
Talented creative individuals working in the field of visual, auditory and performance arts

Gauthier Ressel

Gauthier Ressel

Concepteur et développeur front-end depuis plus de dix ans, expert en web-performance actuellement en poste à LunaWeb, agence conseil et design UX, j'accompagne nos clients dans le développement sur-mesure d'interfaces web performantes, éco-conçues, accessibles et orientées utilisateurs.

Issu d’une formation technique puis stratégique de 5 années, également passionné de design et de musique, j'ai participé à la création et au développement de plusieurs start-ups, mais aussi de projets bénévoles mêlants web et musique, notamment en tant que responsable communication dans une association.

Concepteur et développeur front-end depuis plus de dix ans, expert en web-performance actuellement en poste à LunaWeb, agence conseil et design UX, j'accompagne nos clients dans le développement sur-mesure d'interfaces web performantes, éco-conçues, ... Show more

Ghonche Tavoosi

Ghonche Tavoosi

Hi, I am Ghonche.
I come from Tehran, Iran. A place full of life where people get in trouble for the most trivial things. I stand with LGBTQIA+ and my life outside of liberal hubs is what allows me to truly savour the accomplishments of our global struggle. I burn to figure out how stuff works by meticulously taking it apart and then teaching myself how to make it. Better. For work, I lead efforts of diverse teams to create and improve beautiful, highly functional products. My career had an early start, as I have accrued 10+ years of experience working on products, as well as entrepreneurial projects in two companies I started myself. I am currently based in Berlin and part of the amazing team.

Hi, I am Ghonche. I come from Tehran, Iran. A place full of life where people get in trouble for the most trivial things. I stand with LGBTQIA+ and my life outside of liberal hubs is what allows me to truly savour the accomplishments of our global ... Show more

Tim Smith

Tim Smith

Tim has been at Microsoft for 8 years. His current role is a Global Black Belt assisting customers achieve modern analytics that drive Customer Experiences. Prior to Microsoft he was a serial entrepreneur with a career that started in the Music Industry and evolved into systems integration with Great Plain and Microsoft CRM.

Tim has been at Microsoft for 8 years. His current role is a Global Black Belt assisting customers achieve modern analytics that drive Customer Experiences. Prior to Microsoft he was a serial entrepreneur with a career that started in the Music In... Show more

Peter Fernandez

Peter Fernandez

As an Architect, Consultant and Engineer, I have more than 30 years of experience designing and developing secure and robust software solutions. When not helping teams with the complexities of Customer Identity, you can usually find me working behind the scenes, acting in, or directing a show at my local theatre.

As an Architect, Consultant and Engineer, I have more than 30 years of experience designing and developing secure and robust software solutions. When not helping teams with the complexities of Customer Identity, you can usually find me working behind... Show more

Bocagrandi Art

Bocagrandi Art

Art with Caribbean hues driven by ocean preservation.

Art with Caribbean hues driven by ocean preservation. Show more

Korina Hunjak

Korina Hunjak

Korina Hunjak je vizualni umjetnik iz Rijeke s fokusom na ilustraciju i strip. Završila je Akademiju primijenjenih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Rijeci, gdje i radi kao asistent. Oslikala je nekolicinu slikovnica i sličnih publikacija za mlađi uzrast, surađivala je na brandingu projekata te svojim ilustracijama i dizajnom pridonijela društvenim igrama. U slobodno vrijeme radi na autorskim stripovima od kojih je nekolicina objavljena u domaćim i stranim periodičnim publikacijama. Jedna je od urednica časopisa za strip, umjetnost i kulturu "Strip-PREFIKS".

