Most Active Speakers 2023

Sessionize proudly presents the list of the most active speakers in the year 2023!

  • 749 speakers
  • Auto-generated
Liji Thomas

Liji Thomas

Liji Thomas is an accomplished technologist and leader with over 15 years of experience in building cutting-edge digital experiences. She is a Microsoft MVP in AI, which is a testament to her expertise and contributions to the community in the field of artificial intelligence.

As Manager (Data + AI) at Valorem Reply, Liji Thomas oversees the development of cutting-edge solutions that leverage data and artificial intelligence to drive business value. Her role involves managing a team of talented consultants and collaborating with clients to identify opportunities for leveraging data and AI to improve business processes, increase efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. Her expertise spans a wide range of technologies, including AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and conversational AI.

Liji is passionate about the potential of data and AI to transform businesses and create new opportunities for growth and innovation. She is dedicated to staying at the forefront of the latest developments in the field and is constantly exploring new approaches and technologies to drive business value. She believes that AI can transform how we interact with technology and each other, and she is dedicated to driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI.

In addition to her work at Valorem Reply, Liji is an active participant in the broader data and AI community. She is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences and is passionate about sharing her knowledge and insights with others in the field. She frequently shares her insights and expertise through speaking engagements, publications, and community involvement. She is committed to empowering the next generation of technologists and leaders and is an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech industry. She is also involved in mentoring and coaching programs, where she shares her expertise and helps to develop the next generation of data and AI leaders.

Liji Thomas is an accomplished technologist and leader with over 15 years of experience in building cutting-edge digital experiences. She is a Microsoft MVP in AI, which is a testament to her expertise and contributions to the community in the field ... Show more

Clemente Giorio

Clemente Giorio

Passionate about bridging the gap between science, technology, and community engagement. With a knack for Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Mixed Reality, I strive to innovate and contribute to cutting-edge tech projects.

Community involvement:
- Technical Podcast/Webinar/Meetup organizer
- Co-host at DotNetPodcast
- Active member and event organizer at FabLabNapoli, DotNetCampania, and HoloLens Developers
- A regular speaker at tech events, sharing insights on AI, Computer Vision, and the evolving tech landscape.

Passionate about bridging the gap between science, technology, and community engagement. With a knack for Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Mixed Reality, I strive to innovate and contribute to cutting-edge tech projects. Community in... Show more

Martin Ullrich

Martin Ullrich

I am a software engineer working on diverse tech stacks but focusing mostly on .NET in C#, Web Technologies and iOS/Swift.

I am a technology enthusiast who always works on improving development and DevOps processes at our company to make life easier for developers and help deliver high. I was awarded Microsoft MVP for community and open-source work around .NET Core.

I am a software engineer working on diverse tech stacks but focusing mostly on .NET in C#, Web Technologies and iOS/Swift. I am a technology enthusiast who always works on improving development and DevOps processes at our company to make life easi... Show more

Dirk Weil

Dirk Weil

Dirk Weil ist seit 1998 als Berater im Bereich Java tätig. Als Geschäftsführer der GEDOPLAN GmbH in Bielefeld ist er für die Konzeption und Realisierung von Informationssystemen auf Basis von Java / Jakarta EE verantwortlich. Seine langjährige Erfahrung in der Entwicklung anspruchsvoller Unternehmenslösungen machen ihn zu einem kompetenten Ansprechpartner und anerkannten Experten auf dem Gebiet JEE. Er ist Fachbuchautor, schreibt Artikel für Fachmagazine, hält Vorträge und leitet Seminare und Workshops zu diversen Java/JEE-Themen.

