
Talented creative individuals working in the field of visual, auditory and performance arts

Carmen Ballesta

Carmen Ballesta

Carmen Ballesta is an art enthusiast who has expanded professionally as a Digital Art Curator and NFT Expert. 
After graduating in Law she completed Art History studies in Sotheby’s. She spent six years in London, working in the legal trading department of Goldman Sachs and currently she lives in Madrid and advises several artists & art institutions internationally in their transformation into the digital world working at ioBuilders, Europe’s leading technology platform in Blockchain. She has co-foundered the first physical gallery project of NFTs in Madrid as their team digital leader, and she is currently one of the best lecture experts in NFT’s technology within the integration of new ways of commercial dynamics in the Art World as part of the TAC7 advisory team.

Carmen Ballesta is an art enthusiast who has expanded professionally as a Digital Art Curator and NFT Expert.  After graduating in Law she completed Art History studies in Sotheby’s. She spent six years in London, working in the legal trading depart... Show more

Ambika Devi

Ambika Devi

Ambika is on a peace-building mission to help people realize their true nature so that they can step out of the churning river of thoughts and activity of the mind, stop wearing insane schedules like badges of honor, and begin their days reinforced with the calmness a meditation practice brings.

With 45 years of experience, 13,000 plus hours of study and having taught over 19,000 people the art of meditation, Ambika gives you five clear steps that lead you directly into a deep state of meditation. As your coach she places you precisely on your path using tools from her multiple degrees in fields of study including: A Masters in Yoga and Meditation, and bachelor’s degrees in Astrology, and Fine Arts.

As an international best-selling and award-winning author Ambika helps inspire your creativity. As your coach, she guides you to bring your vision of your book into reality. As a speaker she motivates and inspires audiences so that they feel empowered to transform themselves and help others. Ambika has appeared on The Learning Channel, syndicated and public radio, and in periodicals as a relationship and communication expert and taught Holistic Health at the university level for 21 years.

Ambika is on a peace-building mission to help people realize their true nature so that they can step out of the churning river of thoughts and activity of the mind, stop wearing insane schedules like badges of honor, and begin their days reinforced w... Show more

Sarah Dajanti

Sarah Dajanti

As a music artist manager and enthusiastic techie, I was really excited to start an NFT collection with one of my artists. We built it from the ground up one year ago, and we are still the only ones in Europe who are connecting the music NFTs to streaming royalties AND real life experiences with the artist. This year I'll be focusing on expanding the NFT climate in the Netherlands by sharing my knowledge and experiences with other people in the music industry. My mission is to normalize NFTs and build a world that is more connected and sustainable for future generations.

As a music artist manager and enthusiastic techie, I was really excited to start an NFT collection with one of my artists. We built it from the ground up one year ago, and we are still the only ones in Europe who are connecting the music NFTs to stre... Show more

María Berenguer

María Berenguer

María es "maña", agilista, pianista, actriz amateur, e ingeniera informática.
En 2011, un amigo le dijo: "María, tú eres ágil y todavía no lo sabes". Conoció la comunidad Agile Aragón de su ciudad, y empezó a aprender y descubrir qué significa ser ágil.
Es Agile Practitioner & Agile Mentor. Tiene experiencia en transformaciones Agile "desde dentro" en diferentes roles: Scrum Master, Agile Coach, agente de cambio, mentora y formadora. Su objetivo es inspirar a los equipos, y ayudarles a descubrir su camino Agile, mejorándolo cada día.
Colabora activamente con comunidades Agile y tecnológicas. Participa en conferencias y eventos, como speaker y asistente. Comparte sus conocimientos y aprendizajes a lo largo de más de 10 años de experiencia, poniendo en relevancia el papel de la mujer en el mundo laboral, en un ámbito tan complejo como es IT.
Su otra pasión es el Teatro. Utiliza sus técnicas y ejercicios en el día a día, en la comunicación verbal y no verbal, capacidad de hablar en público, observación, trabajo en equipo, expresión corporal... y otras muchas cosas que son tan importantes o más que las palabras cuando transmitimos un mensaje.

María es "maña", agilista, pianista, actriz amateur, e ingeniera informática. En 2011, un amigo le dijo: "María, tú eres ágil y todavía no lo sabes". Conoció la comunidad Agile Aragón de su ciudad, y empezó a aprender y descubrir qué significa ser á... Show more

Michaela Lallouz

Michaela Lallouz

Michaela is a Web3 strategist, Mental Health Artist, Filmmaker, Journalist, Public Speaker, Director and Actress. Her art is inspired by the mental health struggles young adults face today. Through her experience as an early adopter in the Web3 space, she has lead and educated her collective following of 70,000 people all over the world, created a safe space and simplified the Web3 concepts so anyone can join in on the revolutionary opportunity this new technology offers to humanity. Through educating herself and joining communities, she began to earn 10x her investments on each project she would invest in. 

