Government, Social Sector & Education

Valued individuals involved in shaping public policies, providing essential services, and promoting education, tirelessly looking to improve society and empower citizens

Letícia Barbosa D'Amaro

Letícia Barbosa D'Amaro

Atuo com TI há 21 anos e já trabalhei nas mais diversas áreas.
Estou há 12 anos na Prodesp e trabalho articulando as áreas da empresa, buscando: comunicação entre as áreas, troca de experiência com outras empresas, estudo de novas tecnologias e assuntos para ampliar o repertório, apoio a líderes e liderados com práticas/treinamentos usando o ágil, o Design Thinking e principalmente, a comunicação.
Também atuo no comitê de inovação e no comitê de equidade da Prodesp. Inovação porque creio que sempre podemos inovar e não necessariamente com tecnologias. Vejo isso como missão. Equidade porque precisamos dar oportunidade para as pessoas, independentemente de qualquer situação, afinal antes das diversidades, vem um ser humano.
Atuei como redatora voluntária pelo IBEGESP - Instituto Brasileiro de Educação em Gestão Pública em 2022, com quatro artigos publicados no
Sou uma mulher guerreira, alegre, a filha mais velha de três irmãos, aquela que tinha que dar o exemplo em casa. Estou recém-separada (depois de 18 anos de casada), tenho 2 filhas e estou num momento de desbravar novos caminhos e ir além, por mim, por minhas filhas e por todos que estão à minha volta. O meu negócio é gente, é promover desenvolvimento humano. Compartilhar conhecimento e sempre ajudar quem eu puder, como puder.
Que sejamos a gotinha no oceano que faz toda a diferença!

Atuo com TI há 21 anos e já trabalhei nas mais diversas áreas. Estou há 12 anos na Prodesp e trabalho articulando as áreas da empresa, buscando: comunicação entre as áreas, troca de experiência com outras empresas, estudo de novas tecnologias e assu... Show more

Kenyetta Clarke

Kenyetta Clarke

I am a Alabama Native. Military Army Veteran. I am Natural Hair and Microlocs Specialist, licensed instructor and Salon Owner with over 15yrs in the Natural Hair Industry.
I have a huge 30,000+ social Media following with clients all over the US.

I am a Alabama Native. Military Army Veteran. I am Natural Hair and Microlocs Specialist, licensed instructor and Salon Owner with over 15yrs in the Natural Hair Industry. I have a huge 30,000+ social Media following with clients all over the US. Show more

Gregory Trzeciak

Gregory Trzeciak

Gregory Trzeciak has his master’s degree in Education from the University of Florida. He has 9 years of teaching experience in high school, college level, and summer programs where he was recognized as a top educator and leader in interactive education. As a trainer at Pragmatic Works, his primary goal is to help individuals gain confidence in using Power BI and the Power Platform. While not in the office, he enjoys fantasy football, walking his dog, and running half-marathons!

Gregory Trzeciak has his master’s degree in Education from the University of Florida. He has 9 years of teaching experience in high school, college level, and summer programs where he was recognized as a top educator and leader in interactive educati... Show more

Sven Seiler

Sven Seiler

Sven Seiler holds the position of Managing Director at Storm Reply GmbH, a trailblazer in the field of cloud software development and strategic cloud consulting. Built upon a solid academic foundation, he has spent several years delving deep into cloud computing, Internet of Things, and mobility technologies.

As the Managing Director of Storm Reply, he leads an array of teams that tackle various facets of software development and modernization, cloud migrations, and cloud consulting - all grounded in Amazon Web Services.

Outside of work, Sven is not only a co-founder and active participant in the AWS User Groups in Dortmund and Düsseldorf, but he also co-organizes the AWS Community Day DACH. In these communities, he enthusiastically shares his expertise and experiences with like-minded individuals. Moreover, he regularly participates in hackathons to evaluate and explore new technologies and forward-thinking topics, initiatives he organizes alongside his colleagues.

Furthermore, Sven is passionate about integrating cloud computing more effectively into academic education. He frequently supervises academic work on the subject and, in collaboration with Bochum University, organizes a "Cloud School." Through these efforts, he aims to shape the next generation of cloud experts and raise awareness for this pivotal technology.

