Media & Information

Esteemed specialists working in the fields of media education, digital media, multimedia and radio services

Joachim Aumann

Joachim Aumann

Joachim has been at Amazon Web Services since 2019 and supports Enterprise customers with the adoption and use of AWS services. He enjoys speaking on stage and spreading cloud knowledge. His favorite topic in the cloud area is cost optimization and high scale events. You should ask him about it! Before joining AWS, he worked at Adidas, Sivantos, and a smaller travel software company as a Solution Architect, Development Lead and Senior Developer. When he isn’t supporting customers on their inevitable journey to the cloud, he is enjoying playing and watching Sports.

Joachim has been at Amazon Web Services since 2019 and supports Enterprise customers with the adoption and use of AWS services. He enjoys speaking on stage and spreading cloud knowledge. His favorite topic in the cloud area is cost optimization and h... Show more

Savannah Dill

Savannah Dill

Savannah Dill is an influential Business Intelligence Analyst, deeply passionate about Microsoft's Power Platform. Her mission is to demystify data analytics and empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions using data insights, blending technical with storytelling.

Outside of her professional life, Savannah dedicates her time to managing "Not a Pickle Blog" and is in the process of launching a podcast named "D20 Dynamics," aiming to broaden her educational outreach and foster deeper community engagement. S

Always warm and human.

Savannah Dill is an influential Business Intelligence Analyst, deeply passionate about Microsoft's Power Platform. Her mission is to demystify data analytics and empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions using data insights, bl... Show more

William Mendes

William Mendes

William Mendes works as a Team Leader at Coralogix after having worked as developer, performance and observability engineer and managed different types of teams. Through the last couple of years, William helped build high performant Platform and SRE teams around psycholical safety and personal development environments.

William Mendes works as a Team Leader at Coralogix after having worked as developer, performance and observability engineer and managed different types of teams. Through the last couple of years, William helped build high performant Platform and SRE ... Show more

Matty Stratton

Matty Stratton

Matt Stratton is the Director of Developer Relations at Aiven, founder and co-host of the popular Arrested DevOps podcast, and the global chair of the DevOpsDays set of conferences.

Matt has over 20 years of experience in IT operations and is a sought-after speaker internationally, presenting at Agile, DevOps, and cloud engineering focused events worldwide. Demonstrating his keen insight into the changing landscape of technology, he recently changed his license plate from DEVOPS to KUBECTL.

He lives in Chicago and has three awesome kids, whom he loves just a little bit more than he loves Diet Coke. Matt is the keeper of the Thought Leaderboard for the DevOps Party Games online game show and you can find him on Twitter at @mattstratton.

Matt Stratton is the Director of Developer Relations at Aiven, founder and co-host of the popular Arrested DevOps podcast, and the global chair of the DevOpsDays set of conferences. Matt has over 20 years of experience in IT operations and is a so... Show more

Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith is a mediocre middle-aged white man from Ireland, living in Brighton, England. He works with the splendid design transformation consultancy, Clearleft.

You may know Jeremy from such books as DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax, and HTML5 For Web Designers, Resilient Web Design, and most recently, Going Offline. He’s the curator of the UX London conference and he also hosts the Clearleft podcast.

Jeremy spends most of his time goofing off on the internet and documenting his time-wasting on, where he has been writing for more than twenty years. He also plays traditional Irish music on the mandolin, and slide bouzouki in the rock band, Salter Cane.

Jeremy Keith is a mediocre middle-aged white man from Ireland, living in Brighton, England. He works with the splendid design transformation consultancy, Clearleft. You may know Jeremy from such books as DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax, and HTML5 ... Show more

Julien Libert

Julien Libert

Développeur Web depuis plus de 15 ans, j’aime coder, gérer des équipes et faire en sorte de garder une bonne cohérence dans mon code et une architecture de projet élaborée.
Je passe la majorité de mon quotidien à jongler entre du Laravel, du VueJS, mais aussi de bons gros morceaux de code legacy (PHP, jQuery…).

Après une formation en informatique générale, c’est toujours le web et ses technos qui m’ont attirées. La véritable révélation s'est faite avec l’arrivée des frameworks (CSS, PHP, JS) qui ont commencé à structurer et donner des lignes directrices pour des projets plus ou moins complexes. Malgré les reproches qu’on peut parfois leur faire, ils permettent aux équipes de développement d’accélérer la production, d’éviter la redite de tâches laborieuses et ainsi se concentrer sur du code à forte valeur ajoutée pour les utilisateurs.

