Government, Social Sector & Education

Valued individuals involved in shaping public policies, providing essential services, and promoting education, tirelessly looking to improve society and empower citizens

Dr. Christine Kolbe

Dr. Christine Kolbe

\\Konzepterin und Moderatorin für Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in Bildung, Kultur und Zivilgesellschaft\\

Als selbständige Diskurgestalterin für die sozial-ökologische Wende und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin mit Schwerpunkt Programmatik in Bildung, Kultur und Zivilgesellschaft habe ich viel erforscht, beobachtet, gelernt und verstanden. Meine breite Praxiserfahrung in der Konzeption und Kuration von Bildungs- und Veranstaltungsformaten hilft mir, drängende gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen mit Workshops, Beratung und Konzeptionen nach nach vorne zu bringen. Ich arbeitet mit Teams an passgenauen transformativen Diskursformaten und nachhaltigem Wissensmanagement, berate und moderiere Prozesse und leite durch eventbasierten Austausch.
Angesichts multipler globaler Krisen, fokussiere ich seit einigen Jahren auf drängende sozial-ökologische Transformationsvorhaben: Postwachstumsökonomien, Umwelt- und Naturschutz, eine nachhaltige Digitalisierung, lebenswerte Städte, Mobilitätswende ... all diese Bereiche (und noch viel mehr) müssen in die öffentliche Wahrnehmung. Dabei steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, wie Austausch und gemeinsames Lernen in und für die Transformation gestaltet sein müssen, wie soziale Kipppunkte (im positiven, transformativen) Sinne erreicht und gleichzeitig der demokratische Diskurs gestärkt werden kann: systemisch, feministisch, diskrimierungskritisch und empowernd. Neue Formate zu erproben und nicht immer alles so zu machen wie immer schon, ist mir zugleich Herausforderung und Vergnügen!

Ich lebe seit vielen Jahren in Berlin, bin berührt und inspiriert von der Klimabewegung, Openeverything und einer Kultur des Teilens. Vor meiner Tätigkeit als selbständige Diskursgestaltung war ich fünf Jahre als Innovatorin und Projektleiterin der politischen Medienbildung bei mediale pfade tätig. Ich bin Teil der Bits & Bäume Bewegung und Co-Kuratorin der re:publica.

\\Konzepterin und Moderatorin für Themen der Nachhaltigkeit in Bildung, Kultur und Zivilgesellschaft\\ Als selbständige Diskurgestalterin für die sozial-ökologische Wende und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin mit Schwerpunkt Programmatik in Bildung, Kult... Show more

Annie Wood

Annie Wood

Annie is an educator and a community builder - so working in student life on a college campus is really the perfect combination of these two roles. She believes in lifelong learning and is passionate about providing opportunities for meaningful connections both on campus and in the community.

As the Associate Director for Student Life, Annie supervisors professional staff, graduate students, and an undergraduate marketing team. She also serves as the Advisor to the Student Senate at Minnesota State University Moorhead. She cares deeply about having great working relationships with staff and students. She enjoys supporting teammates while helping them grow or achieve goals they've set for themselves.

Annie is an educator and a community builder - so working in student life on a college campus is really the perfect combination of these two roles. She believes in lifelong learning and is passionate about providing opportunities for meaningful conne... Show more

Philomena Compton

Philomena Compton

Philomena Compton is a Business Development Leader at Mission Multiplier. Philomena was a Technologist Media Specialist, serving as an educator for 30 years with a technical background including IT networking and troubleshooting, technology instruction, and technology workshop facilitation. She is a grant writing consultant and National Board Certified Teacher. Her BSED is in Education from Athens State University, MLIS from University of Southern Mississippi, an EdS in Educational Technology from Boise State, and Master’s in Cybersecurity Management from Murray State. She is currently earning her doctorate in Cybersecurity Management at St. Thomas University focusing on Space Systems and best practices for Cybersecurity Resilience, IR, Cyber Ethics, and TableTop Exercises.

