arthur Andersen, Price Waterhouse, Freshfields), paying special attention to the establishment of robust compliance programs and the prevention of risk, and the management of legal and corporate governance issues in complex environments. He has led cultural transformations based on values and has advised on new ways of managing business replacing the hierarchy of conventional administration with the power distributed throughout the organization.
He is a co-founder of RealFund, an asset tokenization project, admitted to the first cohort of the Spanish fintech sandbox. He is a member of CryptoPlaza, a blockchain ecosystem in Madrid and is President of the Madrid Chapter of Government Blockchain Association (GBA).

Academic Background Enrique holds a Law Degree from the University of Barcelona. He obtained a Master's Degree (MA) in International and Comparative Business Law from the London Guildhall University (now London Metropolitan) (1993). He obtained a P... Show more

Jerry Layden

Jerry Layden

Jerry Layden is Chief Executive Officer at CyberSaint, where he leads the company's global strategy and operations. He advises CEOs and Boards of the largest companies in the world on staying ahead of regulatory and technology trends and addressing evolving boardroom dynamics. With a robust background in the technology industry, Jerry is renowned for his expertise in corporate governance and executive leadership.

Prior to CyberSaint, Jerry honed his leadership and operational skills at Dell EMC where he held various executive positions in alliances and go-to-market. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an exceptional ability to drive organizational growth, forge strategic partnerships, and deliver outstanding results as an operator and as a Board member. Jerry's passion for technology and entrepreneurship has also led him to play an active role in numerous IT start-ups, consulting ventures, and service providers. His unique blend of deep industry insight and entrepreneurial spirit provides significant value, greatly benefiting leadership teams as they navigate complexities to reach their objectives.

Jerry Layden is Chief Executive Officer at CyberSaint, where he leads the company's global strategy and operations. He advises CEOs and Boards of the largest companies in the world on staying ahead of regulatory and technology trends and addressing e... Show more

Kerrie McNally

Kerrie McNally

Kerrie is a proud founding partner of Adams Silva & McNally LLP. Kerrie's legal practice focuses on labor and employment and governance matters. She also specializes in student related matters.

Kerrie is a proud founding partner of Adams Silva & McNally LLP. Kerrie's legal practice focuses on labor and employment and governance matters. She also specializes in student related matters. Show more

Victoria Boutros Ghali Jakobsen

Victoria Boutros Ghali Jakobsen

Mykola Demchuk

Mykola Demchuk

Nikolay Demchuk is an experienced AML specialist, сertified by the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS).

Having received his Master’s degree in Information IT Law, Nikolay is an expert in cryptocurrency regulation, AML, and KYC compliance. Currently, he is the Legal&AML Specialist of AMLBot: a service for checking cryptocurrencies for connections with illegal activities that has many institutional clients and international banks worldwide.

Nikolay Demchuk is an experienced AML specialist, сertified by the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS). Having received his Master’s degree in Information IT Law, Nikolay is an expert in cryptocurrency regulation, AM... Show more

Peter Harlander

Peter Harlander

Rechtsanwalt Peter Harlander bringt nicht nur ein tiefgehendes und stets aktuelles rechtliches Wissen, sondern auch ein fundiertes technisches Know-how mit. Nur wer eine Sache versteht, kann diese rechtlich korrekt beurteilen.

Rechtsanwalt Peter Harlander ist in der IT- und Marketingbranche fest verankert. Er war acht Jahre Geschäftsführer eines auf Rechtsinformatik spezialisierten IT-Systemhauses und kann noch heute ein IT-System eines KMU konfigurieren.

Zusätzlich war Rechtsanwalt Peter Harlander ein Jahrzehnt als allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter IT-Sachverständiger für die Justiz tätig und fungierte über zwei Funktionsperioden als Standesvertreter der IT-Branche in der Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg.

Selbst Experten aus hochspezialisierten Agenturen und IT-Unternehmen finden in Peter Harlander daher einen Gesprächspartner, der ihre Rechtsfragen ohne umständliche Erklärungen der technischen Grundlagen versteht.

Rechtsanwalt Peter Harlander bringt nicht nur ein tiefgehendes und stets aktuelles rechtliches Wissen, sondern auch ein fundiertes technisches Know-how mit. Nur wer eine Sache versteht, kann diese rechtlich korrekt beurteilen. Rechtsanwalt Peter H... Show more

Benoit Couty ❤🇺🇦

Benoit Couty ❤🇺🇦

French Lawyer specialized in Crypto, contributed to French Crypto regulations in 2018
Early NFT collector (2018)
Active member of CryptoArt and Metaverse communities
Founder of Museum of Crypto Art in Cryptovoxels
Co-Founder of NFT Factory
Co-Founder of 0x4rt NFT consulting firm
Advising French corporations and institutions with their NFT projects
Focused on early CryptoArt

French Lawyer specialized in Crypto, contributed to French Crypto regulations in 2018 Early NFT collector (2018) Active member of CryptoArt and Metaverse communities Founder of Museum of Crypto Art in Cryptovoxels Co-Founder of NFT Factory Co-Fo... Show more

