Environment & Cleantech

Skilled professionals dedicated to innovative technologies and practices that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability

Valent Turkovic

Valent Turkovic

Stavljen na listu “Top 100 innovators from Central and Eastern Europe” od strane Googla. Osnivač startupa za krizne situacije i pametne gradove - MeshPoint.One, entuzijast i evangelist slobodnog i otvorenog softvera, osnivač #labOS hackerspacea, preko 15 godina iskustva u izgradnji bežičnih mesh mreža, preko 9 godina inženjerskog iskustva u izgradnji telekomunikacijske infrastrukture, te radu na svim tipovima mrežne opreme, položen CCNA certifikat, pokrenuo Linux distribuciju Fusion Linux, 6 godine iskusta kao arhitekt za ugradbene Linux sustave, stručnjak za OpenWrt ugradbeni operativni sustav, pokreno projekt Otvorena mreža, pomagao izbjeglicama i humanitarnim organizacijama tijekom Sirijske izbjegličke krize tijekom 2015 i 2016 pružanjem intenet veze u najtežim uvjetima na terenu, kao rezultat djelovanja, osmislio MeshPoint.One te je u Londonu na konferenciji The Europas od UNICEF-a dobio nagradu za najbolju humanitarnu inovaciju.

Stavljen na listu “Top 100 innovators from Central and Eastern Europe” od strane Googla. Osnivač startupa za krizne situacije i pametne gradove - MeshPoint.One, entuzijast i evangelist slobodnog i otvorenog softvera, osnivač #labOS hackerspacea, prek... Show more

remi engelbrecht

remi engelbrecht

Master en biologie, ESSEC, guide de montagne
Membre de la Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat
Facilitation en intelligence collective depuis 1995
Professeur à GEM, INP, IEP : Management de la Transition Ecologique
Auteur du livre Faire La Trace

Master en biologie, ESSEC, guide de montagne Membre de la Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat Facilitation en intelligence collective depuis 1995 Professeur à GEM, INP, IEP : Management de la Transition Ecologique Auteur du livre Faire La T... Show more

Sascha Van der Hoff

Sascha Van der Hoff

Sascha is a citizen of the world, lived in a number of different places, and loves learning about new cultures. After studying International Business in Amsterdam, she has worked in various marketing roles. She is interested in blockchain and crypto and loves to learn about new technologies.

Sascha is a citizen of the world, lived in a number of different places, and loves learning about new cultures. After studying International Business in Amsterdam, she has worked in various marketing roles. She is interested in blockchain and crypto ... Show more

Marcellus Ifeanyi

Marcellus Ifeanyi

Marcellus Ifeanyi, a Software Engineer and Blockchain Software Developer,
Quant and Chartered Trader with Expertise in the Currency, Crypto-Currency and Stock
Markets, with Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the
prestigious Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO).
Passionate about Technology, Finance, Real Estates and Renewable Energy Systems.
The Web3 and Blockchain Technology space is where I have found the Inter-Operabilities
between my Passion and Love for Technology, Finance, Entrepreneurship and Social Good.
I am one of the Program Facilitators at African Blockchain Centre for Developers (ABCD), https://www.abcdevs.com

Marcellus Ifeanyi, a Software Engineer and Blockchain Software Developer, Quant and Chartered Trader with Expertise in the Currency, Crypto-Currency and Stock Markets, with Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the ... Show more

Dorian Cosseau

Dorian Cosseau

Diplômé du CESI de Saint-Nazaire en 2020, après une mission d'alternance réussie en électricité industrielle et digitalisation chez un grand équipementier énergéticien. Je rejoins Akajoule en 2021 comme chef de produit pour développer notamment la plateforme de données énergétiques Datajoule.

Diplômé du CESI de Saint-Nazaire en 2020, après une mission d'alternance réussie en électricité industrielle et digitalisation chez un grand équipementier énergéticien. Je rejoins Akajoule en 2021 comme chef de produit pour développer notamment la pl... Show more

Inna Chilik

Inna Chilik

Inna is a systems change orchestrator, deploying the concepts and methods of systems innovation and circular economy as a pathway to transformation.

