Humanities & Social Sciences

Esteemed speakers contributing their insights into human culture, behavior, and societal development

Sophie Domann

Sophie Domann

Dr. Sophie Domann ist promovierte Erziehungswissenschaftlerin und ist für das Projekt Co³Learn als Koordinatorin tätig. Daneben unterstützt sie darin partizipativ die Prozesse der studentischen Zusammenarbeit in digitalen, hybriden und analogen Lehr-Lernsettings. Sie reflektiert kritisch den Transfer und die Modifikation von hochschuldidaktischen Innovationen in der Lehrpraxis auch mithilfe von studentischen Feedback. Zuvor war sie im Bereich Lehre und Forschung der Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik tätig und bringt Expertise aus den Bereichen partizipative Lehre, Digitalisierung und Hochschuldidaktik mit.

Dr. Sophie Domann ist promovierte Erziehungswissenschaftlerin und ist für das Projekt Co³Learn als Koordinatorin tätig. Daneben unterstützt sie darin partizipativ die Prozesse der studentischen Zusammenarbeit in digitalen, hybriden und analogen Lehr-... Show more

Layshi Curbelo

Layshi Curbelo

Layshi is a designer that specializes in user experience (UX) and accessibility (a11y) for the past 8 years. She is a Design Advocate and the creator of Command Z. Command Z is a podcast about design, tech, and communication in Spanish and English, and at the moment we have been in more than 9 countries (Puerto Rico, Colombia, Mexico, United States, Spain, Denmark, France, Norway, and Sweden) around the world and with more than 100 episodes.

Layshi is a designer that specializes in user experience (UX) and accessibility (a11y) for the past 8 years. She is a Design Advocate and the creator of Command Z. Command Z is a podcast about design, tech, and communication in Spanish and English,... Show more

Henrike Hann

Henrike Hann

Henrike Hann ist Teilprojektleiterin im Projekt PLan_CV, in dem sie ein Diversitätsmonitoring der Studierenden und Beschäftigten der TH Köln entwickelt. Sie erforscht u.a. die Bedeutung von Vorbildern und Mentor*innen für Studierende, die als studentische Hilfskräfte in Working@TH Köln - Wissenschaft erleben tätig sind.

Henrike Hann ist Teilprojektleiterin im Projekt PLan_CV, in dem sie ein Diversitätsmonitoring der Studierenden und Beschäftigten der TH Köln entwickelt. Sie erforscht u.a. die Bedeutung von Vorbildern und Mentor*innen für Studierende, die als student... Show more

Sebastian M. Herrmann

Sebastian M. Herrmann

Doing American Studies at Leipzig University, with monographs on 'Unreality' in the American Presidency (2014), and the 'Data Imaginary' in nineteenth-century America (forthcoming). Currently working on a project on postnarrative politics ( and on the e-learning platform SHRIMP (

Doing American Studies at Leipzig University, with monographs on 'Unreality' in the American Presidency (2014), and the 'Data Imaginary' in nineteenth-century America (forthcoming). Currently working on a project on postnarrative politics (http://www... Show more

Sonam Pankaj

Sonam Pankaj

Sonam is the creator of the open-source library called Embed-Anything, which helps to create local and multimodal embeddings. She worked previously at Qdrant engine, in RAG, and before that, she worked at Rasa in conversational AI and generative. Previously, she worked as an AI researcher at Saama and has worked extensively on clinical trial analytics with Pfizer. She is passionate about topics like Biases in language models. She has also published a paper in the most reputed journal of computational linguistics, COLING, in ACL Anthology.

Sonam is the creator of the open-source library called Embed-Anything, which helps to create local and multimodal embeddings. She worked previously at Qdrant engine, in RAG, and before that, she worked at Rasa in conversational AI and generative. Pre... Show more

Tarun Agarwal

Tarun Agarwal

Functional programmer, screenwriter and puzzle solver.