Korina Hunjak je vizualni umjetnik iz Rijeke s fokusom na ilustraciju i strip. Završila je Akademiju primijenjenih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Rijeci, gdje i radi kao asistent. Oslikala je nekolicinu slikovnica i sličnih publikacija za mlađi uzrast, sur... Show more

Steven Xoao

Steven Xoao

Steven Xoao is a Community Manager for Cryptoskulls, a 2019 historical NFT project and the 2nd 10k PFP after CryptoPunks. He is passionate about Historical NFTs and the importance of provenance. He is a public speaker for Cryptoskulls in NFT events
in the UK and a NFT artist in Web3. Professionally, he is a digital consultant and a creative director with agency experience, designing apps for startups and fortune 500 companies.

Since 2016, he has won the Jaguar Land Rover Hackathon, the London R3 Corda, WCAH Blockchain Hackathon. Since 2016, he has been working in web 3, consulting for blockchain startups, for the past 6 years where has invested into building communities and products for the future.

Steven Xoao is a Community Manager for Cryptoskulls, a 2019 historical NFT project and the 2nd 10k PFP after CryptoPunks. He is passionate about Historical NFTs and the importance of provenance. He is a public speaker for Cryptoskulls in NFT events ... Show more

Alexander Roganovich

Alexander Roganovich

Nombre y contactos
Alexander Roganovich | LinkedIn alexroganovich | Medium @alexroganovich

En todas mis experiencias laborales intento aportar valor en 3 grandes pilares “Personas, Clientes y Producto”.
Trabajo lo cultural, el desarrollo profesional, clima, balance vida personal y profesional, algunos ejemplos (skill matrix, plan de carrera, cultura, academia, outing, trabajo colaborativo).
Incentivo el aprendizaje y comunidades, (DesignOps, ContentOps ResearhOps, Producto, iT).
Lo que no se mide, no se puede gestionar, algunos indicadores de "Personas" (Attrition, ENPS, Engagement). El capital Humano en este contexto de pandemia y tecnología es clave.

Cliente en el centro;
Incentivo el discovery continuo y por sobre todo los aprendizajes lean, validando valor y demanda de forma inmediata, desde la idea (experimentación, research, testeos, pruebas, business cases, hipótesis, criterio de éxito, design thinking).
Como lo medimos; Time to Market, Time to Delivery, entrega de valor al cliente, NPS, revenue y eficiencias.

Colaboro y desafío los OKR estratégicos cascadeando a los equipos, para poder tener foco y sentido de pertenencia en cada uno, logrando así roadmap, backlog efectivos.
Algunos indicadores son, (NPS, Revenue, LTV, apdex, MTTB, CES, ToT, TTM, AHT, CRV, YoY, Adherencia, Adopción, Retención).

Si bien siempre colaboró en mis desafíos tanto en customer, como agile, dependiendo el contexto intento colaborar y agregar mayor valor;
En @Despegar también tuve la oportunidad de colaborar en la Cultura Customer Centric, generando workshop con toda la organización concientizandonos de la nueva propuesta de valor y identificando sus impactos en los clientes (nota adjunta).

En @LatamAirlines, colaboré con la cultura Data Driven, realizando workshop identificando que OKR y KPI debíamos observar como organización y rol, como podíamos democratizarlo, generando seguimiento e impacto continuo (nota adjunta).

En @SantanderArgentina, donde tenemos la oportunidad de llevar la organización hacía Producto, es aquí donde me encuentro aportando valor, colaborando con estructura, hiring, job description, matriz de conocimientos, best practices.

En mi rol actual como director regional UX del marketplace en
Responsable de la experiencia digital E2E de nuestros clientes. Liderando un equipo multidisciplinario y multicultural. Generador de valor desde; inv. de usuario, diseño, validación y seguimiento.
Países; Chile, Perú, Colombia, Brasil, Mexico, Argentina...
Canales; Web, app.
Unidades de negocio; Falabella, Retail, Sodimac, Tottus, Linio.
Clientes; Más de 2 milllones diarios.