She holds dual Masters’ in Finance and Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability.

Moldovan born with a strong international business background, Inna has 15+ years of experience as a strategic executive advisor and management consultant.

Currently she is leading collective Sensemaking activities at EIT Climate-KIC, Europe’s largest public-private partnership tackling climate change.

She is focused on advancing regenerative transformation of multi/ transnational organisations, governments, municipalities, cities, industries, universities, and change-makers' communities though growing new leadership capacities, building ecosystems for disruptive innovation, empowering collaboration, and catalysing alternative futures.

Passionate about bridging different perspectives, design and facilitating multi-stakeholder participatory processes and structures for decentralised organising.

Inna is a systems change orchestrator, deploying the concepts and methods of systems innovation and circular economy as a pathway to transformation. She holds dual Masters’ in Finance and Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability. Moldovan bo... Show more

Paula Kühn

Paula Kühn

Paula Kühn is a blockchain expert, a fashion and 3D designer.After working in fashion she started working in the web3 space in 2017 on decentralized use cases (for"bundesblock" and the berlin based blockchain powerhouse Ape Unit),learning how to make the fashion ecosystem a better and fairer place.This year she started the phygital textile studio "the kindkind"that connects physical products with digital product experiences to deepen customer relationships with the products they wear and the brand.This creates new channels of interaction for play, learning, feedback and community.With this holistic set of experiences she is also consulting on topics that intersect web3, “metaverse”, digital fashion and sustainability.
Also, she is a Tezos research grantee on "NFTs+fashion+sustainability".

Paula Kühn is a blockchain expert, a fashion and 3D designer.After working in fashion she started working in the web3 space in 2017 on decentralized use cases (for"bundesblock" and the berlin based blockchain powerhouse Ape Unit),learning how to make... Show more

Rémi Munier

Rémi Munier

Bon alors, là, c’est le moment de raconter ma vie. 😒
Mais comme tout le monde trouve ça chiant, on va ce la faire en accéléré.👇

J’adore le verre 🍺 et la natation 🏊‍♂️ .
Semblerait que je sois bon dans les deux 🤩.
Et là, je tombe sur la case maladie. 🤕 Retour case départ 🏁. Je ne gagne pas les 200 €, mais un nouveau trou dans le bide ⛳️.

Je suis forcé d’abandonner les deux 🏚 donc je me dirige vers le design.

Après avoir été stagiaire (esclave) 🐌 de grande entreprise, je me suis rendu compte que je préférais être à mon compte 🥸.

C’est là que j’ai eu la meilleure idée 💡 de ma vie créer Remix Eco 🥳
En janvier 2020 « Phoque 🦭 » ! 🤦‍♂️

Bref, j’ai eu le nez 👃🏻 creux vous ne trouvez pas ?

🍀 Un seul objectif appliqué le design thinking ✏️ pour aider les gens et les entreprises 👩‍🏭 à optimiser et gagner du temps. ⏱

Pourquoi ReMix Eco 🌱 ?

Ben déjà parce que je suis un gros narcissique 😏 et je trouvais bien de mettre mon prénom dans le nom de l’entreprise 🏭
Mais surtout pour remixer les choses ♻️ par l’éco conception et l’éco design 🖌

Remix Eco, c’est avant tout des Solutions d’ingénierie 👷🏻‍♂️ du changement ♻️ afin de Repenser l'innovation des usages pour les utilisateurs 😁

Je suis un grand passionné 🎨 et je me bats pour mes convictions 💬 aider les autres en leur simplifiant la vie. 🙌

On a créé chez ReMix Eco 🌱 la solution ID Eosy. Une technologie 💾 de synthèse de dossier pour gagner du temps sur l’administratif. 👨‍💼Cette technologie est basé sur une Blockchains privé.

Arrêtons de laisser filer notre vie et de gaspiller notre temps ⌛️.
Avec vous, allons à l’essentiel par la simplification ⏱.

