Rob Richardson
Provo, Utah, United States
Rob Richardson is a software craftsman building web properties in ASP.NET and Node, React and Vue. He’s a Microsoft MVP, published author, frequent speaker at conferences, user groups, and community events, and a diligent teacher and student of high quality software development. You can find this and other talks on https://robrich.org/presentations and follow him on Mastodon at @robrich@hachyderm.io.
Area of Expertise
Testing Components with Cypress
Have you ever wanted to experiment or prove a React, Vue, Svelte, or Angular? Are you tired of clicking the 18 buttons to get to the scenario where the problem happens? Let's add Cypress for component testing. Cypress makes it easy to prove the component renders correctly and interacts as expected. Join us as we dive into Cypress testing, and you'll leave with confidence to refactor your way to greatness.
Terraform Hands-on Workshop
You've clicked through the cloud portal and deployed the infrastructure. But what about the next environment? Can you click exactly the same buttons in the same order? And what about when the needs change? Can you evolve all the environments identically? Click-ops can only get you so far.
Infrastructure-as-Code allows you to create consistent, durable, codified environments the same way you make durable and consistent applications. Once the code is in place, you can efficiently spin up another environment that is identical in every way. And when a change occurs, the same code updates the next system identically and consistently.
In this workshop we look at Terraform, the most popular Infrastructure-as-code platform. We'll use AWS as a target environment, and deploy sample infrastructure. We'll deploy:
- DynamoDB database
- Lambda code function
- API Gateway
- A container running in Fargate ECS
- An Application Load Balancer (ALB)
- All the necessary configuration for every piece
- Roles, policies, and permissions for each
Along the way we'll learn:
- The value of Infrastructure as Code
- The pain of Click-ops
- Terraform syntax and popular commands
- How to run Terraform in a DevOps pipeline
Terraform is definitely an investment, but it's an investment that pays you back every time you need to make a change to any environment or recover from disaster. You can get started or level-up with Terraform on AWS today.
Azure Container Instances
Hot off the presses, Azure Container Instances are the newest in the Azure Docker tools. From the CLI or the Portal, spin up Windows or Linux Docker containers. We'll look at each of the Azure Docker offerings, and dig deep into Azure Container Instances. You can use Docker on Azure today.
GitOps: Easy Deploy and Even Easer Rollback
GitOps isn't just for containers. The methodology of deploying from a build is now baked into our culture. Take it a touch farther with infrastructure as code and a few extra techniques, and you can reliably deploy to any platform: cloud, on-prem, container, PaaS, and more. Join us as we learn the methodology of GitOps, the critical pieces you need in place, and the elegance of rollbacks with GitOps. You'll leave with a working repo of deployment techniques that doesn't consume any paid tools or container-specific techniques.
Feature Flags: Separate Deployment from Feature Release
Tired of rolling back the feature because a hotfix is coming through? Want to get away from code freezes to fit an arbitrary deadline? Feature flags allow us to release code when we're ready and then turn it on when business is ready. There's subtleties and nuance here though. Join us on this journey where we introduce feature flags, talk about the options for cloud-based services vs. built-in systems, and look at best practices for testing and retiring feature flags. You'll leave with a repo of solid examples and techniques to take control of your deployment future.
Delivering Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
We've entered an everything-as-code world where it's easy to tear down everything and rebuild it. This is perfect for disaster recovery and deploying new versions. But can we really tear down all the servers, load balancers, storage, data stores, and then build them right back up again? Yes! Once you've coded your Terraform codebase, another environment is a quick config file and a DevOps pipeline run away. Let's get started with Terraform and build ... and rebuild ... something amazing.
Crafting SPAs with .NET Core APIs
Do you crave the interactivity of a Single Page Application, and also need the productivity of ASP.NET? Let's leverage ASP.NET Core and the SPA CLIs to craft a React app and then a Vue.js app with all the SPA features we expect: webpack bundling and transpiling, ahead-of-time compilation, hot module reloading, and server-side rendering. You'll leave with all the tools you need to craft a SPA with a .NET Core backend.
Build a DevOps Pipeline for .NET Apps and Databases
Tired of long manual error prone deployments? Wish you could deploy with just a click of a button? Want to deploy several times of day? You need a CI/CD pipeline.
