Real Estate & Architecture

Experts in the design, construction, and management of buildings and structures, as well as professionals involved in the buying, selling, and development of real estate properties

Bassirou Barry

Bassirou Barry

Architecte Azure

Architecte Azure Show more

Chandan Kumar

Chandan Kumar Show more

DILeLa HNEE Eberswalde

DILeLa HNEE Eberswalde

Daniel Schwarz (Interaktive Medien, Game Based Learning), Paula Strunden (Spatial Planner, XR), Dr. Thomas Schutz (Mikro- und Molekularbiologe, DILeLa), Diana Lucas-Drogan (Architektin, DILeLa)

Daniel Schwarz (Interaktive Medien, Game Based Learning), Paula Strunden (Spatial Planner, XR), Dr. Thomas Schutz (Mikro- und Molekularbiologe, DILeLa), Diana Lucas-Drogan (Architektin, DILeLa) Show more

Mario Parisi

Mario Parisi

COO Of Iron Key Capital, a U.S. based digital asset hedge fund.

COO of Wolf Capital, Solanas first NFT-Fi aggregator. I have personally done $125,000 of lending volume.

Lover of Solana, ETH NFTs, and ordinals.

Stock, crypto, real estate, and venture capitalist.

COO Of Iron Key Capital, a U.S. based digital asset hedge fund. COO of Wolf Capital, Solanas first NFT-Fi aggregator. I have personally done $125,000 of lending volume. Lover of Solana, ETH NFTs, and ordinals. Stock, crypto, real estate, ... Show more

Binny Mathew

Binny Mathew


-na Show more

Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer is a recognized company culture and remote work expert. As a former CEO managing thousands of people, his companies consistently were named a best place to work. They have also been named a fastest growing company by Inc Magazine 5 times. Chris routinely consults and speaks, and Inc Magazine ranked him as the #1 Leadership Speaker on Culture. He has two bestselling books The Power of Company Culture and Remote Work, and has been named #5 on the Leadershum Power List, a Top 50 Voice in Leadership, a Top 40 Change Management Guru, a Top 50 Global Thought Leader, and a Top 50 leadership podcast just this year.
As a leadership speaker his goal is to inspire audiences with a straightforward delivery, insightful candor, and engaging humor. His talks leave audiences permanently transformed, offering innovative perspectives on leadership to improve company culture, and empower organizations to discover new successes. Countless companies have unlocked productivity, performance, and profits by implementing his 7 Pillar Strategy.

Chris Dyer is a recognized company culture and remote work expert. As a former CEO managing thousands of people, his companies consistently were named a best place to work. They have also been named a fastest growing company by Inc Magazine 5 times. ... Show more

Arne Bergersen

Arne Bergersen

Program manager @NIC - Nordic Infrastructure Conference -

Program manager @NIC - Nordic Infrastructure Conference - Show more

Barbra BatShalom

Barbra BatShalom

Barbra BatShalom is CEO of BuildingEase and (nonprofit) Sust. Perf. Instit. & past founder of the USGBC Affiliate in Massachusetts. She’s an industry leader whose vision drives market transformation programs from public policy to professional practice. Her work focuses on the intersection of systems, processes and culture. With a background in social psychology and 25 years in architecture and sustainability consulting, she brings a variety of skills to her work and a unique perspective engaging the human dynamics of decision-making and creative collaboration to technical work. She's an educator, management consultant, entrepreneur & change agent working with a wide range of governmental, institutional & private sector organizations to help them institutionalize sustainability and achieve measurable improvements in performance and profitability, with a focus on organizational excellence and change management. Barbra mentors startups @Clean Tech Open, provides extensive training to corporations and teaches Leadership for Sustainability at the Boston Architectural College. She serves on policy task forces & is currently on the boards of mindfulMaterials and Carbon Leadership Forum.

Barbra BatShalom is CEO of BuildingEase and (nonprofit) Sust. Perf. Instit. & past founder of the USGBC Affiliate in Massachusetts. She’s an industry leader whose vision drives market transformation programs from public policy to professional practi... Show more

Andreas Wolter

Andreas Wolter

Master of Science MediaArchitecture

Diplom-Designer Master of Science MediaArchitecture Show more

Robert Friberg

Robert Friberg

Robert is a solution architect currently designing and building systems for the cloud. He is also the main developer of Memstate, and open source in-memory database. When not coding Robert can be found on the nearest squash court.

