Environment & Cleantech

Skilled professionals dedicated to innovative technologies and practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability

Jado 🌹

Jado 🌹

After playing basketball professionally in Europe didn't go as planned due to a career ending injury, I studied mechanical engineering, got my degree and worked for companies like Shaeffler. Now since covid drew myself jobless like many others, I turned to a whole new avenue and recreated my entire being by entering the NFT scene as initially an artist.
After finding my calling and going back to my managerial roots from back in my engineering days, running projects and creating brands has been nothing more than a loving hobby.
Loving your job, makes you better at what you do. And I love being able to build something with that longterm vision in mind.

After playing basketball professionally in Europe didn't go as planned due to a career ending injury, I studied mechanical engineering, got my degree and worked for companies like Shaeffler. Now since covid drew myself jobless like many others, I tur... Show more

Bethany Sonefeld

Bethany Sonefeld

Bethany is a designer that specializes in systems thinking, detail oriented design, and scalable enterprise solutions. Bethany has spent her career leading grass-roots efforts, consistently innovating and changing the way product organizations build products. She co-led the Carbon Design System team at IBM, who built and maintained the design system for IBM Cloud. At Cloudflare, she was the first designer on Cloudflare for Teams, building that product from the ground up before hiring a team of four.

Currently, Bethany is working as a Design Manager at Duo Security while also building Create with Conscience, a space dedicated to educating and committing to designing healthier technology.

She’s passionately curious, a cross-stitching queen, and is pretty much obsessed with her dog. You can learn more about Bethany and see her current projects at bethanysonefeld.com or give her a shout on Twitter @bsonefeld.

Bethany is a designer that specializes in systems thinking, detail oriented design, and scalable enterprise solutions. Bethany has spent her career leading grass-roots efforts, consistently innovating and changing the way product organizations build ... Show more

Katherine Watier Ong

Katherine Watier Ong

Katherine Ong is an online marketing consultant, coach, and public speaker with over 20 years of experience. She advises clients across a wide range of industries (pharma, healthcare, federal agencies, academic journals, CPG, press, startups, and associations) on how to stay on top of and improve their online (and voice) brand presence. She has provided digital marketing strategies for brands including the National Cancer Institute (Cancer.gov), HHS ONC (HealthIT.gov), NOAA Fisheries, New York Health Benefits Exchange (NYStateofHealth.gov), and American College of Cardiology, and RollCall.com. She previously founded and ran the digital marketing and analytics team for Ketchum PR globally.

Mrs. Ong leans into cutting-edge technology. She wrote the first study of consumer adoption of wearable computers (2003), helped spur market adoption of electronic health records (HealthIT.gov), and supported the enrollment of New York state’s healthcare exchange (NYStateofHealth.gov). Prior to starting her own consultancy, she ran the online marketing and analytics team for Ketchum PR globally.

She has spoken at the Voice Summit, BrightonSEO, SES Chicago, Online Marketing Summit, as well as the American Marketing Association and PRSA events. She is also the host of the Digital Marketing Victories podcast, and the host of a micro podcast (and Alexa Flash briefing) called Daily SEO Tips. She earned both an MA from Georgetown University in Tech Marketing and Business and a BA in Social Psychology from Hampshire College. She has been featured in Humans of Analytics and on Forbes’ Outstanding Women in Analytics list.

Katherine Ong is an online marketing consultant, coach, and public speaker with over 20 years of experience. She advises clients across a wide range of industries (pharma, healthcare, federal agencies, academic journals, CPG, press, startups, and ass... Show more

Carl Kasalek

Carl Kasalek

Carl Kasalek is the CEO of U.S. Energy Recovery, a provider of turnkey energy efficiency solutions for businesses seeking to reduce their energy usage. U.S. Energy Recovery provides state-of-the-art electric vehicle charging, solar, energy storage, lighting, and control systems that help organizations lower their energy usage which allows them to save money and be environmentally sustainable while providing a higher quality atmosphere for employees and customers. To date, U.S. Energy Recovery has saved its clients over $80 million dollars in energy costs and 1.3 billion pounds of CO2e.

An entrepreneur at heart, Carl has founded or acquired 8 successful companies ranging in industries from 3D printing, real estate, and event entertainment. In his free time, Carl enjoys spending time with his wife and four children at their home in Phoenix, AZ where they enjoy everything the beautiful desert has to offer.