Experiencia previa relacionada al UX
Alexander Roganovich fué Director UX responsable de la experiencia punta a punta de los clientes Santander en Argentina, liderando un equipo multidisciplinario mayor a 70 personas contando con distintas especialidades como, diseño, research y contenido; mejorando los puntos de contacto desde web, app, ATM, sucursales, contact center y demás.
Lidera también un equipo de experiencia de usuario que participa en las experiencias de otros países como Brasil, Uruguay, EEUU del grupo Santander. Si bien sus principales responsabilidades son experiencia de las personas usuarias de Santander Argentina, es protagonista, agente de cambio en la transformación cultural, tecnología, de recursos humanos y producto.

Se desempeñó como Head UX en LATAM Airlines Chile liderando un equipo multidisciplinario (diseñadores, contenidistas, research) de más de 50 personas. Ha realizado la labor de Coordinador UX en
Es un apasionado de la comunidad UX, tanto como speaker, docente o invitado, como en las relaciones humanas y construcción de equipos.
Ex docente en la cátedra y seminario UX en UBA Universidad de Buenos Aires, para las carreras de Diseño Gráfico e Industrial.
Docente en la diplomatura de People Experience Universidad de CEMA
Founder & podcaster de Conversaciones de Producto.
Co-autor del libro “UX LATAM; Experiencia del Usuario en Latinoamérica” junto a referentes de UX de cada país de Latinoamérica.
Ex docente en la carrera de Diseño UX en el instituto de Coder house.

Cuenta con un título universitario en Diseño Gráfico por la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Gestión de proyectos y equipos de experiencia de usuario en Universidad de Palermo.
Lean UX en la Universidad de Palermo.
Diseñador web profesional en Educación IT.
Leadership tools en Hardvard business.

Cuenta con varias publicaciones relacionadas a UX como; UX LATAM; historias de experiencia de usuario en Latinoamérica, Gestión de equipo, Experimentación, Metodologías Agile, Customer Centric, Data Driven, Product mindset, UX para proveedores, Voice Experience y demás.

Soy un apasionado de lo que hago “Desarrollar personas, para lograr productos y experiencias que enamoren, generando valor para los clientes y organización”, es por esto que en mis tiempos libres soy profesor de UX en @UBA, coautor del libro “User Experience en LATAM” en conjunto con referentes de todo Latinoamérica y llevo el podcast de @ConversacionesDeProducto.

Nombre y contactos Alexander Roganovich | LinkedIn alexroganovich | Medium @alexroganovich En todas mis experiencias laborales intento aportar valor en 3 grandes pilares “Personas, Clientes y Producto”. Personas; Trabajo lo cultural, el desar... Show more

Mohamed Bikarrane

Mohamed Bikarrane

I'm a UX/UI Designer & Webflow Expert, future-focused and motivated by passion to create new things.

I'm a UX/UI Designer & Webflow Expert, future-focused and motivated by passion to create new things. Show more

Tanja Radman

Tanja Radman

Tanja Radman rođena je 13.02.1991 u Kutini, a odrasla je u Popovači. Nakon školovanja u Zagrebu, preselila je u Dubrovnik u koji se bezglavo zaljubila, toliko da mu je posvetila fantasy trilogiju s elementima stvarne povijesti. Živi na relaciji Dubrovnik-Zagreb, radi kao turistički vodič, te sa svojim životnim partnerom proizvodi i prodaje ručno obrađene replike povijesnih pergamenata.

Tanja Radman rođena je 13.02.1991 u Kutini, a odrasla je u Popovači. Nakon školovanja u Zagrebu, preselila je u Dubrovnik u koji se bezglavo zaljubila, toliko da mu je posvetila fantasy trilogiju s elementima stvarne povijesti. Živi na relaciji Dubro... Show more

Alex Shuman

Alex Shuman

Alex has been curating unique front of house experiences in the craft beer industry since 2019, starting off in Boston and most recently in Asheville.