Actuellement Lead développeur chez Evoliz, j'ai dû aborder un framework dans un autre domaine : l’agilité dans la réalisation de projets, avec SCRUM. Notre philosophie : on essaie, on échoue, on améliore, on réussit, on améliore encore… Après 6 ans à leurs côtés, je me dis qu’on a tenté pas mal de choses, réussi sur certaines, échoué sur d’autres, et surtout acquis une modeste expérience sur divers sujets. C’est donc tout naturellement que me vient l’envie de partager tout cela avec d’autres.

Développeur Web depuis plus de 15 ans, j’aime coder, gérer des équipes et faire en sorte de garder une bonne cohérence dans mon code et une architecture de projet élaborée. Je passe la majorité de mon quotidien à jongler entre du Laravel, du VueJS,... Show more

Erwin Derksen

Erwin Derksen

Since 1999 in IT – Practical – Simplifier – #BulletPointFree Public Speaker - Likes sharing knowledge – Projects and changes only – Has also a technical focus – Acts as bridge between business and technology – Founded DerkIT in 2017 and Blue Identity in 2022 - Guides complex decisions and reduces them to the essence – Believes that humor, clarity, and simplicity are most important.

Since 1999 in IT – Practical – Simplifier – #BulletPointFree Public Speaker - Likes sharing knowledge – Projects and changes only – Has also a technical focus – Acts as bridge between business and technology – Founded DerkIT in 2017 and Blue Identi... Show more

Martin Förtsch

Martin Förtsch

Martin Förtsch is an IT-consultant of TNG Technology Consulting GmbH based in Unterföhring near Munich who studied computer sciences. Work wise his focus areas are Agile Development (mainly) in Java, Search Engine Technologies, Information Retrieval and Databases.

As an Intel Software Innovator and Intel Black Belt Software Developer he is strongly involved in the development of open-source software for gesture control with 3D-cameras like e.g. Intel RealSense and has built an Augmented Reality wearable prototype device with his team based on this technology.

Furthermore, he gives many talks at national and international conferences about Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, 3D-camera technologies, Augmented Reality and Test Driven Development as well. He was awarded with the Oracle JavaOne Rockstar.

Martin Förtsch is an IT-consultant of TNG Technology Consulting GmbH based in Unterföhring near Munich who studied computer sciences. Work wise his focus areas are Agile Development (mainly) in Java, Search Engine Technologies, Information Retrieval ... Show more

Mark Runyon

Mark Runyon

Mark Runyon is a Vice President of Consulting at Improving. He is passionate about helping people. He is deeply invested in coaching Improvers through Improving's Path Coaching program and serves as an organizational lead within the Atlanta enterprise. He leads people growth initiatives through the office of the CCO. He enjoys giving back through training efforts, centered on leadership development, career coaching, consulting skills, and trust. He is an advocate for thought leadership. He serves as the executive sponsor of Improving Atlanta's conference and user group efforts. He frequently speaks at conferences and writes for publications like InformationWeek. He focuses on topics around leadership and professional development.

Mark Runyon is a Vice President of Consulting at Improving. He is passionate about helping people. He is deeply invested in coaching Improvers through Improving's Path Coaching program and serves as an organizational lead within the Atlanta enterpris... Show more

Masahiro Aoki

Masahiro Aoki

After graduating from the International Christian University (ICU), I ventured into entrepreneurship, co-founding a startup and serving as its CTO. My journey then led me to IBM Japan, where I took on the role of a Flutter Tech Lead in a major maritime company's business improvement project. Post-IBM, I'm now actively engaged in supporting startup development and spearheading the OpenCI project.

After graduating from the International Christian University (ICU), I ventured into entrepreneurship, co-founding a startup and serving as its CTO. My journey then led me to IBM Japan, where I took on the role of a Flutter Tech Lead in a major mariti... Show more

Alex Hammerschmied

Alex Hammerschmied

Alex helps SMBs to sell more – fully automated.
Using Sales Funnels, E-Mail Marketing and open-source Marketing-Automation tools, he generates highly qualified leads and gains satisfied buyers for his customers and scales their businesses.

As one of the leading Marketing-Automation specialists in the DACH region, he has years of experience as a Marketing Partner with companies & influencers like Arne Preuss (from, Feuerwear, MeinOffice, ALLERGIKA®, Schäfer-Shop and more. Moreover, he is intensely involved with the world's largest Open-Source Marketing-Automation Project, Mautic.

Alex loves spending quality time with his wife, his daughters & his dog, tea, golf, and exceptional business concepts.