Ps: si vous ne trouvez pas des fautes ❌ dans ma présentation. Félicitations, 🥳 comme moi, vous êtes dyslexique. 👅

Bon alors, là, c’est le moment de raconter ma vie. 😒 Mais comme tout le monde trouve ça chiant, on va ce la faire en accéléré.👇 J’adore le verre 🍺 et la natation 🏊‍♂️ . Semblerait que je sois bon dans les deux 🤩. Et là, je tombe sur la c... Show more

Boone Bergsma

Boone Bergsma

14 years working in Corporate Social Responsibility, started developing web3 projects in 2020 with a focus on ESGs. Life long tree huger and passionate nature enthusiast.

14 years working in Corporate Social Responsibility, started developing web3 projects in 2020 with a focus on ESGs. Life long tree huger and passionate nature enthusiast. Show more

Brian Heinen

Brian Heinen

Director of project development and the commercialization of products and communities that leverage blockchain to solve business problems. I am in the consumer behavioural change industry, using NFT Living Assets to elicit an emotional response to an organization's purpose. And then to incentivise ongoing community engagement with its content. Whereas this digital content evolves along each touchpoint of a user's journey to facilitate lasting returns of investments for purpose-driven projects.

Director of project development and the commercialization of products and communities that leverage blockchain to solve business problems. I am in the consumer behavioural change industry, using NFT Living Assets to elicit an emotional response to an... Show more

Michelle Mannering

Michelle Mannering

I am a highly motivated, curious and compassionate leader with a keen interest in driving entrepreneurial culture and pioneering Melbourne’s esports industry. I have founded several tech companies and, as a result, sits at the forefront of this city’s science, tech, esports and startup scenes.

Everyday I get to create awesome experiences and engage with the vibrant GitHub developer community. I've run many hackathons, and am an accomplished MC, speaker, and facilitator. You'll often catch me at an event or speaking on stage!

In my 'spare' time I'm a streamer, journalist, and always working on something exciting. Right now, I'm working on the next epic venture - Raine Scooters. We've designed and created an electric scooter to put the fun in your daily commute ⚡🛴

I am a highly motivated, curious and compassionate leader with a keen interest in driving entrepreneurial culture and pioneering Melbourne’s esports industry. I have founded several tech companies and, as a result, sits at the forefront of this city’... Show more

Joe Kehoe

Joe Kehoe

Joe brings over 15+ years experience in driving digital transformation across large organizations. He believes organizations can be successful with transformation when they focus on business change, end user experience, actionable insights, and change management. Joe believes strategy is complete when it is executed and measureable against the business case supporting it.

Joe brings over 15+ years experience in driving digital transformation across large organizations. He believes organizations can be successful with transformation when they focus on business change, end user experience, actionable insights, and chang... Show more

Olga Howard

Olga Howard

Olga is a designer focused on innovation and strategy. In her current role she manages the Metadata for Content Discovery program at PBS where she’s moving the needle towards voice discoverability.

Olga is a designer focused on innovation and strategy. In her current role she manages the Metadata for Content Discovery program at PBS where she’s moving the needle towards voice discoverability. Show more

John Ferris

John Ferris

John spent his early career coding for a healthcare tech company in Pittsburgh before a 15 year stint in media. A journalist and editor at the North Belfast News, John also ran Ireland’s most successful independent food website, Forked.
In 2013 John launched a wifi software technology startup, which was used in restaurants, cafés, hotels, stadia and vehicles around the world.
John joined Entrepreneurial Spark in 2015 to help support ambitious startups throughout Ireland. The social enterprise was bought over by NatWest, RBS and Ulster Bank in 2018. Since joining the team John has worked to support 7000+ startups across the country. Those businesses have raised £35m+ in investment and created more than 1000 jobs.
Since 2019, John sits as a member of Ulster Bank’s Regional Board and leads on climate and the drive to support a more diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem in Northern Ireland.