A CI/CD pipeline builds, validates, and deploys software more consistently and cheaper than an army of testers.
We will build a CI/CD pipeline for a .NET website, a .NET Core app, and the supporting database. We'll leverage several tools such as TeamCity, Octopus Deploy, SQL Change Automation, and Docker to build a simple and powerful CI/CD pipeline.
Leave this talk ready to start living the dream of pushing the button, going to lunch, and returning to the completed deployment that required no human interaction.
Azure Container Instance and other Azure Docker tricks
Hot off the presses, Azure Container Instances are the newest in the Azure Docker tools. From the CLI or the Portal, spin up Windows or Linux Docker containers. We'll look at each of the Azure Docker offerings, and dig deep into Azure Container Instances. You can use Docker on Azure today.
Automating Database Deployments on the Microsoft Stack
Are your automation practices accounting for the database? How do you verify database software quality? Most importantly, how do you care for customer data as the schema evolves? Let's dig into building a CI/CD pipeline for databases. We'll leverage SQL Change Automation, TeamCity, and Octopus Deploy for automation to set up a simple and powerful build & release system that removes the fragility and ensures consistent quality delivery.
.NET Aspire: Your DevOps Companion
.NET Aspire is the brand new framework from Microsoft for opinionated observability and deployment in the cloud. Come see how the pieces fit together, how to upgrade an existing site, and the benefits of OpenTelemetry. You can add as much or as little .NET Aspire to your app, and even use it only in dev.
YAML is Awful ... Except for Everything Else
Can't get your head around YAML? Always failing to solve the linting errors without kicking the build again for the umpteenth time? Let's compare and contrast JSON and YAML, and really understand what makes YAML awful ... and great.
The Culture of Python
In this talk we don't look at the syntax of Python. Though that's interesting, that's the easy part. In this talk we look at the culture of Python. What libraries should we look at for hosting a web api? What libraries would we use for data access? For data science? For script automation? Where do I download these packages? We'll focus a lot on Jupyter, the interactive REPL that allows you to quickly sketch and experiment in Python. We'll use Jupyter to play with Python functions, to do data transfer, to build runbooks-as-code, and to evaluate and plot data. Finally we'll take a Jupyter notebook and convert it into a REST API that one can consume from any app. Along the way we'll also look at running C# and JavaScript inside of Jupyter. Getting started with Python can be fun and rewarding, and open up a whole new set of skills and solutions.
Testing in ASP.NET Core with XUnit and MoQ
ASP.NET Core has been designed from the ground up with testability in mind. XUnit is the testing framework the ASP.NET team uses to test their own code. Let's add some tests to a sample ASP.NET Core project, and see how easy it is to strip away dependencies not necessary for the test.
Terraform + DevOps = GitOps
Terraform is great at ensuring consistent infrastructure is in place, and managing drift when it isn't. DevOps creates automation around common processes. When we stick Terraform, Git, and DevOps automation together, we get GitOps. Let's leverage GitOps to ensure we have configuration-as-code, and that our environments always match our expectations. Join us for this journey of getting started with GitOps.
Serverless Architecture in Azure
AWS has Lambda, Azure has Azure Functions, Web Jobs, and App Service. Whether you want to script pay-by-the-drink web endpoints or build more traditional micro services. Come join us for this code-focused look at architecting, coding, and deploying serverless resources in C# and .NET Core.
Scaling the Testing Pyramid in TypeScript
Unit tests? Integration tests? Mocks? Stubs? Fakes? How does this apply to the web? Let's look at all the ways you can test a web app and demo all the tools you'd use. We'll live-code most tests to show you exactly what makes a good testing strategy. You'll leave with a GitHub repo you can use to keep learning or fork and use in your own PWAs.
Live-code a Dockerfile
In this session I’ll begin with an empty folder and a terminal, and live-code everything. I’ll then build and run the container. New to Docker? You’ll learn how here.
Kubernetes Test Drive
Are you a Docker aficionado or are you new to the Docker ecosystem? Come see how Kubernetes (K8s) adds a mature solution for running containers in production and development. We'll start with containers, layer in pods, replica sets, deployments, and services. We'll dig into minikube and kubernetes in docker desktop. You'll leave with a solid understanding of the principles of K8s, and a practical set of skills for driving this container orchestrator throughout the software development lifecycle.