Philomena Compton is a Business Development Leader at Mission Multiplier. Philomena was a Technologist Media Specialist, serving as an educator for 30 years with a technical background including IT networking and troubleshooting, technology instruc... Show more

Tovah Denaro

Tovah Denaro

Tovah Denaro (she/her) is the founder and lead consultant of IBC. She began this work in 2011, through her own experience in the classroom as a Special Education teacher for youth impacted with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities. Through her years in the classroom, she began to strategically focus her work on supporting youth who are historically marginalized. Specifically, BIPOC youth, youth in Special Education, youth who are or have been incarcerated, and youth that identify within the LGTBQIA+ community. Tovah founded IBC, is to ensure that any adult who is working with youth within a historically marginalized group, has the skill and the understanding of what it means to build sustaining relationships with youth and to recognize the power that an adult/student relationship has on keeping youth engaged and in school.

Innovative Behavioral Consulting collaborates with school districts and communities to focus on the mental health and wellbeing of youth, families, and staff. IBC works with communities to understand brain development, unpack the data of school districts to determine areas of need, and learn about historically marginalized youth within the school system. We work alongside gender expansive youth and families to help navigate the multiple systems they are involved in to ensure rights and responsibilities are understood and being followed. This is all through a Trauma-Sensitive lens to ensure the best outcome, safety, and sense of belonging for youth and families.

IBC understands that supporting and working with youth cannot be done without adults understanding the historical trauma, present day trauma, and our youth’s personal experiences within the framework of the school. IBC also acknowledges the need for adults within a school building to understand their own mental health need and recognize the importance of wellness inside and outside of the school building.

At IBC, we call our guiding values our core values, because they truly make up the core of who we are. Our values are to build authentic relationships with youth, families, communities, and schools, challenge injustice, and to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of our youth. These values lead the work and the mission of IBC forward. These values help IBC support school districts and their communities to develop purposeful partnerships in support of improved outcomes for youth through a Culturally Responsive and Trauma Sensitive lens. The values drive this through a comprehensive Trauma Informed Multi-Tiered System of Support, based on the individual needs of each school and district. The future of IBC is about spreading Trauma Sensitive and Culturally Responsive Mental Health practices to school districts across the state of Washington, emphasizing social emotional learning and wellness systems for all.

Tovah Denaro (she/her) is the founder and lead consultant of IBC. She began this work in 2011, through her own experience in the classroom as a Special Education teacher for youth impacted with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities. Through her years... Show more

Adriana Marques

Adriana Marques

Procuradora da Fazenda Nacional desde 2007 e mestre em Administração Pública pela EBAPE/FGV. Coordenou o projeto de transformação digital da Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional (PGFN) de 2017 a 2020. Foi P.O. (product owner) do portal digital de serviços da PGFN, o REGULARIZE, e P.O. do chatbot do REGULARIZE, a IZE. Facilita oficinas de inovação, design thinking, design de serviços e transformação digital em organizações públicas e privadas.

Procuradora da Fazenda Nacional desde 2007 e mestre em Administração Pública pela EBAPE/FGV. Coordenou o projeto de transformação digital da Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional (PGFN) de 2017 a 2020. Foi P.O. (product owner) do portal digital de s... Show more

Jason Jones

Jason Jones

Jason Jones is a full-time disruptor, activist, educator, and software engineer. Jason leads TLM’s conversations with existing and potential partners for TLM’s future with a focus on creating mutually beneficial partnerships that impact TLM’s learners on a high scale. On September 25, 2018, Jason was released after 13 ½ years incarcerated, during which time he graduated from The Last Mile’s inaugural coding class. Three weeks before his release, Jason became the first person from his cohort to sign a work agreement with a tech company as a software engineer. Jason was also the first justice-involved person to be accepted into the Lightspeed fellowship with a team from Stanford. Jason has gone on to graduate from the Koch Associate Program. Jason currently sits on the board of Rosecrans Ventures an organization that focuses on mentoring opportunity youth from marginalized communities. He is passionate about creating more opportunities for representation in tech and mentoring youth, which inspired him to continue to tutor and teach opportunity youth computer coding. Outside of his work with TLM he runs his own tech consulting company called Disrupt 2 innov8 LLC (D2i) where he consults companies on integrating MBM and technology to amplify their impact. #createChange #Disrupt2innov8