Dirk Weil ist seit 1998 als Berater im Bereich Java tätig. Als Geschäftsführer der GEDOPLAN GmbH in Bielefeld ist er für die Konzeption und Realisierung von Informationssystemen auf Basis von Java / Jakarta EE verantwortlich. Seine langjährige Erfahr... Show more

Patrycja Wegrzynowicz

Patrycja Wegrzynowicz

Patrycja is a lead engineer at Form3, Financial Cloud, working on reliability and performance of UK payments. She is also the founder of Yon Labs, a startup focusing on automated tools for detection and refactoring of security vulnerabilities, performance anti-patterns, or cloud issues and providing consultancy in Java and cloud technologies.

She is a regular speaker at software conferences, including CodeOne, JavaOne, Devoxx, JFokus, and others. She was awarded an Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador title in 2020 and 2021. She was also named as one of Top 10 Women in Tech in Poland in 2016.

Her interests focus on automated software engineering, mainly static and dynamic analysis techniques to support software verification, optimization, and deployment.

Patrycja is a lead engineer at Form3, Financial Cloud, working on reliability and performance of UK payments. She is also the founder of Yon Labs, a startup focusing on automated tools for detection and refactoring of security vulnerabilities, perfor... Show more

Glenn Reyes

Glenn Reyes

Glenn is a software engineer, tech speaker and workshop instructor with a passion for building innovative products and beautiful user interfaces using cutting edge web technologies and open source software such as React, GraphQL and TypeScript. Aside from tech, you’ll find him either traveling, on a road bike or playing the guitar.

Glenn is a software engineer, tech speaker and workshop instructor with a passion for building innovative products and beautiful user interfaces using cutting edge web technologies and open source software such as React, GraphQL and TypeScript. Aside... Show more

Jai Campbell

Jai Campbell

Software engineering generalist

Software engineering generalist Show more

Dillon White

Dillon White

Microsoft Security evangelist with over twelve years of IT Engineering and Leadership experience. Military veteran with a background in Cloud Security and Virtualization. Now providing Architecture consulting and career transition coaching.

Microsoft Security evangelist with over twelve years of IT Engineering and Leadership experience. Military veteran with a background in Cloud Security and Virtualization. Now providing Architecture consulting and career transition coaching. Show more

Santosh Hari

Santosh Hari

Santosh is a public speaker who has spoken at tech events including codecamps and regional/international conferences. He works with the Advanced Cloud Engineering team @ Microsoft where he leverages his broad Azure skillset and expertise in CosmosDB to add more value to companies. He was a Microsoft Azure MVP from 2016-2020 and deeply involved with the local community as leader of the Orlando .NET User Group and co-organizer of the Orlando Codecamp. Santosh was listed in TechBeacon's DevOps Top 100 for 2018

Santosh is a public speaker who has spoken at tech events including codecamps and regional/international conferences. He works with the Advanced Cloud Engineering team @ Microsoft where he leverages his broad Azure skillset and expertise in CosmosDB ... Show more

Uwe Ricken

Uwe Ricken

Uwe Ricken is working with IT systems since the 90’s. The start of experiences with Microsoft SQL Server came with the assignment for development of membership administration software for the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany. The software has been distributed to five additional European countries. The primary passion for developments with Microsoft SQL Server expanded in 2007 with his engagement as a DBA for Deutsche Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main. After 6 years of operational experiences as a DBA and over 14 years as a developer of complex database models he achieved the “Microsoft Certified Master – SQL Server 2008” certification which “was” the highest technical certification. The year 2013 finished with the first MVP award for his support to the Microsoft SQL Server community in Germany and Europe.
To provide his deep knowledge about Microsoft SQL Server to the interested community Uwe Ricken is blogging since 2010 at about his daily experiences with Microsoft SQL Server. His blog posts are in German language only to provide the German speaking SQL community inside views into the technology of Microsoft SQL Server.
Uwe Ricken is a speaker on many international conferences and events and preferred topics are “Database Internals”, “Indexing” and “Development”.

Uwe Ricken is working with IT systems since the 90’s. The start of experiences with Microsoft SQL Server came with the assignment for development of membership administration software for the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany. The software has ... Show more

Chris Hyde

Chris Hyde

Chris Hyde (he/him) is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant and is the leader of the Albuquerque local Azure Data Technologies group. He loves loud music and cricket, but not usually at the same time.

