
Talented creative individuals working in the field of visual, auditory and performance arts

Louis Bertson

Louis Bertson

Biographie de Louis Bertson

Louis Bertson est né le 21 Juin 1998 dans la ville de Yako, au Burkina Faso. Dès son jeune âge, il a montré un intérêt vif pour la découverte et l'apprentissage.

Il a commencé son parcours éducatif à l'école primaire Petit Samba Yako, où il a jeté les bases solides de son éducation de base de 2003 à 2010. Durant ces années, Louis a démontré sa curiosité et sa passion pour l'apprentissage.

En 2011, il a poursuivi ses études au Petit Séminaire de Koudougou pour son éducation secondaire, où il a continué à exceller tout en développant ses compétences interpersonnelles et ses intérêts artistiques.

C'est pendant ses années d'école secondaire que Louis a découvert sa passion pour la musique et a commencé à apprendre le piano. De 2016 à 2019, il a consacré une partie de son temps à maîtriser cet instrument, explorant les nuances de la musique et développant son sens artistique.

Cependant, sa passion pour la technologie et le développement web l'a finalement conduit à abandonner le piano pour se plonger entièrement dans l'apprentissage de la programmation. Fasciné par le potentiel infini de la technologie, Louis a décidé de devenir autodidacte en JavaScript à temps plein à partir de 2016.

Son dévouement et sa persévérance l'ont rapidement propulsé vers de nouveaux horizons. En 2020, Louis a intégré la prestigieuse école Simplon à Ouagadougou pour approfondir ses compétences en développement web.

Sa carrière professionnelle a pris son envol lorsqu'il a intégré l'équipe de Switch Maker pour un stage de quatre mois, où il a acquis une expérience précieuse dans le domaine du développement web. Par la suite, il a rejoint Afric Consulting Group, où il a travaillé pendant plus d'un an, contribuant à divers projets innovants.

En quête de défis plus stimulants, Louis a ensuite rejoint Total.js en Slovaquie, où il a passé deux ans à perfectionner ses compétences et à explorer de nouvelles technologies dans le domaine du développement web.

Récemment, Louis s'est tourné vers le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle, où il explore les frontières de la technologie et cherche à apporter des innovations significatives dans ce domaine en constante évolution.

À travers son parcours, Louis Bertson incarne la détermination, la passion et la recherche incessante de connaissances. Il reste un exemple inspirant pour tous ceux qui aspirent à repousser les limites de leurs capacités et à créer un impact positif dans le monde de la technologie.

Biographie de Louis Bertson Louis Bertson est né le 21 Juin 1998 dans la ville de Yako, au Burkina Faso. Dès son jeune âge, il a montré un intérêt vif pour la découverte et l'apprentissage. Il a commencé son parcours éducatif à l'école primaire... Show more

Deeksha Gupta

Deeksha Gupta

I am a Growth and Partnership Accelerator at - an A.I.-powered external cyber security platform that I co-created with my colleague.

I have over 6 years of experience in the cybersecurity industry. As a Product Manager, I have overseen the development and delivery of innovative cybersecurity products that help businesses protect their assets and data from cyber threats. I work closely with cross-functional teams to ensure that our products meet the needs and expectations of our clients and identify market trends and opportunities for growth. I have a track record of successfully leading teams and scaling products.

I also specialize in conducting security projects, such as risk assessments, penetration tests, security audits, and implementing effective security measures. I have successfully led teams in incident response, forensic analysis, and regulatory compliance projects.

I am a Growth and Partnership Accelerator at - an A.I.-powered external cyber security platform that I co-created with my colleague. I have over 6 years of experience in the cybersecurity industry. As a Product Manager, I have overseen t... Show more

JP Soltesz

JP Soltesz

Strategist, innovator, data interpreter, futurist. JP Soltesz brings decades of experience from a variety of industries, from the media to financial services, technology to commercial real estate, and economic consulting to insurance. JP has experience leading strategic planning at both startups and at global conglomerates like GE, where he helped define how the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), 3-D Printing, and Open and Crowd Sourcing would shape the future of work.