Kubernetes for the Docker Developer
So you've gotten good at Docker, and you're ready to take it to the next level. Come see how Kubernetes (K8s) adds a mature solution for running containers in production and development. We'll start with Docker containers and Docker compose files, and we'll layer in pods, replica sets, deployments, and services. We'll dig into minikube and kubernetes in docker desktop for local work, and managed cloud K8s on Azure. You'll leave with a solid understanding of the principles of K8s, and a practical set of skills for driving this container orchestrator throughout the software development lifecycle.
JavaScript the Grumpy Parts
We love JavaScript, but we must admit: it's weird. Why does `this` behave as it does? How does variable scope work? Why do we have such comical behavior when comparing mixed types? Let's pull back the covers of these scenarios, and learn how it truely works. You may find a new reason to fall in love with JavaScript.
JavaScript Async Deep-dive
Callbacks, promises, async, oh my! Asynchrony in JavaScript has come of age. We'll start with a quick history of the 3 techniques. Then dive in deep to async and await. How can you transition from callbacks to promises or promises to async? How can you use legacy code with await? How can your legacy code call your async functions? Whether you're using Babel or evergreen browsers, as Yoda would say, "async code write you can."
Horizontal Autoscaling with Kubernetes
Now that the app is running in Kubernetes, how do we scale it to meet demand? What metric should we use? CPU? Requests? something else? Let's dig into why we auto-scale, and how we auto-scale with lots of examples. Finally we'll look at potential pitfalls and gotchas like how to scale to 0 and how to avoid scaling too big for your budget. Come learn how to scale with Kubernetes.
From Build Script to a Dockerfile
The quest of CI/CD is a uniform build in a neutral environment. With Docker's multi-stage builds, you can get lean production images while ensuring software quality metrics, and bundling optimization is done exactly right each time. Join us on this journey from a traditional build script to a Docker build that versions, builds, tests, and deploys your software. You can upgrade your infrastructure today.
Docker for Windows Container Development
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome, available for Linux and Windows software development. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high performance and open-source reimagination of the Microsoft stack to build modern applications. In this session you will get the basics of Windows containers and getting started with Docker Desktop integration with Visual Studio to both start building new .NET Core apps and enabling Docker support for legacy .NET Framework apps in containers. You’ll leave with the tools you need to Docker-enable your .NET workloads.
Developing with HTTPS in Containers
HTTPS is the new black. In production, you'll likely terminate HTTPS at the load balancer. But how do you develop HTTPS content inside Docker containers? Do you just drop back to HTTP and assume it'll work out? Do you drop the Docker part until you commit? How do you we get the browser to trust the self-signed certificates inside Docker containers? Let's dive deep into certificate trust, how Linux stores certificates, and how web servers use certificates. With that knowledge in place, let's build up Docker containers for both development (self-signed) work, and containers that have real, trusted certificates should you choose a Layer-4 load balancer in production.
Database DevOps with Containers
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can't just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version. Let's start with the production database, and get SQL Server content to developers in containers, and then flow schema and lookup data back into production with migration tools. You can bring the reliability and automation of CI/CD pipelines to Database DevOps with containers.
async and await with Node and Express
Express is the defacto Node web server, but it's built with callbacks. Can we use modern JavaScript like async and await? Let's dive into building routes with modern JavaScript, and how to write tests that prove they work.
Async Python, Good it is
Have you loved async & await in JavaScript and other languages? Wished you could add it to your Python? async.io is here! Now with async & await we can think synchronously and run asynchronously. But there's some sharp edges and edge cases. Let's look at how easy it is to do multiple tasks at once, and how we collect all the results. We'll also look at best practices and edge cases like how do you kick off an async process from main?
ASP.NET Dos and Don'ts for highly maintainable code
What is legacy code? Did I just write more of it? ASP.NET rebooted itself to make it more maintainable and performant. Let's learn to build highly maintainable code as well. We'll look at the low-hanging fruit to get you on a path to avoiding the common pitfalls and reach for the easy wins. You can avoid legacy.