Philipp Ott

Philipp Ott

Philipp Ott hat Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Hochschule Augsburg studiert. In seiner beruflichen Laufbahn hat er bei Fritz Pauker Ingenieure an der Entwicklung von Sondermaschinen wie einem Videotrennverstärker für drahtlose Videoübertragung in Krankenhäusern mitgewirkt. Bei Pentax hat er als Regulatory Affairs Manager die Dokumentation und Konformitätsbewertungen der neuen Generation von Endoskopen begleitet. Seit 2017 ist er bei der Firma GS Elektromedizinische Geräte G. Stemple GmbH als Regulatory Affairs Manager tätig und unterstützt die Entwicklung in der Dokumentation und das Qualitätsmanagement in der Prozessweiterentwicklung. Nebenberuflich ist er regelmäßig beim Chaos Computer Club tätig und stellt einen Podcast zum Thema Inverkehrbringen von Medizinprodukten ins Netz.

Philipp Ott hat Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Hochschule Augsburg studiert. In seiner beruflichen Laufbahn hat er bei Fritz Pauker Ingenieure an der Entwicklung von Sondermaschinen wie einem Videotrennverstärker für drahtlose Videoübertragung in Kran... Show more

Wayne Miller

Wayne Miller

Wayne J. Miller is a Senior Partner of Compliance Law Group. For over 40 years, Wayne has focused his practice in the areas of business, regulatory, reimbursement and administrative matters for health care providers, facilities and for related businesses. He has particular expertise in business, regulatory, certification and administrative matters for physician and group providers. He also represents health care facilities and health care related businesses and for advisors and consultants to the health care industry.
In addition to his law degree, Wayne has a Masters Degree and experience in health care administration. He has served as editor and advisor for, or has been cited in, many industry publications. Wayne has also been a featured speaker on national teleconferences for many years.
Wayne has a B.A. degree, with honors, from Stanford University. He also has a Masters Degree in Health Care Administration and a Juris Doctor degree from the Ohio State University.

Wayne J. Miller is a Senior Partner of Compliance Law Group. For over 40 years, Wayne has focused his practice in the areas of business, regulatory, reimbursement and administrative matters for health care providers, facilities and for related busine... Show more

Greg Trif

Greg Trif

Greg Trif is a managing member of Trif & Modugno LLC where he focuses on commercial and construction law. He is a Fellow of the Construction Lawyers Society of America and a proud member of the Morris County Bar Association.

Greg Trif is a managing member of Trif & Modugno LLC where he focuses on commercial and construction law. He is a Fellow of the Construction Lawyers Society of America and a proud member of the Morris County Bar Association. Show more

Andrew Miller

Andrew Miller

Andrew Miller is a startup and venture capital lawyer with Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP where he advises high growth technology companies, public companies, and venture capital firms in many areas, including corporate and securities law, formation, ongoing corporate matters, mergers & acquisitions, venture capital financings and initial public offerings.

Prior to joining Orrick, Andrew worked for the general counsel of Highland Capital Partners, a venture capital firm focused on building companies in the communications, consumer, digital media, healthcare and information technology markets.

Andrew also has previous business experience working for and consulting startups such as Thumbtack, Jebbit and Enservio; investors, including G51 Capital and First Mile Ventures; and Barclays Investment Bank. Andrew was the first outside investor in Jebbit, a company that provides interactive content management solutions for marketers, which was recognized as one of the most promising companies in the world by CNBC.

Andrew received his JD/MBA from Boston College in 2015. He is also a 2011 graduate of Boston College’s Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences where he double majored in Economics and Philosophy and was a 2009 Boston College Venture Competition Finalist. He is an avid runner, world traveler and Denver Broncos fan. He, his wife and their three year old labradoodle currently live in Denver Colorado.

Andrew Miller is a startup and venture capital lawyer with Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP where he advises high growth technology companies, public companies, and venture capital firms in many areas, including corporate and securities law, formati... Show more

Rune Dyrlie

Rune Dyrlie

Lang erfaring innen governance, risk og compliance (GRC) innen informasjons- og systemsikkerhet fra telekommunikasjons bransjen. Dette har blant annet omfattet trusselforståelse, sikkerhetsstyring, måling av modenhetsnivå, risikostyring, internkontroll, sikkerhetskultur og -kompetanse, kontinuitet, fysisk sikkerhet, personellsikkerhet, leverandørsikkerhet, krisehåndtering og ikke minst operasjonalisering av digital sikkerhet i virksomhetens forretningsprosesser.

Lang erfaring innen governance, risk og compliance (GRC) innen informasjons- og systemsikkerhet fra telekommunikasjons bransjen. Dette har blant annet omfattet trusselforståelse, sikkerhetsstyring, måling av modenhetsnivå, risikostyring, internkontro... Show more

Caroline Nunes Nunes

Caroline Nunes Nunes

Caroline Nunes is Intellectual Property Lawyer, Master in Entertainment Law from the University of Southern California. She is the founder of InspireIP, an intellectual property platform created to facilitate the registration of trademarks, copyrights and patents in Brazil using technology Blockchain. She is also the founder of Emana, a holding focused on the development of technological solutions using blockchain. She is also the co-founder and CTO of Mundi, a platform that uses the power of blockchain technology to create a more efficient and transparent ESG market.