Carl Kasalek is the CEO of U.S. Energy Recovery, a provider of turnkey energy efficiency solutions for businesses seeking to reduce their energy usage. U.S. Energy Recovery provides state-of-the-art electric vehicle charging, solar, energy storage, l... Show more

Susanne Hensel-Börner

Susanne Hensel-Börner

Susanne Hensel-Börner ist Professorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing und Sales. Sie ist Initiatorin und Studiengangsleiterin des innovativen Masterprogramms MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability.
Sie lehrt und forscht zur Themenverknüpfung von Digitalisierung & Nachhaltigkeit, zur interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit und zu Bildungsfragen für eine digitalisierte Welt.

Susanne Hensel-Börner ist Professorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing und Sales. Sie ist Initiatorin und Studiengangsleiterin des innovativen Masterprogramms MSc Digital Transformation & Sustainability. Sie lehrt und forscht zur... Show more

Ricardo Miranda

Ricardo Miranda

Ricardo Miranda is a mechanical engineer who started his career doing High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Oceanography. Since then, his interest in large scale problems has only grown. His current passion is working on distributed systems in Cloud environments. When not staring at a screen, you may find him having fun playing soccer or riding a mountain bike.

Ricardo Miranda is a mechanical engineer who started his career doing High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Oceanography. Since then, his interest in large scale problems has only grown. His current passion is working on distributed systems in Cloud en... Show more

Jesse Jhaj

Jesse Jhaj

Jesse Jhaj is an expert in combining educational content with compelling stories, captivating cinematography, creative soundtracks, and much more.

Jesse Jhaj is an expert in combining educational content with compelling stories, captivating cinematography, creative soundtracks, and much more. Show more

Fabrice Etanchaud

Fabrice Etanchaud

Fabrice Etanchaud is a lead dev at Maif-vie, a French life insurance company. He has built data services for fifteen years, mainly in the environmental remote sensing and intellectual property realms. He recently fell in love with analytics through new engagements in enterprise information systems, contributing a dremio plugin for dbt.

Fabrice Etanchaud is a lead dev at Maif-vie, a French life insurance company. He has built data services for fifteen years, mainly in the environmental remote sensing and intellectual property realms. He recently fell in love with analytics through n... Show more

Sharon Ud Georgewill

Sharon Ud Georgewill

Sharon is a young professional, Pan-Africanist, passionate about technology and development. Currently the Chief of Staff at International Youth Federation. She works part time as a content developer at 4barz Tech., where she focuses on developing strategies that align with the product vision as well ensuring a successful launch of the product(s).

Sharon is a young professional, Pan-Africanist, passionate about technology and development. Currently the Chief of Staff at International Youth Federation. She works part time as a content developer at 4barz Tech., where she focuses on developing st... Show more

Anna De Carolis

Anna De Carolis

Con una Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale e successivo Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD) in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering al Politecnico di Milano, Anna De Carolis è ricercatrice post-doc al Politecnico di Milano attualmente impegnata in attività di Ricerca, Formazione e Consulenza sulle tematiche inerenti la trasformazione digitale.
Nel corso del suo percorso di Dottorato, ha sviluppato e utilizzato in più di 50 realtà industriali un modello di analisi della maturità digitale dei processi aziendali – DREAMY –, studiato per supportare le aziende manifatturiere nel delineare la propria roadmap di trasformazione digitale.
Sin dalla sua prima edizione, Anna De Carolis è parte del team di ricercatori dell’Osservatorio Industria 4.0 della School of Management del Politecnico di Milano.

Con una Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale e successivo Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD) in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering al Politecnico di Milano, Anna De Carolis è ricercatrice post-doc al Politecnico di Milano attualmente impegnata in at... Show more

Kim Weatherington

Kim Weatherington

Kim Weatherington's depth of experience positions her to offer a candidate analysis of some of the most complex issues we face. Her critical thinking has lead her to become a student of life, she loves to learn and share what she learns. As a realtor, entrepreneur and founder she has provoked many around her to confront the change needed to move forward. She is a builder, organizing and building in communities by hosting anti litter campaigns. She is leader, leading a tech team that is building blockchain technology for enterprise use. She is a futurist, always thinking ahead is the vehicle transporting her innovative ideas and her "you can do anything you put your mind to" mentality. Her speaking engagements are high impact, emotionally connective and will leave the audience motivated to embark on their journey with more knowledge of how to properly use the tools that they naturally possess as a guide to life.