Functional programmer, screenwriter and puzzle solver. Show more

Gabriela Salas Cabrera

Gabriela Salas Cabrera

Gabriela Salas Cabrera, ingeniera y estudiante de maestría en tecnologías de la información, área de ciencia de datos, programación orientada a objetos e inteligencia artificial, estudiante de licenciatura en matemáticas por la UNADM.
Mujer indígena habla náhuatl como lengua materna, habla español, inglés y tének originaria de Chapulhuacán, Hidalgo,México
Es mentora y divulgadora en tecnologías de la información, realiza proyectos para el bien común, en el área de inteligencia artificial, pero sobre todo a motivar y compartir conocimientos a niñas indígenas ya que en el índice en área de tics es bajo, trabajando en ello motivándolas a seguir estudiando sobre las carreras STEM.
• Primera mujer indígena en áreas de tecnologías en la Organización para las Mujeres en Ciencia para el Mundo en Desarrollo-UNESCO.
• Creadora y diseñadora de sistemas de proyectos para la prevención del suicidio, y leucemia.
• Nombrada como mentora del año 2021 en la organización mujeres líderes en STEM.
• Científica y mentora en la organización Femiciencia-Latam.
• Nominada como mujer STEM en Globant Awards: Women that Build 4th Edición- 2023.
• Fundadora del programa El futuro es brillante porque las niñas son brillantes, dicha organización apoya a niñas de escasos recursos con equipos de cómputo, útiles escolares y mentoría para elección de carrera sobretodo aumentar el índice en mujeres en carreras STEM.
• Mentora en proyectos tecnológicos de distintas organizaciones como OpenSciencelabs , Femiciencia, NASA entre otros.
• Activista por la lucha para la prevención del suicidio.

Gabriela Salas Cabrera, ingeniera y estudiante de maestría en tecnologías de la información, área de ciencia de datos, programación orientada a objetos e inteligencia artificial, estudiante de licenciatura en matemáticas por la UNADM. Mujer indígen... Show more

Artem Kushner

Artem Kushner

Howdy. I’m a student in the math department at UBC, Vancouver in Khanh Dao Duc’s lab.

I’m interested in type theory and compilers, their applications in ML and, separately, ML applications to cryoEM/ET and downstream structural biology. I built and maintain

Howdy. I’m a student in the math department at UBC, Vancouver in Khanh Dao Duc’s lab. I’m interested in type theory and compilers, their applications in ML and, separately, ML applications to cryoEM/ET and downstream structural biology. I built an... Show more

Marco Calzolari

Marco Calzolari

Philosopher and entreprenuer, involved with technology and communication since 1999. Co-founder of Agile Reloaded and Nobilita. Currently working with corporates teams in order to get their companies ready for the future, evolving the way they works and hacking their culture.

Philosopher and entreprenuer, involved with technology and communication since 1999. Co-founder of Agile Reloaded and Nobilita. Currently working with corporates teams in order to get their companies ready for the future, evolving the way they works ... Show more

André Valença

André Valença

Mestre e Doutor em Ciência da Informação e Especialista em Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão de Pessoas, Certified Scrum Master (CSM) e analista DISC, André Valença trabalhou por 30 anos no Banco do Brasil, dos quais dez como gestor de equipes.

No BB liderou o projeto de construção do sistema interno de Assinatura Eletrônica de Documentos (AED) e a primeira versão do Portal de Governança da instituição.

Além de sócio do Instituto de Gestão Estratégica e Tecnologia (InGT), atua como professor da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap) e do Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP).

A partir dos seus estudos e da experiência como gestor, escreveu o livro Gestão de Equipes: Manual de Boas Práticas, em que aborda, de forma prática e objetiva, dez aspectos do relacionamento entre gestor e equipe.

Apaixonado por gestão de pessoas, dedica-se a estudar os processos de motivação e engajamento de colaboradores e como a liderança pode influenciá-los positivamente.

Mestre e Doutor em Ciência da Informação e Especialista em Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão de Pessoas, Certified Scrum Master (CSM) e analista DISC, André Valença trabalhou por 30 anos no Banco do Brasil, dos quais dez como gestor de equipes. ... Show more

Sofia de Mattos Menezes

Sofia de Mattos Menezes

Técnica em geologia, funcionária da Petrobras há 11 anos, me formei em Psicologia em 2019, logo antes do nascimento da minha filha.

Me encontrei profissionalmente ao voltar da licença maternidade e encontrar a agilidade, na forma de kanban e scrum, em um empresa mudada após a pandemia. Eram as ferramentas que faltavam para potencializar a minha incapacidade de permanecer indiferente perante as dificuldades que encontrava nos processos por onde passei.

Apaixonada por problemas, o próximo passo foi me aproximar das facilitações de Workshops, ao ser apresentada ao Design Flow, por descobrir o poder que tem colocar todos juntos no mesmo local ao mesmo tempo, com objetivos e instruções claras!

Depois de receber o convite para compor o time recém criado de Inovação pude considerar finalizada a minha transição de carreira!

Técnica em geologia, funcionária da Petrobras há 11 anos, me formei em Psicologia em 2019, logo antes do nascimento da minha filha. Me encontrei profissionalmente ao voltar da licença maternidade e encontrar a agilidade, na forma de kanban e scru... Show more

Elizangela Guedes

Elizangela Guedes

Analista de Sistemas trabalhando com gestão na área de tecnologia da informação.