A Database DevOps Pipeline
Are your automation practices accounting for the database? How do you verify database software quality? Most importantly, how do you care for customer data as the schema evolves? Let's dig into building a CI/CD pipeline for databases. We'll leverage Red Gate tools and containers for automation, testing, and push-button deployment. You can bring DevOps to the database.
.NET Testing Best Practices
ASP.NET Core has been designed from the ground up with testability in mind. XUnit is the testing framework the ASP.NET team uses to test their own code. Let's add some tests to a sample ASP.NET Core project, and see how easy it is to strip away dependencies not necessary for the test.
Your Technology Your Way: Full-stack Web and Service with .NET and Node
Do you want to build full-stack with your stack? We'll build an ASP.NET website using Blazor and WebAPI, a back-end service using Service Worker and gRPC. Then we'll build the same website with Node using Express, Vue.js, gRPC, and PM2. Along the way we'll compare and contrast these technologies to empower you to use JavaScript or C# front-to-back for your next project. You'll leave with a functional sample in each, and a methodology to choose your next full-stack site.
Vue.js and TypeScript: Working Together like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Have you struggled to get TypeScript and Vue to play well together? Me too. Vue is a fantastic SPA framework, and TypeScript is a great way for catching errors faster. Together, they can boost your productivity. Join us as we peel back the layers of TypeScript and look at the tricks of the trade to get them playing well together. You'll leave with a solid methodology and code samples to get started with Vue + TypeScript.
The definitive deep dive into the .git folder
What's in the .git folder? How are commits stored? How do branches work? We'll dive deep into the objects folder, unpack commits, look at the types of DAG nodes, examine object content, and build a complete visualization of the stored content. We'll also quickly look through Git hooks, Git config, and ref logs. Come experience the zen of git.
Service Mess to Service Mesh
In our quest to secure all the things, do we jump in too quickly? We'll use Istio and Linkerd as example service meshes, and look at the features we would expect from a service mesh. We'll dive into the day-1 experience with both Istio and Linkerd, and some advanced scenarios of using the service mesh. We'll compare this to border security with an app gateway, and compare and contrast the security features, complexities, and implementation costs. You'll leave with a concrete understanding of the benefits and tradeoffs you get when you pull in a service mesh, and be ready to justify the investment.
Securing Docker Containers: Kubernetes just handles that, right?
Securing a container is like securing a virtual or physical machine. You need to understand what's installed, ensure it's patched, and reduce the attack surface. But unlike traditional servers, this is done at build time for containers. Journey with us as we build a comprehensive strategy for securing your digital assets that run in Docker, and leave with concrete steps you can apply to your DevOps pipeline today.
Post jQuery
jQuery was a wonderful tool that paved over the irregularities of browsers and offered a simple interface for making very powerful applications. Today with evergreen browsers and modern JavaScript, we no longer need this crutch. Let's look at our favorite jQuery techniques like $.ajax() and $(...).click() and $(...).addClass() and compare this to the code we'd write in modern JavaScript. Sprinkled in are great ES6 techniques like rest and spread, promises and fetch. Challenge yourself on your next project to see if you can run in a post-jQuery world.
Mocking in Front-end and Back-end TypeScript Tests
When the goal is unit testing, it's common to swap out dependencies with fake pieces to give more control and to make tests run faster. In this code-focused tour, we’ll systematically analyze the test scenarios we want to build, then live-code mocks in two scenarios: Express and Vue. It’s easy to gain value and speed once you know how.
Minimal APIs in ASP.NET 6.0
With ASP.NET 6.0, there's a 4th coding paradigm joining MVC, WebAPI, and Razor Pages: Minimal APIs. It's a great way to create the lightest weight microservice. But are you trading everything for the small surface? We'll start with a .NET 5 project and build up to a Minimal API looking at a bunch of brand new C# 10 features along the way. Like the other 3, this is not an either/or choice, and when it makes sense, you can be really productive here too.
Local Development Techniques with Kubernetes
It's day 2. The corporate k8s cluster is humming. And our local dev story is interesting, but how do we connect the wires? Can we automatically rebuild cluster resources when code changes the same way we watch files and rerun unit tests? Can we optimize the container development workload for developer joy? Can we debug software running in containers? Let's look at Helm, Skaffold, Minikube, docker-compose and other developer-time tools to boost our productivity. You can definitely optimize for developer joy. Come be more productive.
