List of subprocessors

To support delivery of our Services, Sessionize may engage and use data processors with access to certain Customer Data (each, a 'Subprocessor'). This page provides important information about the identity, location and role of each Subprocessor.

This document was valid until 15 Dec 2022. Please refer to the current version.

Infrastructure Subprocessors

Name Purpose Applicable Data location
Microsoft We're using a wide set of Azure services to make our service running and store your data. Always EEA
Amazon We're using a wide set of Amazon Web Services to make our service running and store your data. Always EEA

Other Subprocessors

Name Purpose Applicable Data location
Paddle Paddle processes our online payments as a merchant of record. If you make an online payment, you will need to share your personal data with Paddle in order to handle the transaction. We only share your email address with Paddle. When making an online payment UK/USA
Freshworks Support tickets are handled using Freshdesk service. If you contact support in any way, your contact data (e.g. name and email address) will be stored in our Freshdesk account. When contacting support EEA
Byteplant Using their Email-Validator service to validate your email address when using public forms and classic registration. When using public contact form and classic registration EEA
If you use social logins, your personal data from their services is retrieved only once during registration. We never share your data with them. On social login


As our business grows and evolves, the Subprocessors we engage may also change. All event organizers that accept DPA for their event will be provided with a notice of any new Subprocessors, along with posting such updates here. Please check back frequently for updates.

Change log

  • 7 Dec 2021 One subprocessor replaced, one removed. Some descriptions updated to be more clear (no changes in processing).
  • 24 Feb 2021 Initial version view