Michaela is a Web3 strategist, Mental Health Artist, Filmmaker, Journalist, Public Speaker, Director and Actress. Her art is inspired by the mental health struggles young adults face today. Through her experience as an early adopter in the Web3 space... Show more

Jenk M8

Jenk M8

25 year old Digital Artist from Wales. I have been in the NFT space and minting works for 2 years. My work has been collected by over 400+ collectors.

25 year old Digital Artist from Wales. I have been in the NFT space and minting works for 2 years. My work has been collected by over 400+ collectors. Show more

Shurooq Amin.ETH | شروق.eth | NFT.London Speaker

Shurooq Amin.ETH | شروق.eth | NFT.London Speaker

Artist for 30 yrs with a PhD in Ekphrasis, my socio-political artwork has been aggressively banned in my native Kuwait. So in early 2021, I spoke up with a collection of NFTs that can’t be censored by my gov. I intend to use NFTs to affect social reform & break stereotypes of what it means to be a woman, artist & mother.

Artist for 30 yrs with a PhD in Ekphrasis, my socio-political artwork has been aggressively banned in my native Kuwait. So in early 2021, I spoke up with a collection of NFTs that can’t be censored by my gov. I intend to use NFTs to affect social ref... Show more

Svet Nunev

Svet Nunev

Music & Digital Consultant based in London. Clients include musicians, crypto companies and record labels. Degree-qualified in music business and technology with a recent master thesis on infrastructural sustainability of the music NFT market. Former music writer and producer for artists and corporate clients like Shell, Astra Zeneca, Yahoo.

Music & Digital Consultant based in London. Clients include musicians, crypto companies and record labels. Degree-qualified in music business and technology with a recent master thesis on infrastructural sustainability of the music NFT market. Former... Show more

Mamta SS

Mamta SS

Adventure sports and fitness loving artist , self learning UX/UI designer, mommy of 2 little boys, wife and bestie of an amazing man. I was HR till 2013, moved to Johannesburg in 2016, travelled lot, had kids and decided not to go back to being HR and working hard to switch careers to UX/UI designer and Illustrator. Recently I found my dream design job at a startup, but was laid off, as they wanted to be a 'Web3' company and had no place for a beginner like me. After this heartbreak (damn I cried during the exit call, felt like complete idiot) I discovered and read about Web3 and hence, NFTs. Since then I am in love with this community and thankful to have the drive to be an artist like never before. I wish to talk about how intimidating and beautiful this experience has been for me.

Adventure sports and fitness loving artist , self learning UX/UI designer, mommy of 2 little boys, wife and bestie of an amazing man. I was HR till 2013, moved to Johannesburg in 2016, travelled lot, had kids and decided not to go back to being HR ... Show more

Phil Garcia

Phil Garcia

I’m a nature photographer and photography guide. I’m using NFTs to fund conservation actions for Arctic foxes. I believe NFTs can help causes and specially conservation.

I’m a nature photographer and photography guide. I’m using NFTs to fund conservation actions for Arctic foxes. I believe NFTs can help causes and specially conservation. Show more

Julia Langley

Julia Langley

"Julia Langley is a featured singer for Cirque du Soleil and has performed in over 20 different countries and all 50 States over a period of 18 years. One of the things she’s most passionate about is helping others learn how to overcome stage fright and increase their confidence in communication. Julia’s transformative program “Performing For Success” helps speakers, singers and other high-level performers make more money and become recognized for their talent worldwide by discovering the secrets to commanding confident performances.

In 2019, she was hit by a jeep while riding her bicycle leaving her to overcome injuries that have changed her life. Three surgeries later and a diagnosis of PTSD, Julia has personal experience in starting from ground zero and facing the unknown with courage and resilience. She believes she was given a second chance, and she has dedicated herself to empower others so that they may share their story and passion with the world.

"Julia Langley is a featured singer for Cirque du Soleil and has performed in over 20 different countries and all 50 States over a period of 18 years. One of the things she’s most passionate about is helping others learn how to overcome stage fright ... Show more

Michael Buchmiller

Michael Buchmiller

Michael has had artwork in museums, been interviewed about his views on the Smurfs, garnered a cult following for his robot-fronted band, taught college classes, and been taught as the subject of college classes. In the future, he would like to add to that list.