Alex has been curating unique front of house experiences in the craft beer industry since 2019, starting off in Boston and most recently in Asheville. Show more

Rory Mencin

Rory Mencin

Rory Mencin is an art critic, curator and global arts director of, a platform based in New York and Seoul that specializes in curate highly localized NFT exhibitions that establish a more grounded sense of physical place within the decentralized web3 ecosystem

Rory Mencin is an art critic, curator and global arts director of, a platform based in New York and Seoul that specializes in curate highly localized NFT exhibitions that establish a more grounded sense of physical place within the dece... Show more

Argyris Makrygeorgou

Argyris Makrygeorgou

Argyris "RG" has 17 years of professional experience in the fields of IT and Information Security. During this time, he has participated in numerous projects of Strategic Security Planning, Implementation of Response Plans, Design of Specialized Security Architectures, Design and Implementation of Managed Services (SOCaaS, EDRaaS, VAaaS, etc.), for a multitude of organizations in Greece and around the world (indicative: Spain, Taiwan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, etc.)

Today, he is the Business Development Manager for the Security Operations product family of Fortinet, for Greece, Hungary & Cyprus. He is a member of the (ISC)2 Hellenic Chapter, having served as Membership Chair from 2019-2023, now being the Chairman of the Audit Committee (2023-2025). He also serves as a Mentor for the Women4Cyber Greece initiative. He has worked for Cyber Noesis as Operations Director, Algosystems as Head of Cyber ​​Security & CISO, establishing the Security Business Unit, and for ADACOM as Head of Cyber ​​Security Technology & CISO. He has also worked at Zurich Insurance (Ireland) as a Technology Security Consultant, at Quantum Consulting (Ireland) as an ICT/IS Consultant, as well as at Carouzos 4 Kappa, Cyber ​​Stream Technologies & Microshop Enternet, in Systems, Networks & Presales Engineering roles.

He holds a bachelor's degree (BSc) in Computer Science, a master's degree (MSc) in Information Security and a Diploma in Digital Marketing & Social Media, all from the Athens University of Economics and Business (fka ASOEE). He also holds the following professional certifications: Microsoft SC-900, Data Protection Officer - ΕΝ ISO/IEC 17024, CISSP, Certified Payment Security Practitioner, Certified Professional Forensics Analyst, ISO 27001:2005 ISMS Certified, Certified Project Management Associate IPMA Level D, Six Sigma White Belt Certified, Symantec Knight, Symantec Technical Specialist, Symantec Certified Specialist, Certified CyberArk Trustee & Smart Cities & Critical Infrastructure Security Professional, along with other vendor-dependent ones including HP, Splunk, VMware, Fortinet, ClearSwift, Cisco & Palo Alto.

He has participated in dozens of security conference panels as a Speaker, such as InfoCom, BSides, etc., while he has written multiple publications on subjects from various areas of information security.

Last but not least he is a retired H2H combat instructor and a published poet.

Argyris "RG" has 17 years of professional experience in the fields of IT and Information Security. During this time, he has participated in numerous projects of Strategic Security Planning, Implementation of Response Plans, Design of Specialized Secu... Show more

Mike Adler

Mike Adler

Michael Adler brings over two decades of experience working with emerging technology companies. With a diverse background in investment banking, venture capital, operational strategy, and team building, Michael entered the Web 3.0 NFT space in 2019. He has since been instrumental in building Veve into the powerhouse it is today, working with top clients such as Disney, Marvel, Universal, Warner Brothers, Coke, and many more. Additionally, he is a founder of Numb3rs XA, a new Ordinals Art Collective.

Michael Adler brings over two decades of experience working with emerging technology companies. With a diverse background in investment banking, venture capital, operational strategy, and team building, Michael entered the Web 3.0 NFT space in 2019. ... Show more

Nikki Cikaluk

Nikki Cikaluk

Founder of Digital Couture Summit, the first luxury digital fashion event at MFW since 2023, and a digital fashion advisor with SEAMM, DRESSX, House of QOA under portfolio. Covering fashion space in Forbes, Cointelegraph and Rug Radio.