Kubernetes Test Drive
Are you a Docker aficionado or are you new to the Docker ecosystem? Come see how Kubernetes (K8s) adds a mature solution for running containers in production and development. We'll start with containers, layer in pods, replica sets, deployments, and services. We'll dig into minikube and kubernetes in docker desktop. You'll leave with a solid understanding of the principles of K8s, and a practical set of skills for driving this container orchestrator throughout the software development lifecycle.
Kubernetes hands-on (Workshop)
Kubernetes is how you run Docker in production. Bring your laptop with Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac edge version installed. We'll walk through getting a K8s cluster fired up on Docker-Desktop, minikube, and on Azure. You'll be hosting Docker containers in development and production in no time. We'll dig deep into:
- A quick tour through Docker concepts
- The components of a kubernetes cluster
- pods, services, deployments, and replicas
- ways to scale and expose/isolate your containers
- public and private container registries
- stateful containers
- promoting from development to production
- Azure Container Service (AKS)
- Best practices for building at cloud scale
- Tips & Tricks for leveraging Docker and Kubernetes
- When not to use Kubernetes
We'll look at the commands and ecosystem around building infrastructure as code, local and cloud clusters, and best practices with containers. Come see why devs and ops love Kubernetes.
JavaScript the Grumpy Parts
We love JavaScript, but we must admit: it's weird. Why does `this` behave as it does? How does variable scope work? Why do we have such comical behavior when comparing mixed types? Let's pull back the covers of these scenarios, and learn how it truely works. You may find a new reason to fall in love with JavaScript.
JavaScript Tests in Node, the Browser, and CI
Good software practices don’t end just because you’re building a thick client in the browser. The JavaScript community is a flourishing boutique of high-quality tools and techniques. We’ll dig into some of the more popular open-source JavaScript patterns that have emerged from the Node community. We'll see mocha, chai, karma, phantom, and travis in action, look at some great techniques and patterns for browser development, and brush up on things that make JavaScript a phenomenal place to work.
JavaScript Async Deep-dive
Callbacks, promises, async, oh my! Asynchrony in JavaScript has come of age. We'll start with a quick history of the 3 techniques. Then dive in deep to async and await. How can you transition from callbacks to promises or promises to async? How can you use legacy code with await? How can your legacy code call your async functions? Whether you're using Babel or evergreen browsers, as Yoda would say, "async code write you can."
HTTPS in ASP.NET Core in Docker Linux Containers Deep Dive
ASP.NET Core lights up HTTPS by default. Running from the command line or from Visual Studio installs and trusts self-signed certificates so we don't get the browser error when debugging. But how do we get this trust experience when running inside Linux Docker containers? Let's dive deep into certificate trust, how Linux stores certificates, and how ASP.NET Core uses certificates. With that knowledge in place, let's build up Docker containers for both development (self-signed) work, and containers that have real, trusted certificates should you choose a Layer-4 load balancer in production.
Git Scenarios: How Do I Fix That?
Have you ever wondered how to get out of a bad merge? Have you ever gotten stuck trying to push your changes? Git is a wonderful and empowering tool, but it's not your father's version control system. Bring your Git questions for this no-slides demo of Git command line and GUI tools. We'll harvest your curiosities, add in some common concerns, and run through these scenarios together. Have an open-source project you're stuck on? Bring the GitHub URL, and not only will we discuss it, I'll submit a pull request with the changes we build.
Git 101 and GitHub 102
Git is now the defacto-standard version control system. We almost take for granted that we all know Git. But Git is different from your father's version control system. Have you always wondered how it worked? What's the difference between Git and GitHub? How do I get involved in open-source? And what's a Pull Request anyway? Come join us for this hands-on look at Git and GitHub.
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
Have you ever wanted to refactor mercilessly but didn't want to break the fragile tower? Or have you ever pushed to production only to spend the next few days cleaning up the regressions? You need integration tests, and Cypress is a great, fast way to build them. With a simple JavaScript or TypeScript interface, you can automate browsers to hit those critical functions in your app to prove it works as expected -- this time and every time. Join us to dive into building Cypress tests and leave with confidence to refactor your way to greatness.