Jason Jones is a full-time disruptor, activist, educator, and software engineer. Jason leads TLM’s conversations with existing and potential partners for TLM’s future with a focus on creating mutually beneficial partnerships that impact TLM’s learner... Show more

Mike Altieri

Mike Altieri

Mike Altieri hat Mathematik studiert und in der Mathematikdidaktik/Pädagogik promoviert. Während seiner Professur für Angewandte Mathematik und Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften/Mathematik an der Hochschule Ruhr West hat er sich auf Digitalisierung in der Lehre in Theorie und Praxis spezialisiert. Heute ist er Professor für Mediendidaktik an der OTH Amberg-Weiden, leitet dort den Studiengang Educational Technology sowie das Kompetenzzenzentrum Digitale Lehre und bekleidet das Amt des Vizepräsidenten für Lehre, Didaktik und Digitalisierung. Er hat in verschiedenen Bildungsunternehmen gearbeitet und ist Prokurist einer Sprachschule.

Mike Altieri hat Mathematik studiert und in der Mathematikdidaktik/Pädagogik promoviert. Während seiner Professur für Angewandte Mathematik und Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften/Mathematik an der Hochschule Ruhr West hat er sich auf Digitalisierung in... Show more

Lily Scheuerpflug

Lily Scheuerpflug

Lily Scheuerpflug has an education background in International Relations, Globalization and Development Studies. She has been working as a project and partnerships manager in the field of access to entrepreneurship and education for the last five years and has been with Kiron since 2017. Kiron is a non-profit organization providing access to quality education opportunities specifically to refugees via its online learning platform Kiron Campus. Lily is responsible for building partnerships within Kiron's 'Collective Impact Campus' initiative that offers partners the opportunity to digitalize their learning programs to continue reaching their learners and scaling their impact in times of COVID-19 and beyond.

Lily Scheuerpflug has an education background in International Relations, Globalization and Development Studies. She has been working as a project and partnerships manager in the field of access to entrepreneurship and education for the last five yea... Show more

Veronica Olazabal

Veronica Olazabal

Ms. Olazabal, Managing Director at The Rockefeller Foundation, is an award-winning data and evaluation expert with a professional portfolio ranging more than 15 years, four continents and numerous global agencies including philanthropy the MasterCard Foundation, social venture Nuru International, and non-profit The Food Bank For New York City. In addition to serving on a number of funding and advisory committees, Ms. Olazabal serves on the Board of the World Benchmarking Alliance and was recently elected as President-elect of the American Evaluation Association (AEA).

She is also privileged to be the recipient of several industry awards and fellowships including the Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Evaluation Practice Award presented by AEA for exemplifying outstanding practice and contributing substantially to the field of evaluation in 2014. Ms. Olazabal is an alumni of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey where she completed a bachelor's degree in Communications and masters in Urban Policy and Planning. She also completed a masters in Socio-cultural Anthropology at Columbia University where she has recently become an Adjunct Professor for their School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).

Ms. Olazabal, Managing Director at The Rockefeller Foundation, is an award-winning data and evaluation expert with a professional portfolio ranging more than 15 years, four continents and numerous global agencies including philanthropy the MasterCard... Show more

Christina Hupy

Christina Hupy

Christina Hupy is a Senior Education Program Manager at GitLab where her focus is to facilitate the adoption of GitLab and DevOps at educational institutions around the world. Christina is passionate about innovation in teaching and learning and bridging the gap between industry and higher education. Christina spent a decade as a professor teaching geospatial technology in Wisconsin (Ph.D. in Geography) before joining the tech industry as a training and education leader.