Caroline Nunes is Intellectual Property Lawyer, Master in Entertainment Law from the University of Southern California. She is the founder of InspireIP, an intellectual property platform created to facilitate the registration of trademarks, copyright... Show more

Ségolène Delmas

Ségolène Delmas

Associate lawyer in a French law firm based in Paris, with an expertise in intellectual property law, IT law, Open Source and data protection.

Associate lawyer in a French law firm based in Paris, with an expertise in intellectual property law, IT law, Open Source and data protection. Show more

Stefan Martinić

Stefan Martinić

- Master of Laws (LL.M.) at Harvard Law School, Class of 2022
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (2019)
- 'Artificial Intelligence Online Program' University of Oxford, Saïd Business School (2019)
- Graduated at the Zagreb Faculty of Law (2018)
- Erasmus+ exchange program at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Aug 2015- Feb 2016)

Work experience, volunteering, and internships at EU institutions:
- Junior associate at MS Partners law firm, Zagreb (GDPR, tech, IP, corporate) (Jan 2021 – ongoing)
- Cyberlaw Clinician at the Berkman and Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University (project on electrical vehicle infrastructure – data governance & data protection, network reliability and interoperability) (Jan 2022 – June 2022)
- Volunteering at the Croatian AI Association ( (Mar 2021 – Sep 2021)
- Junior associate at Porobija & Porobija (GDPR, tech and corporate) (Sep 2019 – Aug 2020)
- Internship with four different judges (Feb - Aug 2018) at the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Luxembourg, which consists of two courts (the Court of Justice and the General Court):
1.) The Court of Justice: Internship in the cabinet of the President of the Court of Justice, Mr. Koen Lenaerts and in the cabinet of Judge Siniša Rodin
2.) General Court: Internship in the cabinet of Judge Vesna Tomljenović and in the cabinet of Judge Juraj Schwarcz
- Internship at the European Parliament (Brussels and Strasbourg), cabinet of MEP Tonino Picula (Rapporteur for EU-US relations and former Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs), (Apr – Jul 2016)

Courses and activities at Harvard:
- Courses at Harvard Law School: a) Copyright, b) The Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence, c) Computer Science for Lawyers, d) Law and Psychology: The Emotions, e) Cyberlaw Clinic, f) Legislation and Regulation, g) dissertation on the topic of “EU’s Proposal for AI Regulatory Sandboxes: A Recipe for Safely Fostering Innovation or for Walking into Quicksand?”
- Cross-registered at MIT Sloan School of Management: h) Blockchain and Money, lectured by Gary Gensler, current Chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Cross-registered at Harvard Kennedy School of Government: i) Solving Tech's Public Dilemmas, lectured by Ashton Baldwin Carter, U.S. Secretary of Defense in the Obama Administration
- Cross-registered at Harvard Business School: j) Doing Business with China
- LLM Class Co-President, member of the Harvard Law School Student Government
- Academic Events Chair of Harvard European Law Association, founding member of the Harvard Law Student Central & Southeast Europe Society, member of the Harvard Law and Technology Society, member of the Harvard Francophone Society

Courses, seminars and activities during the LL.M. at LSE:
- Digital Rights, Privacy (GDPR) and Security; e-Commerce Law; Piracy, Content and Ownership in the Information Society (IP Rights); IT Law Specialist Seminar; member of the IT law students of LSE group, Law and Government of the EU; dissertation titled ‘Montesquieu Meets AI, Why GDPR Is Not Enough and the Case for the People’s Data Protection Officer'

Awards, achievements and published papers:
- received two Rector’s award and three Dean’s awards at the Zagreb Faculty of Law for a Moot Court competition and student paper competitions
- published seven papers in English in the Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy and in the journal Pravnik (eng. Lawyer)

Communication skills:
- State (team) Debate Champion in primary school; Individual State Debate Champion and two-time State Individual Debate Vice-Champion in high school, TOP 30 Speaker (English as a Foreign Language category) at the World Debate Championships in Doha, Qatar, 2010

Education: - Master of Laws (LL.M.) at Harvard Law School, Class of 2022 - Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (2019) - 'Artificial Intelligence Online Program' University of Oxford, Saïd Business S... Show more

Jeffrey Borek

Jeffrey Borek

Working to build a scalable and consistent supply chain security platform, while continuing to lead the consumption compliance Open Source Program Office (OSPO), including policy, execution and guidance. Working with IBM Government & Regulatory Affairs, Software, Systems, Cloud, Consulting, Innersource, Legal, Research, and Red Hat to address emerging requires of US Executive Order on Cybersecurity, including Supply Chain Security guidance and Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).

Working to build a scalable and consistent supply chain security platform, while continuing to lead the consumption compliance Open Source Program Office (OSPO), including policy, execution and guidance. Working with IBM Government & Regulatory Affai... Show more

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