John spent his early career coding for a healthcare tech company in Pittsburgh before a 15 year stint in media. A journalist and editor at the North Belfast News, John also ran Ireland’s most successful independent food website, Forked. In 2013 John... Show more

Cédric Michel

Cédric Michel

Ayant commencé, il y a 10 ans comme .Net dévelopuer, passioné par l'informatique depuis mon plus jeune age, je me rend compte que l'organisation et la méthodologie est aussi importante que la technologie. C'est pourquoi dès le début de ma carrière, j'ai eu un felling avec Scrum et les valeurs de l'agilité. Mon objectif maintenant est de transmettre cela!

Ayant commencé, il y a 10 ans comme .Net dévelopuer, passioné par l'informatique depuis mon plus jeune age, je me rend compte que l'organisation et la méthodologie est aussi importante que la technologie. C'est pourquoi dès le début de ma carrière, j... Show more

Romuald Priol

Romuald Priol

Passionné d’écologie, de good-tech, d’éthique et de qualité logicielle, je suis un des représentants du collectif numérique responsable, collectif de GreenIt.fr. Je suis aussi ambassadeur chez thegreencompagnon.com pour promouvoir l’évolution du numérique en le rendant plus "responsable". Lead développeur sur un site à fort trafic, je m'implique beaucoup pour rendre le numérique plus qualitatif: pour le rendre plus « green », plus « performant », plus «sécurisé», plus « qualitatif » et « accessible ».

Passionné d’écologie, de good-tech, d’éthique et de qualité logicielle, je suis un des représentants du collectif numérique responsable, collectif de GreenIt.fr. Je suis aussi ambassadeur chez thegreencompagnon.com pour promouvoir l’évolution du numé... Show more

Nikhil Mudholkar

Nikhil Mudholkar

Nikhil is a Data Engineer at Tier Mobility in their daily new 5 membered Data Engineering team. Nikhil has prior experience of working in the Data Engineering domain while his 2-year stint at Capital One. Nikhil is also fairly active in the algorithmic trading domain and has developed trading bots to perform automated algorithmic trading in the Indian stock markets. Nikhil is passionate about startups and entrepreneurship and likes to associate with this space in any way possible.

Nikhil is a Data Engineer at Tier Mobility in their daily new 5 membered Data Engineering team. Nikhil has prior experience of working in the Data Engineering domain while his 2-year stint at Capital One. Nikhil is also fairly active in the algorithm... Show more

Taiwo Ogunwumi

Taiwo Ogunwumi

Taiwo Ogunwumi (Nigerian) is a current master’s student of Environmental Risk at United Nations University, Bonn Germany. He had previous experience in GIS field surveys and cartography mapping within the humanitarian and disaster management sector. He is passionate about Volunteered Geographic Information/Crowd-sourced mapping for Sustainable Development and Disaster response, which led him to the founding of the Geohazard Risk Mapping Initiative. (www.georiskmap.org)

Taiwo Ogunwumi (Nigerian) is a current master’s student of Environmental Risk at United Nations University, Bonn Germany. He had previous experience in GIS field surveys and cartography mapping within the humanitarian and disaster management sector. ... Show more

massimo fontana

massimo fontana

I started developing software on a Commodore 64.
Web1, Web2, Web3 dev.
Artist, puzzle maker, community creator.
With a love for design and architecture.
And a mission for language and its evolution.
Creator of the Cypherparty.
Proud Etherean.

I started developing software on a Commodore 64. Web1, Web2, Web3 dev. Artist, puzzle maker, community creator. With a love for design and architecture. And a mission for language and its evolution. Creator of the Cypherparty. Proud Etherean. Show more

Jason Schadt

Jason Schadt

Jason “Vandal” Schadt is a Metaverse entrepreneur, investor, creator and decentralized community leader with vast experience working at the intersection of Web3 technologies, art and culture in global markets. To date, Vandal has sold over 100 NFTs (approx. 40 eth in total primary sale value), holds over $250K in metaverse real estate across leading Metaverses The Sandbox, Cryptovoxels and Somnium Space and has built, produced and curated 50+ events in the Metaverse.

