
Talented creative individuals working in the field of visual, auditory and performance arts

Jukka Peinola

Jukka Peinola

Jukka Peinola works as a Product Owner at OP Financial Group. He started his career as a developer, but after some years, he was absorbed by the DevOps movement inside OP and as a result he built his career through DevOps Specialist role to Product Owner role. Due to his pedagogical background, Jukka found himself organizing DevOps-related trainings at OP Software Academy in addition to his daily work, which involves building enablers and capabilities and coaching OP software development teams to deliver software using public cloud.

Jukka is a former professional musician who made his career by teaching and playing double bass and electric bass. He is still teaching and performing as a bassist, but he also builds his skills on the trombone. Outside work and music, Jukka enjoys outdoor activities such as trail running, jogging, and hiking.

Jukka Peinola works as a Product Owner at OP Financial Group. He started his career as a developer, but after some years, he was absorbed by the DevOps movement inside OP and as a result he built his career through DevOps Specialist role to Product O... Show more

Chenlu Wang

Chenlu Wang

Chenlu is a full-stack product designer proficient in crafting solutions for enterprise and customer facing products. With design experiences at industry leading companies including Google Ads, YouTube, and TikTok, her work has impacted billions of users. Besides, Chenlu is passionate about accessibility design and delves into tangible interfaces/inclusive design through her career journey. Previous to that, Chenlu got her master degree from Harvard.

Chenlu is a full-stack product designer proficient in crafting solutions for enterprise and customer facing products. With design experiences at industry leading companies including Google Ads, YouTube, and TikTok, her work has impacted billions of u... Show more

Rich Edmondson

Rich Edmondson

✨ I'm Built Different. 🙏

In a nutshell, I am a recovering alcoholic and ex-narcotics enthusiast who found sobriety, quit his 9-5 job, changed his life, bought some ETH, created a Web3 persona, minted some NFTs, and grew my independent consultancy during some of the most exciting and terrifying times that this industry has seen so far.


👨 Father 👨
🏗 Project Builder 🏗
💻 Web3 Consultant 📈
🧡 OCM #7698 🧡
🦍 BAYC #3833 🦍

✨ I'm Built Different. 🙏 In a nutshell, I am a recovering alcoholic and ex-narcotics enthusiast who found sobriety, quit his 9-5 job, changed his life, bought some ETH, created a Web3 persona, minted some NFTs, and grew my independent consultanc... Show more

Christian Heeg

Christian Heeg

Studied physics at Technical University of Munich.
Professional experience as a top management consultant, startup founder and Commercial Lead at a software boutique. Currently Partner with DevelopX, a PE backed consulting and software services group. Serving clients in developing new digital business in both web2 and web3.
Passionate about AI, decentralization and digital art.

Studied physics at Technical University of Munich. Professional experience as a top management consultant, startup founder and Commercial Lead at a software boutique. Currently Partner with DevelopX, a PE backed consulting and software services grou... Show more

Ertan Iliyaz

Ertan Iliyaz

Born and living in Prishtina, Kosovo.
►► As an IT sector, Degree in Computer Technologies and Programming and have experience & working in small, average, and big-size companies for over ten (10) years in Information Technology and Services. Based on my experience of over 10 years working in the banking sector as positions System administrator and senior IT auditor and 3 years in the Education/health sector as Head of IT.

►► Also Developed, Desing, and Supported cybersecurity foundation concepts which cover footprinting, scanning network, enumeration, vulnerability Analysis, Linux/Win Server System findings, Cloud configuration and security (Gsuite - Office 365 implementation), Web Servers / Linux configuration ;

Specialties: Competitive analysis,
Cyber Security, IT Governance, Cobit 2019, Risk Assessment, Cloud and Open Source, Linux technologies

Born and living in Prishtina, Kosovo. ►► As an IT sector, Degree in Computer Technologies and Programming and have experience & working in small, average, and big-size companies for over ten (10) years in Information Technology and Services. Based o... Show more

Magnolia Yang Sao Yia

Magnolia Yang Sao Yia

Magnolia Yang Sao Yia, dance artist and scholar, is a Ph.D. candidate in Critical Dance Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Southeast Asian Studies from University of California, Riverside. She holds a BFA in Dance and Minor in Asian American Studies from University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Her dissertation examines Hmong dance as a site of HMoob identity formation in the U.S. diaspora. Working from a transnational feminist and decolonial praxis, she imagines and works to activate a cultural politic of HMoob belonging and self-determination that is critical of colonial and imperial value systems, especially those that subjugate difference.