Founder of Digital Couture Summit, the first luxury digital fashion event at MFW since 2023, and a digital fashion advisor with SEAMM, DRESSX, House of QOA under portfolio. Covering fashion space in Forbes, Cointelegraph and Rug Radio. Show more

Franck Obadia

Franck Obadia

Directeur artistique multimédia depuis plus de 16 ans, Franck a travaillé en tant qu’indépendant sur de nombreux projets audiovisuels dans le cinéma, la pub, le théâtre, ainsi que pour des organisations spécialisées dans le partage et la diffusion de la connaissance.

En 2010, Franck crée un studio de broadcast et fonde une société de production pour réaliser des films en réunissant des équipes pluri-disciplinaires.

Passionné par les sciences cognitives, Franck complète ses connaissances et se forme au développement relationnel, à l’accompagnement systémique et stratégique, et à l’écriture scénaristique. Il explore parallèlement différents chemins de développement personnel lui permettant une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes traumatiques et des freins et leviers liés à la motivation.

Depuis 2019, il exerce en tant que coach et accompagne particuliers et entreprises en mettant son expertise au service des porteurs de projets. Il utilise le storytelling et le design thinking comme outils de prédilections pour aider à révéler ses talents.

Depuis 2022, Franck a cocréé le jeu-outil Chaos Fertile avec Charles Fontaine, expert en intelligence collective. Chaos Fertile permet de créer des projets en stimulant l'intelligence coopérative des participant-e-s en 2 heures, c'est une expérience qui allie le design sprint et la design fiction. Du rêve au plan d'action.

Directeur artistique multimédia depuis plus de 16 ans, Franck a travaillé en tant qu’indépendant sur de nombreux projets audiovisuels dans le cinéma, la pub, le théâtre, ainsi que pour des organisations spécialisées dans le partage et la diffusion de... Show more

Bruno Miranda

Bruno Miranda


is the Founder of Chilibangs: the biggest Web3 community in Portugal and soon to be in Europe He organises Web3 gatherings every Wednesday & is also the portuguese Ambassador of great Web3 international projects & communities.

started Chilibangs community a few years back and has now extended it to Web3 in order to ally with purposeful people & Web3 technology. Visionaries, artists and degens are joining forces to change the world together as a trustworthy community.

After 1 year of building a strong web3 community, Bruno will be launching his Chilibangs NFT in 2023 membership to consolidate / scale his spicy ecosystem.
One will be able to recognise Bruno from his pepper necklace or tattoo, which represents the first membership version of his community. Find Spicy Bruno!

Speaker in several conferences:
NBX 22 Berlin|23 Warswa and Berlin|24 Warsaw | WOW Summit 22| NFT NYC23 | NFC 22|23| TON LISBON HUB | Web3 Stronger together | Blockchance23|

Organizer Hackathon : Kirobo

Amb: | NFC Summit | Hyperlens | AILAND |

ChiliBangs : Founder and CVO
Web3 Wednesday LX : Founder and CEO
World Web3 Womens Summit : Founder and CVO

Bruno: is the Founder of Chilibangs: the biggest Web3 community in Portugal and soon to be in Europe He organises Web3 gatherings every Wednesday & is also the portuguese Ambassador of great Web3 international projects & communities. started Ch... Show more

Richard Jocelyn

Richard Jocelyn

p (Cobol..Claude).duration # 26+ years in IT

p (Cobol..Claude).duration # 26+ years in IT Show more

Doug Durham

Doug Durham

Doug Durham is the CEO of Don’t Panic Labs, which helps companies innovate through the design and development of software technologies. He is also the co-founder of Nebraska Global, DPL’s parent company, known as a pioneer in the startup landscape in Nebraska.

Doug has over 30 years of software engineering and development experience in aerospace and defense, healthcare, manufacturing, ecommerce, consumer web applications, and internet network services. He is passionate about the process of solving problems through software, and the application of sound engineering principles and patterns to these efforts.

His diverse skills, education, and various leadership roles have shaped his career. Doug served as a Civil Engineer in the Air National Guard for 21 years, which deployed him to many strange and wonderful places around the world, before he retired at the rank of Major.