Sven Seiler holds the position of Managing Director at Storm Reply GmbH, a trailblazer in the field of cloud software development and strategic cloud consulting. Built upon a solid academic foundation, he has spent several years delving deep into clo... Show more

Arthit Suriyawongkul

Arthit Suriyawongkul

I'm a PhD candidate in topic of AI governance at Trinity College Dublin, funded by SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality (D-REAL). I also volunteer for Thai Netizen Network, a digital civil rights group based in Bangkok.

My interest is in software engineering standards and how it can facilitate interactions between the technical layer and the legal layer for an accountable AI. Part of my PhD work is around STAV: System Trustworthiness and Accountability Vocabulary.

I'm a PhD candidate in topic of AI governance at Trinity College Dublin, funded by SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality (D-REAL). I also volunteer for Thai Netizen Network, a digital civil rights group based in Bangkok. M... Show more

Mary Lemmer

Mary Lemmer

Mary Lemmer is a creative impact-driven entrepreneur, consultant, and global speaker helping leaders and companies innovate, navigate change and thrive in an unpredictable world. She is the founder of Improve, and designs and delivers engaging keynotes, offsites, trainings, and conference sessions. She brings two decades of experience as an entrepreneur, author, humorist, and recovering venture capitalist and startup unicorn director. She gave the TED Talk “How improv can improve your leadership and life” and has spoken at The Social Innovation Summit, TED Women, TechCon, The Positive Business Conference, multiple years at the Agile Alliance conference, among speaking and leading interactive and empowering sessions for hundreds of companies around the world. Connect with Mary at and learn more about Improve at

Mary Lemmer is a creative impact-driven entrepreneur, consultant, and global speaker helping leaders and companies innovate, navigate change and thrive in an unpredictable world. She is the founder of Improve, and designs and delivers engaging keynot... Show more

Jeremy Miller

Jeremy Miller

Founded and managed several tech companies that built SaaS software to solve industry issues. I am now focused on building a SaaS and service component for cyber security compliance management, apprenticeship management, and more. I am proud to be a part of the cyber war effort and help protect our country, its companies, and their families from those who would do us harm online, or otherwise.

I was blessed to serve in the Army as a Green Beret and am the President for the Special Forces Association Chapter 500 in Indiana for the last few years to help and assist in transitioning soldiers out of the service and providing a support system for them and their families. I was the AFCEA chapter Indiana President until the end of 2023 on the board of where physicians volunteer their time to help homeless individuals get back on their feet. Past board positions include Chairman of CYT Indy Christian Youth Theater, VP and Education Chair for Central Indiana Real Estate Investors Association, and Executive Director for VetsInHouses (helping to house homeless vets).

When not working, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his wife, two children, and dog. He used to love testing his endurance and strength as an ultra-runner doing 50, 75, 100, and several 200 miles including one 240 milers in Moab UT until he had to have his hip replaced 2 times. De Oppresso Liber -

Founded and managed several tech companies that built SaaS software to solve industry issues. I am now focused on building a SaaS and service component for cyber security compliance management, apprenticeship management, and more. I am proud to be a ... Show more

Simone Ferreira

Simone Ferreira

Especialista e Gestora de TI e Segurança da Informação. Bacharel em Direito. Atua com requisitos e desenvolvimento de software, em desenvolvimento de Políticas e Normas para a Segurança da Informação. DPO+. Classificação e proteção de dados na área de Segurança Pública. Membro do comitê de Segurança da AP. Mestranda em Gestão Pública pela Universidade de Brasília - UNB.

Sou uma profissional experiente no setor de gestão de TI para o setor público, principalmente em Segurança Pública, com mais de 25 anos de atuação. Minha trajetória profissional é pautada por sólidos conhecimentos técnicos, habilidades de liderança e um histórico comprovado de resultados excepcionais. Ao longo dos anos, desenvolvi competências especializadas que me permitem enfrentar desafios complexos e impulsionar o sucesso dos projetos em que estou envolvida.