Magnolia Yang Sao Yia, dance artist and scholar, is a Ph.D. candidate in Critical Dance Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Southeast Asian Studies from University of California, Riverside. She holds a BFA in Dance and Minor in Asian American Studi... Show more

Rachel Profitt

Rachel Profitt

The Dynamics 365 Lady. Autism is her superpower. A woman who loves technology and peicing things together. Rachel is a FastTrack Solution Architect for Dynamics 365, former MVP, and community advocate at Microsoft.

She maintains a blog at
You can find her YouTube channel at
Tune into Top of Mind with Anne and Rachel every Wednesday on LinkedIn at 12:00 Pacific Time at

The Dynamics 365 Lady. Autism is her superpower. A woman who loves technology and peicing things together. Rachel is a FastTrack Solution Architect for Dynamics 365, former MVP, and community advocate at Microsoft. She maintains a blog at https:/... Show more

Kurt Kroeker

Kurt Kroeker

Software developer at EnergyCAP, Inc. for 15+ years. Currently working as part of the integration team developing solutions that connect the core EnergyCAP product to related internal and external services. Lifelong State College, PA resident. Father of 4. Fiddler and multi-instrumentalist.

Software developer at EnergyCAP, Inc. for 15+ years. Currently working as part of the integration team developing solutions that connect the core EnergyCAP product to related internal and external services. Lifelong State College, PA resident. Father... Show more

Sagar Pratap Joisar

Sagar Pratap Joisar

Sagar Pratap Joisar is a highly motivated and driven individual, who is an Engineer by Education and Entrepreneur by Heart. He is the founder and CEO of Xenon Labs, a blockchain and Web 3.0 company that specializes in providing solutions to its clients

In 2018, Sagar founded Boundless Digital Solutions, which was later rebranded to Xenon Group. Sagar and his team have wide experience in development in the space of Web 3.0 and have worked with a wide range of clients, from startups to large corporations, and have a reputation for delivering high-quality work on time and within budget.

Sagar Pratap Joisar is a highly motivated and driven individual, who is an Engineer by Education and Entrepreneur by Heart. He is the founder and CEO of Xenon Labs, a blockchain and Web 3.0 company that specializes in providing solutions to its clien... Show more

Mary Lemmer

Mary Lemmer

Mary Lemmer is a creative impact-driven entrepreneur, consultant, and global speaker helping leaders and companies innovate, navigate change and thrive in an unpredictable world. She is the founder of Improve, and designs and delivers engaging keynotes, offsites, trainings, and conference sessions. She brings two decades of experience as an entrepreneur, author, humorist, and recovering venture capitalist and startup unicorn director. She gave the TED Talk “How improv can improve your leadership and life” and has spoken at The Social Innovation Summit, TED Women, TechCon, The Positive Business Conference, multiple years at the Agile Alliance conference, among speaking and leading interactive and empowering sessions for hundreds of companies around the world. Connect with Mary at and learn more about Improve at

Mary Lemmer is a creative impact-driven entrepreneur, consultant, and global speaker helping leaders and companies innovate, navigate change and thrive in an unpredictable world. She is the founder of Improve, and designs and delivers engaging keynot... Show more

Elodie Oudot

Elodie Oudot

Product Designer @ Grinta

Product Designer @ Grinta Show more

Cinamon White

Cinamon White

A Google WTM Ambassador and GDG Lead ~ As a Full Stack Developer, Cinamon operates as an AP Computer Sciences Educator and a Certified NASA Instructor with an emphasis in STEAM Education for Global Competency. With over 20 years experience in Education and Technology, She is a Thought-Leader in STEAM Curriculum Design. Cinamon is now an NPO Founder working to close the gender gap in technology and advocate for the under represented communities.

A Google WTM Ambassador and GDG Lead ~ As a Full Stack Developer, Cinamon operates as an AP Computer Sciences Educator and a Certified NASA Instructor with an emphasis in STEAM Education for Global Competency. With over 20 years experience in Educat... Show more

Ian King Los Angeles

Ian King Los Angeles

Ian King Los Angeles is a business consultant and non-practicing attorney based in Studio City, California. Raised in Encino, he has built a diverse career encompassing both business and legal expertise. Currently serving as a Senior Advisor at a firm that manages a broad portfolio of real estate, restaurants, convenience stores, and accounting firms, he also leads Kings Consultants LLC, a crisis management firm that he founded. In this capacity, he has guided numerous organizations and individuals through complex challenges, fostering resilience and success.

Ian's professional prowess is further bolstered by his impressive educational background, including a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the University of Southern California and an MBA with high honors. He later earned his law degree from the University of San Diego as a Merit Scholar, where he also received a scholarship covering a significant portion of his tuition.