Vandal started his career as a Hip Hop artist in Toronto and later Malaysia where he was a pioneer in helping build the local Hip Hop scene and performed throughout Asia, including Japan, Mongolia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Taiwan and Indonesia. Along with Hip Hop's godfather DJ Kool Herc, Vandal has also performed alongside some of the world’s most famous musicians including Grammy Award winning band, The Roots, Blackalicious, The Herbaliser, DJ Jazzy Jeff and more. He also operated his own music and entertainment companies across Canada and Southeast Asia, including Movemint, a Malaysian entertainment company, which would eventually evolve into a Web3 music company under Vandal’s direction.

Being a part of the music industry in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, Vandal faced the digitization and commodification of music head on. Looking for a solution to this problem, he discovered the Web3 movement. Vandal bought his first Cryptokitty ($300M+ in NFT transaction volume to date) on December 10th 2017 and from there committed his career to exploring how Web3 can create new virtual ecosystems and economies around artists as the next evolution of entertainment.

Since 2017 Vandal has launched several NFT-based projects including Hip Hop the Blockchain an onboarding vehicle that aggregated Blockchain platforms for artists, NFTwrapper together with Bittrees that used Vault technology and DeFi for an Audio NFT use-case and DAOrecords, a Web3 Audio NFT record label and Metaverse events company, where he worked with Ren Stern and Frank Renaissance on their virtual fashion release. He also served on the Malaysian Blockchain Association from 2018-2020.

Most recently Vandal has been continued his community building through the NEAR x Music guild and DAO, with over 400 artists and $80K in funding distributed across community projects including NFTs and Metaverse events within the NEAR Protocol ecosystem, and is experimenting with ‘self-governance’ activities through his own DAO - VanDAO.

Through his work in the Metaverse, Vandal has established himself as a pioneer and prominent figure being featured as a speaker at GeckoCon 2021, Crypto Art Week Asia 2021, NFT Summit 2021, NEARCon Alpha 2021 and more. He also was a featured performer at the first-ever music festival in Decentraland, Metaverse Music Festival in 2021.

Jason “Vandal” Schadt is a Metaverse entrepreneur, investor, creator and decentralized community leader with vast experience working at the intersection of Web3 technologies, art and culture in global markets. To date, Vandal has sold over 100 NFTs (... Show more

Nataly Goncharova

Nataly Goncharova

I am a Full Stack Developer.
I am 35 years old.
I live in Israel, originally I am from Ukraine.

Since January 2021 I work on my product ecohub.

Ecohub is the child of my two passions: ecology and web development.

Since 2017 I worked in project and product companies as a Web Developer.

I worked with MongoDB and Keystone SQL.

I have a master's degree in environmental engineering.
I studied renewable energy at the National Technical University of Ukraine.

I speak English fluently.

I am a Full Stack Developer. I am 35 years old. I live in Israel, originally I am from Ukraine. Since January 2021 I work on my product ecohub. Ecohub is the child of my two passions: ecology and web development. Since 2017 I worked in ... Show more

Julien Genestoux

Julien Genestoux

I created Jobetudiant, my first company, while still in school. After nearly 20 years, Jobetudiant is still one of the largest job board for students in France. I was nominated by BusinessWeek as one of Europe’s Best Entrepreneur Below 25 in November 2006.

In 2009, I founded Superfeedr which became one of the leading real-time web API. Superfeedr received funding from Mark Cuban and Betaworks and became profitable less than a year later. Superfeedr was later acquired by Medium. At Medium, I lead the company’s SEO effort and quadrupled the share of traffic Medium receives from search. I also successfuly implemented syndication protocols such as Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages and Facebook’s Intant Articles.

I am a strong open web advocate. I co-authored the W3C WebSub protocol and spoke at numerous international conferences and events such as Google IO, Le Web, Blend WebMix, JSConf EU. I also co-organized the Realtime Conf in the US and Europe.