Especialista e Gestora de TI e Segurança da Informação. Bacharel em Direito. Atua com requisitos e desenvolvimento de software, em desenvolvimento de Políticas e Normas para a Segurança da Informação. DPO+. Classificação e proteção de dados na área d... Show more

Cinamon White

Cinamon White

A Google WTM Ambassador and GDG Lead ~ As a Full Stack Developer, Cinamon operates as an AP Computer Sciences Educator and a Certified NASA Instructor with an emphasis in STEAM Education for Global Competency. With over 20 years experience in Education and Technology, She is a Thought-Leader in STEAM Curriculum Design. Cinamon is now an NPO Founder working to close the gender gap in technology and advocate for the under represented communities.

A Google WTM Ambassador and GDG Lead ~ As a Full Stack Developer, Cinamon operates as an AP Computer Sciences Educator and a Certified NASA Instructor with an emphasis in STEAM Education for Global Competency. With over 20 years experience in Educat... Show more

Lauren Yee

Lauren Yee offers playful professional development opportunities for leaders and teams. We are experts in the practical applications of learning through play. Play is an underrated and underutilized tool that can empower people to build safer, more inclusive, and more equitable spaces and communities

When done well, playful environments provide low-barrier entry points for addressing complicated/nuanced subjects and building strong, trusting, and productive relationships. If people are able to play, they can more easily dive into co-creation, understanding, and progress – even when coming from dramatically different perspectives, experiences, or backgrounds. We create spaces for shared experiences and low-stakes, playful practice, in order to focus on areas of growth like leadership / team development, diversity and inclusion, organizational strategy, and communication. Theory is nothing without application; so, we teach and inform, but also invite people to play and practice with us.

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Lauren has facilitated interactive workshops as well as been a keynote speaker for groups of all sizes and ages. She has previously presented sessions both independently and with at various organizations/companies (Dome Construction, Old Pal, Bet Tzedek Legal Services), schools (University of Michigan, Flint), and summits/conferences (BambooHR, World Domination Summit, Hivery Summit). Her experience from a decade of working with kids in enrichment and camp settings, informs her perspective and focus on how play, curiosity, and inclusion can improve productivity, innovation, teamwork, and leadership.

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Maddy is an impact-obsessed, life-long learner with a passion for leadership, data, and play. She was born in Minnesota, raised in North Carolina, and currently resides outside of Boston; she often pulls on her cross-cultural life experience in her professional leadership. Driven by a dedication to understanding and an unending belief in human betterment, Maddy envisions a more empowering, engaging, and compassionate world. Using analytics as the tool and values as her compass, she pursues this vision relentlessly. offers playful professional development opportunities for leaders and teams. We are experts in the practical applications of learning through play. Play is an underrated and underutilized tool that can empower people to build safer, more... Show more

Nikhil Deshpande

Nikhil Deshpande

As Chief Digital and AI Officer for the state of Georgia, Nikhil led the state government’s transition to an enterprise web-publishing platform based on Drupal. Georgia became the first state in the nation to use Drupal across it's enterprise and meet special needs of constituents making the platform Section 508 and WCAG compliant.

As Chief Digital and AI Officer for the state of Georgia, Nikhil led the state government’s transition to an enterprise web-publishing platform based on Drupal. Georgia became the first state in the nation to use Drupal across it's enterprise and mee... Show more

Anupam Sir

Anupam Sir

Age 62, having experiance in field of Mind, Psychology and Brain etc since age of 12. Challanged Modern Science i.e. theories of Atom etc at age of 17 with PhD Professor Mr Ramnikbhai Thakkar.

Instead of Medical, learned Electornics and Communication (1983 Batch) to know the detailed study of eighth fold of Ayurveda known as BhutaVijyan (Life science).

Worked for Air India since 1986 till 2019 in Major Maitanance Division at Kalina, Santacruz, Mumbai.

Registered Anu's Infokit (OPC) Pvt Ltd in year 2017 and Infokit is a registered logo.

Presently focused on upliftment of Educational Process as legging in many fields including Psychology.

And thats all.