At his speaking events, JP weaves data analysis with engaging anecdotes drawn from his experience in Sales, Marketing, and Corporate Strategic leadership roles.

JP authored a white paper titled The Workforce of the Future, examining how AI, predictive analytics, and advanced manufacturing will change the way humans are put to work.

JP has spoken at dozens of events and conferences, including:
- The Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference Opening Plenary, St. Johns, Canada
- Minds and Machines, San Francisco, USA
- The American Chamber of Commerce 25th Anniversary of Doing Business in Hungary, Budapest, Hungary
- GE’s XLP Conference, Dubai, UAE

JP ends his talks, blog posts, and presentations with the uplifting words “Keep Working Everyone” to encourage audiences to be proactive and productive members of the global workforce and economy.

Strategist, innovator, data interpreter, futurist. JP Soltesz brings decades of experience from a variety of industries, from the media to financial services, technology to commercial real estate, and economic consulting to insurance. JP has experien... Show more

Roberto Slomka

Roberto Slomka

Analista de Sistemas, formado Administrador de Empresas com ênfase em AS. Especialista em Qualidade de Software, com 40 anos de carreira na área de TIC atuando em diversos papéis.

Especialista em Tecnologias na Aprendizagem, praticante e estudioso da heutagogia (auto-aprendizagem), do e-learning e do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, com foco em soft skills necessárias à cultura ágil desde 2015. Concluindo especialização em Projetos Sociais e Políticas Públicas.

No Serpro desde 2006. Trabalhou com Garantia da Qualidade, melhoria contínua de processos, sendo professor convidado da pós-graduação em Qualidade de Software da Unisinos de 2011 a 2015.

Atua desde 2019 com cultura organizacional, inicialmente no time Cultura Dides, cuja missão é apoiar a propagação e engajamento na cultura ágil no âmbito da Diretoria de Desenvolvimento de Soluções (DIDES) do Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), a partir de maio de 2024 integrando o Departamento de Cultura Organizacional. da Superintendência de Educação, Pessoas e Talentos, na Diretoria de Pessoas, com o desafio de modelar a segmentação dos processos de Cultura Organizacional tanto em termos regionais como nas diversas diretorias.

Autor, ator, cantor (em vias de se tornar produtor musical), e facilitador de debates e painéis. Pai de quatro filhos. Metódico e bem-humorado. Às vezes não. Cri-cri-cri, sempre: crítico, criterioso e criativo. Não cabe em caixa, recomenda-se nem tentar.

Analista de Sistemas, formado Administrador de Empresas com ênfase em AS. Especialista em Qualidade de Software, com 40 anos de carreira na área de TIC atuando em diversos papéis. Especialista em Tecnologias na Aprendizagem, praticante e estudios... Show more

Marline Paul

Marline Paul

Marline Paul, a seasoned educator and entrepreneur, empowers startups and military spouses through her company, Enilram Creative Solutions. With over 17 years in education and a passion for uplifting entrepreneurs, Marline offers strategic guidance and training. As a proud graduate of Florida International University and St. Thomas University, and a devoted mother and military spouse, Marline transitioned from teaching to entrepreneurship. Her hands-on approach and dedication to improving lives set her apart. Marline is also the founder of Rose of Alpha Omega, Inc., a nonprofit supporting women's leadership and well-being.

Marline Paul, a seasoned educator and entrepreneur, empowers startups and military spouses through her company, Enilram Creative Solutions. With over 17 years in education and a passion for uplifting entrepreneurs, Marline offers strategic guidance a... Show more

Carlos Arturo Quiroga Quiroga

Carlos Arturo Quiroga Quiroga

Corporate Digital Architecture Leader, Work as Solution Architect at different companies; now Financial Latam Group, in past IBM Global Business Services, Oracle & EDS (HPe now DXC) in Colombia. Agile Coach, Mentor & Design Thinking practitioner.