Robert is a solution architect currently designing and building systems for the cloud. He is also the main developer of Memstate, and open source in-memory database. When not coding Robert can be found on the nearest squash court. Show more

Susanne Junker

Susanne Junker

Susanne Junker ist Professorin für Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Visualisierung mittels virtueller Medien an der Berliner Hochschule für Technik. Sie promovierte zum Bauhaus-Fotografen Walter Peterhans an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg aufbauend auf einem Forschungsaufenthalt am IIT Chicago. Sie studierte Architektur an der Technischen Universität Berlin. Von 1992 bis 1995 arbeitete sie mit Prof. Josef Paul Kleihues am Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst. Sie publiziert regelmäßig auf und anderen Architekturplattformen. Ihre fotografischen Arbeiten wurden mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet. Zusammen mit Marcel Robischon leitet sie das Lehr- und Forschungsprojekt "Agritecture", das Agrarökologie und Architektur verbindet.

Susanne Junker ist Professorin für Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Visualisierung mittels virtueller Medien an der Berliner Hochschule für Technik. Sie promovierte zum Bauhaus-Fotografen Walter Peterhans an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hambur... Show more

Hongmei Gu

Hongmei Gu

Dr Gu has been engaged in advancing forest biomass utilization and greenhouse gas emission reduction applying the life cycle assessment tool and economic analysis tool, bolstering innovation of wood use in green building products development. She has also focused on Mass Timber Building sustainability assessment using the Whole Building LCA and LCC analysis to support the policies in resource management and utilization.

US Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory provides expertise and scientific leadership on the environmental performance of traditional and innovative wood products and emerging wood building materials along with evaluating indicators of forest sustainability.

Dr Gu has been engaged in advancing forest biomass utilization and greenhouse gas emission reduction applying the life cycle assessment tool and economic analysis tool, bolstering innovation of wood use in green building products development. She has... Show more

Nico Van den Berg

Nico Van den Berg

Nico van den Berg is, na 25 jaar bij verschillende adviesbureaus als Intron, Eerland Recycling Services en KOAC-NPC te hebben gewerkt, in 2016 voor zichzelf begonnen en geeft advies op het gebied van milieuaspecten van bouwstoffen (BBK) en begeleidt een groot aantal producenten van bouwstoffen bij de productiecontrole voor NL-BSB-certificaten. In het verlengde daarvan worden ook kwaliteitshandboeken /-systemen opgesteld of aangepast. Daarnaast vormen adviesopdrachten rond natuursteenverhardingen een specialisme, zowel constructieve adviezen als specificaties voor inkoop van natuursteen.

Nico van den Berg is, na 25 jaar bij verschillende adviesbureaus als Intron, Eerland Recycling Services en KOAC-NPC te hebben gewerkt, in 2016 voor zichzelf begonnen en geeft advies op het gebied van milieuaspecten van bouwstoffen (BBK) en begeleidt ... Show more

Raffaella Massacesi

Raffaella Massacesi

Raffaella Massacesi architect, PhD
In 2001 she founds the architecture and design collective Studio Ippozone Architetti based in Pescara with
which she carries out an intense professional activity, dealing with projects of urban requalification, digital
design and communication design. She wins several national and international design competitions and has
experience as a designer for the redevelopment of waterfronts and public spaces. She participates in scientific programs of national interest. From 2008 to 2019 she works in the field of visual and digital graphic arts as sole director of Habanero
Comics srl, a company specializing in communication, and as director of the related International School of
Comics, Academy of Visual and Digital Arts, Pescara. She carries out a wide project activity related to
applied arts and digital design (comics, illustration, web design, graphic design, videogames development)
and since 2011 she is curator of the comics sector of FLA Book Festival in Pescara.
In 2020 she wins the competition as Researcher (TDA) in the disciplinary field of Design ICAR/13, University
G. d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Department of Architecture, Corso di Laurea in Design. She currently
teaches Communication Design and Media and Experience Design. She carries out research activities on the
themes of public utility communication and on the interaction between design and applied arts. Since
August 2021 she is the sole director of the Spin Off of the University SOS-Habitat srl, a company specialized in the development, production and marketing of innovative services with high technological value for studies on urban fabrics, buildings and human processes in order to identify the
environmental impacts and possible compensation measures and in the construction and communication
of the corporate identity; of public and private entities based on environmental sustainability.