Alex helps SMBs to sell more – fully automated. Using Sales Funnels, E-Mail Marketing and open-source Marketing-Automation tools, he generates highly qualified leads and gains satisfied buyers for his customers and scales their businesses. As on... Show more

Cher Fox

Cher Fox

I'm a true data geek that's been solving the data puzzle for over 35 years. As the President and Founder of Fox Consulting, I advise organizations to define & optimize processes, quality & intelligence, to solve their most painful data insight issues. My 3+ decades of deep practitioner experience, in data, analytics, & business intelligence, designs & implements secure strategic analytics roadmaps for global companies' most complex financial data solutions. I also show senior data leaders how to be confident in leveraging the existing software they already own to save time & money solving their technology, data and business intelligence challenges.

I'm fluent in data delivery via SQL server tables, stored procedures, views, SSIS packages, SSAS tabular models, Oracle Toad, & SAP Universes. My specialties for BI delivery are SSRS, Power BI, Tableau, SAP Business Objects & Crystal Reports.

I serve as VP of Marketing on the Data Management Association - Rocky Mountain Chapter board & am formerly a board member for the Colorado Chapter of TDWI. I contribute to the SQL PASS community, Women Who Code, HMG Strategy, Women in Technology, Colorado Technology Association (CTA) & Society for Information Management (SIM) groups. I enjoy sharing my expertise via speaking engagements locally, nationally & internationally.

I've held the corporate positions of Interim CEO for a national marketing agency, Customer Services Manager for an international software development group, Interim IT Manager for a national risk management company, & Senior VP Operations for a regional construction firm.

I'm a true data geek that's been solving the data puzzle for over 35 years. As the President and Founder of Fox Consulting, I advise organizations to define & optimize processes, quality & intelligence, to solve their most painful data insight issue... Show more

Monica "Nikki" Flores

Monica "Nikki" Flores

~ web development to make a positive difference ~

Monica "Nikki" Flores facilitates the development of digital products as a Certified ScrumMaster® and technical project manager with WCAG CPACC Certification at Lullabot, a strategy, design, and development agency supporting redevelopment/new rollouts for Fortune 500 brands, government agencies, higher education, publishers, and enterprise technology companies.

A recipient of the 2018 and 2019 NTENny Award, Flores speaks at conferences and panels on technology, management, and entrepreneurship. Flores is a Pantheon Hero .

~ web development to make a positive difference ~ Monica "Nikki" Flores facilitates the development of digital products as a Certified ScrumMaster® and technical project manager with WCAG CPACC Certification at Lullabot, a strategy, design, and de... Show more

Brian Collins

Brian Collins

As a Walt Disney Imagineer, Brian helped create the stories and magic for some of the world’s most beloved attractions. Over the past 30+ years, he has produced work for a who’s-who list of corporations, as well as small entrepreneurial ventures. As an Instructor at the University of Central Florida, Brian teaches a variety of classes related to immersive/thematic design, entertainment business, and emerging technologies. He is also a sought-after Futurist and Innovation Consultant through his practice known as The Brainstorm Institute where he works with both large and small companies to help them gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace through design thinking and adopting innovative practices. He has spoken at conferences around the world, is passionate about education, and is an advisory board member for several innovative tech start-ups.

As a Walt Disney Imagineer, Brian helped create the stories and magic for some of the world’s most beloved attractions. Over the past 30+ years, he has produced work for a who’s-who list of corporations, as well as small entrepreneurial ventures. As ... Show more

Francesco Fullone

Francesco Fullone

I'm Francesco Fullone, a business designer, consultant, and mentor and investor in technology companies focusing on sustainability or social impact.

I help companies (in any stage) to better define their business propositions to create options to validate them, and I advise them to organize themselves better to reach their goals.

I founded, and I contribute to Apropos, a company that helps communities, companies, and local groups organize events and workshops. If you attended an international conference about web technologies in Italy, you met me as a speaker, organizer, or attendee.

I founded companies such as Digitiamo to create NLP and AI-related products, Carma, to work on the next food technologies. In the past, Ideato, where I contributed to its growth for more than ten years, creating an innovative and quality reference for the development agencies in Italy.

I'm the president of the GrUSP, a no-profit association that encourages best practices in web development since 2002.