Has experience in developing & deploying distributed solutions, including APIs strategy, API Economy adoption (ecosystems & platform), Cloud, Omnichannel, Microservices, SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) & Front End technologies (Ionic, Bootstrap, Angular, etc.), applying Agile & Design Thinking techniques to align IT solutions to customer needs.

Corporate Digital Architecture Leader, Work as Solution Architect at different companies; now Financial Latam Group, in past IBM Global Business Services, Oracle & EDS (HPe now DXC) in Colombia. Agile Coach, Mentor & Design Thinking practitioner. ... Show more

Nancy Beers

Nancy Beers

Nancy Beers is the founder of Happy Game Changers.
Her personal motto is ‘Change the world, one game at a time’. As a keynote speaker and play facilitator for corporate teams, Nancy develops and shares seriously playful and empowering views on teamwork, creativity and strategy. If this sounds dry, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Laughter, empathy and energy are the hooks with which Nancy charms and engages her audiences and clients. She deploys the power of games to show (not tell) you why play and playfulness are an absolutely essential tool for changing our world.

Nancy Beers is the founder of Happy Game Changers. Her personal motto is ‘Change the world, one game at a time’. As a keynote speaker and play facilitator for corporate teams, Nancy develops and shares seriously playful and empowering views on team... Show more

John Warner

John Warner

I have a lifetime of great experience as a serial innovator riding waves from scrappy startups of companies, academic centers, not-for-profits, and a government agency to the New York Stock Exchange.

I co-founded Capital Insights, which became one of the country’s largest angel groups. I was Chairman of Earth Fare, which grew into the country’s largest regional organic grocery chain.

As Vice President of Strategy at KEMET, I was the point person with Wall Street analysts during the chaos of the 2000 internet tsunami. I was the architect of InnoVenture and InnoMobility conferences, with anchors including Michelin, Milliken, Sealed Air, GE, Blue Cross, and others.

I've been on SC Public Radio for two decades. My community leadership has included being a founding board member of Artisphere, a nationally acclaimed arts festival, and the SC Venture Capital Authority, a pioneering agency promoting venture capital, and being part of the community conversation leading to CU-ICAR.

I have a lifetime of great experience as a serial innovator riding waves from scrappy startups of companies, academic centers, not-for-profits, and a government agency to the New York Stock Exchange. I co-founded Capital Insights, which became one... Show more

Jonathan Venguer

Jonathan Venguer

Jonathan Venguer is an independent film producer who worked alongside Academy Award winning film producers in his early years. He produced films presented at AAA tier film festivals and recently founded a Web 3 platform to facilitate the film production process.

Jonathan Venguer is an independent film producer who worked alongside Academy Award winning film producers in his early years. He produced films presented at AAA tier film festivals and recently founded a Web 3 platform to facilitate the film product... Show more

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

Trevor Burton-McCreadie

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software engineer at Lunatech, Trevor provides expert advice on Akka, Scala and software development in general as a member of teams working directly with clients as well as internal projects. He also enjoys his role as mentor guiding some of Lunatech's junior engineers.

After a failed bid at rock stardom Trevor eventually found a way to get paid for writing software with Macromedia Flash. After twenty years and dabbling with Python, Ruby, Objective-C and C# he now works almost exclusively on the JVM. As a software e... Show more

JetSetFly - Josh King Madrid

JetSetFly - Josh King Madrid

Josh King Madrid (JetSet)
Josh King Madrid, known online as "JetSet", is an American internet celebrity, serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, neuromarketer, NLP trainer, artist, host, and public speaker.

Madrid is a college dropout who started his entrepreneurial career at age 18 and became a millionaire by 24.

Some key facts about Josh King "JetSet" Madrid:
- Born on March 8, 1998 in Orange, California
- Launched his podcast "The Dropout Degree Show with JetSet" in 2017, which has over 1 million downloads and 1,000 5-star reviews
- Invented the world's first automated-interactive conversational chatbot campaign using Instagram DM automation, generating over $20 million in leads
- Author of the best-selling book "JETSET Life Hacks: 33 Life Hacks Millionaires, Athletes, Celebrities, & Geniuses Have In Common"
- Writes for Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and Rolling Stone
- Has shared stages with motivational speakers like Eric Thomas, Andy Frisella, Tai Lopez, and Billionaire Naveen Jain
- Known for his expertise in neuromarketing, NLP, and persuasion techniques
- As an influential internet personality and entrepreneur, Josh King "JetSet" Madrid has built a reputation for his innovative marketing strategies, business acumen, and motivational speaking.