Christina Hupy is a Senior Education Program Manager at GitLab where her focus is to facilitate the adoption of GitLab and DevOps at educational institutions around the world. Christina is passionate about innovation in teaching and learning and brid... Show more

Lisa Marie Blaschke

Lisa Marie Blaschke

Dr. Lisa Marie Blaschke is program director of the Management of Technology Enhanced Learning (MTEL) master program at the Center for Lifelong Learning at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Oldenburg Germany, as well as a senior researcher at the Duale-Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg (DHBW) in Heilbronn. She is a former executive committee member of the European Distance Education and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and is a Senior EDEN Fellow and Chair of the Board of the EDEN Fellows Council. She is also a former adjunct associate professor at the University of Maryland University College, where she received the Stanley J. Drazek Award for Teaching Excellence in 2016. Lisa has a BS in Technical Communication, and two master’s degrees (MDE, MBA), and a PhD. Prior to academia, Lisa worked for SAP for over a decade in Walldorf, Germany, leading and implementing enterprise-wide knowledge management and training processes and solutions. Lisa’s research interests are in the areas of self-determined learning (heutagogy), online collaborative learning, pedagogical application of web 2.0 technology and social media, and user interface design.

Dr. Lisa Marie Blaschke is program director of the Management of Technology Enhanced Learning (MTEL) master program at the Center for Lifelong Learning at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Oldenburg Germany, as well as a senior resear... Show more

Professor Paulo Taveira

Professor Paulo Taveira

Agile Coach e mestrando em educação, sou professor há quase 12 anos para cursos técnicos, de graduação e pós graduação. Sou especializado em produtividade e metodologias ativas de ensino, e cofundador da Escola InspiraSer, de desenvolvimento humano através de soft skills...

Agile Coach e mestrando em educação, sou professor há quase 12 anos para cursos técnicos, de graduação e pós graduação. Sou especializado em produtividade e metodologias ativas de ensino, e cofundador da Escola InspiraSer, de desenvolvimento humano a... Show more

Ahren Crickard

Ahren Crickard

Bringing innovative and transformative leadership to jump-start organizational growth has been the foundation of my success at UC San Diego. As a leader of strategic academic initiatives in the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, my strengths lie in my ability to start up and launch new programs or technologies (on time and on budget), drive continuous improvement and process efficiencies, and accelerate the adoption of transformative change - through collaboration, communication, and professional development.

Bringing innovative and transformative leadership to jump-start organizational growth has been the foundation of my success at UC San Diego. As a leader of strategic academic initiatives in the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, my strengths li... Show more

Jackie Treschl

Jackie Treschl

I work in ITS but people are my passion. I am a Change Manager on the ITS-Project Portfolio and Change Management Team at UNC-Chapel Hill. Prior to this role, I was the Senior Training and Documentation Analyst on the Enterprise Applications Change Management Team at UNC-Chapel Hill. I am a Prosci-certified Change Practitioner, a Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP), a North Carolina Certified Training Specialist and hold a Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification.

I work in ITS but people are my passion. I am a Change Manager on the ITS-Project Portfolio and Change Management Team at UNC-Chapel Hill. Prior to this role, I was the Senior Training and Documentation Analyst on the Enterprise Applications Change M... Show more

Cecile Auret

Cecile Auret

Avec plus de 25 ans d’expérience sur des projets et programmes IT, Cécile a pu vivre des rôles de business analyst, scrum master, chef de projet, coach agile et manager. Fortement influencée par la culture anglo-saxonne, elle baigne depuis longtemps dans l’agilité.
Depuis 2015, elle contribue comme agent interne du changement à la transition de Pôle emploi vers l’agilité à l’échelle en s’appuyant principalement sur le framework SAFe.