Anupam Padaya

Age 62, having experiance in field of Mind, Psychology and Brain etc since age of 12. Challanged Modern Science i.e. theories of Atom etc at age of 17 with PhD Professor Mr Ramnikbhai Thakkar. Instead of Medical, learned Electornics and Communic... Show more

Almog Koren

Almog Koren

Driven by a lifelong passion for technology and a deep connection with dogs, Almog Koren isn't your average tech entrepreneur. With 15 years of software engineering experience and two successful startups under his belt, he understands the ever-evolving digital landscape intimately. But it was his dual background in competitive dog sports and SAR dog handling that truly ignited his vision. Recognizing the untapped potential of technology to elevate working dog performance, Almog founded DogBase. This innovative platform bridges the gap between tech and canine excellence, fueled by his unwavering commitment to problem-solving and serving others – principles instilled during his service in the IDF Special Forces. Today, Almog leverages his unique expertise as both a developer and leader to empower not just canine heroes, but the heroes who rely on them.

Driven by a lifelong passion for technology and a deep connection with dogs, Almog Koren isn't your average tech entrepreneur. With 15 years of software engineering experience and two successful startups under his belt, he understands the ever-evolvi... Show more

Carl Morch

Carl Morch

Carl Mörch is co-director of FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute (ULB-VUB) and a member of the AI Ethics & Law Board of the Federal initiative AI4Belgium. He is also a member of the Ethics Special Interest Group of CLAIRE and a co-chair of CLAIRE Brussels office.

Carl Mörch is co-director of FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute (ULB-VUB) and a member of the AI Ethics & Law Board of the Federal initiative AI4Belgium. He is also a member of the Ethics Special Interest Group of CLAIRE and a co-chair of CLAIRE... Show more

Dr. Stacie Chana

Dr. Stacie Chana

With a career spanning over 20 years in urban education leadership, Dr. Stacie Chana serves at the forefront of TechEd Maven Consulting, where educational excellence meets cutting-edge technology. In the era of the fourth and soon to be fifth industrial revolutions, she passionately promotes Artificial Intelligence as a catalyst to advance educational equality and system enhancement. Her focus on AI is not just technological but deeply rooted in fostering safe, ethical, and equitable use within all communities. Dr. Chana’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity, particularly within STEM education, is central to her mission. She serves in support of the intricate dynamics of today's tech-centric educational environment, guiding and enriching the landscape with her expertise and visionary leadership.

With a career spanning over 20 years in urban education leadership, Dr. Stacie Chana serves at the forefront of TechEd Maven Consulting, where educational excellence meets cutting-edge technology. In the era of the fourth and soon to be fifth industr... Show more

Jonathan Ullmer

Jonathan Ullmer

Jonathan Ullmer MBE has dedicated his illustrious career to elevating educational standards, both nationally and internationally, since 1985. Renowned as the Founding Director of Education and Principal at CATS Colleges, he orchestrated the remarkable transformation of two underperforming schools into paragons of excellence, earning accolades from UK inspectors for his exceptional leadership. CATS Colleges are renowned for their focus on preparing international students for university success and bolstering their English proficiency to thrive in their future careers.

Jonathan's academic journey commenced with English studies at Durham and Oxford Universities, where he distinguished himself in Teaching Practice. He furthered his academic pursuits with an MA from the University of Victoria, Canada, specializing in North American Literature. Notably, he holds a diploma in Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts from the Institute for Arts in Education and Therapy, complemented by the prestigious LRAM designation as a Teacher from the Royal Academy of Music.

Beginning his educational odyssey in 1985 teaching English and Drama at Swanley School, Kent, Jonathan swiftly ascended the ranks. He assumed pivotal roles such as Arts Curriculum Director at Cecil Jones High School and Assistant Principal at Sawyers Hall College of Science and Technology. In 2008, Jonathan's leadership prowess was recognized with the appointment as Vice Principal at CATS College Cambridge, culminating in his role as Principal of CATS Canterbury in 2010.

In 2017, Jonathan undertook a transformative assignment at Haileybury in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, orchestrating a successful school inspection that heralded outstanding international practice ratings. He facilitated the school's prestigious accreditation by NEASC and CIS, enabling the institution to offer American graduation pathways and achieve exceptional International Baccalaureate results.