Josh King Madrid (JetSet) Josh King Madrid, known online as "JetSet", is an American internet celebrity, serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, neuromarketer, NLP trainer, artist, host, and public speaker. Madrid is a college dropout who star... Show more

Elizabeth Tran

Elizabeth Tran

Elizabeth Tran is a TEDx Speaker, Miss Nation of States, and a Web Designer with her business, Digit-Eli. he built her first website when she was 12 – starting her non-profit Teens Go Green Global. After graduating with a B.B.A. in Marketing at the University of Miami, she then studied Web Design and Online Communication for her M.A. at the University of Florida. Over the past 5 years, she had a successful career in digital marketing and IT at a corporate level. Leveraging her corporate experience, Elizabeth has transitioned to focus on scaling her entrepreneurial ventures as a web designer, model, and blogger. Her other interests also include pageants, modeling, and promoting zero waste practices by creating "trash fashions."

Elizabeth Tran is a TEDx Speaker, Miss Nation of States, and a Web Designer with her business, Digit-Eli. he built her first website when she was 12 – starting her non-profit Teens Go Green Global. After graduating with a B.B.A. in Marketing at the U... Show more

Sean Douglas

Sean Douglas

Sean Douglas is retired U.S. Air Force , 3x TEDx Speaker, Master Resilience Implementer & Suicide Awareness Trainer, Business Positioning Strategist, International Podcast Host of Create Launch Monetize Podcast, and Bestselling Author. His WHY is he's a suicide survivor who hit rock bottom with no purpose or passion. He believes that you were created for a purpose, and once you unlock your true potential, you will elevate your life, which is why he founded The Success Corps. In a highly interactive and engaging environment, utilizing online mentoring sessions and face to face workshops, Sean works with Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Podcasters, and Business Owners to improve their Positioning in the Market, increasing Profitability while decreasing anxiety and stress so their business thrives. Sean equips them with the tools necessary to live EPIC lives, and leaves them better equipped to manage change effectively.

Considered an “Icon of Influence in the New Media Space”, Sean hosts the popular Create Launch Monetize Podcast, giving listeners invaluable knowledge for today's business landscape. He is also the Founder of LYB Clothing Inc., an Affirmation & Empowerment Clothing Line.

Watch Sean's popular TEDx talk at

Sean Douglas is retired U.S. Air Force , 3x TEDx Speaker, Master Resilience Implementer & Suicide Awareness Trainer, Business Positioning Strategist, International Podcast Host of Create Launch Monetize Podcast, and Bestselling Author. His WHY is he... Show more

Diana Olynick

Diana Olynick

Diana Olynick  stands at the crossroads of Design, AI and Spatial Computing innovation. As a registered Professional Engineer, author of “Interfaceless”, speaker and mentor, she brings a blend of technical acumen and design creativity to the emerging technologies field with over a decade of experience. Beyond academia, Diana's voice has resonated globally, with invitations to speak at several esteemed international conferences. She has dedicated herself to educating the next generation, guiding them through the intricacies of spatial computing, artificial intelligence and conscious design. Her ability to deconstruct and demystify complex topics for a wide audience sets her apart. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Diana is a leader fostering the transformative potential of emerging technologies. Diana’s educational contributions can be found at:

Area of Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Behavioural Consumer and Market Trends, Immersive technologies, Spatial Computing, Mixed and Augmented Reality, Futures and Speculative Design, Technology Author, Technology Keynote Speaker

Diana Olynick  stands at the crossroads of Design, AI and Spatial Computing innovation. As a registered Professional Engineer, author of “Interfaceless”, speaker and mentor, she brings a blend of technical acumen and design creativity to the emerging... Show more