I'm Francesco Fullone, a business designer, consultant, and mentor and investor in technology companies focusing on sustainability or social impact. I help companies (in any stage) to better define their business propositions to create options to ... Show more

Markus Kett

Markus Kett

Markus and his teams have been working on IDE tools for Java and database development, as well as various open-source projects for 20 years. Markus is CEO and co-founder of MicroStream, the company behind the Eclipse open-source projects EclipseStore, Eclipse Serializer, and RapidClipse IDE. He is also the editor-in-chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine in Germany and the founder and co-organizer of the Java community conference series JCON. He is an independent editor for several magazines, and a speaker at numerous international developer conferences, user groups, and meetups.

Markus and his teams have been working on IDE tools for Java and database development, as well as various open-source projects for 20 years. Markus is CEO and co-founder of MicroStream, the company behind the Eclipse open-source projects EclipseStore... Show more

Chime Okure

Chime Okure

Chime is a Senior D365CE/Power Platform Consultant and Microsoft MVP.
Beyond work, Chime is a Careers Mentor at the University of Greenwich, actively engaging youth in STEM activities and guiding students in career planning.

Chime is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with a passion for technology and enjoys sharing what he learns with others, enabling them to learn faster and be more productive.

Chime is a Senior D365CE/Power Platform Consultant and Microsoft MVP. Beyond work, Chime is a Careers Mentor at the University of Greenwich, actively engaging youth in STEM activities and guiding students in career planning. Chime is a Microsoft ... Show more

Lorraine Williams

Lorraine Williams

Lorraine Williams is a credentialed coach, facilitator, and resilience speaker for Vidl Work, a culture transformation firm dedicated to optimizing organizational performance. Lorraine is committed to guiding others to connect with themselves, find purpose and to stand in their worth. With her powerful presence she motivates audiences to embrace change. She has received many accolades including the honor of standing on the TEDx stage to share how to implement personal power and achieve high-impact solutions. She is certified through the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the College of Executive Coaching and The Institute of Neuroleadership.

With an extensive career in IT and leadership, Lorraine’s career spans government and corporate America. During her previous role as Executive Director of Information Technology for the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office in the state of Florida, Lorraine established a Leadership Coaching program within her agency that was endorsed and promoted by the Sheriff. This program is based on leadership values, principles and emotional intelligence. Noteworthy professional endeavors in the United States more broadly include serving in guidance roles for the Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin. Globally, Lorraine has worked with employer groups in the UK and Germany, offering coaching, mentoring and facilitation services. As a proven team builder, Lorraine’s technique focuses on process, performance optimization, and most importantly, leadership development. She feels strongly that leadership is the cornerstone to success, regardless of one’s station in life.

Lorraine Williams is a credentialed coach, facilitator, and resilience speaker for Vidl Work, a culture transformation firm dedicated to optimizing organizational performance. Lorraine is committed to guiding others to connect with themselves, find p... Show more

Tobias Goeschel

Tobias Goeschel

Tobias started his career as a freelance web developer in the late 90s and has since worked on hundreds of projects of varying sizes and lengths - from a single person to multiple teams, from a few days to several years - and in many different roles: Consultant, crafter, coach, and... well, architect. He is a strong advocate of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, and an active member of the European Software Crafters and Domain Driven Design communities.

Tobias started his career as a freelance web developer in the late 90s and has since worked on hundreds of projects of varying sizes and lengths - from a single person to multiple teams, from a few days to several years - and in many different roles:... Show more

Eric "waldo" Wauters

Eric "waldo" Wauters

Eric “waldo” Wauters

Eric is one of the founding partners of iFacto Business Solutions and Dynex bv.

With his 21 years of technical expertise, he is an everyday inspiration to its development teams.  As development manager he continually acts upon the technical readiness of iFacto and Dynex.
Apart from that, Eric is also very active in BC community, where he tries to solve technical issues and shares his knowledge with other Dynamics enthusiasts. Surely, a lot amongst you will have read some of Eric’s posts, which he invariably signs with “waldo”.

Lots of people have been using and even contributing to tools he shares for free on github.

His proven track record entitled him to be awarded since 2007 as MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional).

Eric “waldo” Wauters Eric is one of the founding partners of iFacto Business Solutions and Dynex bv. With his 21 years of technical expertise, he is an everyday inspiration to its development teams.  As development manager he continually act... Show more

Stuart Munton

Stuart Munton

Community and Curiosity are Stuart’s core values which have led him through his 20+ year digital career. Starting with pivotal Agile and Digital transformations for major players like ASDA / Walmart and the NHS, he became an agile advocate back in 2004.