Jonathan's visionary leadership extended beyond academic realms to encompass community engagement, where he spearheaded over 50 school and community projects in Southend, fostering collaboration with local industry, churches, and organizations. His commitment to educational enrichment is evident in his extensive publications and contributions exploring various educational themes.

Jonathan Ullmer's exemplary career has been marked by numerous accolades, including the esteemed Order of the British Empire for Services to UK and International Education. His founding of Excellence in Schools underscores his enduring commitment to advancing global educational standards and fostering student success on a transformative scale.

Jonathan Ullmer MBE has dedicated his illustrious career to elevating educational standards, both nationally and internationally, since 1985. Renowned as the Founding Director of Education and Principal at CATS Colleges, he orchestrated the remarkabl... Show more

Zoe Lee-Park

Zoe Lee-Park

Zoe Lee-Park is a second-year Master of Environmental Science student at the Yale School of the Environment. She studies the theory of environmental justice, within a law and society framework. Outside of academics, Zoe is a Graduate Intern at the United States Forest Service and the President of the Yale Asian Graduate Network. She is part of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership. Zoe will pursue her PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.

Zoe Lee-Park is a second-year Master of Environmental Science student at the Yale School of the Environment. She studies the theory of environmental justice, within a law and society framework. Outside of academics, Zoe is a Graduate Intern at the Un... Show more

Roberto Slomka

Roberto Slomka

Analista de Sistemas, formado Administrador de Empresas com ênfase em AS. Especialista em Qualidade de Software, com 40 anos de carreira na área de TIC atuando em diversos papéis.

Especialista em Tecnologias na Aprendizagem, praticante e estudioso da heutagogia (auto-aprendizagem), do e-learning e do desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, com foco em soft skills necessárias à cultura ágil desde 2015. Concluindo especialização em Projetos Sociais e Políticas Públicas.

No Serpro desde 2006. Trabalhou com Garantia da Qualidade, melhoria contínua de processos, sendo professor convidado da pós-graduação em Qualidade de Software da Unisinos de 2011 a 2015.

Atua desde 2019 com cultura organizacional, inicialmente no time Cultura Dides, cuja missão é apoiar a propagação e engajamento na cultura ágil no âmbito da Diretoria de Desenvolvimento de Soluções (DIDES) do Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), a partir de maio de 2024 integrando o Departamento de Cultura Organizacional. da Superintendência de Educação, Pessoas e Talentos, na Diretoria de Pessoas, com o desafio de modelar a segmentação dos processos de Cultura Organizacional tanto em termos regionais como nas diversas diretorias.

Autor, ator, cantor (em vias de se tornar produtor musical), e facilitador de debates e painéis. Pai de quatro filhos. Metódico e bem-humorado. Às vezes não. Cri-cri-cri, sempre: crítico, criterioso e criativo. Não cabe em caixa, recomenda-se nem tentar.

Analista de Sistemas, formado Administrador de Empresas com ênfase em AS. Especialista em Qualidade de Software, com 40 anos de carreira na área de TIC atuando em diversos papéis. Especialista em Tecnologias na Aprendizagem, praticante e estudios... Show more

Kerri Sutey

Kerri Sutey

Curiosity, courage, and compassion are the pillars that lead to a fulfilled life. I find the greatest joy in exploring - whether it is traveling the world, hiking to new heights, or coaching leaders and teams on their agile journey.

My journey shifted from traditional project management to Scrum Master to Agile Coach to coach of coaches, to Enterprise Coach. And I've been fortunate to lead agile teams in marketing, modeling & simulation, and cyber security, before making my way to IT. I have coached in a diverse set of companies including Google, Southwest Airlines, ExxonMobil, IBM and the Dept of Defense - taking an integral approach that values mindset, culture, and business outcomes as critical to achieving agility. I believe the true measure of agility lies within the individual, not a process. My passions are co-creating with others and celebrating the "aha” moments of collaboration, innovation, and learning.

I hold two ICAgile Certified Expert designations - one in Agile Team Coaching and the other in Enterprise Coaching. This means I very clearly recognize there is so much more for me to learn! I am also an ICF-ACC professional coach focused on creating environments for others to discover their inner strengths. My colleague Erin Randall and I co-founded the Agile Coaching Circles - a monthly meetup focused on providing a safe space for people to practice their coaching skills. Connect with me on LinkedIn!