I invested in some of my friends’ startups and projects as well as advise a few companies who are trying to make the web a better place.

I was born in France in 1982 and I currently live in Brooklyn, NY with my wife and three young kids, Hannah, Basile and Giselle.

I created Jobetudiant, my first company, while still in school. After nearly 20 years, Jobetudiant is still one of the largest job board for students in France. I was nominated by BusinessWeek as one of Europe’s Best Entrepreneur Below 25 in November... Show more

Saurav Gautam

Saurav Gautam

Faculty Member at Tribhuvan University Nepal, YouthMappers Regional Ambassador 2019-2021, Geomatics Engineer, Mapper

Faculty Member at Tribhuvan University Nepal, YouthMappers Regional Ambassador 2019-2021, Geomatics Engineer, Mapper Show more

Christian TUMUINIMO Mambote

Christian TUMUINIMO Mambote

Christian TUMUINIMO MAMBOTE is an engineer in mechanical engineering. he's born in the city of kisantu, in the DR Congo, in 1987. Passionate about scientific research and territorial development, since 2021, he is conducting doctoral research on architectural atmospheres in colonial houses.
Currently he's a teacher at Faculty of Architecture of Kongo University. He is also passionate about geographic information systems, renewable energy and he is member of openstreetmap DR congo.

Christian TUMUINIMO MAMBOTE is an engineer in mechanical engineering. he's born in the city of kisantu, in the DR Congo, in 1987. Passionate about scientific research and territorial development, since 2021, he is conducting doctoral research on arch... Show more

Insaf Nori

Insaf Nori

My name is Insaf NORI, and I'm the Community Manager for the Decred Group in the MENA region. Over the last four years, I've had the opportunity to manage community relations for a bitcoin blockchain organization while maintaining a fast-paced, high-performance work environment. At the same time, I've had the chance to plan and participate in various new technology and Blockchain-related events. I've also translated several articles about Blockchain Technology into Arabic to be widely disseminated around the world. At ENSA Khouribga, I'm also working on my Ph.D. in renewable energy.

My name is Insaf NORI, and I'm the Community Manager for the Decred Group in the MENA region. Over the last four years, I've had the opportunity to manage community relations for a bitcoin blockchain organization while maintaining a fast-paced, high-... Show more

David Naumann

David Naumann

Dave Naumann, MBA, is a senior project manager who specializes in financial and operational management consulting for water, wastewater, and storm water systems. For 30 years, Dave has helped utilities make sound business decisions regarding the use of their financial resources. His experience has included financial planning, cost of service, and rate design; system development charges; utility valuation; depreciation analysis; economic modeling; feasibility of plant expansion; feasibility of organizational or governance change, and related transition planning; and process improvement. Dave frequently collaborates with operations, engineering, customer care, administrative and other client departments to develop sound plans and recommendations.

Dave has facilitated large and small workshops and presented study results effectively to decision makers and stakeholders.

Dave Naumann, MBA, is a senior project manager who specializes in financial and operational management consulting for water, wastewater, and storm water systems. For 30 years, Dave has helped utilities make sound business decisions regarding the use ... Show more

Ibrahim Lukman

Ibrahim Lukman

IBRAHIM LUKMAN is the Founder of Deeptech Africa, a community focused on the exploration of Immersive / Deep Technologies (AR/VR, IOT, AI/ML, Blockchain) and has gained presence in over 4 countries in Africa with the aim of building African Nations that utilizes indigenous technologies.

Banking on his knowledge in technology and aspirations to ensuring the development and utilization of Deep Technologies in Nigeria and beyond. He has been over the years focusing on mentoring and upskilling developers to building innovative technologies.

He is a curator at Hello-tomorrow (The finest and biggest deeptech startup competition with headquater in France) and also the CEO of DrCloud, a Non-governmental health technology Startup committed to improving people’s health status and offering medical emergency responses using modern health technologies.

His biggest aspiration is setting his indigenous city (Ibadan) on the global map.