Doug is a proud Husker and has an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where two of his three children are also pursuing engineering degrees. He has taught at the UNL Raikes School of Computer Science, and serves on a College of Engineering advisory board. He also has a master’s degree in Finance and Management.

A native Nebraskan, Doug and his wife Shana both love living in Lincoln.

Doug Durham is the CEO of Don’t Panic Labs, which helps companies innovate through the design and development of software technologies. He is also the co-founder of Nebraska Global, DPL’s parent company, known as a pioneer in the startup landscape in... Show more

Bugs Smith

Bugs Smith

🖥️ Digital Wellness Adv⚇cate 🧘🏼🌿 | AI-Artist 😊 🎨 | Meebits 💖 | Fr⚇m CM at Yuga🧪 t⚇ BDM at Yauga 👀

🖥️ Digital Wellness Adv⚇cate 🧘🏼🌿 | AI-Artist 😊 🎨 | Meebits 💖 | Fr⚇m CM at Yuga🧪 t⚇ BDM at Yauga 👀 @yauga_wellbeing Show more

Tiara Jamison

Tiara Jamison

Tiara Jamison
CEO, Millennial Project Management Group

Tiara Jamison is a visionary leader with over 9 years of experience in the project management industry. She founded Millennial Project Management Group in 2022, driven by her extensive background working for tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. With a commitment to Empowering Excellence and Inspiring Impact, Tiara leads her team in redefining project management beyond its conventional boundaries.

Professional Philosophy:
Tiara is propelled by a passion for empowering organizations to thrive and instigating positive change. Her approach transcends traditional project management, focusing on strategic foresight and leveraging cutting-edge technology to not only achieve success but also drive societal impact.

As the CEO of Millennial Project Management Group, Tiara's mission is clear: to empower organizations to thrive in the modern landscape through exceptional project management services. She combines strategic insight, technological expertise, and a commitment to social responsibility to foster lasting success, enrich communities, and inspire positive change.

Tiara envisions Millennial Project Management Group as the foremost global provider of innovative project management solutions. She aims to drive organizational success and societal impact through cutting-edge strategies, technology integration, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Consulting Expertise:
Under Tiara's leadership, Millennial Project Management Group's seasoned consultants bring a wealth of experience to the table. They offer tailored insights and solutions that optimize project management processes, driving sustainable growth for their clients.

"We're not simply managing projects, we're empowering organizations and enriching communities. Our dual commitment to excellence and social responsibility ensures every project leaves a positive footprint on the world." - Tiara Jamison, CEO

Tiara's leadership is characterized by innovation, social responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. She believes in shaping a future where every project holds the potential for positive change, and her dedication to this vision drives Millennial Project Management Group forward as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of today's dynamic business environment.

Tiara Jamison CEO, Millennial Project Management Group Tiara Jamison is a visionary leader with over 9 years of experience in the project management industry. She founded Millennial Project Management Group in 2022, driven by her extensive backgr... Show more

Estela Franco

Estela Franco

I am Estela Franco, a web performance and technical SEO specialist with over 10 years of experience in the digital space. I am passionate about frontend web development and love to talk and share about web performance optimization, technical SEO, JavaScript and Jamstack.

I work as a Web Performance, Technical SEO and Accessibility Specialist at Schneider Electric. Apart from that, I'm also a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a Storyblok Ambassador.

I am Estela Franco, a web performance and technical SEO specialist with over 10 years of experience in the digital space. I am passionate about frontend web development and love to talk and share about web performance optimization, technical SEO, Jav... Show more

Chris Cummings

Chris Cummings

Chris is the Founder & CEO of Iconic Moments, with experience in digital for nearly a decade. Awarded the United Nations World Summit Award in 2022, Iconic is culture + digital innovation. With the ground-breaking Jackson Pollock "Beyond the Edge" NFT campaign, nearly $500,000 was raised to preserve the Jackson Pollock Studio, selling out in hours. Iconic's collaboration with Des Lucrece resulted in a groundbreaking NFT + physical print campaign called "Monster Soup", sells out in 22 Minutes, with over $380,000 in sales. “Studio Sessions” The Norman Rockwell Collection, features Rockwell archive process works in NFTs & physical prints. Iconic NFTs supported the White House Historical Association, International Hip Hop Museum & others. Prior, Chris founded Pass It Down, an award-winning digital exhibit design platform transforming how culture brands engage, recognized globally by Museum + Heritage Awards, Coca-Cola, Techstars, & Society of American Archivists.