Avec plus de 25 ans d’expérience sur des projets et programmes IT, Cécile a pu vivre des rôles de business analyst, scrum master, chef de projet, coach agile et manager. Fortement influencée par la culture anglo-saxonne, elle baigne depuis longtemps ... Show more

Joshua Fleuriot

Joshua Fleuriot

Joshua Fleuriot is a Brooklyn native, U.S. Army veteran, and first-generation American of Haitian descent. As the founder of PerfectlySuited, a dating app designed to foster meaningful connections for diverse professionals, Joshua combines a strong technical background with a passion for equity and inclusion.

Joshua Fleuriot is a Brooklyn native, U.S. Army veteran, and first-generation American of Haitian descent. As the founder of PerfectlySuited, a dating app designed to foster meaningful connections for diverse professionals, Joshua combines a strong t... Show more

Shawnta Hooks

Shawnta Hooks

Shawnta` Hooks is a Keynote Speaker and CEO of Mindful Culture Creators™. MCC's mission is to make work more human and present by bringing innovative, culturally connected mindfulness programs to people of color, women, and other underserved communities. She fuses her 20-year career in corporate strategy, technology, and risk management with her passion for music (specifically hip hop) to teach a new brand of relatable mindfulness.

Shawnta` Hooks is a Keynote Speaker and CEO of Mindful Culture Creators™. MCC's mission is to make work more human and present by bringing innovative, culturally connected mindfulness programs to people of color, women, and other underserved communit... Show more

Laura Evans

Laura Evans

Marketing professional and community engagement enthusiast

Marketing professional and community engagement enthusiast Show more

Alfi Oloo

Alfi Oloo

Alfi is a pioneer in the space of Learning & Development, with a revised approach to development centred around self-directed learning.

He is also a co-host on the “Edit Undo Podcast” and a Mentorship enthusiast.

Among other things, Alfi is a lifelong student in the field of mentorship, having played the role of a mentor at Jack Academy’s UX Bootcamp and a coordinator with Sprint, a student work-readiness program based in Pretoria, South Africa.

Alfi is a pioneer in the space of Learning & Development, with a revised approach to development centred around self-directed learning. He is also a co-host on the “Edit Undo Podcast” and a Mentorship enthusiast. Among other things, Alfi is a l... Show more

Cassandra Chin

Cassandra Chin

I am a student at Colorado State University Global and interested in computer science and teaching technology to younger kids. I teach workshops for Devoxx4Kids in the bay area and also at international events like Kubecon, Jfokus, JCrete, and Devoxx Morocco. Also, I run a Minecraft server, so come and visit my world:

I am a student at Colorado State University Global and interested in computer science and teaching technology to younger kids. I teach workshops for Devoxx4Kids in the bay area and also at international events like Kubecon, Jfokus, JCrete, and Devoxx... Show more

Sabahat Khan

Sabahat Khan

Sabahat “Saab” Khan is the Assistant Chief Executive and CIO at the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA). He is overseeing the Digital, ICT, and Cybersecurity department, leading initiatives to enhance local government services through digital transformation. With a focus on innovation and efficiency, Sabahat drives digital advancements and improves service delivery. Sabahat is part of the LGMA executive team, responsible for delivering on corporate objectives and implementing policy and strategy across the Agency. With over 25 years of experience in the private sector, Saab is a globally astute, goals-driven senior executive with in-depth expertise in bottom line factors including strategic planning, technology management, financial management, and organizational development. He has a proven track record of large-scale business and technology transformation initiatives leading to profit increase, operational efficiency, and cost containment.

Sabahat “Saab” Khan is the Assistant Chief Executive and CIO at the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA). He is overseeing the Digital, ICT, and Cybersecurity department, leading initiatives to enhance local government services through digital t... Show more

Gustavo Fonseca Ribeiro

Gustavo Fonseca Ribeiro

Gustavo Fonseca Ribeiro is one of fifteen Youth Ambassadors for the Internet Society in the year of 2024. He holds a Master of Public Policy in Digital Technology from Sciences Po, and is a lawyer with expertise in digital/AI governance and digital development. He's worked for FAIR Forward - AI for All in Rwanda, a program by the GIZ aimed at advancing AI ecosystems in Africa and Asia. Currently, he's a Specialist Consultant for AI and Digital Transformation at UNESCO Headquarters.