Chris Hyde (he/him) is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant and is the leader of the Albuquerque local Azure Data Technologies group. He loves loud music and cri... Show more

Antonio Maio

Antonio Maio

Antonio Maio is an enterprise architect with over 20 years of experience in information security, cybersecurity systems, data governance, and leadership. Antonio is a Managing Director and Senior Enterprise Architect with Protiviti. He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), specializing in security and compliance solutions within the Microsoft 365 platform, SharePoint, Office Apps and Services. His experience includes implementing information security technologies, information governance programs and cybersecurity best practices, for both large enterprise and government organizations.

Antonio Maio is an enterprise architect with over 20 years of experience in information security, cybersecurity systems, data governance, and leadership. Antonio is a Managing Director and Senior Enterprise Architect with Protiviti. He is a Microsoft... Show more

Mike Hartington

Mike Hartington

Mike is a developer, Angular GDE, and Director of Developer Advocacy at Ionic who's been working in the mobile landscape for most of his professional career. When he's not working Ionic itself, Mike works with community members and helps them succeed at mobile. In his spare time, he’s an aspiring woodworker, occasional musician, and craft beer lover.

Mike is a developer, Angular GDE, and Director of Developer Advocacy at Ionic who's been working in the mobile landscape for most of his professional career. When he's not working Ionic itself, Mike works with community members and helps them succeed... Show more

Marco Russo

Marco Russo

Marco is a business intelligence consultant and mentor. He wrote several books about Power BI, Analysis Service, and Power Pivot. He also regularly write articles and white papers that are available on Marco is a Microsoft MVP and an SSAS Maestro, the highest level of certification on Microsoft Analysis Services.
Today, Marco focuses his time with SQLBI customers, traveling extensively to train and consult on DAX and data modeling for Power BI and Analysis Services. Marco also teaches public classes worldwide.
Marco is a regular speaker at international conferences. He also enjoys delivering evening sessions at local user groups during his trips.

Marco is a business intelligence consultant and mentor. He wrote several books about Power BI, Analysis Service, and Power Pivot. He also regularly write articles and white papers that are available on Marco is a Microsoft MVP and an SSAS ... Show more

Daniel Deogun

Daniel Deogun

Daniel Deogun is author of the book Secure by Design and has been in the industry for 20+ years. He strongly beleives in craftmanship as a driver for software security. Throughout his career, Daniel has worked in a wide range of domains – from patient critical software in life sustaining systems to large scale enterprise applications in the cloud to high performance software in compute intensive environments. Combining this with his passion for tech has made him a frequent speaker at conferences all over the world. Daniel is currently Chief Academy Officer at Omegapoint.

Daniel Deogun is author of the book Secure by Design and has been in the industry for 20+ years. He strongly beleives in craftmanship as a driver for software security. Throughout his career, Daniel has worked in a wide range of domains – from patien... Show more

Giorgio Boa

Giorgio Boa

Giorgio Boa is a full stack developer and the front-end ecosystem is his passion. He started to develop applications in 2006 and in 2012 he falls in love with JavaScript. He is also active in open source ecosystem, he loves learn and studies new things. He is very ambitious and he tries to improve himself every day.

Giorgio Boa is a full stack developer and the front-end ecosystem is his passion. He started to develop applications in 2006 and in 2012 he falls in love with JavaScript. He is also active in open source ecosystem, he loves learn and studies new thin... Show more

María José Vidal Paz

María José Vidal Paz

Licenciada en Ciencias Empresariales
Certificada en PL 300 MICROSOFT

Licenciada en Ciencias Empresariales Certificada en PL 300 MICROSOFT Show more

Gerrit Grunwald

Gerrit Grunwald

Gerrit Grunwald is a software engineer that loves coding for around 40 years already. He is a true believer in open source and has participated in popular projects like as well as his own projects (TilesFX, Medusa, Enzo, SteelSeries Swing, SteelSeries Canvas). 
Gerrit blogs regularly at, he is an active member of the Java community, where he founded and leads the Java User Group Münster (Germany), he is a JavaOne rockstar and a Java Champion. He is a speaker at conferences and user groups internationally and writes for several magazines.