King's military service is equally distinguished. He served as an Enlisted Infantry Marine and a Lieutenant in the Navy. Throughout his military career, he garnered numerous accolades, such as being named a Marine Corps Company Honor Man and earning a meritorious promotion. He graduated at the top of his class from the School of Infantry. He achieved notable recognition, including the U.S. Navy Officer Candidate School Honor Graduate and Navy L.T. Public Affairs Advisor to an Admiral.

Outside of his professional life, Ian King Los Angeles is an avid horse rider and enjoys spending quality time with his 8-year-old niece, playing mini-golf, and participating in various outdoor activities. A fitness enthusiast, he maintains a rigorous workout schedule in his home gym. He also shares a close bond with his rescued Shepherd dog, who accompanies him in many of his leisure pursuits.

Ian King Los Angeles is a business consultant and non-practicing attorney based in Studio City, California. Raised in Encino, he has built a diverse career encompassing both business and legal expertise. Currently serving as a Senior Advisor at a fir... Show more

Gena Dellett

Gena Dellett

Gena Dellett, CEO of Skvare, is a client advocate who believes in the fundamental importance of relationships. Gena cultivates a supportive environment, encouraging her team to experiment, adapt, and consider unique perspectives. Her joy lies in witnessing these practices foster impactful client relationships through a strong commitment to teamwork.

Through her work at the intersection of business operations, development, and technology; Gena recognizes that relationship-building is not just a strategy—it's a way of operating. Known for her adeptness in asking the right questions, she guides Skvare as a technology company that recommends a pencil when it's the best tool for the job. Gena understands that Skvare's ongoing success hinges on effective recommendations balancing clients' needs with their budgets and views her work as building and supporting meaning-making spaces – online hubs where people access resources, connect with peers, and take action on issues they care about.

Gena Dellett, CEO of Skvare, is a client advocate who believes in the fundamental importance of relationships. Gena cultivates a supportive environment, encouraging her team to experiment, adapt, and consider unique perspectives. Her joy lies in witn... Show more

Oana Stroe

Oana Stroe

Passionate and visionary Lead UX Designer. My mission is to create extraordinary user experiences that seamlessly blend innovation and functionality. I have a deep understanding of user behavior and a knack for human-centric design and I ike to combine creativity with analytical thinking to craft intuitive interfaces that captivate and delight. I thrive on inspiring people create more sustainable and acessible products.

Passionate and visionary Lead UX Designer. My mission is to create extraordinary user experiences that seamlessly blend innovation and functionality. I have a deep understanding of user behavior and a knack for human-centric design and I ike to comb... Show more

Roberto Slomka

Roberto Slomka

Analista de Sistemas, formado Administrador de Empresas com ênfase em AS. Especialista em Qualidade de Software, com 40 anos de carreira na área de TIC atuando em diversos papéis.

Especialista em Tecnologias na Aprendizagem, praticante e estudioso da heutagogia (auto-aprendizagem), do e-learning e do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, com foco em soft skills necessárias à cultura ágil desde 2015. Concluindo especialização em Projetos Sociais e Políticas Públicas.

No Serpro desde 2006. Trabalhou com Garantia da Qualidade, melhoria contínua de processos, sendo professor convidado da pós-graduação em Qualidade de Software da Unisinos de 2011 a 2015.

Atua desde 2019 com cultura organizacional, inicialmente no time Cultura Dides, cuja missão é apoiar a propagação e engajamento na cultura ágil no âmbito da Diretoria de Desenvolvimento de Soluções (DIDES) do Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), a partir de maio de 2024 integrando o Departamento de Cultura Organizacional. da Superintendência de Educação, Pessoas e Talentos, na Diretoria de Pessoas, com o desafio de modelar a segmentação dos processos de Cultura Organizacional tanto em termos regionais como nas diversas diretorias.

Autor, ator, cantor (em vias de se tornar produtor musical), e facilitador de debates e painéis. Pai de quatro filhos. Metódico e bem-humorado. Às vezes não. Cri-cri-cri, sempre: crítico, criterioso e criativo. Não cabe em caixa, recomenda-se nem tentar.

Analista de Sistemas, formado Administrador de Empresas com ênfase em AS. Especialista em Qualidade de Software, com 40 anos de carreira na área de TIC atuando em diversos papéis. Especialista em Tecnologias na Aprendizagem, praticante e estudios... Show more

Kadri Pirn

Kadri Pirn

A former Pipedriver, who was among the pioneering engineering managers involved in the move from scrum teams to Pipedrive Agile Framework, has played a significant role in shaping the principles of Tribes, Guilds, Missions, and Launchpad, as well as various roles and self-management. Her leadership philosophy emphasizes transparency and internal drive. She firmly believes that by providing people with valid context and trust, individuals can achieve their full potential and drive the company's success. Since then, she has expanded her expertise in implementing and consulting with diverse companies to facilitate changes in their agile team configurations.