Curiosity, courage, and compassion are the pillars that lead to a fulfilled life. I find the greatest joy in exploring - whether it is traveling the world, hiking to new heights, or coaching leaders and teams on their agile journey. My journey sh... Show more

Dr. Toni Shub

Dr. Toni Shub

Dr. Toni Shub is an Affiliate Professor of Teaching & Learning in the Simmons School of Education and Human Development at Southern Methodist University since 2023. She is excited to engage in research activities including joint pursuits with SMU faculty and work toward collaborative presentations and grant proposals in the areas of K-12 professional learning, continuous improvement, data-informed decision making, gathering and using whole-child data including student voice to inform instruction, evidence-based instruction, AI-enabled education technology, instructional coaching, co-design, and learning sciences. As an affiliate faculty member of the department, she looks forward to engaging in academic endeavors that further the mission of the department and program.

Dr. Shub is the CEO of QoreInsights, Inc. and Pathways for Learning Products. She is leading the innovation and development of the Classroom Education Plan (CEP), an AI-enhanced tool designed to place real-time, research-driven data directly into educators' hands. Leveraging cutting-edge decision-intelligence models, CEP offers customized strategies derived from analysis of comprehensive, real-time classroom data. This innovation ensures that instruction is not only responsive but also adaptive to the holistic needs of every student, teacher, coach and administrator. By focusing on the "whole child," the CEP transcends traditional academic metrics, championing a more comprehensive and equitable understanding of students' current needs, as well as the impact of evidence-based instructional strategies through easy to implement and monitor continuous improvement cycles. She is also the developer of the patented Grotto Grip® and RediSpace® Notebook Paper, which are currently distributed internationally.

In addition, as an Early Learning Consultant from 2007-2016, she developed the Mead® Writing Fundamentals line, which were distributed in mass market in stores such as Target and Wal-Mart. From 1998-2018, Toni owned and operated a pediatric occupational therapy clinic. She is an international speaker focusing on high-impact factors and strategies for teaching and learning, and mitigating bias in AI-powered EdTech.

Dr. Toni Shub is an Affiliate Professor of Teaching & Learning in the Simmons School of Education and Human Development at Southern Methodist University since 2023. She is excited to engage in research activities including joint pursuits with SMU fac... Show more

Ben Linders

Ben Linders

Ben Linders is an Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Continuous Improvement, based in The Netherlands. Author of Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, Waardevolle Agile Retrospectives, What Drives Quality and Continuous Improvement. Creator of the Agile Self-assessment Game.

As an adviser, coach and trainer he helps organizations with deploying effective software development and management practices. He focuses on continuous improvement, collaboration and communication, and professional development, to deliver business value to customers.

Ben is an active member of networks on Agile, Lean, and Quality, and a well-known speaker and author. He shares his experiences in a bilingual blog (Dutch and English), as an editor for Culture and Methods at InfoQ, and as an expert in communities like Computable, Quora, DZone, and TechTarget. Follow him on twitter: @BenLinders.

For an overview of the presentation and mini-workshops that I have given, visit

Ben Linders is an Independent Consultant in Agile, Lean, Quality, and Continuous Improvement, based in The Netherlands. Author of Getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives, Waardevolle Agile Retrospectives, What Drives Quality and Continuous Improvem... Show more

Erin Fragola

Erin Fragola

Erin Fragola is the Marketing and Outreach Coordinator at Perkins Library in Watertown, the Regional NLS Library providing accessible resources for people living in Massachusetts who have print disabilities as well as the institutions that service them. Erin is an MLIS graduate of Valdosta State University in Georgia and has worked in design and marketing for international and non-profit organizations for more than a decade.

Erin Fragola is the Marketing and Outreach Coordinator at Perkins Library in Watertown, the Regional NLS Library providing accessible resources for people living in Massachusetts who have print disabilities as well as the institutions that service th... Show more

Rafael Tizzani

Rafael Tizzani

En sus inicios lideró la guerra de las colas de los 90, reposicionando en el liderazgo a la hasta entonces desaparecida Pepsi. Este logro fue resultado de aplicar creatividad y esfuerzos comerciales que revolucionaron las técnicas de promoción y venta en nuestro país.