Kim Weatherington's depth of experience positions her to offer a candidate analysis of some of the most complex issues we face. Her critical thinking has lead her to become a student of life, she loves to learn and share what she learns. As a realtor... Show more

Clement B. Oke

Clement B. Oke

A young, self-motivated, responsible, visionary, and committed geo-solutions developer with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Remote Sensing and GIS from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. Entry level GIS Developer with about 4 years innovative experience in data mining and analysis, android and web go-solutions development. An upcoming researcher with keen interest in location intelligence.

A young, self-motivated, responsible, visionary, and committed geo-solutions developer with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Remote Sensing and GIS from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. Entry level GIS Developer with about 4 ye... Show more

Dalton Scott

Dalton Scott

Dalton has spent the past 5 years working on Machine Learning, Nodejs, and Microservices with companies large (100,000+ employees) and small (2 employees). He loves tough questions and has a passion for learning emerging technologies. Feel free to talk to him about any of the following: Nodejs, Machine Learning, Golang, some awesome technology that he doesn't know about yet.

He is currently on loan to Shell, consulting as their Conversational AI Tech Lead.

Dalton has spent the past 5 years working on Machine Learning, Nodejs, and Microservices with companies large (100,000+ employees) and small (2 employees). He loves tough questions and has a passion for learning emerging technologies. Feel free to ta... Show more

Emily Kearney

Emily Kearney

Emily Kearney is the Project Director of Tech & Biotech at the Unconscious Bias Project. She is also pursuing her PhD in Environmental Science at UC Berkeley and is passionate about data science, open source, and chocolate pollination.

Emily Kearney is the Project Director of Tech & Biotech at the Unconscious Bias Project. She is also pursuing her PhD in Environmental Science at UC Berkeley and is passionate about data science, open source, and chocolate pollination. Show more

Rachel Dubois

Rachel Dubois

I believe that we can create products and services that make the world a better place. And that we can learn and grow in the process of doing so. Our challenge is that we waste time and money and human energy on untested ideas that, too often, turn out to be something that the customer does not want. Or, if we have an idea that is really good, we get in our own way by not executing it well, by not being able to communicate, inspire, and empower our collaborators and stakeholders as we must in order to do the impossible: launch and grow good ideas that the world needs, fostering sustainable and ethical growth.

I work to solve that.
25 years + experience in Tech as Product Lead
Named TOP 50 Product Leader to follow in 2024 (worldwide)
Agile @scale expert
International speaker & keynoter since 2008
Worked for : Spotify, Airbus, Orange, Natixis, Legrand, ...

I believe that we can create products and services that make the world a better place. And that we can learn and grow in the process of doing so. Our challenge is that we waste time and money and human energy on untested ideas that, too often, turn... Show more

Jose Javier Columbie

Jose Javier Columbie

Jose is a Master of Electrical Engineering turned .NET Developer/Architect. DevExpress MVP, Big DevOps advocate and Xamarin Certified. Jose spends most of his time on training, consulting and development of Azure based solutions for enterprise customers. Passionate about performance, data access, application design and DevExpress products, specially XAF and XPO. He is also a tech speaker, blogger and is always pushing to grow the community. Blazor is his new crush.

Jose is a Master of Electrical Engineering turned .NET Developer/Architect. DevExpress MVP, Big DevOps advocate and Xamarin Certified. Jose spends most of his time on training, consulting and development of Azure based solutions for enterprise custom... Show more

Ashwini Mahendiran

Ashwini Mahendiran

Ashwini Mahendiran is a versatile professional with a Master's degree and over three years of experience in full-stack development and data science. With a proven track record of winning multiple hackathons and research expos, Ms. Mahendiran excels in driving innovation and delivering impactful solutions. Her expertise lies at the intersection of Data, AI, and Software Development, where she leverage cutting-edge technology to address complex challenges. Known for her collaborative approach and strong communication skills, Ms. Mahendiran thrives in dynamic environments, inspiring teams to achieve ambitious goals. Committed to Responsible and Ethical AI, Ms. Mahendiran is passionate about shaping a more inclusive and sustainable future in the tech industry.