Docker for the Windows Developer
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. We'll look at the commands and ecosystem around building infrastructure as code, deploying a swarm, and sharing images on Docker Hub. We'll see how easy it is to create Linux and Windows docker images, and run both single containers and a whole system. Come see why devs and ops love Docker.
Databases in the Microservices World
Web technologies have come leaps and bounds. But are you still using the tired old database from last generation? Let's look at the methodology of microservices, compare it to bounded contexts, and look at ops tasks for micro-databases. Let's tour all the flavors of databases, understand their pros and cons, and when you would choose it. You'll leave with a roadmap for moving from data-monolith to micro-databases.
Why do we refactor apps into microservices but end up with a monolith database? We look at how to handle the monolithic database (bounded contexts), what we need to get to micro-databases (automation), and now that we have lots of databases, we explore the types of databases and when you'd use them: SQL, NoSQL, time-series, graph, object store (file system), etc.
Database DevOps with Containers
Unlike CI/CD pipelines for applications, we can't just delete the database and pop up a new one with each new version. Let's start with the production database, and get SQL Server content to developers in containers, and then flow schema and lookup data back into production with migration tools. You can bring the reliability and automation of CI/CD pipelines to Database DevOps with containers.
Data Warehouse, Data Lake, Data Mesh, Oh My: The History of Data Storage
Are you looking to modernize your data infrastructure? Or are you confused at what all the terms mean? Let's look at the history of data storage from the humble beginnings of the relational database through the modern cloud-native data mesh paradigm. Data storage has evolved, and you can too.
Containerized Deployments for your SPA and API
You've built a SPA and an API backend, and you're now looking to deploy with ease. Docker is the natural fit, but where do we begin? We'll use the Vue CLI and the dotnet CLI to startup our codebases, then craft Dockerfiles to deploy these with ease in various configurations. Whether you'd rather deploy both parts together or scale different pieces separately, Docker can empower you to deploy your solutions at cloud scale.
Container Scanning: Run Fast and Stay Safe
Have you struggled to get security baked into your DevOps process or have your security needs taken a back seat to "run fast and break things"? Just because we’re moving fast doesn't mean we can’t be secure. Join us for this deep dive into adding container scanning to a DevOps pipeline. We'll enumerate the security tool categories, and give you tips for adding these tools to your development workflow, build pipeline, and production monitoring setup. You can achieve a robust security posture and still release continuously.
Choosing from the many ways to Docker in Azure
You're ready to go cloud native with containers. Now where do you begin on Azure? There's a dizying amount of container options available in Azure. How do they compare? Which is best for your organization? Come with us through a tour of each Azure Container hosting technology, the pros and cons of each, and decide for yourself how best to host your containers on Azure.
Building Stateful Workloads in Kubernetes
It's day 2. Kubernetes is running. You have your deployments and services set. Now how do you migrate the data store? Let's journey together on this code-focused tour through ConfigMaps, Secrets, Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, and StatefulSets. We'll craft and launch a strategy to care for your users' data in this new container world. You can power your business on Kubernetes: stateless or stateful.
Build Components in Context with Storybook
Have you ever wanted to document how it works to others? Or wanted to understand all the states of your component without having to push next a dozen times in the app between refreshes? Storybook provides a canvas for developing and documenting web components in all their states. It's a great harness for experiencing your components how consumers will. Join us for this journey into building a component with Storybook as our guide.
At The Helm of Kubernetes: Repeatable Infrastructure Creation for Mere Mortals
As we get deeper into Kubernetes yaml files, we see a lot of duplication. Can we move to a higher level that eliminates this duplication? Let's look at Helm, a tool both for templating k8s yaml files and for installing complex infrastructure dependencies as one package. With Helm 3, we now have deeper integration and more security when working with Kubernetes. Join us on this path to a simpler, more repeatable, and more discoverable yaml experience.
ASP.NET in Linux and Windows containers
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, open-source reimagination of the Microsoft stack. They come together in beautiful synchrony. Whether you're targeting Linux or Windows workloads, you can build your ASP.NET app into containers, and still have the F5 debugging experience you expect.