Analista de Sistemas trabalhando com gestão na área de tecnologia da informação. Show more

Svenja Geißler

Svenja Geißler

Svenja Geißler ( entwickelt am Zentrum für Mediales Lernen (KIT) innovative Lernformate sowie digitale Anreicherungskonzepte für Lehrveranstaltungen und betreibt digitale Wissenschaftskommunikation. Diese Konzepte vermittelt sie in Seminaren für das Institut für Schulpädagogik und Didaktik (KIT) und gibt Workshops u.a. für das HDZ, wobei sie ihre Lernveranstaltungen zugleich als Experimentierfeld für neue virtuelle und digitale Konzepte nutzt.

Svenja Geißler ( entwickelt am Zentrum für Mediales Lernen (KIT) innovative Lernformate sowie digitale Anreicherungskonzepte für Lehrveranstaltungen und betreibt digitale Wissenschaftskommunikation. Diese Konzepte vermittelt sie in S... Show more

Cynthia A Huang

Cynthia A Huang

Cynthia Huang is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. She completed her undergraduate and honours degrees in Economics at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on principles and methods for using complex and alternative data in the social sciences.

Cynthia Huang is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University. She completed her undergraduate and honours degrees in Economics at the University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on principles and m... Show more

Benito Gerónimo

Benito Gerónimo


PhD Show more

Jiří Novák

Jiří Novák

Jiří Novák received his first doctorate in Statistics from the Prague University of Economics and Business and is currently pursuing a second doctorate at the University of Zurich. In his previous research, he focused on statistical disclosure control for microdata from population censuses using synthetic data simulation, and he is currently conducting research in synthetic longitudinal data.
His main interests are Statistical Disclosure Control, Data Analysis and R programming.

Jiří Novák received his first doctorate in Statistics from the Prague University of Economics and Business and is currently pursuing a second doctorate at the University of Zurich. In his previous research, he focused on statistical disclosure contro... Show more

Alexander Roganovich

Alexander Roganovich

Nombre y contactos
Alexander Roganovich | LinkedIn alexroganovich | Medium @alexroganovich

En todas mis experiencias laborales intento aportar valor en 3 grandes pilares “Personas, Clientes y Producto”.
Trabajo lo cultural, el desarrollo profesional, clima, balance vida personal y profesional, algunos ejemplos (skill matrix, plan de carrera, cultura, academia, outing, trabajo colaborativo).
Incentivo el aprendizaje y comunidades, (DesignOps, ContentOps ResearhOps, Producto, iT).
Lo que no se mide, no se puede gestionar, algunos indicadores de "Personas" (Attrition, ENPS, Engagement). El capital Humano en este contexto de pandemia y tecnología es clave.

Cliente en el centro;
Incentivo el discovery continuo y por sobre todo los aprendizajes lean, validando valor y demanda de forma inmediata, desde la idea (experimentación, research, testeos, pruebas, business cases, hipótesis, criterio de éxito, design thinking).
Como lo medimos; Time to Market, Time to Delivery, entrega de valor al cliente, NPS, revenue y eficiencias.

Colaboro y desafío los OKR estratégicos cascadeando a los equipos, para poder tener foco y sentido de pertenencia en cada uno, logrando así roadmap, backlog efectivos.
Algunos indicadores son, (NPS, Revenue, LTV, apdex, MTTB, CES, ToT, TTM, AHT, CRV, YoY, Adherencia, Adopción, Retención).

Si bien siempre colaboró en mis desafíos tanto en customer, como agile, dependiendo el contexto intento colaborar y agregar mayor valor;
En @Despegar también tuve la oportunidad de colaborar en la Cultura Customer Centric, generando workshop con toda la organización concientizandonos de la nueva propuesta de valor y identificando sus impactos en los clientes (nota adjunta).

En @LatamAirlines, colaboré con la cultura Data Driven, realizando workshop identificando que OKR y KPI debíamos observar como organización y rol, como podíamos democratizarlo, generando seguimiento e impacto continuo (nota adjunta).

En @SantanderArgentina, donde tenemos la oportunidad de llevar la organización hacía Producto, es aquí donde me encuentro aportando valor, colaborando con estructura, hiring, job description, matriz de conocimientos, best practices.