Chris is the Founder & CEO of Iconic Moments, with experience in digital for nearly a decade. Awarded the United Nations World Summit Award in 2022, Iconic is culture + digital innovation. With the ground-breaking Jackson Pollock "Beyond the Edge" NF... Show more

Yvonne Senouf

Yvonne Senouf

YVONNE SENOUF is a driven cultural producer with more than thirty years of experience, with a passion for contemporary art, innovation, technology, digital media, and the Environment.
She has collaborated curated and produced cultural projects for prestigious institutions such as The Studio Museum in Harlem, Christie’s NYC, Creative Time Inc., Shu Uemura, The McKee Gallery, The Scherman Foundation, Sydney and The Florica Kyriacopoulos art collection, Athens Greece, among others.

A polymath by nature, she is passionate about the new possibilities offered by digital and embracing Web 3.0 and blockchain technology to create new perceptions and solutions around environmental and social issues, with art as a catalyst for social change, teaming up with artists, like Claudia Hart, Shaun Gladwell, Soliman Lopez, Felice Varini, and Ana Mendieta among others ideating with them groundbreaking art projects.
She is a TEDx and PechaKucha speaker.

CÉLINE SHEN is a multidisciplinary artist born in France in 1988, also known under the acronym of C.S for her digital works. Graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, she pursued a double degree training program at the Institut Supérieur des Arts et des Chorégraphies (ISAC) in Brussels. Her works exist in the intersections of the digital, new technologies, writing, dance, performance and clothing design practices. She collaborates with French scientific laboratories ( Lutins Userlab, Les Mines, etc.).

In 2018, her creative process acquired a choreographic dimension taking into consideration Nature, Femininity, and extra-terrestrial territories. Her digital works entangle a perspective where the machine, connecting virtual «net-worlds», enhance invisible dimensions, auras displaying a reconstituted cosmologies crossing interstellar fictions.

YVONNE SENOUF is a driven cultural producer with more than thirty years of experience, with a passion for contemporary art, innovation, technology, digital media, and the Environment. She has collaborated curated and produced cultural projects for ... Show more

Freddie Bennett

Freddie Bennett

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger”

Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission.

Do you know anyone who went from:

Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executive…

...To complete the world toughest footrace across the scorching Sahara Desert, fighting blizzards, frostbite and polar bears to run across the Arctic towards the North Pole, and is featured in the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest person to ever run a marathon…dressed as a fisherman?

You do now.

Described by Men’s Health magazine as ‘The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance’, Freddie Bennett is a bestselling author with ‘Starting at Zero - The Guide To Making Your Dreams Come True With Everything Else is F**ked', Apple Top-25 Podcast host, sought after consultant and speaker at a variety of leading global brands including Coca-Cola, Amazon, Microsoft, IHG, Vodafone, Heineken, PwC, Accenture, Virgin Atlantic… and The United Nations.


When it comes to resilience, performing under pressure, strength in adversity and leading through change, Freddie gives you experience, insight and emotion like no other.

Other speakers talk about it. Freddie is the only speaker who has lived it.

New Zealand media calls him “The saviour of the professional services industry” and Men’s Health magazine described him as “The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance”.

But this is not your bog-standard, unrelatable, ‘rally the troops’ yawn-fest delivered by a cookie-cutter, square-jawed ‘motivational speaker’ dropping tired-old cliches.