Gustavo Fonseca Ribeiro is one of fifteen Youth Ambassadors for the Internet Society in the year of 2024. He holds a Master of Public Policy in Digital Technology from Sciences Po, and is a lawyer with expertise in digital/AI governance and digital d... Show more

Juan García

Juan García

Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Licenciado en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado por la Uva. Formador ocupacional acreditado por la Junta de Castilla y León.

12 años de experiencia en el área económico-financiera en empresas de diversos sectores.

Más de 4.000 horas de formación presencial impartidas para empresas y organizaciones como CVE, UPTA, AEMTA, CEOE.

Administración de plataformas de elearning, generación de contenidos y tutorización de cursos online para entidades como Ernest & Young, Radio Televisión Española o la productora, Globomedia, con más de 2.000 horas acreditadas.

Varias participaciones en eventos, cursos y actividades desarrolladas como presentador, conferenciante, organizador y/o dinamizador de actos diversos, entre otros:

- Global Power Platform Bootcamp Valladolid
- PechaKucha Night Valladolid vol.13
- Trainers for the Future ed. 2018. Superpoderes para generar contenidos
- Trainers for the Future ed. 2017. Educación Maker
- InnoBAR EDU Valladolid. Encuentro alternativo de innovación educativa
- InnoBAR EDU Palencia. Encuentro alternativo de innovación educativa
- #Emprendizate. De la idea al negocio. Cámara de Comercio de Ávila

Instructor para el perfeccionamiento y actualización del profesorado de Formación Profesional en el Centro de Formación e Innovación Educativa (CFIE) de la Junta de Castilla de León en “Empresa e iniciativa emprendedora” y "Creatividad y emprendimiento"

Instructor de los espacios CyL Digital para facilitar a PYMES y autónomos su presencia activa en el mundo digital a través de redes sociales: #EstoyenInternet

Diseño y dinamización de Living Lab

Organizador #InnoBAR Valladolid (

Lema: No hay preguntas tontas, sólo tont@s que no preguntan

Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariales y Licenciado en Investigación y Técnicas de Mercado por la Uva. Formador ocupacional acreditado por la Junta de Castilla y León. 12 años de experiencia en el área económico-financiera en empresas de diversos sec... Show more

Hiroto Yamakawa

Hiroto Yamakawa

公立千歳科学技術大学 情報システム工学科 准教授.博士(理工学).

公立千歳科学技術大学 情報システム工学科 准教授.博士(理工学). 大学の技師として学習支援システムの企画・設計・開発・運用・保守を担当した後,2013年から研究職に移り,2024年より現職。千歳市バスロケーションシステム(〜2022)などの開発を経て,現在はシステム開発手法,プログラミング教育の研究に従事。 2015年からJavaユーザーグループ北海道を立ち上げ、スタッフとともに年4回のイベント開催に取り組む。 Show more

Amy Shropshire

Amy Shropshire

A creative, enthusiastic, Marketing Executive highly regarded for planning and leading comprehensive marketing strategies in support of business goals and objectives. Innovative leader with expertise in developing and executing national marketing programs resulting in proven gains in both revenue and brand recognition. Demonstrated success driving growth of target markets by analyzing market data and business trends and developing strategic plans to ensure corporate objectives are achieved. Leader with excellent communication skills proven by the ability to successfully manage large campaigns while managing individuals with very diverse backgrounds.