Gerrit Grunwald is a software engineer that loves coding for around 40 years already. He is a true believer in open source and has participated in popular projects like as well as his own projects (TilesFX, Medusa, Enzo, SteelSeries Swing... Show more

Daniel Marbach

Daniel Marbach

As a distinguished Microsoft MVP and software maestro at Particular Software, Daniel Marbach knows a thing or two about code. By day, he's a devoted .NET crusader, espousing the virtues of message-based systems. By night? He's racing against his own mischievous router hack, committing a bevy of performance improvements before the clock strikes midnight.

As a distinguished Microsoft MVP and software maestro at Particular Software, Daniel Marbach knows a thing or two about code. By day, he's a devoted .NET crusader, espousing the virtues of message-based systems. By night? He's racing against his own ... Show more

Ko Turk

Ko Turk

Ko Turk is a Developer (Ambassador), who has more than 15+ years of experience in developing Java / Kotlin applications.

🧑‍💻 Working @Blue4IT, assignment @Rabobank. DevOps Engineer & Community Lead.

🎤 Conference speaker, talking about Sustainability and Apache Kafka / Pulsar.

👥 Part of JFall Programme Committee, Community reviewer DevoxxBE

✍🏻 Loves to blog, and writing articles for the Dutch Java Magazine.

➡️ See GitHub:

Ko Turk is a Developer (Ambassador), who has more than 15+ years of experience in developing Java / Kotlin applications. 🧑‍💻 Working @Blue4IT, assignment @Rabobank. DevOps Engineer & Community Lead. 🎤 Conference speaker, talking about Sustai... Show more

Joel Lord

Joel Lord

Joel Lord (@joel__lord on Twitter) is passionate about the web and technology in general. He likes to learn new things, but most of all, he wants to share his discoveries. He does so by travelling at various conferences all across the globe.
He graduated from college in computer programming in the last millennium. Apart from a little break to get his BSc in computational astrophysics, he was always in the industry.
In his daily job, Joel is a developer advocate with MongoDB, where he connects with software engineers to help them make the web better by using best practices around JavaScript.
During his free time, he can be found stargazing on a campground somewhere or brewing a fresh batch of beer in his garage.

Joel Lord (@joel__lord on Twitter) is passionate about the web and technology in general. He likes to learn new things, but most of all, he wants to share his discoveries. He does so by travelling at various conferences all across the globe. He grad... Show more

Martin Catherall

Martin Catherall

Martin Catherall is a Data Architect working on Microsoft Data Platform technologies. He is currently based in Brisbane, Australia.

Martin’s career has expanded from the world of SQL Server Administration and T-SQL development to encompass data engineering and architecture on the Microsoft Azure Platform.

He has over 15 years’ experience in the data industry and has been a recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award since 2014

When he is not engaged in data related activities, he can be found exploring the Queensland landscape (he’s recently escaped Melbourne), learning about Minecraft or Super Mario from his kids and learning the guitar – despite being tone deaf!

Martin is the co-host of DataPlatform downunder

Martin Catherall is a Data Architect working on Microsoft Data Platform technologies. He is currently based in Brisbane, Australia. Martin’s career has expanded from the world of SQL Server Administration and T-SQL development to encompass data en... Show more

Martina Grom

Martina Grom

I am a Principal at atwork currently living in Vienna, Austria. My interests range from technology to travel. I am also interested in science fiction, writing, and innovation. I am recognized as an expert in Microsoft Cloud solutions. Since 2015, I am a Regional Director for Microsoft. My expertise is related to online technologies, and my specialty is in Microsoft Cloud Services like Azure and Microsoft 365. I help with architecture planning companies with cloud solutions, and provide strategy, consulting, governance, security and compliance and architectural planning of cloud projects. In addition, I am one of the organizational heads of cloudusergroup for Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. I have authored numerous books, articles and blogs. My passion is online and social media, cloud computing, cybersecurity. I have a Master’s of International Business Administration from the University of Vienna, Austria. Talk to me about: Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture & Strategy, Change Management, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Enterprise Social.