Stuart joined AND Digital as a 10 person start-up in 2014 and led the set-up and evolution of their way of working as they have grown to 1500+ consultants. He has honed practices for ~50 of AND’s clients across various industries - Retail, eCommerce, Insurance, Leisure, Hospitality, Media, Publishing etc.

Currently, as 'Chief for Group Delivery’, Stuart drives evolution in Delivery, Product, and Experience Design. He also co-founded the 'Agile Reading' meet-up, creating a space for agile enthusiasts since 2020.

Stuart lives with his family in Reading Berkshire where he is a coach and semi-retired player at his local rugby club and is a lifelong Leicester Tigers rugby team fan.

Community and Curiosity are Stuart’s core values which have led him through his 20+ year digital career. Starting with pivotal Agile and Digital transformations for major players like ASDA / Walmart and the NHS, he became an agile advocate back in 20... Show more

Graciela Martinez

Graciela Martinez

I use my mix of technology expertise and financial background to find, design, develop and implement the right solution for each business requirement.
In the last four years, I've been using Microsoft's Power Platform, Office 365 and Azure stack to continuously discover automation opportunities and re-imagine processes. My experience ranges from optimizing data entry tasks to end-to-end automations such Vendor Invoice Processing and Customer Billing.

I've collaborated with companies from all over the world in projects of varying natures that have resulted in hours of manual work saved, reduced error rates and increased productivity. This has led to happy clients that can focus on activities that add more value to their core business.

I use my mix of technology expertise and financial background to find, design, develop and implement the right solution for each business requirement. In the last four years, I've been using Microsoft's Power Platform, Office 365 and Azure stack to ... Show more

Fortune Ndlovu

Fortune Ndlovu

Born in Zimbabwe and raised in Ireland. I moved to Ireland at the age of 10 where I was first introduced to dynamic websites, applications, and desktop apps. This sparked my interest in technology and led me down the path of JavaScript and Node.js. Over the past 12 years, I have honed my skills, interned at Red Hat, graduated from University with First Class Honours in Bachelor of Science, now an Engineer at Red Hat who views the world through the lens of objects. My passion for improving user experiences, opensource, and my deep understanding of the JavaScript ecosystem have been instrumental in my career. I look forward to sharing my journey and insights with the community.

Born in Zimbabwe and raised in Ireland. I moved to Ireland at the age of 10 where I was first introduced to dynamic websites, applications, and desktop apps. This sparked my interest in technology and led me down the path of JavaScript and Node.js. O... Show more

Thomas Vochten

Thomas Vochten

I am a technology evangelist helping companies to implement Microsoft cloud technologies such as Microsoft 365, and Azure. As Microsoft MVP, I also travel the world to speak at events, conferences and user groups to talk about technology and to make sure people do not make the same expensive mistakes that I made.

I am a technology evangelist helping companies to implement Microsoft cloud technologies such as Microsoft 365, and Azure. As Microsoft MVP, I also travel the world to speak at events, conferences and user groups to talk about technology and to make... Show more

Christian Buckley

Christian Buckley

Christian is an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, and both a Microsoft Regional Director (RD) and Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Christian's 30-year tech career has included Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Evangelist for several leading SharePoint ISVs, and he was part of the Microsoft team that launched the hosted SharePoint platform in Office 365. He has worked with some of the world’s largest technology companies to build and deploy social, collaboration, and supply chain solutions, and sold his first software startup to Rational Software in 2001. Co-author of books on both SharePoint and software configuration management (SCM), Christian is one of the most widely published names within the Microsoft ecosystem, and can be found online at and @buckleyplanet

Christian is an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, and both a Microsoft Regional Director (RD) and Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Christian's 30-year tech career has included Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Evangelist for ... Show more

Timothy Boettcher

Timothy Boettcher

Timothy (SVP @ AvePoint) is a seasoned expert in digital transformation and workplace modernization, specializing in productivity, information management, data governance, and automation. With over 20 years’ experience in helping organizations tame the 'Wild West' of unstructured collaborative information, Timothy has spearheaded modernization initiatives across Australia, Singapore, Japan, and the USA in the Public Sector, Commercial, and everywhere in between. As a recognized thought leader, Timothy actively contributes to industry knowledge through published articles and speaking engagements at events like KMworld, ARMA NOVA, AIIM, 365EduCon, SharePoint Saturday, and more. His dynamic insights and leadership in productivity tools like SharePoint, Teams, and Microsoft 365 leave audiences inspired to leverage collaborative cloud technology for transformative business success.