Lynn Rogoff

Lynn Rogoff

Lynn Rogoff works as a writer, director, producer, & professor., As a media pioneer, she is at the confluence of media with groundbreaking film, television, multimedia content, games, and theatre celebrating BIPOC heroes. Her multiple award-winning works can be seen at &

She is writing & directing the shape-shifting Bird Woman, Sacajawea, a multi-episode drama series based on the Lewis & Clark Native American guide, Sacajawea. Bird Woman, a magical realism AI drama, discovers her supernatural shape-shifting powers as part Woman & part Eagle fighting alongside the Expeditioners. Bird Woman’s revolutionary filmmaking is featured on the D-ID website.,

For Bird Woman Rogoff won the BestHeritage/Historical Impact Award from the Latino and Native American Film Festival, Best Animation SFX at the WPRN International Women’s Film Festival, and Official Selection at The 15th Native Women in Film Festival.

Rogoff won a WGA Nomination for No Maps on My Taps,, capturing the black tap dancer's contribution to American history. Rogoff also directed the filmed concert performance at Small’s Paradise, receiving two Emmy Awards and recently aired on Turner Classic Movies.

As Creator and Head Writer, Rogoff’s Pony Express Rider Game, launched a new division of McGraw-Hill with her $1.5M game.

Rogoff was a WGA Foundation Fellow, dramatizing 20th C icons in “Love, Ben Love, Emma” based on Emma Goldman & Dr. Ben Reitman, Lucille Lortel originally produced her play at the White Barn Theatre in Westport, CT.

Rogoff has her MFA in Theatre Directing, from NYU, School Of the Arts. Presently, Lynn serves as an Adjunct Professor at NY Institute of Technology.

Lynn Rogoff works as a writer, director, producer, & professor., As a media pioneer, she is at the confluence of media with groundbreaking film, television, multimedia content, games, and theatre celebrating BIPOC her... Show more

Attila Kornel-Markula

Attila Kornel-Markula

Dr. Attila Kornel-Markula studierte Philosophie und Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Münster. Neben der Musikästhetik der Stille forscht er u. a. zum transkulturellen Austausch von Klangsynthese im 20./21. Jahrhundert. Als Musiker ist er mit vielfältiger Musikproduktion vertraut.
Von 2017-2020 war er als Studien- und ERASMUS-Koordinator mit einem Lehrauftrag für fachspezifische Analyse an der Musikhochschule Münster tätig. Seit 2021 entwickelt er an der Universität Vechta (Zentrale Studienberatung) im Projekt ViBeS hybride Workshops im Selbststudium und Selbstlernmodule. Er ist dort u.a. mit der Konzeption und Produktion von Podcasts beauftragt und unterrichtet Grundkompetenzen der Selbst- und Lernstruktur sowie des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens im erweiterten Bildungsraum.

Dr. Attila Kornel-Markula studierte Philosophie und Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Münster. Neben der Musikästhetik der Stille forscht er u. a. zum transkulturellen Austausch von Klangsynthese im 20./21. Jahrhundert. Als Musiker ist er mit viel... Show more

Jessica Ibarra

Jessica Ibarra

Director, Belfast Women Who Code
Currently in Northern Ireland, previously in South Korea, forever Minnesotan.

Director, Belfast Women Who Code Currently in Northern Ireland, previously in South Korea, forever Minnesotan. Show more

Fredrik Mörk

Fredrik Mörk

Fredrik is a software architect currently working with Careium in Malmö, Sweden. He has written code in Visual Basic. The non .NET kind. Yes, he is that old. He is an occasional conference speaker (DevSum, Øredev and user groups in Sweden and Norway, among others), and a photographer.