Ashwini Mahendiran is a versatile professional with a Master's degree and over three years of experience in full-stack development and data science. With a proven track record of winning multiple hackathons and research expos, Ms. Mahendiran excels i... Show more

Tatiana Montenegro

Tatiana Montenegro

Tatiana Montenegro is a Sr. SLED Sales Account Representative at Juniper Networks responsible for preventing cyberattacks and helping leverage Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform for South Florida school districts and local government. She has established a distinguished career in the technology industry, beginning with prominent roles at Citrix, Cisco, VMware, and Palo Alto Networks. Throughout her journey, she has been instrumental in deploying cutting-edge technologies such as Automation, AI, and Machine Learning to deliver business outcomes.

Tatiana Montenegro is a Sr. SLED Sales Account Representative at Juniper Networks responsible for preventing cyberattacks and helping leverage Juniper’s AI-Native Networking Platform for South Florida school districts and local government. She has es... Show more

Carl Sargunar

Carl Sargunar

Carl has been building websites and apps for various clients for the last 20 years, from running agencies to direct clients, and generally integrating the heck out of systems. He enjoys learning new things and sharing what he has learned.

Carl has been building websites and apps for various clients for the last 20 years, from running agencies to direct clients, and generally integrating the heck out of systems. He enjoys learning new things and sharing what he has learned. Show more

Saravanan Ganesan

Saravanan Ganesan

As a Microsoft AI & IoT MVP with over 11 years of experience, I specialize in developing and architecting IoT and AI applications. My expertise spans various edge devices, sensors, and Azure services like IoT Hub, Event Hub, Digital Twins, and Device Provisioning Services. In AI, I excel in multi-agent systems with Semantic Kernel and Azure AI services such as Document Intelligence, Content Safety, and Custom Vision. I've successfully implemented solutions across diverse domains, driving innovation and business success. I'm passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create impactful solutions

As a Microsoft AI & IoT MVP with over 11 years of experience, I specialize in developing and architecting IoT and AI applications. My expertise spans various edge devices, sensors, and Azure services like IoT Hub, Event Hub, Digital Twins, and Device... Show more

Balogun David Taiwo

Balogun David Taiwo

With over 4 years of experience in the tech and data analytics space, I have contributed significantly to innovative fintech startups across Africa and currently work with a leading fintech company. Beyond my professional role, I am passionate about mentoring and teaching aspiring data professionals. I have collaborated with esteemed edtech organizations such as Tech4Dev and Niyo BootCamp, and have taught over 3,000 students across Africa and the United Kingdom. Additionally, I have worked on impactful data analytics projects with Nasarawa State, FCMB among others, driving data-driven decision-making and innovation. My dedication to continuous learning and community engagement underscores my commitment to advancing the field of data analytics.

With over 4 years of experience in the tech and data analytics space, I have contributed significantly to innovative fintech startups across Africa and currently work with a leading fintech company. Beyond my professional role, I am passionate about ... Show more

Dr. James C. Rodríguez, MSW

Dr. James C. Rodríguez, MSW

Dr. James C. Rodríguez, MSW, CADC, is a globally acclaimed leader, speaker, and advocate for children's well-being, renowned for his ability to inspire transformative change through his expertise and dedication. A proud father, soldier, social worker, and visionary, Dr. Rodríguez embodies a purpose-driven approach to addressing the needs of individuals, families, and communities. His life's work spans a diverse array of fields, including Early Childhood Education, Public Health, Child Welfare, Mental Health, Leadership Development, and Fatherhood Advocacy.

Dr. Rodríguez's distinguished career began at 17 as a combat medic in the United States Army. By 22, he became one of the youngest Substance Abuse Counselors in the Department of Defense, demonstrating an exceptional ability to lead and support others. Over two decades of service in the U.S. Armed Forces, he held roles in law enforcement and mental health, leaving a lasting legacy of service and impact. His commitment to serving at-risk youth earned him the prestigious Points of Light Award from President George H.W. Bush, while President Barack H. Obama later honored him with the Presidential Lifetime Call to Service Award for his enduring contributions to society.