ASP.NET Core in Containers on .NET 6
Docker is carefully tucked between virtualization, continuous deployment, and pure awesome. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, open-source reimagination of the Microsoft stack. They come together in beautiful synchrony. Whether you're targeting Linux or Windows workloads, you can build your ASP.NET app into containers, and still have the F5 debugging experience you expect.
Anatomy of a Web Request
What happens after you type the web address before the page renders? Is it a black box to you? It doesn't need to be. We'll peel back the onion and look at DNS, HTTP, TLS, and briefly discuss the client render pipeline and windows metaphors. Ultimately we'll see the internet is not a black box. Open the lid and look inside.
A Database DevOps Pipeline
Are your automation practices accounting for the database? How do you verify database software quality? Most importantly, how do you care for customer data as the schema evolves? Let's dig into building a CI/CD pipeline for databases. We'll leverage Red Gate tools and containers for automation, testing, and push-button deployment. You can bring DevOps to the database.
[Workshop] Kubernetes hands-on
Kubernetes is how you run Docker in production. Bring your laptop with Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac edge version installed. We'll walk through getting a K8s cluster fired up on Docker-Desktop, minikube, and on Azure. You'll be hosting Docker containers in development and production in no time. We'll dig deep into:
- A quick tour through Docker concepts
- The components of a kubernetes cluster
- pods, services, deployments, and replicas
- ways to scale and expose/isolate your containers
- public and private container registries
- stateful containers
- promoting from development to production
- Azure Container Service (AKS)
- Best practices for building at cloud scale
- Tips & Tricks for leveraging Docker and Kubernetes
- When not to use Kubernetes
We'll look at the commands and ecosystem around building infrastructure as code, local and cloud clusters, and best practices with containers. Come see why devs and ops love Kubernetes.
Level-up Your DevOps with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes
Are you looking to rapidly deploy your content? Are Docker containers in your future? Come for this demo-only presentation where we start from scratch, live-code a Dockerfile, build up a DevOps pipeline in GitHub Actions, and deploy to Kubernetes. Once setup, commit, and watch the magic flow into place. You too can automate your deployments.
NDC Sydney 2024 Sessionize Event
NDC London 2024 Sessionize Event
2023 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event
UtahJS Conf 2023 Sessionize Event
Nashville DevOpsDays 2023 Sessionize Event
Virtual Boston Azure User group Sessionize Event
NDC London 2023 Sessionize Event
CodeMash 2023 Sessionize Event
Devintersection & Azure Data Conference Fall 2022 Sessionize Event
2022 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event
Techorama Netherlands 2022 Sessionize Event
NDC Sydney 2022 Sessionize Event
Web Developer Conference '22 Sessionize Event
JCON 2022 ONLINE (virtual) Sessionize Event
.NET Day Switzerland 2022 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2022 Sessionize Event
KCDC 2022 Sessionize Event
FullStack eXchange Sessionize Event
Developer Week '22 Sessionize Event
SQL Start! 2022 Sessionize Event
Stir Trek 2022 Sessionize Event
Irish Techie talks... (2022) User group Sessionize Event
NDC Porto 2022 Sessionize Event
CodeStock 2022 Sessionize Event
Microsoft Azure + AI Conference Spring 2022 Sessionize Event
Devintersection & AngleBrackets Spring 2022 Sessionize Event
Code to Cloud Summit by Bridgecrew and Prisma Cloud Sessionize Event
philly.NET Code Camp 2022 Sessionize Event
CactusCon 2022 Sessionize Event
Azure Singapore Sessionize Event
CodeMash 2022 Sessionize Event
SQL & Azure SQL Conference Fall 2021 Sessionize Event