As she puts it, "Engaged individuals are the foundation of stable and healthy companies!"

A former Pipedriver, who was among the pioneering engineering managers involved in the move from scrum teams to Pipedrive Agile Framework, has played a significant role in shaping the principles of Tribes, Guilds, Missions, and Launchpad, as well as ... Show more

Nancy Beers

Nancy Beers

Nancy Beers is the founder of Happy Game Changers.
Her personal motto is ‘Change the world, one game at a time’. As a keynote speaker and play facilitator for corporate teams, Nancy develops and shares seriously playful and empowering views on teamwork, creativity and strategy. If this sounds dry, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Laughter, empathy and energy are the hooks with which Nancy charms and engages her audiences and clients. She deploys the power of games to show (not tell) you why play and playfulness are an absolutely essential tool for changing our world.

Nancy Beers is the founder of Happy Game Changers. Her personal motto is ‘Change the world, one game at a time’. As a keynote speaker and play facilitator for corporate teams, Nancy develops and shares seriously playful and empowering views on team... Show more

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software engineer at Lunatech, Trevor provides expert advice on Akka, Scala and software development in general as a member of teams working directly with clients as well as internal projects. He also enjoys his role as mentor guiding some of Lunatech's junior engineers.

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software e... Show more

Basil Ghali

Basil Ghali

I am Basil Ghali, blending my skills as a writer, project manager, and photographer right in the heart of Detroit, Michigan. My journey to a fulfilling career is built upon a diverse educational foundation and a commitment to hard work. I have a deep-seated aim to make a significant impact in the healthcare sector, guiding my steps and shaping my professional trajectory.

My Educational Path:

My academic adventures began in earnest when I earned my General Educational Development (GED) certificate in 2009. This early milestone was crucial, laying down the solid groundwork needed for my future pursuits and setting the stage for my career development.

In 2013, I took a significant leap into the healthcare world, completing a certification course with the American Heart Association. This step was more than just a professional achievement; it was a declaration of my dedication to improving my skills and deepening my understanding of healthcare.

Professional Development:

My career has been characterized by an unwavering pursuit of knowledge and skill enhancement. I have always sought out additional educational opportunities, whether in academic institutions or through professional experiences, to stay in tune with the dynamic field of healthcare. This commitment to continuous learning has been key to my growth and ongoing success.

My dedication to lifelong learning reflects my ambition to constantly advance my capabilities and contribute significantly to the field of healthcare. Staying updated on the latest developments and innovations in healthcare is a commitment I take seriously. My dedication to personal and professional growth not only positions me as a committed player in the healthcare industry but also serves as an inspiration to others looking to make a meaningful difference.

I am Basil Ghali, blending my skills as a writer, project manager, and photographer right in the heart of Detroit, Michigan. My journey to a fulfilling career is built upon a diverse educational foundation and a commitment to hard work. I have a deep... Show more

Paul Chin Jr.

Paul Chin Jr.

Paul Chin Jr is a Hampton Roads native and a curious human. He is passionate about exploring technology, art, and business. He advocates for making technology accessible and growing communities to help one another. He has created new markets, guided start-up validations, and architected enterprise platforms. The future is amazing, and he can't wait to help you build it.

Paul Chin Jr is a Hampton Roads native and a curious human. He is passionate about exploring technology, art, and business. He advocates for making technology accessible and growing communities to help one another. He has created new markets, guided ... Show more

Avie Fukai

Avie Fukai

A Filipino engineer working in Japan 🇵🇭:jp:
・8 years experience as a Back-end/BI/Data Engineer
・I'm a community leader at Open Source Software PH (
・I'm a community manager at 4C (
Now studying:
・System design
・Digital Illustration
・Learning, teaching the Japanese Language, and talking to people
・Drawing, reading manga, and watching anime
・Web Design
・Hosting Twitter Spaces

A Filipino engineer working in Japan 🇵🇭:jp: ・8 years experience as a Back-end/BI/Data Engineer ・I'm a community leader at Open Source Software PH ( ・I'm a community manager at 4C ( Now studying: ・System... Show more

Kristen Elliott

Kristen Elliott

Kristen Elliott is an author, businesswoman, technology professional, and educator with a background of various analysis and consulting positions. She currently serves as a corporate strategist for a Fortune 100 company and teaches computer science engineering classes at the undergraduate level at a local university.