Fredrik is a software architect currently working with Careium in Malmö, Sweden. He has written code in Visual Basic. The non .NET kind. Yes, he is that old. He is an occasional conference speaker (DevSum, Øredev and user groups in Sweden and Norway,... Show more

Erica Stanley

Erica Stanley

Erica Stanley is an engineering leader, community organizer, and tech diversity & inclusion advocate. She is a Director of Engineering, and site lead for Google Play Atlanta, as well as a venture partner and angel investor. During her 20-year career, she’s worked in Fortune 500 companies, early-stage startups, and academia. She holds a B.S and M.S in Computer Science from Clark Atlanta University and has conducted post-graduate research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she specialized in graphics, visualization, and telepresence.

Erica is active in the Atlanta technology community. She helps develop and teach youth coding programs, speaks at conferences, and user groups, and mentors entrepreneurs for incubators and accelerators. She founded the Atlanta network of Women Who Code and co-founded REFACTR.TECH, a tech conference series that showcases technologists from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds.

Erica Stanley is an engineering leader, community organizer, and tech diversity & inclusion advocate. She is a Director of Engineering, and site lead for Google Play Atlanta, as well as a venture partner and angel investor. During her 20-year career,... Show more

Mrs Rep

Mrs Rep

Mom, Wife & Business Owner! Helping women find their voice! Providing information about trading marking your business and how to start a business

Mom, Wife & Business Owner! Helping women find their voice! Providing information about trading marking your business and how to start a business Show more

Liv Pasquarelli

Liv Pasquarelli

Liv Pasquarelli is a futures foresight researcher, writer, and tech industry professional with a passion for exploring the intersection of AI and blockchain technologies. With a focus on ethical and social implications, she delves into how these disruptive forces can reshape art, identity, and the world at large. As a published writer, Liv believes in the power of storytelling to inspire and engage, leading us toward a future where humans and AI can co-create in harmony.

Liv Pasquarelli is a futures foresight researcher, writer, and tech industry professional with a passion for exploring the intersection of AI and blockchain technologies. With a focus on ethical and social implications, she delves into how these disr... Show more

Lionel Exposito

Lionel Exposito

Lionel is a creative thinker and stellar connector, helping develop future-proof organisations.

As a master facilitator in leadership and culture, he inspires, aligns and empowers teams to innovate, transform and make an impact through authentic experiences.

With 15 years of experience in consulting, operations and community building, he sparks thought-provoking conversations and long lasting connections.

He is the founder of Rethink Impact Studio, a co-founder of Tech Makers Amsterdam - a startup community, and the founder of Melodissey - a collective of artists.

EDHEC Alumnus, he enjoys playing football and drama, and adores his daughter - a brilliant rebel girl.

Lionel is a creative thinker and stellar connector, helping develop future-proof organisations. As a master facilitator in leadership and culture, he inspires, aligns and empowers teams to innovate, transform and make an impact through authentic e... Show more

Eve Cogan

Eve Cogan

News producer @ ABC News 🎤 Multimedia producer @ SSW TV 🎥 Graduate of journalism and innovation

News producer @ ABC News 🎤 Multimedia producer @ SSW TV 🎥 Graduate of journalism and innovation Show more

Stipe Plejic

Stipe Plejic

A versatile leader who serves as the President of StoneBlock Blockchain Association and CEO of Endemic NFT Marketplace, underpinned by two Master's Degrees in Financial Management and Markets Valuation. With a background in international policy-making and a specialization in digital economies, particularly blockchain technology. Seamlessly combine academic insights with practical know-how to influence economic frameworks and technological advancements.

A versatile leader who serves as the President of StoneBlock Blockchain Association and CEO of Endemic NFT Marketplace, underpinned by two Master's Degrees in Financial Management and Markets Valuation. With a background in international policy-makin... Show more

Des Agyekumhene

Des Agyekumhene

Founder of world leading Web3 creative agency, Soga World, & digital credential company, Des finds himself in a unique position of being an academic undertaking doctoral legal research at the University of Edinburgh and a blockchain enthusiast working in the music business. He has committed himself to leverage his experiences to research and help creatives engage with fans in today’s digital landscape.

Most notably Des helped achieved the first NFT project to impact the Official Album Charts worldwide, working with Aitch on his debut album “Close to Home”, reaching number 2 in the charts. He also accomplished the first NFT project at OVO Wembley Arena, working with Ne-Yo on his sold-out UK tour, selling meet and greets experiences as NFTs.