What makes Freddie unique is that he’s NOT an ex-Navy SEAL, a professional athlete, privileged adventurer or a smooth-talking life coach. He was an everyday corporate manager who battled depression, addiction,imposter syndrome burnout and and breakdown…

…then decided to become extraordinary.

Now, he proves to businesses and individuals that they can achieve the goals they once considered impossible.


From Amazon to Virgin Atlantic, from Coca-Cola to Vodafone, and from PwC to Heineken via IHG, Freddie has graced some of the most iconic stages in the US, Australasia and Europe on topics like:

- Turning a Disruption into Your Unfair Advantage
- How to Create a Win In a Losing Streak
- Fit for The Future: Creating Confidence & Resilience Through Change.
- The Mask of Confidence: Why Imposter Syndrome Is Your Secret to Success
- From Burnout To Breakthrough
- ‘Time-Folding’ to Turbocharge Productivity
- The Authenticity Myth: How to Profit From Your True Nature
- Anabolic Thinking: How to create a win in the toughest of markets

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger” Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission. Do you know anyone who went from: Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executi... Show more

Doug Crowe

Doug Crowe

Doug Crowe was not born in a slum, nor was he homeless or raised by wolves. While that may make for a more inspirational story, it simply isn’t true.

He did, however, win the Dale Carnegie Highest Achievement award, has traveled to 45 countries and all 7 continents (including Antarctica). He is an instrument-rated private pilot, scuba diver, and father of 3.

Doug is the founder of Author Your Brand, a ghostwriting & publishing company. As a brand specialist and an accomplished writer Doug has contributed to Entrepreneur Magazine, Thrive Global, Bloomberg, Chicago Tribune, Daily Herald, MSN Money, the Seattle Times & has authored several #1 bestselling books.

Doug has been featured on the TEDx stage along with Broadcast media including CBS news, the Daily Café and dozens of radio stations. He hosted his own show on WIND AM 560 in Chicago and later moved, “The Real Estate Coach” to ABC’s powerhouse, WLS AM 890 radio in Chicago.

Doug has amassed a lifetime of experience and success as a ghostwriter, author, brand specialist, and media insider. His “Future-Proof” marketing, personal brand strategies & media connections give companies the opportunity to transform their marketing from an expense into an income stream.

Doug Crowe was not born in a slum, nor was he homeless or raised by wolves. While that may make for a more inspirational story, it simply isn’t true. He did, however, win the Dale Carnegie Highest Achievement award, has traveled to 45 countries a... Show more

Krystall Schott

Krystall Schott

creator and curator

creator and curator Show more

Moni M

Moni M

Moni Meigani, NYC artist, tells powerful women's tales through digital art. "Woman Life Freedom Mandana's Climb," her NFT, rests on the moon—a celestial fusion. Meigani's mission aligns with UN SDG #5, fostering awareness and celebrating women's strength. Her art sparks positive change, crafting a cultural legacy.

Moni Meigani, NYC artist, tells powerful women's tales through digital art. "Woman Life Freedom Mandana's Climb," her NFT, rests on the moon—a celestial fusion. Meigani's mission aligns with UN SDG #5, fostering awareness and celebrating women's stre... Show more

Diane Darling

Diane Darling

The good news is that my topic is ideal for any event.

I speak around the world helping smart people gain confidence when walking into rooms, networking, and building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships.

I'm published by McGraw-Hill in 9 languages. Been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Boston Globe, appeared on MSNBC and NBC Nightly News.

My programs are informative, fun, and packed with information that can be immediately implemented.

In order to overcome my fear of public speaking, I took acting and standup comedy courses.

My love of travel has taken her to all seven continents and 60 countries.

How can I help your event succeed? Let's connect!

The good news is that my topic is ideal for any event. I speak around the world helping smart people gain confidence when walking into rooms, networking, and building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships. I'm published by McGraw-Hill... Show more

Jordan Bienvenue

Jordan Bienvenue

Escaping Concrete jungle through my skilled.

Escaping Concrete jungle through my skilled. Show more

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