Raffaella Massacesi architect, PhD In 2001 she founds the architecture and design collective Studio Ippozone Architetti based in Pescara with which she carries out an intense professional activity, dealing with projects of urban requalification, di... Show more

Christopher Jobson

Christopher Jobson

Chris has been developing mobile apps for iOS and Android for longer than he cares to remember. He lives to the west of London.

Chris has been developing mobile apps for iOS and Android for longer than he cares to remember. He lives to the west of London. Show more

David Bucek

David Bucek

Studied Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer Science. Worked for several big companies as senior programmer/architect. First touch with graph databases was back in 2005. He works in MANTA as team leader of the Architecture Team. He was in charge of graph database selection and migration to Neo4j. Now he is responsible for any architecture decision and moving into cloud and SaaS.

Studied Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer Science. Worked for several big companies as senior programmer/architect. First touch with graph databases was back in 2005. He works in MANTA as team leader of the Architecture Tea... Show more

James Burt

James Burt

James is involved in the design and construction of the UK's biggest build to rent scheme at Wembley for Quintain. James' passion is to utilise operational data to lean out future design and optimise consumption of utilities for the business and its customers.

James is involved in the design and construction of the UK's biggest build to rent scheme at Wembley for Quintain. James' passion is to utilise operational data to lean out future design and optimise consumption of utilities for the business and its ... Show more

Ashen Parikh

Ashen Parikh

Cloud Solution Architect - Engineering @ Microsoft. I create, design, and implement DevOps Strategies across Enterprise customers across verticals, industries, and maturity curves. Mentor for several Early-Stage Startups recommending Go-to-Market Startups Strategies. My background is in research and development using data to understand real-world problems. I've worked as technologist with Tesla, Kaiser Permanente, JLL/T, and Microsoft across the cloud: Infra, Apps, Security, Networking, and Data & AI. I've optimized business as an advisor at Tesla, Kaiser Permanente, and Microsoft. I work with partner companies to address enterprise challenges. And I focus on generating business revenue, sales, and net new opportunities.

Cloud Solution Architect - Engineering @ Microsoft. I create, design, and implement DevOps Strategies across Enterprise customers across verticals, industries, and maturity curves. Mentor for several Early-Stage Startups recommending Go-to-Market Sta... Show more

Andrii Polishchuk

Andrii Polishchuk

I have around 8+ years of total experience, working in different kind of projects and setups, from big telecom projects to small real estate in-house development.
My current place of work is Trade Republic, joined last year as Senior Backend Engineer.

I have around 8+ years of total experience, working in different kind of projects and setups, from big telecom projects to small real estate in-house development. My current place of work is Trade Republic, joined last year as Senior Backend Enginee... Show more

Stijn Rutten

Stijn Rutten

Ik ben al bijna 15 jaar werkzaam bij Dura Vermeer waarvan ca 10 jaar in de rol van omgevingsmanager. In die rol ben ik betrokken geweest bij verschillende grote projecten, zoals de realisatie van de 2e Coentunnel en de renovatie van de Velsertunnel. De afgelopen 5 jaar ben ik als omgevingsmanager betrokken bij de Gebiedsontwikkeling Ooijen-Wanssum. Een project met een enorme uitdaging voor omgevingsmanagement met enerzijds betrekking tot stakeholdermanagement, maar anderzijds ook een grote scope op gebied van conditionering. Er werd wel eens gezegd dat we voor werkzaamheden op iedere m2 minimaal vijf raakvlakken moesten beheersen.