An ambassador of STEAM, Kristen focuses on the advocacy of others to learn more about software analysis and how the power of the arts fuel creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. She aims to support that mission through teaching, writing, and speaking about various technology concepts and about the power of the arts in a simple and fun way in hopes of others to become empowered to learn more themselves.

She received her MBA at Capital University with a focus in leadership. She also holds two Bachelor degrees (Music and Psychology) from The Ohio State University.

Kristen resides in Columbus, OH with her husband and two children. In her free time, she acts as a freelance violinist and composer. She has performed as a solo act and with multiple local musical groups as a folk, rock, and looper violinist. She has also composed and released two original albums (under the group name "Elliott Collective") and records professional studio strings for several musicians and groups in Ohio.

Learn more about Kristen and her initiatives at

Kristen Elliott is an author, businesswoman, technology professional, and educator with a background of various analysis and consulting positions. She currently serves as a corporate strategist for a Fortune 100 company and teaches computer science e... Show more

Valerie Phoenix

Valerie Phoenix

Valerie Phoenix is a technologist who focuses on creating user-centered digital experiences as a full-time Engineering Manager. To help spread the financial wealth offered by the tech industry, Valerie founded Tech By Choice, a nonprofit that is working to increase diversity in the tech industry by providing low to no-cost events for individuals in protected groups.

Valerie Phoenix is a technologist who focuses on creating user-centered digital experiences as a full-time Engineering Manager. To help spread the financial wealth offered by the tech industry, Valerie founded Tech By Choice, a nonprofit that is work... Show more

Mrs Rep

Mrs Rep

Mom, Wife & Business Owner! Helping women find their voice! Providing information about trading marking your business and how to start a business

Mom, Wife & Business Owner! Helping women find their voice! Providing information about trading marking your business and how to start a business Show more

José Luis Jiménez Figarotti

José Luis Jiménez Figarotti

EdTech scholar & VE expert, Prof. Jiménez is a prolific author on equity & human rights. His work bridges cultures inspiring empathy. His publications spark critical conversations on global exchange & social justice.

EdTech scholar & VE expert, Prof. Jiménez is a prolific author on equity & human rights. His work bridges cultures inspiring empathy. His publications spark critical conversations on global exchange & social justice. Show more

Lea Rosema

Lea Rosema

Lea is a frontend developer with accessibility in mind, based in Hamburg.

Lea is a frontend developer with accessibility in mind, based in Hamburg. Show more

Abirami Sukumaran

Abirami Sukumaran

About 16 years of experience in hands-on Application Development and leadership roles in the areas of Databases, Master Data Management and Analytics, with a few patents in the data management, data science areas

Developer Advocate in Google specializing in Google Cloud Databases and Storage

Develop, research and experiment products and solutions to advocate and elevate developer experience with Google Cloud

Engage with technology community, tech-talks and Google Developer forums to enable Google Cloud development and product experience

Pursuing Doctorate in Business Administration with specialization in Machine Learning

A Certified Yoga Instructor / Practitioner, Blogger, Speaker and enjoy Reading & Learning to become a Licensed Private Pilot

About 16 years of experience in hands-on Application Development and leadership roles in the areas of Databases, Master Data Management and Analytics, with a few patents in the data management, data science areas Developer Advocate in Google speci... Show more

Stipe Plejic

Stipe Plejic

A versatile leader who serves as the President of StoneBlock Blockchain Association and CEO of Endemic NFT Marketplace, underpinned by two Master's Degrees in Financial Management and Markets Valuation. With a background in international policy-making and a specialization in digital economies, particularly blockchain technology. Seamlessly combine academic insights with practical know-how to influence economic frameworks and technological advancements.

A versatile leader who serves as the President of StoneBlock Blockchain Association and CEO of Endemic NFT Marketplace, underpinned by two Master's Degrees in Financial Management and Markets Valuation. With a background in international policy-makin... Show more

Viktor Pakhuchyi

Viktor Pakhuchyi

I'm a Go software engineer and have 5+ years of experience. Have a master degree in psychology and worked in human resources area for almost 2 years. Last years tried to contribute to Go community in my city Kharkiv and Ukraine at all: helped with meetups organization, wrote some articles, leading the Go community inside Intellias. I'm trying always have a mantee to keep my knowledge and communication skills warm. I have an amazing wife and deadly love music. Originally from Kharkiv, Ukraine. After a year of war in Ukraine left it and currently travelling over Europe.

I'm a Go software engineer and have 5+ years of experience. Have a master degree in psychology and worked in human resources area for almost 2 years. Last years tried to contribute to Go community in my city Kharkiv and Ukraine at all: helped with me... Show more

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