A creative, enthusiastic, Marketing Executive highly regarded for planning and leading comprehensive marketing strategies in support of business goals and objectives. Innovative leader with expertise in developing and executing national marketing pro... Show more

Sandra El Hadi

Sandra El Hadi

Sandra Georges El Hadi is a PhD candidate in Human Development, Learning, and Teaching at Harvard University, where she has also completed her master’s in International Education Policy and a secondary in Mind, Brain, and Behavior. Her interests lie primarily in developmental psychology, language acquisition, and early childhood care and education. She uses both quantitative and qualitative methods in her research, and she aims to better understand the role caregivers play in the cognitive and language development of their children. Her professional experience has been mainly in international development, having worked with UNHCR, UNESCO IIEP, the World Bank, as well as ministries of education in various countries. She is also passionate about teaching, and has taught more than 15 courses as an instructor and teaching fellow at Harvard University and the American University of Beirut (AUB). Sandra also holds a master’s in General Linguistics and Comparative Philology from Oxford University, and she completed her undergraduate studies in Political Studies and English at AUB.

Sandra Georges El Hadi is a PhD candidate in Human Development, Learning, and Teaching at Harvard University, where she has also completed her master’s in International Education Policy and a secondary in Mind, Brain, and Behavior. Her interests lie ... Show more

Kelly Melcher

Kelly Melcher

State of Minnesota Department of Human Services

State of Minnesota Department of Human Services Show more

Alison Cossette

Alison Cossette

Alison Cossette is a pioneering voice in the responsible artificial intelligence movement and the Founder of Patrun Inc., the first platform to legally license copyrighted works to AI companies while paying royalties to content owners. As a dynamic Data Science Strategist, Educator, and Podcast Host, she promotes ethical and transparent AI practices across industries and society.

Through Patrun, Alison is paving the way for AI innovation built on legitimate data sources and fair compensation for rights holders. Her venture addresses crucial issues around intellectual property rights and data ethics in the AI space.

Alison Cossette is a pioneering voice in the responsible artificial intelligence movement and the Founder of Patrun Inc., the first platform to legally license copyrighted works to AI companies while paying royalties to content owners. As a dynamic D... Show more

Aish Srinivas

Aish Srinivas


I'm pretty lucky to live and work on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar.

I'm all about empowering diverse and inclusive teams to be at their best. I love the intersection between business, tech & social impact - there's so much more we can do right now in Perth, and I'm here for it! I won a WiTWA Tech+20 award in 2020 and didn't think I would, and was nominated for the Business News 40u40 Awards in 2021. Please nominate yourself for things - take time to reflect on all that you've done!

While I'm passionate about everything under the social impact umbrella, I tend to focus on education, wealth inequality, gender equity, climate justice, mental health and human rights. I have a particularly strong relationship with United Way West Australia, a non-profit devoted to tackling entrenched community issues. With UWWA, I am on the Board and sit on their Finance, Risk, Audit & Compliance sub-committee as they navigate the challenging ecosystem of purposeful organisations.

By the time I finished my formal education in 2018, I was privileged enough to have studied and worked across 4 continents (Europe, Asia, Africa & Oceania). Business Analysis, Change Management, Workshop Facilitation, Stakeholder Engagement, Product Ownership and all things Agile are what keep me busy.

If I'm not immersed in the non-profit scene, I'll be doing what I can to diversify and shape what WA is known for. If you're interested to know more, don't be a stranger!

Kaya! I'm pretty lucky to live and work on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar. I'm all about empowering diverse and inclusive teams to be at their best. I love the intersection between business, tech & social impact - there's so much more we can do righ... Show more

Frank Grave

Frank Grave

Experienced manager, coordinating advisor, and architect with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry. Besides, I am also a researcher/external Ph.D. candidate in Enterprise Architecture (EA) and digital transformation at the Open University, Faculty Management, Science & Technology (MST).
Skilled in Team Management and Coordination, Enterprise Architecture (EA), EA Management, IT Governance, and Digital Strategy. A strong business development professional with a Master's degree in Business Process Management & IT from Open University.

Experienced manager, coordinating advisor, and architect with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry. Besides, I am also a researcher/external Ph.D. candidate in Enterprise Architecture (EA) and digital transforma... Show more

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