Connect with me here:

Timothy (SVP @ AvePoint) is a seasoned expert in digital transformation and workplace modernization, specializing in productivity, information management, data governance, and automation. With over 20 years’ experience in helping organizations tame t... Show more

Joel Gallagher

Joel Gallagher

Joel began his software development career in the late 90's, working across a range of domains (both government and corporate), and in several countries. A Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, he's been playing with the Microsoft stack from VB6 up to .Net Core, and everything in between.

Currently working at Bond Software as Senior Dev, Joel has a passion for new tech, improving the way dev's do dev, and all-round industry best practices.

Joel has a Bachelor of Technology (RMIT Melbourne) and is currently studying a Masters in I.T. (Swinburne Melbourne)

Based between Melbourne, Australia & Málaga, Spain

Previously :
Southampton, UK
Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Canberra, Australia.

Joel began his software development career in the late 90's, working across a range of domains (both government and corporate), and in several countries. A Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, he's been playing with the Microsoft stack from VB6 u... Show more

Michael Hyzy

Michael Hyzy

Mike Hyzy is a Principal Consultant, author, and expert contributor for the BuiltIn Network, celebrated for his innovative approach to organizational strategy and product development. His expertise extends to motivational design and setting new standards in optimizing product experiences. Mike's new bestselling book, "Gamification for Product Excellence," is a seminal work that revolutionizes user engagement and fosters innovation. As an experienced conference speaker, Mike's insights and strategies have transformed businesses, seamlessly integrating strategy, technology, and human dynamics. His unique blend of strategic foresight and practical wisdom positions him as a vanguard in his field, steering organizations toward successful outcomes.

Mike Hyzy is a Principal Consultant, author, and expert contributor for the BuiltIn Network, celebrated for his innovative approach to organizational strategy and product development. His expertise extends to motivational design and setting new stand... Show more

Yulia Kosarenko

Yulia Kosarenko

Yulia Kosarenko is the author of the book "Business Analyst: A Profession and a Mindset", speaker, consultant, and corporate trainer.
As the owner of Why Change Consulting Inc., she helps her clients grow mature enterprise architecture and business analysis practices, and plan and execute digital transformation programs.
As the Professor of Business Analytics at Humber College, she encourages her students to look for ways to solve business problems using analytics.
As a business analysis mentor, she leads the BA Mindset Mentorship Circle and encourages business analysts to learn, adapt, and thrive.
Yulia is active in the business analysis, architecture, and analytics communities, publishing articles and videos, joining podcasts, and advocating for applying common sense and critical thinking in all business endeavours.

Yulia Kosarenko is the author of the book "Business Analyst: A Profession and a Mindset", speaker, consultant, and corporate trainer. As the owner of Why Change Consulting Inc., she helps her clients grow mature enterprise architecture and business... Show more

Fabrizio Sgura

Fabrizio Sgura

I embarked on my programming journey at the tender age of 12, delving into Basic and Assembler for Sinclair and Commodore machines in the early 80s, laying a foundation for my future career. In the late 80s, during college, I explored PC architecture, 8088, MSDOS, and Borland tools like Turbo C and Turbo Pascal. In 1990, I expanded my knowledge into Mainframe, UNIX systems, OS2, and IBM PC DOS, and ventured into Apple machines using BNC hardware network cards. Academic pursuits provided insights into IBM and Olivetti PCs, featuring 286 and 386 Intel processors, and enterprise solutions like the IBM s390. My programming repertoire grew to include Delphi, Turbo C++, MS Visual C, and Visual Basic. I honed skills in Turbo Assembler, and navigating tools like Turbo Profiler and Turbo Debugger. Synthesizing programming and electronics, I integrated expertise with PICS and Atmel 8048/8051 microcontrollers, developing circuits. After my studies, I joined Alleanza Assicurazioni, maintaining internal accounting software. Assuming roles as a developer and system administrator, I focused on evolving control software for parking services, emphasizing hardware programming and microcontroller circuit design. The pinnacle was a server-based C++ application on a SCO Unix system, integrating with Ball and COBOL. Operators used offline terminals, transferring data to the central server via serial ttyS0/9600 based on the MAX RS232. This laid the foundation for my role with OTI OnTrackInnovations Ltda., my last real electronics experience. Since then, I switched to a full information technology experience, enjoying the constant evolution of IT systems and technologies, programming languages, being a hungry learner and a proficient engineer. Scaling and flexibility are my passions. My job is my favorite game.

I embarked on my programming journey at the tender age of 12, delving into Basic and Assembler for Sinclair and Commodore machines in the early 80s, laying a foundation for my future career. In the late 80s, during college, I explored PC architecture... Show more

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