I am a Principal at atwork currently living in Vienna, Austria. My interests range from technology to travel. I am also interested in science fiction, writing, and innovation. I am recognized as an expert in Microsoft Cloud solutions. Since 2015, I a... Show more

Matthias Haeussler

Matthias Haeussler

Matthias Haeussler is Chief Technologist at Novatec Consulting, university lecturer for distributed systems, awarded ambassador of Cloud Foundry and the organizer of the Stuttgart Cloud Foundry Meetup. He advises clients on Cloud strategies and supports implementations and migrations. Prior to that he was employed at IBM R&D Germany for more than 15 years. He has teaching experience from lectures at multiple universities in Stuttgart (DHBW, HSE, HfT). Besides that he is frequent speaker at various national and international conferences and meetups. (e.g. Spring One Platform, Open Source Summit, Cloud Foundry Summit, Spring IO, IBM InterConnect, WJAX).

Matthias Haeussler is Chief Technologist at Novatec Consulting, university lecturer for distributed systems, awarded ambassador of Cloud Foundry and the organizer of the Stuttgart Cloud Foundry Meetup. He advises clients on Cloud strategies and suppo... Show more

Benjamin Kettner

Benjamin Kettner

Dr. Benjamin Kettner is co-founder and CTO of ML!PA Consulting GmbH. Since 2020 he is Microsoft MVP and Friend of Red Gate. He received his doctorate in applied mathematics at the Free University of Berlin in 2012. At the time of his doctorate he was a member of the DFG Research Center Matheon - Mathematics for Key Technologies and a member of the Computational Nano Optics group at the Zuse Institute Berlin.
During his PhD and studies he worked on software development and programming as well as databases and data models. After his PhD he worked as a consultant at a Microsoft BI Partner, where he was technical project manager and also managed the research and development department and worked as a software architect. In 2015 he founded ML!PA Consulting GmbH, a Microsoft partner with a focus on advanced analytics, Internet of Things and cloud solutions. There he works as CTO and software architect and conceives, develops and designs customer solutions. In 2017 ML!PA Consulting GmbH was one of only four Microsoft Partner of the Year finalists in the Internet of Things category. Dr. Benjamin Kettner is active in the Microsoft Data Platform Community, leads the Berlin regional group of PASS Deutschland e.V. and frequently appears as author of blog posts and scientific articles and speaker at technical events.

Dr. Benjamin Kettner is co-founder and CTO of ML!PA Consulting GmbH. Since 2020 he is Microsoft MVP and Friend of Red Gate. He received his doctorate in applied mathematics at the Free University of Berlin in 2012. At the time of his doctorate he was... Show more

Marcel Lehmann

Marcel Lehmann

PowerPlatform is my passion, which is why I'm not only working in this field full-time. Also privately an app or a flow is built for everything.

PowerPlatform is my passion, which is why I'm not only working in this field full-time. Also privately an app or a flow is built for everything. Show more

Allessandria Polizzi

Allessandria Polizzi

Owner of a 2022 Workplace Wellness "Hot List" company, one of the top 10 Organizational Change Management Companies of 2022, named a top 100 HR Professional of 2020, and recently elected as the global psychological health and safety liaison for ISO, Dr. Allessandria Polizzi has 20 years of experience leading teams across multiple industries to unlock the potential in people and help organizations thrive. Following her own burnout in 2021, Dr. Al found the marketplace for practical solutions for leaders in crisis to be insufficient for her needs. She decided to reboot her consulting practice, Verdant Consulting, with a renewed focus on solving this issue in the hopes that future leaders would have better options. In addition, she has co-founded HR Wellbeing Week and Kite HR, which provide targeted programs that address the specific needs of HR teams. She also hosts the Be Verdant podcast, which shares the latest in resiliency and psychological safety from around the globe.