Founder of world leading Web3 creative agency, Soga World, & digital credential company, Des finds himself in a unique position of being an academic undertaking doctoral legal research at the University of Edinburgh and a blockchain enthusia... Show more

Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye brings her experience as actor, improviser and radio personality out beyond the word of entertainment to reignite human connection and engagement - to Engage for Maximum Impact. She is the author of two books, Ben Behind His Voices and Happier Made Simple. She has taught presentation skills to accountants, bankers, and research scientists - and seventh graders.

Randye Kaye brings her experience as actor, improviser and radio personality out beyond the word of entertainment to reignite human connection and engagement - to Engage for Maximum Impact. She is the author of two books, Ben Behind His Voices and Ha... Show more

Andrew Tarvin

Andrew Tarvin

Drew Tarvin is the CEO of Humor That Works, a leadership development company that teaches professionals how to use humor to achieve better business results. He has partnered with top organizations–including IBM, NASA, and the FBI–to solve human challenges with humor solutions. A best-selling author, Drew has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Inc, and FastCompany, and was named a ‘Visionary Under 40’ by the P&G Alumni Network. His TEDx talk on the skill of humor has been viewed more than twelve million times, only half of which were by his mother. He loves chocolate and tweeting puns.

Drew Tarvin is the CEO of Humor That Works, a leadership development company that teaches professionals how to use humor to achieve better business results. He has partnered with top organizations–including IBM, NASA, and the FBI–to solve human chall... Show more

Benjamin Dyer

Benjamin Dyer

Community leader and supporter, educating NFT creators on developing meaningful content to support their brands.
Writer behind the character stories and series "Inxpression", a unique NFT collection bringing the journey of self-expression and acceptance to your fingertips.
My goal is to bring local business's access to NFT creators in collaboration to grow their online presence and reward active community members.

Community leader and supporter, educating NFT creators on developing meaningful content to support their brands. Writer behind the character stories and series "Inxpression", a unique NFT collection bringing the journey of self-expression and accep... Show more

Thomas Thibault

Thomas Thibault

Designer et co-fondateur du studio de design numérique Praticable et président de l'association de critique des technologies le Mouton Numérique, Thomas co-mène également le projet de recherche Limites Numériques : une collaboration entre designers et chercheurs·euses en informatique et en design sur les formes, fonctions et usages d'un numérique s'inscrivant des les limites planétaires.

Designer et co-fondateur du studio de design numérique Praticable et président de l'association de critique des technologies le Mouton Numérique, Thomas co-mène également le projet de recherche Limites Numériques : une collaboration entre designers e... Show more

Yamileth Jaramillo

Yamileth Jaramillo

Yamileth Jaramillo's journey spans from Panama City, Panama, to her impactful presence in Atlanta's creative landscape. She began organizing events in high school, refining her expertise in experiential initiatives. From freelance writing to diverse marketing roles, including digital marketing and influencer management, and marketing strategist, she displayed a talent for creating movements and memorable experiences. As COLOR Co.'s Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, she has utilized her experience in shaping startups and propelling brand growth for major entities such as A3C Music Festival and Atlanta Influences Everything. Her leadership established pivotal marketing partnerships, especially for Atlanta's creators of color. With 15+ years in event production, marketing, and community engagement, Yamileth excels in intersecting often siloed industries, silently shaping the city's cultural fabric. Leveraging her background in technology and innovation, she is currently working on her commercial real estate project coined a Sustainable Development Zone (SDZ), applying a team’s diverse skills to revolutionize multiple industries. As co-founder and CMO of COLOR Co., she continues to drive growth, forging meaningful connections and employing technology to be the catalyst to leaving a lasting impact on Atlanta's cultural landscape.

Yamileth Jaramillo's journey spans from Panama City, Panama, to her impactful presence in Atlanta's creative landscape. She began organizing events in high school, refining her expertise in experiential initiatives. From freelance writing to diverse ... Show more

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