A trailblazer in fatherhood and family advocacy, Dr. Rodríguez established one of Arizona's first Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)-funded fatherhood programs. This program and numerous other initiatives he developed have generated more than $75 million in funding, positively impacting countless families and professionals. He founded the Fathers and Families Coalition of America (FFCA), which has grown from a grassroots organization into an international nonprofit with a global reach. FFCA's hallmark event, the International Families and Fathers Conference, has transformed communities and inspired leaders worldwide.

As an educator, Dr. Rodríguez's commitment to education and mentorship is unwavering. He has served as a professor at prestigious institutions, including the University of Southern California and Arizona State University. His passion for teaching and mentorship has taken him to universities and communities worldwide, such as Morehouse College, Howard University, Columbia University, Clark Atlanta University, the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, the University of the West Indies, and more. His dynamic lectures and workshops have empowered professionals to effect meaningful change in their fields.
A recognized mental health expert and thought leader, Dr. Rodríguez has been invited to keynote for esteemed organizations such as the City of New York, the Region II Head Start Association, the State of Maryland, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health. He is the creator of the SAMHSA-approved training curriculum "Including and Elevating Fathers in Family Mental Health Support," which has been instrumental in advancing the skills of over 30,000 practitioners nationwide.

Dr. Rodríguez's groundbreaking research and program development efforts are a testament to his commitment to innovation and equity. He has led health initiatives funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Mental Health. His work with the Somali Association of Arizona, the Hispanic/Latino and African American National Community Parent Depression Research Project, and various public health programs has earned him widespread recognition as a champion for equity, inclusion, and innovation.

The OAR Leadership Institute, founded by Dr. Rodríguez, has trained over 2,500 professionals since 2018, providing a cutting-edge curriculum that integrates timeless leadership principles with modern strategies. His Advanced Practitioner Credential™ Course has further cemented his status as a leader in professional development, offering evidence-based training to practitioners worldwide.

Dr. Rodríguez's personal values—rooted in love, empathy, and a deep respect for humanity—are the driving force behind every facet of his work. Above all, he treasures his role as a father and draws inspiration from his own children to create initiatives that support families and strengthen communities. His unwavering dedication to fostering wellness, equity, and opportunity continues to make a profound impact, earning him global recognition as one of the most influential social work, mental health, and child welfare figures.

Dr. James C. Rodríguez, MSW, CADC, is a globally acclaimed leader, speaker, and advocate for children's well-being, renowned for his ability to inspire transformative change through his expertise and dedication. A proud father, soldier, social worker... Show more

Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi

Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi

Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi is a technologist, app developer, web designer, and investigative journalist with nearly a decade of experience. She founded JournoTECH and The Colonist Report, pioneering inclusive journalism and tech training for professionals. Through JournoTECH, she empowers journalists, educators, and marginalised communities with AI and tech skills, focusing on bridging the digital divide in the Global South and North. A master’s graduate from the University of Westminster, she is expanding her knowledge in machine learning, cybersecurity, and ethical hacking. Elfredah advocates for the ethical use of AI in media and education, blending technology and storytelling to amplify marginalised voices.

Elfredah Kevin-Alerechi is a technologist, app developer, web designer, and investigative journalist with nearly a decade of experience. She founded JournoTECH and The Colonist Report, pioneering inclusive journalism and tech training for professiona... Show more

Kristopher Sandoval

Kristopher Sandoval

Kristopher Sandoval is a thought leader and author with over a decade of product-led growth experience in innovative development. He has written over 300 books and articles on product, tech, and API innovation and implementation.

Kristopher Sandoval is a thought leader and author with over a decade of product-led growth experience in innovative development. He has written over 300 books and articles on product, tech, and API innovation and implementation. Show more

Ayoade Adegbite

Ayoade Adegbite

Ayoade Adegbite is an accomplished data and analytics engineer with extensive experience leveraging advanced data tools and enterprise ecosystems to deliver actionable insights across diverse industries. He designs sophisticated analytical models, ensures data integrity, and implements impactful data solutions. With a strong background in ETL processes, data visualization, and robust documentation practices, Ayoade has consistently driven significant improvements in data-driven decision-making and operational efficiency.

Ayoade’s professional journey includes notable roles such as Data Analyst Engineer at WirePick, where he achieved a 35% improvement in data integration accuracy and developed a 12% enhancement in data delivery. His expertise extends to consulting roles, where he optimized business processes and revitalized operations using advanced technologies like Airflow and dbt. Ayoade holds Tableau and Apache Airflow certifications, reflecting his commitment to continuous learning and professional growth. He has also contributed as a speaker and mentor in various data-focused events and programs. Based in Lagos, Nigeria, Ayoade continues to push the boundaries of data analytics and engineering.

