While speakers ordinarily submit their sessions for an event themselves, it's quite common for them to have someone else do it in their name. Some examples include a personal assistant, marketing manager, or a member of their company tasked to take care of all of the company's submissions for a particular event. For those situations, Sessionize offers a feature that makes it possible to submit sessions as someone else, called Agent mode.
Need to submit a session as someone else, but the Agent mode isn't active for the event? Contact the event organizer to check what can be done.
Submitter's perspective

If submitting as someone else is enabled, anyone visiting the event's Call for Speakers page will have the Submit as someone else option in the speaker section of the submission form.

The submitter has to fill out the necessary speaker info, but the session submission process is otherwise identical to when the session is submitted by the person who owns it, as described in this article: Submit your session for an event.
Activate the Agent mode

If you're an event organizer and would like to make it possible for people to submit sessions as someone else, look for the Agent mode toggle on the Edit event page. Tick the Allow submissions for someone else box and click Save changes at the top of the page.
If at any moment you change your mind and wish to disable the Agent mode, untick the corresponding box and click Save changes again.