Michael has had artwork in museums, been interviewed about his views on the Smurfs, garnered a cult following for his robot-fronted band, taught college classes, and been taught as the subject of college classes. In the future, he would like to add t... Show more

Brandon Eng

Brandon Eng

Brandon is a Gen-Z builder, investor and advisor in music, digital and web3.

He started his career building a finance and analytics (sadly taught himself how to code) toolkit analyzing cloud expansion tools at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and building analytics algorithms to intelligently price Yeezys and Air Jordans at GOAT Group.

After a career in tech, Brandon moved into entertainment where he was focused on operationalizing and growing the biggest viral agency and brand on TikTok, Flighthouse, which was the creative brains behind the most viral campaigns on the platform such as *Say So* by Doja Cat and *Roxanne* by Arizona Zervas. Flighthouse became the top brand on TikTok, boasting 28M+ followers, and worked with nearly every music imprint to help take artists viral on the platform.

As K-Pop catapulted itself into the Western mainstream zeitgeist, Brandon went to lead the biggest podcast network in Asia, DIVE Studios. There, he launched and operated 15+ shows with the biggest K-Pop artists on the planet focused on driving virality at the intersection of music and digital.

Brandon is now focused on building, investing and advising at the intersection of music, digital and web3. He co-founded digital studio, Purebase, with his partners CALV!N and Emily Ghoul, which has sold-out two (2) NFT collections to date: Lucky Zeros and Minisupers. He co-founded a new entertainment web3 venture with Underscore Talent, management for 100+ of the biggest creators on the planet, focused on bridging creators, celebrities and entertainment IP. Brandon is getting ready to launch new projects out of Purebase and the entertainment venture focused on integrating music, community, entertainment franchises and new experiences into the world of web3.

Brandon is a Gen-Z builder, investor and advisor in music, digital and web3. He started his career building a finance and analytics (sadly taught himself how to code) toolkit analyzing cloud expansion tools at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and buildin... Show more

Alfredo Cramerotti

Alfredo Cramerotti

Alfredo Cramerotti
Director, Mostyn; co-Director, IAM; Adviser, British Council Acquisition Committee & UK Government Art Collection. He curated 4 national pavilions and collateral events at the Venice Biennale, EXPO Film & Video in Chicago, and the biennials Sequences VII and Manifesta 8. He is President of IKT, Board Member of AICA and ICOM UK.

Auronda Scalera
Co-Director, AIM; curator and consultant for contemporary & digital art based London-Dubai. She works with major private art collections, museums, bank foundations and investment funds – advising on their acquisition and consignment strategies, and managing their collections. Business partners include Venice Art Biennale, Sotheby’s, Macro Museum Rome, Manifesta, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Royal Photographic Society, Paris Photo.

Alfredo Cramerotti Director, Mostyn; co-Director, IAM; Adviser, British Council Acquisition Committee & UK Government Art Collection. He curated 4 national pavilions and collateral events at the Venice Biennale, EXPO Film & Video in Chicago, and the... Show more

Michel Ferreira

Michel Ferreira

Michel Ferreira is a Brazilian designer living in Sydney, Australia where he works full-time as an Experience Design Manager at Atlassian, building the future of world-class Enterprise products like Jira. Previously worked at Shopify in Canada and in the Netherlands. Michel is also the host of LatinXs Who Design and By us not biased podcasts.

As a writer and public speaker, Michel has delivered numerous presentations to audiences around the world to introduce new design ideas and examine best practices in A/B testing. He's also written articles for Net Magazine and company blogs such as: Would you like fries with that? For and 11 Lessons from the NBA Bubble for your newly remote team for Atlassian.

Michel Ferreira is a Brazilian designer living in Sydney, Australia where he works full-time as an Experience Design Manager at Atlassian, building the future of world-class Enterprise products like Jira. Previously worked at Shopify in Canada and Bo... Show more

Leena Haque

Leena Haque

Leena is currently a Senior UX Designer and also Neurodiversity Lead for the BBC initiative called BBC Cape (Creating A Positive Environment) aimed at researching interactive design through the lens of cognition and neurodiversity. Autism & ADHD are Leena’s super power. She is passionate about raising awareness around the subject Neurodiversity and promoting different thinking styles. She has also developed training workshops, produced some short films and written various guest blogs for different online publications. In her spare time, she is a full time geek.