Ayoade Adegbite is an accomplished data and analytics engineer with extensive experience leveraging advanced data tools and enterprise ecosystems to deliver actionable insights across diverse industries. He designs sophisticated analytical models, en... Show more

Sneh Pandya

Sneh Pandya

Sneh Pandya is an emerging Product Management leader with specialization in strategic leadership. He advocates for product strategy, digital transformation, and sustainable innovation.

His qualifications majors in Strategy Management and Leadership from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Sneh is also a Developer Community Leader at Google Developers Group Baroda and has given public talks at several worldwide developer conferences. He is a co-founder of the NinjaTalks podcast, which brings together experiences from the world's leaders, changemakers, and innovators to make knowledge accessible to all.

With his extensive experience in the field of technology including mobile and web software applications, DevOps, Cloud, infrastructure automation, and software architecture, his articles are published in various technology and management publications.

Sneh Pandya is an emerging Product Management leader with specialization in strategic leadership. He advocates for product strategy, digital transformation, and sustainable innovation. His qualifications majors in Strategy Management and Leadershi... Show more

Mahak Shah

Mahak Shah

I have nearly 6 years of experience working across various aspects of distributed systems, specializing in scalability, extensibility, and availability. I am proficient in building microservice-based software systems tailored to meet complex customer requirements. Currently, I am part of the Core Search platform team at Splunk, specifically Federated Search. My previous experience includes roles at Salesforce and Samsung Research. I hold a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Columbia University.

I have nearly 6 years of experience working across various aspects of distributed systems, specializing in scalability, extensibility, and availability. I am proficient in building microservice-based software systems tailored to meet complex customer... Show more

Celestina Amadi

Celestina Amadi

Celestina Amadi is a Cloud Engineer with over three years of experience in multi-cloud and hybrid environments, she specializes in Infrastructure as Code, Kubernetes, and securing cloud-native applications. Celestina is passionate about sharing knowledge and empowering teams to implement scalable and compliant infrastructure

Celestina Amadi is a Cloud Engineer with over three years of experience in multi-cloud and hybrid environments, she specializes in Infrastructure as Code, Kubernetes, and securing cloud-native applications. Celestina is passionate about sharing knowl... Show more

Odeta Iseviciute

Odeta Iseviciute

After managing multi-million dollar marketing campaigns for companies like Groupon and the New York Times, Odeta has spent the last ten years building startups in diverse industries from education to 3D printing, e-commerce, fintech, and most recently AI. She’s a Swiss knife of all things business strategy, marketing, sales, and user experience. Odeta is also a mentor and judge at WSA, a TEDx organizer, and an active advocate for social innovation, hosting YouTube talks with social impact entrepreneurs at iX3.

After managing multi-million dollar marketing campaigns for companies like Groupon and the New York Times, Odeta has spent the last ten years building startups in diverse industries from education to 3D printing, e-commerce, fintech, and most recentl... Show more

Cosme Aristides

Cosme Aristides

I have a degree in Physics and Astronomy, but I work in IT. Okay, nothing special there. The unlikely thing is that before I ventured into the "exact sciences" (a somewhat inaccurate label, by the way), I actually completed 6 semesters of Literature. So, I have some "humanities" in my academic background. Okay, but what career doesn't? Details of my profile that might give you an idea of ​​the line I want to take in my content production.

My completed writing projects are: editorial and writing for the pop culture and science dissemination magazine Geeky~iD, as well as authoring the book “A Paisagem Limpido ~ Gênese vampírica”. I also wrote research and dissemination articles on Physics, Epistemology, Ancient History, Comparative Religions and Mythology.

As academic activities, I coordinated the UFF/Unesco extension project in Environmental Education, gave lectures at research institutes on Climate Change, clean energy, sustainable development, astronomy, quantum theory, relativity, philosophy of science, data science and artificial intelligence.

I have a degree in Physics and Astronomy, but I work in IT. Okay, nothing special there. The unlikely thing is that before I ventured into the "exact sciences" (a somewhat inaccurate label, by the way), I actually completed 6 semesters of Literature.... Show more

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