IBRAHIM LUKMAN is the Founder of Deeptech Africa, a community focused on the exploration of Immersive / Deep Technologies (AR/VR, IOT, AI/ML, Blockchain) and has gained presence in over 4 countries in Africa with the aim of building African Nations t... Show more

Dennis Ameling

Dennis Ameling

* Software/Business Process Consultant
* PHP/TypeScript developer
* Open Source advocate
* Tech entrepreneur
* Frontend Engineer @ Leap Energy

* Software/Business Process Consultant * PHP/TypeScript developer * Open Source advocate * Tech entrepreneur * Frontend Engineer @ Leap Energy Show more

APJMJ Sheik dawood

APJMJ Sheik dawood

APJMJ Sheik Dawood is having 20 Years of Experience in Information Technology. Presently working as Senior Technical Manager in Kryptos Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.

APJMJ Sheik Dawood is currently involved in Architecting Cloud Based Solutions and AI Solutions for Enterprise Customers.
APJMJ Sheik Dawood Worked as a Software Engineer in Supercomputer Education and Research Centre (Indian Institute of Science) and had a rich experience in conceiving, planning, developing world-class software packages as part of geographically distributed international team of engineers.
Sheik was involved in Prestigious Million Books Project. Where his contribution for the project recognized worldwide. Sheik had good abroad experience in Carnegie Mellon University during summer 2003, 2004 worked as Research Assistant in Natural Language Technologies.
In the year 2013, Sheik was invited by Farmers Insurance, USA to architect Usage Based Insurance mobile application, he played major role architecting the Insurance Mobile Application and bringing digital innovation by providing insurance premium rates using user behavior observed from Mobile Application.
Sheik was responsible for initiating Enterprise Mobile Eco System in Tata Motors. Where He was responsible for introducing the Enterprise Mobile Application Development Team. This Digital Initiative provided valuable insights to leadership team to manage better vehicle sales and delivery.
He holds MTech Computer Science from SASTRA University.
APJMJ Sheik Dawood is Co-Founder of APJ Abdul Kalam International Foundation.
Sheik (Mission Director) was responsible for launching 100 Femto sati light using Balloon. Where 1800 students Participated and around 1000 underprivileged students took part this event. He Played major role integrating Government of India, Education Institutions, Schools, Private Organization to work together for common goal. Honorable Prime Minister of India Shree Narandra Modi appreciated this event.
Sheik was invited to deliver lecture about Dr Kalam vision 2020 about nation Development in Delhi Assembly in the year 2018.
Last year during pandemic along with His Holiness Dalai lama sheik lead the conference on "Liveable Planet Earth–Working Together for a Peaceful World". Where around 15 countries students participated.
Sheik lead the AI Conference with Prof Raj Ready (Carnegie University, Pittsburgh) and Mr.Naraya Moorthy (Infosys Founder) on the topic of “AI for India”
Sheik lead the green rally "Green India" along with Honorable Vice President of India Shree Venkaiyanaidu Ji.
Sheik regularly participates conferences / workshops on Green Energy. In year 2020, Sheik lead the Green Products conference along with Junjun Wala, others.
Sheik Along with Governor of Tamilnadu (Panvarilal Prohit) launched 1 crore tree plantation drive across tamilnadu.
Sheik had interacted with 25000 (Twenty-Five Thousand Students) and delivered lectures on transformational leadership mentored by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

APJMJ Sheik Dawood is having 20 Years of Experience in Information Technology. Presently working as Senior Technical Manager in Kryptos Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. APJMJ Sheik Dawood is currently involved in Architecting Cloud Based Solutions ... Show more

Christian Borovac

Christian Borovac

Having co-founded DiscoverEI, an environmental intelligence company, I have a passion for helping clients visualise the complex environmental problems that we are working to solve.

I achieve this by combining data analytics with the development of dashboards, motion graphics and animations to really bring environmental data to life.

Having co-founded DiscoverEI, an environmental intelligence company, I have a passion for helping clients visualise the complex environmental problems that we are working to solve. I achieve this by combining data analytics with the development o... Show more

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