Owner of a 2022 Workplace Wellness "Hot List" company, one of the top 10 Organizational Change Management Companies of 2022, named a top 100 HR Professional of 2020, and recently elected as the global psychological health and safety liaison for ISO, ... Show more

Alina Dima

Alina Dima

Alina Dima is a Senior Developer Advocate in the IoT Ecosystem Services team at Amazon Web Services. She is passionate about helping developers accelerate their journeys in the IoT ecosystem, and working with IoT communities to build better and move faster, from prototype to scale. Alina has worked in various industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, automotive, retail, and photovoltaic. With nearly 20 years of experience as a software engineer, technical delivery manager and architect, she has designed and built multiple highly scalable, operationally ready IoT solutions, with millions of devices running in production today. Alina has shared her knowledge at various events, such as re:Invent, AWS Summits and online Webinars.

Alina Dima is a Senior Developer Advocate in the IoT Ecosystem Services team at Amazon Web Services. She is passionate about helping developers accelerate their journeys in the IoT ecosystem, and working with IoT communities to build better and move ... Show more

Ulrika Hedlund

Ulrika Hedlund

Ulrika Hedlund is a Swedish tech entrepreneur with a passion for technology and storytelling. She is the founder and CEO of Storyals, an Ed-Tech company with a mission to revolutionize corporate training on new digital ways of working through video-based storytelling. Ulrika has authored numerous courses, she is a frequent blogger, public speaker, and an active spokesperson for women in IT. She has been identified as a top technology visionary and selected as a trusted advisor to Microsoft as part of their Regional Director Program. Ulrika has an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and an Executive MBA from the London Business School (LBS).

Ulrika Hedlund is a Swedish tech entrepreneur with a passion for technology and storytelling. She is the founder and CEO of Storyals, an Ed-Tech company with a mission to revolutionize corporate training on new digital ways of working through video-b... Show more

Rain Leander

Rain Leander

Rain Leander is a systematic, slightly psychic, interdisciplinary community liaison with a Bachelor’s in dance and a Master’s in IT. An epic public speaker, they have disappeared within a box stuffed with swords, created life, and went skydiving with the Queen. Seriously. Rain is an active technical contributor with Temporal, CockroachDB, Tinkerbell, OpenStack, RDO, TripleO, Fedora, and DjangoGirls. Come say hello. Bring cake.

Rain Leander is a systematic, slightly psychic, interdisciplinary community liaison with a Bachelor’s in dance and a Master’s in IT. An epic public speaker, they have disappeared within a box stuffed with swords, created life, and went skydiving with... Show more

Please note that Sessionize is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of the data provided by speakers.

Most Active Speakers 2023

Every year, we put together a list of the most active speakers. This list features the top 3% of speakers who have participated in events using Sessionize during the 2023.

The 3% is calculated from the pool of all speakers that have at least one accepted session in year 2023. We don't include inactive speakers or speakers that had no accepted sessions during the year. There are around 25 thousand unique accepted speakers this year, the 3% is 771. Not all of them have their speaker profiles set as public, and we respect that, so the list doesn't show all of them.

The calculation is based on the number of accepted events, that's the main criteria, but to get more refined results we also look at things like multiple sessions per event, sharing a session with a co-speaker and how big the event is. Number of submissions and declined sessions don't affect the list.

Please note that the count of events and sessions in this list does not represent the number of events and sessions from the year 2023. Instead, it shows the number of events and sessions featured on the speaker's public speaker profile; these numbers have nothing to do with the award itself.