Luego impulsó los cambios en Bieckert, tomando más de 20 puntos de participación del líder del mercado. En esta ocasión la segmentación y los cambios en la distribución fueron las claves para lograr el éxito.

Cerrando el ciclo de bebidas recaló en IVESS dónde la necesidad era “un cambio total”, pasar de una cultura de reparto y monoproducto a una de venta profesional multiproducto, logrando vencer las barreras del cambio que colocan las personas cuando están en un negocio rentable con una marca líder.

El siguiente paso fue desarrollar planes comerciales innovadores en Arcor directamente desde el área de RRHH comercial, la función era desarrollar la máxima potencialidad a través de planes de seguimiento que involucraban la capacitación y mejora continua...

El punto en común de esta primera etapa era enseñar a las compañías de consumo masivo a brindar servicio y potenciar los procesos de calidad. En la segunda la misión fue despertar a las empresas de servicios hacia la necesidad del consumo masivo, adaptación al cambio y creatividad.

Así fueron Hartford Life, Liberty, BNL, Lloyds Bank, Banco Galicia, AFJP Prorenta y Citibank, los primeros beneficiados a través de los servicios de consultoría y capacitación.

Han pasado más de veinte años y con servicios de excelencia acompañó importantes emprendimientos de capacitación a empresas como: Sancor Seguros, Automóvil Club, AGFA, Telecom, Calsa, AUDI, Carrefour, VW, Philis Morris, DHL, YPF, Exxon Mobil, Du Pont Pionner, John Deere, Manpower, Fibertel, Toyota, Peugeot, Novartis, Unilever, Accenture, ACARA, Energía San Juan, Shell, San Cristóbal y muchas más.

También trabaja con empresas en el exterior y acreditó experiencia como profesor de la UBA y USAL en Negociación, Ventas, Liderazgo, Coaching y Creatividad.

En sus inicios lideró la guerra de las colas de los 90, reposicionando en el liderazgo a la hasta entonces desaparecida Pepsi. Este logro fue resultado de aplicar creatividad y esfuerzos comerciales que revolucionaron las técnicas de promoción y vent... Show more

Wanda Möller

Wanda Möller

Wanda Möller

Aktuell Themen: Zukunftsfähige Lehrprofessionalität

Wanda Möller Aktuell Themen: Zukunftsfähige Lehrprofessionalität Show more

Kylah Seltzer Johnston

Kylah Seltzer Johnston

Kylah Seltzer Johnston works for the Bureau of Asset Management at Cook County. Kylah has an extensive background working in community and political organizing, with an emphasis on campaigns related to climate change and environmental justice. She has also collaborated with a number of coalitions and elected officials across Illinois to strengthen and pass legislation, including the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act. An avid lover of the Great Lakes, Kylah has worked on a number of policy research projects related to Great Lakes waterways and water systems and how they interact with climate change, clean drinking water access, and invasive species. She is currently working as a Relationship Manager with Cook County’s Build Up Cook program, working closely with municipalities in South and West Suburban Cook County to move both water and vertical infrastructure projects from start to finish. In her free time, Kylah can be found baking at home or lounging by Lake Michigan.

Kylah Seltzer Johnston works for the Bureau of Asset Management at Cook County. Kylah has an extensive background working in community and political organizing, with an emphasis on campaigns related to climate change and environmental justice. She ha... Show more

Jessica White

Jessica White

Jess White is the Senior Associate Director of Accessibility Services at Tufts University and has over eight years of experience as a disability professional in higher education. Jess was also a vocational rehabilitation counselor and supported adults and young adults with disabilities seeking competitive employment. She earned her BS in Marketing at Bentley University and her MA in Rehabilitation Counseling at Assumption University. As the Assistive Technology Chair of the New England chapter of AHEAD, Jess spends her time breaking down digital accessibility barriers and entering prompts into ChatGPT to boost productivity and inclusion.