Devintersection & AngleBrackets Fall 2021 Sessionize Event
.NET Conf 2021 - Pakistan Sessionize Event
WeAreDevelopers JavaScript Congress 2021 Sessionize Event
DevFest Sri Lanka 2021 Sessionize Event
Porto Tech Hub Conference 2021 Sessionize Event
DevFest Ado-Ekiti 2021 Sessionize Event
PASS Data Community Summit 2021 Sessionize Event
Granite State Code Camp 2021 Sessionize Event
NDC Sydney 2021 Sessionize Event
Azure Community Conference 2021 Sessionize Event
Encuentros Arqconf 2021 // 2021 Arqconf meetings Sessionize Event
DevOps Conf 2021 Sessionize Event
Big Mountain Data and Dev Conference Sessionize Event
Tech Con '21 Sessionize Event
TechBash 2021 Sessionize Event
Northern VA CodeCamp Fall 2021 Sessionize Event
DataSaturdays #13 - Minnesota - Oct 16 2021 Sessionize Event
DBCC International 2021 Sessionize Event
Virtual NetCoreConf 2021 - 2 Sessionize Event
Scenic City Summit 2021 Sessionize Event
ContainerDays 2021 Sessionize Event
PowerShell, DevOps and Cloud Conference Sessionize Event
Music City Tech 2021 Sessionize Event
DevSecOps Days Los Angeles 2021 Sessionize Event
SPA Conference 2021 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2021 Sessionize Event
PWA Pilipinas Anniversary Month 2021 Sessionize Event
Cloud Native Days with Kubernetes Sessionize Event
TestingUy 2021 Sessionize Event
Developer Week '21 Sessionize Event
DevSecCon24 2021 Sessionize Event
Web Dev Week Guinea Sessionize Event
JNation 2021 Sessionize Event
RMISC 2021 Virtual Conference Sessionize Event
DevFest Live Sessionize Event
Virtual Symposium - SQL Server & Azure SQL Sessionize Event
Global Azure Bootcamp (Virtual) – Greater Toronto Area Edition Sessionize Event
Data Saturday #5 Redmond 2021 Sessionize Event
Global Azure Bulgaria 2021 Sessionize Event
☁️Global Azure Mexico 2021 🇲🇽 Sessionize Event
Virtual Global Azure - Verona 2021 Sessionize Event
Global Azure 2021 - Spain Sessionize Event
Global Azure Virtual 2021 Sessionize Event
Microsoft Azure + AI Conference Spring 2022 Sessionize Event
A.I. Day 2021 Sessionize Event
Web Day 2021 Sessionize Event
Virtual NetCoreConf 2021 Sessionize Event
MVP Fusion & Friends Sessionize Event
Virtual Scottish Summit 2021 Sessionize Event
DeveloperWeek 2021 Sessionize Event
NDC London 2021 Sessionize Event
Data Saturday Guatemala 2021 Sessionize Event
dotNet OpenSource Days 2020 Sessionize Event
Cloud Native Kitchen Sessionize Event
IT Pro|Dev Connections 2020 Sessionize Event
Pulsar Summit Asia 2020 Sessionize Event
AzConf Sessionize Event
Update Now 2020 Sessionize Event
DevFest Egypt 2020 Sessionize Event
MVP Days Israel 2020 Sessionize Event
Granite State Code Camp 2020 Sessionize Event
API World 2020 Sessionize Event
Big Mountain Data and Dev Conference Sessionize Event
Couchbase Connect.ONLINE Sessionize Event
DevOpsDays Boston 2020 Sessionize Event
Northern VA CodeCamp Fall 2020 Sessionize Event
ServerlessDays ANZ 2020 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2020 Sessionize Event
JavaScript and Friends Conference Sessionize Event
Virtual Azure Community Day Sessionize Event
LightUp Sessionize Event
2020 DevSecOps Days Singapore @ RSAC Sessionize Event
Camp Cloud Native Sessionize Event
.NET Day Switzerland 2020 Sessionize Event
CodeStock 2020 Sessionize Event
Devintersection, AngleBrackets, AngularMix Spring 2020 Sessionize Event
CodeMash 2020 Sessionize Event
Devintersection, AngleBrackets, AngularMix Sessionize Event
DogFoodCon 2019 Sessionize Event
Music City Tech 2019 Sessionize Event
Code PaLOUsa 2019 Sessionize Event
JavaScript and Friends Conference Sessionize Event
KCDC 2019 Sessionize Event
NDC Porto 2019 Sessionize Event
CodeMash 2019 Sessionize Event
dev up Conference 2018 Sessionize Event
KCDC 2018 Sessionize Event
Music City Tech 2018 Sessionize Event
Stir Trek 2018 Sessionize Event
Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers. If you suspect this profile to be fake or spam, please let us know.
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