Leena is currently a Senior UX Designer and also Neurodiversity Lead for the BBC initiative called BBC Cape (Creating A Positive Environment) aimed at researching interactive design through the lens of cognition and neurodiversity. Autism & ADHD are ... Show more

Anna Louise Simpson

Anna Louise Simpson

Miss AL Simpson is an award winning OG cryptoartist with a unique style, merging a digital graffiti style similar to Basquiat, Rauschenberg and Kippenberger with 3D historical motifs and animation.

Her work has been covered by the Washington Post, CNBC and the Financial Times. She has exhibited in London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and Vancouver.

"In this digital avant-garde, Miss AL Simpson has become one of the chief protagonists of this new movement" BONHAMS

Miss AL Simpson is an award winning OG cryptoartist with a unique style, merging a digital graffiti style similar to Basquiat, Rauschenberg and Kippenberger with 3D historical motifs and animation. Her work has been covered by the Washington Post... Show more

Elizabeth Rajchart

Elizabeth Rajchart

Elizabeth Rajchart is a disability rights and accessibility advocate, performance photographer, and disability portraiture photographer from St. Louis, Missouri. Elizabeth has been an educator on disability rights since childhood, first leading lessons disability etiquette in elementary school, later giving school-wide lectures to her middle school teachers, and eventually becoming a Crisis Intervention Team speaker and trainer for the St. Louis City and County police. Her experience with having to advocate for herself and her mental and physical illnesses since childhood have given her decades of experience and a unique perspective on the importance of self advocacy. As a disabled photographer, Elizabeth's passion of art accessibility and arts representation led her to her latest specialization of disability portraiture, her goal to reach other people in her community and capture their inner beauty, strength, and uniqueness. Elizabeth has covered a range of productions, including local bands, pole dancing showcases, professional dance teams, major stadium tours, and local and international drag shows. Most recently, Elizabeth's work was featured in an anthology of art and writing about disability and love.

Elizabeth Rajchart is a disability rights and accessibility advocate, performance photographer, and disability portraiture photographer from St. Louis, Missouri. Elizabeth has been an educator on disability rights since childhood, first leading lesso... Show more

Uriel Ugwu

Uriel Ugwu

Computer scientist, music composer and self thought....

Computer scientist, music composer and self thought.... Show more

Annett Bone

Annett Bone

Annett Bone is a dancer, a speaker and a creative strategist who guides people in the alignment of their mission to achieve milestones in their lives. In 2014, she returned to dance after a 20+ year hiatus, at the age of 43. This decision led to many things that Annett never thought she'd be doing, including live performances, various creative projects, speaking publicly and creating a podcast. The podcast reflects her personal adventure of overcoming her fears and returning to her passion for dance after giving it up for over two decades, the lessons she has learned along the way, and proving that it’s never too late to be great.

Annett Bone is a dancer, a speaker and a creative strategist who guides people in the alignment of their mission to achieve milestones in their lives. In 2014, she returned to dance after a 20+ year hiatus, at the age of 43. This decision led to man... Show more

Vitalii Sologub

Vitalii Sologub

Figma-minded designer and nature lover

Figma-minded designer and nature lover Show more

Luke Murphy

Luke Murphy

Luke is a Designer Advocate at zeroheight, the Design System documentation platform. Over the last fifteen years, he has designed for the likes of Memrise, Microsoft, Mr & Mrs Smith and some other companies starting with M. In his spare time he plays music in a punk band and tries to convince conferences to let him do keynotes on Josie and the Pussycats.

Luke is a Designer Advocate at zeroheight, the Design System documentation platform. Over the last fifteen years, he has designed for the likes of Memrise, Microsoft, Mr & Mrs Smith and some other companies starting with M. In his spare time he plays... Show more

Yogini Mauree

Yogini Mauree

Jay Demetillo

Jay Demetillo

With 10+ years of experience working in New York City to San Francisco and now Singapore, Jay Demetillo has almost seen it all in the design world.

Jay has worked with Twitter, Pinterest, Yahoo, and now Grab. Jay was an adjunct professor at CCA in San Francisco and has taught/spoken in China for ACG. He's also worked on notable projects such as the Bay Lights, Gaspar Brasserie, San Francisco's Park System SFPark, and recently redesigned GrabFood. Most recently, his journey has taken him from designing within the Western world ideals to now learning and adapting to Southeast Asia's culture and technology. Jay will share his learnings and his process for design innovation with influences from Eastern and Western culture.