Ik ben al bijna 15 jaar werkzaam bij Dura Vermeer waarvan ca 10 jaar in de rol van omgevingsmanager. In die rol ben ik betrokken geweest bij verschillende grote projecten, zoals de realisatie van de 2e Coentunnel en de renovatie van de Velsertunnel. ... Show more

Marco Sovera

Marco Sovera

Marco Sovera
Ingegnere civile, ha acquisito una grande esperienza come Project Manager nella direzione tecnica di cantieri nel settore delle costruzioni pubbliche e private per conto di Imprese di Costruzione.
Attualmente, come libero professionista, è consulente di Imprese di Costruzione, Studi e Società di Progettazione, in particolare, si occupa dello studio tecnico di gare con offerte economicamente più vantaggiose e della direzione tecnica di commesse soprattutto nella delicata fase di start-up.
Dal 2017 è Presidente della Commissione “La Direzione di Cantiere” istituita presso l’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma.
Appassionato delle tecniche di Project Management ed Agile Project Management, oltre a frequentare numerosi corsi, seminari e workshop, ha partecipato, come relatore, alle ultime due edizioni del PmExpo (2018-2019) ed eventi organizzati da ISIPM.
Laura Di Spes
Architetto con una consolidata esperienza maturata come Direttore Tecnico presso Imprese di Costruzioni civili dove ha diretto numerosi cantieri di edilizia residenziale, specializzandosi soprattutto nell’attuazione di programmi di edilizia convenzionata, finanziata, agevolata ed housing sociale.
Attualmente, supporta le Imprese di Costruzioni impegnate nella conduzione di cantieri infrastrutturali pubblici e di ristrutturazione edilizia per grandi committenti privati (SGR).
E’ componente speciale della Commissione “La Direzione di Cantiere” presso l’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma.
Interessata al BIM ed alle tecniche di Project Management ed Agile, oltre a frequentare numerosi corsi, seminari e workshop, ha partecipato, come speaker, alle ultime due edizioni del PmExpo (2018-2019) ed ha presentato - come BIM expert - l’esperienza del “Progetto pilota BIM per il cantiere del nuovo terminal crociere RCT nel porto di Civitavecchia” in occasione della visita tecnica organizzata dall’Ordine degli Ingegneri di Roma.
Come AiTeam, Marco e Laura sono impegnati come co-autori e co-docenti di specifici percorsi di formazione sulla “Direzione di Cantiere” che, in più edizioni, hanno tenuto sotto forma di corsi, seminari e workshop presso gli Ordini professionali degli Ingegneri e degli Architetti della Provincia di Roma, e per le principali realtà di riferimento del settore delle costruzioni quali la Dei Consulting, Legislazione Tecnica, Euroconference, Team System Construction.
Incuriositi delle tecniche “agili”, da qualche anno partecipando alla comunity romana, Agile Talks di Massimo Sarti, si sono avvicinati all’Agile seguendo seminari, talk e workshop dedicati al settore IT - ben lontano da quello delle costruzioni - e con tipico approccio bottom-up hanno riconosciuto i contesti applicabili ed introdotto, in modo del tutto innovativo, il mind-set nel loro campo di competenza.
Insieme hanno scritto l’Articolo: Sovera M. - Di Spes L., Il RUP ed il controllo di un appalto di una opera pubblica, in “Il Project Manager”, n.31, lug/sett 2017, Ed. Franco Angeli.
E recentemente sono stati intervistati da “Officina Agile” ( da cui il podcast “L’approccio Agile nel settore delle costruzioni” , puntata102, giu 2020.
Nel 2021 hanno pubblicato l’Ebook insieme a Team System Construction “Impresa e Cantiere Digitale” sul controllo di gestione della commessa edile
Per qualsiasi ulteriore curiosità, informazione, corsi ed eventi :

Marco Sovera Ingegnere civile, ha acquisito una grande esperienza come Project Manager nella direzione tecnica di cantieri nel settore delle costruzioni pubbliche e private per conto di Imprese di Costruzione. Attualmente, come libero professionis... Show more

Yuri Wolf

Yuri Wolf

senior expert strategische & innovatiegerichte inkoop

senior expert strategische & innovatiegerichte inkoop Show more

Rashid Mohammad

Rashid Mohammad

Rashid Mohammad holds a master’s in computer science with a focus in artificial intelligence. He is a senior Architect at Fitch Solutions and has over 20 years of development experience with the last 4 years focusing on microservice design with event-driven programming using Kafka. He architected and oversees an implementation of an email notifications system for the ratings, research and news that gets published and notified to Fitch Solutions customers.