Jess White is the Senior Associate Director of Accessibility Services at Tufts University and has over eight years of experience as a disability professional in higher education. Jess was also a vocational rehabilitation counselor and supported adul... Show more

2AM Ricky

2AM Ricky

Recording artist and songwriter 2AM Ricky is best known for utilizing his platform to uplift marginally perceived communities while bridging the intersection of LGBTQ advocacy and entertainment. In 2021, Ricky became the first black transgender male artist to land #1 on any music chart, with his single "Whatchu On (ft. CeCe Peniston)" peaking on the LGBTQ Urban Charts. His extensive portfolio includes several placements with credits including CeCe Peniston, Tyler Perry Studios, Zeus Network and more. Ricky has helped industry professionals, corporate leaders, and creatives worldwide to develop language and best practices for transgender healthcare and education, intersectionality, inclusive strategies, and mental health. His expertise has been shared on platforms such as Revolt Black News, Women's Health, The Advocate, and TransTech. In 2023, he was awarded the Artist Impact Award for his ongoing community work and efforts towards a more inclusive music industry and culture. His recently released album titled "Listen If You're Lonely", provides a musical exploration of mental health, relationships, and life from a black masculine perspective.

Recording artist and songwriter 2AM Ricky is best known for utilizing his platform to uplift marginally perceived communities while bridging the intersection of LGBTQ advocacy and entertainment. In 2021, Ricky became the first black transgender male ... Show more

Kimberley Paradis

Kimberley Paradis

Kimberley is a law student at the University of Ottawa and an analyst for the Canadian government. Her research focuses on ethical technologies and the application of legal concepts in digital environments. As part of her work with the government, she has conducted foresight projects on financial technologies. Kimberley co-founded the Engineering Toolkit, a database that promotes the inclusion of equity, diversity, and inclusion in engineering research. She is involved with the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, Engineers Canada and IEEE and is on the board of directors of the Community-Based Research Center. Kimberley holds a BASc in Computer Engineering.

Kimberley is a law student at the University of Ottawa and an analyst for the Canadian government. Her research focuses on ethical technologies and the application of legal concepts in digital environments. As part of her work with the government, sh... Show more

Jamila Sams MA.Ed

Jamila Sams MA.Ed

Jamila Sams, Ed.M. is an educator with over 25 years of experience in educational leadership. As the founder of Go to Ms. Sams Inc., Jamila works tirelessly to provide services to educators, nonprofit professionals, and members of the business community related to: School Culture; Youth Program Development; and Strategic Partnership Development. Jamila has been a featured speaker for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Center for the Promotion of Social Emotional Learning National Conference. Jamila’s TEDX entitled: “Why Are You” has been viewed over 1000 times to date. In 2020, Jamila founded We Do it for the Culture™ a culturally responsive SEL curriculum rooted in Hip Hop culture. She is a self-proclaimed "Hip-Hop Head" and a graduate of Lincoln University, PA. She obtained her Master’s degree in Educational Administration & Supervision from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland and serves on the executive board of Words Beats & Life in Washington, D.C.

Jamila Sams, Ed.M. is an educator with over 25 years of experience in educational leadership. As the founder of Go to Ms. Sams Inc., Jamila works tirelessly to provide services to educators, nonprofit professionals, and members of the business commun... Show more

Ance Gricmane

Ance Gricmane

2022 - now - Docent at American University of Cyprus, Larnaca
2019 - 2024 Docent at University of Applied Sciences of Latvia, Latvia

2017 - 2020 PhD student at Art Academy of Latvia, Thesis in process

2018 - 2021 Medical student, Riga Stradins University, Rehabilitation faculty, Art therapy

2016 - Open lectures Staedelschule Frankfurt am Main

Participant of accelerator NEWDOOR with project social enterprise "Emotion lab" - therapeutic arts for public.

Participating in group and solo exhibitions world wide

2022 - now - Docent at American University of Cyprus, Larnaca 2019 - 2024 Docent at University of Applied Sciences of Latvia, Latvia 2017 - 2020 PhD student at Art Academy of Latvia, Thesis in process 2018 - 2021 Medical student, Riga Stradins... Show more

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