With 10+ years of experience working in New York City to San Francisco and now Singapore, Jay Demetillo has almost seen it all in the design world. Jay has worked with Twitter, Pinterest, Yahoo, and now Grab. Jay was an adjunct professor at CCA in... Show more

Tina Lauro Pollock

Tina Lauro Pollock

Tina is one of two directors at Belfast-based game studio Brain and Nerd, where she spends her time managing production across multiple ambitious games projects. Brain and Nerd is currently working on Hortalius, an ambient exploration game that recently received Creative Europe MEDIA funding, and INCubator, a tongue-in-cheek startup management simulation game that was dreamed up through rapid prototyping and has since received UK Games Fund backing.

Tina is one of two directors at Belfast-based game studio Brain and Nerd, where she spends her time managing production across multiple ambitious games projects. Brain and Nerd is currently working on Hortalius, an ambient exploration game that recen... Show more

Brielle Maxwell

Brielle Maxwell

Brielle is a design entrepreneur with a mind for how design processes can align in a new breed of businesses. She created Live With Design to focus on the intersection of design, technology and social innovation. Through an interdisciplinary approach, she hopes to expand the dialogue of social design.

Brielle is a design entrepreneur with a mind for how design processes can align in a new breed of businesses. She created Live With Design to focus on the intersection of design, technology and social innovation. Through an interdisciplinary approach... Show more

Haana Thiem

Haana Thiem

Los Angeles-based HÄANA is a one-woman orchestra, combining music + tech + art with Nordic/Icelandic influences set to a broken beat. Her original productions are like a dynamic filmscore. HÄANA counts Massive Attack, Björk, and Trentemøller as influences in crafting her sounds, featuring electronica influences, synthetic sonority, and vocal textures. The resulting sonic palate takes listeners on a journey whose destination is a crossroads between classical and contemporary, organic & man-made, familiar and mysterious. She studied contemporary improvisation at New England Conservatory (Boston, MA), and electronic music production at Dubspot (NYC). In addition to touring the globe with EDM festivals and as a guest artist for brands such as Intel and Ferrari, as well as a guest artist residency at Berklee Music College in Valencia, Spain, HÄANA has appeared at Gillette Stadium w/ Kanye West opening for the Rolling Stones, Madison Square Garden for MTV (w/ Kanye), Harvey Nichols Fashion Show (Dubai), Abu Dhabi 3-day NYE Fest (UAE), Alvin Ailey Gala, Obama's Inaugural Ball, Michael Jordan's Wedding, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Los Angeles-based HÄANA is a one-woman orchestra, combining music + tech + art with Nordic/Icelandic influences set to a broken beat. Her original productions are like a dynamic filmscore. HÄANA counts Massive Attack, Björk, and Trentemøller as influ... Show more

Dinda Dinda

Dinda Dinda

I am an artist. I am investigating the relationship between humans, the plant kingdom, and technology. In love with virtual reality and always doing performances. I want to share the interest in creating art and the possibility of communicating sensations and ideas with technology. In addition, I am concerned about global warming and how people who understand technological innovation can make a difference using creativity.
Front-end developer (ADA) and studying for a degree in visual arts, digitalization. National University of the Arts of Argentina

I am an artist. I am investigating the relationship between humans, the plant kingdom, and technology. In love with virtual reality and always doing performances. I want to share the interest in creating art and the possibility of communicating sensa... Show more

Tutaleni Ilonga

Tutaleni Ilonga

I am a Game Designer/Producer/Project Manager, Founder of TL Entertainment and Co-Founder of Edu-Game Namibia, all the skills I have I acquired them via self-taught from Graphics Design to Game Design to Project Management, I founded To Unit Rural Applicants Living In Failed Establishments Life Entertainment a company that focuses on creating games, offering training and consulting to corporates who wish to create their own games. I also Co-Founded EduGame Namibia a program design to teach Namibian students how to create their own games.

I am a Game Designer/Producer/Project Manager, Founder of TL Entertainment and Co-Founder of Edu-Game Namibia, all the skills I have I acquired them via self-taught from Graphics Design to Game Design to Project Management, I founded To Unit Rural Ap... Show more

Erica Hargreave

Erica Hargreave

I craft stories and engage communities through different mediums. To what goal, you ask? Simply put, to create laughter and smiles, spark the imagination, provoke thought, improve cultural understanding, and to educate.

I craft stories and engage communities through different mediums. To what goal, you ask? Simply put, to create laughter and smiles, spark the imagination, provoke thought, improve cultural understanding, and to educate. Show more

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