Rashid has conducted design sessions within the company both for internal and external developers. He hosts biweekly technology sessions to promote new technical ideas and concepts and conducts technical walkthroughs on various software architecture solutions. He also volunteers at local schools to promote coding and problem solving.

Rashid Mohammad holds a master’s in computer science with a focus in artificial intelligence. He is a senior Architect at Fitch Solutions and has over 20 years of development experience with the last 4 years focusing on microservice design with event... Show more

Antonella Efficace

Antonella Efficace

Industrial Designer, former university professor, anime lover, casual gamer.

Industrial Designer, former university professor, anime lover, casual gamer. Show more

Carlisle Sargent

Carlisle Sargent

Carlisle Sargent is a UX leader and chaotic maker-type. She believes in measurable, empathetic, and mercurial design. She specializes in Information Architecture, good angles, and humanizing the digital world for the better.

Carlisle Sargent is a UX leader and chaotic maker-type. She believes in measurable, empathetic, and mercurial design. She specializes in Information Architecture, good angles, and humanizing the digital world for the better. Show more

German M. Yébenes

German M. Yébenes

Architect in Products and Technology with focus on Openshift infrastructure, applications deployment and hybrid cloud management

Architect in Products and Technology with focus on Openshift infrastructure, applications deployment and hybrid cloud management Show more

Emile Hoogterp

Emile Hoogterp

Emile Hoogterp, technisch directeur bij Ingenieursbureau Westenberg wilde eigenlijk al heel zijn leven wat met het milieu. Hij heeft daarom voor de opleiding civiele techniek gekozen omdat dit een brede opleiding, waar veel milieu in voorkwam. Tijdens zijn studie heeft hij onderzoeken gedaan op het gebied van vistrappen, helofytenfilters, bodemonderzoek en windturbines. Bij Ingenieursbureau Westenberg heeft hij energielabels en -prestatieadviezen gegeven, maar hij is hij nu vooral actief in de duurzame civiele wereld. Actief bij IFD-bouwen, CB'23, raad van advies bij Bouwcirculair, medeschrijver van de CUR213 en een van de initiatiefnemer van het platform circulaire fiets-voetbruggen van BouwCirculair. Samen met beheerders is dit stappenplan ontwikkeld.

In zijn vrije tijd is hij oa betrokken bij Groen Holtenbroek, een wijkinitiatief om de wijk groener te houden.

Emile Hoogterp, technisch directeur bij Ingenieursbureau Westenberg wilde eigenlijk al heel zijn leven wat met het milieu. Hij heeft daarom voor de opleiding civiele techniek gekozen omdat dit een brede opleiding, waar veel milieu in voorkwam. Tijde... Show more

Karel Meinen - TerraCarta BV

Karel Meinen - TerraCarta BV Show more

Hans Brinkhof

Hans Brinkhof

Civil Engineer working 26 years at Rijkswaterstaat
Main Projects: Maaswerken & Kaderrichtlijn Water

Civil Engineer working 26 years at Rijkswaterstaat Main Projects: Maaswerken & Kaderrichtlijn Water Show more

Michael Otto

Michael Otto

Ich bin überzeugt davon, dass für Unternehmen heute und in Zukunft die einzige Konstante die stetige Veränderung ist. Dafür braucht es neue Wege der Zusammenarbeit, mehr Menschlichkeit, Vertrauen, Offenheit, Klarheit, Transparenz, Agilität und noch einige mehr. Vor knapp 2 Jahren habe ich mich gemeinsam mit meinem Team auf den Weg gemacht, mit zeitgemäßen Methoden und Tools die Zusammenarbeit und Kultur bei DB Station&Service neu zu gestalten.

Ich bin überzeugt davon, dass für Unternehmen heute und in Zukunft die einzige Konstante die stetige Veränderung ist. Dafür braucht es neue Wege der Zusammenarbeit, mehr Menschlichkeit, Vertrauen, Offenheit, Klarheit, Transparenz, Agilität und noch e... Show more

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