En mi rol actual como director regional UX del marketplace en
Responsable de la experiencia digital E2E de nuestros clientes. Liderando un equipo multidisciplinario y multicultural. Generador de valor desde; inv. de usuario, diseño, validación y seguimiento.
Países; Chile, Perú, Colombia, Brasil, Mexico, Argentina...
Canales; Web, app.
Unidades de negocio; Falabella, Retail, Sodimac, Tottus, Linio.
Clientes; Más de 2 milllones diarios.

Experiencia previa relacionada al UX
Alexander Roganovich fué Director UX responsable de la experiencia punta a punta de los clientes Santander en Argentina, liderando un equipo multidisciplinario mayor a 70 personas contando con distintas especialidades como, diseño, research y contenido; mejorando los puntos de contacto desde web, app, ATM, sucursales, contact center y demás.
Lidera también un equipo de experiencia de usuario que participa en las experiencias de otros países como Brasil, Uruguay, EEUU del grupo Santander. Si bien sus principales responsabilidades son experiencia de las personas usuarias de Santander Argentina, es protagonista, agente de cambio en la transformación cultural, tecnología, de recursos humanos y producto.

Se desempeñó como Head UX en LATAM Airlines Chile liderando un equipo multidisciplinario (diseñadores, contenidistas, research) de más de 50 personas. Ha realizado la labor de Coordinador UX en
Es un apasionado de la comunidad UX, tanto como speaker, docente o invitado, como en las relaciones humanas y construcción de equipos.
Ex docente en la cátedra y seminario UX en UBA Universidad de Buenos Aires, para las carreras de Diseño Gráfico e Industrial.
Docente en la diplomatura de People Experience Universidad de CEMA
Founder & podcaster de Conversaciones de Producto.
Co-autor del libro “UX LATAM; Experiencia del Usuario en Latinoamérica” junto a referentes de UX de cada país de Latinoamérica.
Ex docente en la carrera de Diseño UX en el instituto de Coder house.

Cuenta con un título universitario en Diseño Gráfico por la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Gestión de proyectos y equipos de experiencia de usuario en Universidad de Palermo.
Lean UX en la Universidad de Palermo.
Diseñador web profesional en Educación IT.
Leadership tools en Hardvard business.

Cuenta con varias publicaciones relacionadas a UX como; UX LATAM; historias de experiencia de usuario en Latinoamérica, Gestión de equipo, Experimentación, Metodologías Agile, Customer Centric, Data Driven, Product mindset, UX para proveedores, Voice Experience y demás.

Soy un apasionado de lo que hago “Desarrollar personas, para lograr productos y experiencias que enamoren, generando valor para los clientes y organización”, es por esto que en mis tiempos libres soy profesor de UX en @UBA, coautor del libro “User Experience en LATAM” en conjunto con referentes de todo Latinoamérica y llevo el podcast de @ConversacionesDeProducto.

Nombre y contactos Alexander Roganovich | LinkedIn alexroganovich | Medium @alexroganovich En todas mis experiencias laborales intento aportar valor en 3 grandes pilares “Personas, Clientes y Producto”. Personas; Trabajo lo cultural, el desar... Show more

Tinuke Oladele

Tinuke Oladele

OLADELE, TINUKE OMOLEWA (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. She schooled at Queen Elizabeth School, Ilorin, Kwara State. She obtained a BSc. in Computer Science from the University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State in 1997, She bagged a MSc. in Mathematics (Computer Science Option) from the University of Ilorin in 2005. She completed her PhD in Computer Science at the University of Ilorin in 2013. She is known across board for her innovative research work in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Her research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cybernetics, Cyber Security and Health Informatics. An INSA TATA Fellow at the Bioinformatics Unit, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, India. A member of Data Scientist Network (DSN), Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics (PGP DSBA) at McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, USA.
She has published several scholarly articles in local, national and international journals. She is widely travelled and has attended various workshops, conferences and Research Fellowship at home and in the diaspora. She is happily married with children.

OLADELE, TINUKE OMOLEWA (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. She schooled at Queen Elizabeth School, Ilorin, Kwara State. Sh... Show more

Anh Ngo

Anh Ngo

Anh Ngo is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University. She holds a PhD in Social Work from York University, Canada. Her scholarship focuses on the wellbeing of immigrant and refugee peoples through the lens of critical refugee and migration studies and critical social work. Anh’s research aims to drive social change through community action and engaged scholarship. Her recent publications have appeared in Studies in Social Justice, Canadian Social Work Review, and Refuge.

Anh Ngo is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University. She holds a PhD in Social Work from York University, Canada. Her scholarship focuses on the wellbeing of immigrant and refugee peoples through the lens of ... Show more

José Eduardo Pereira Filho

José Eduardo Pereira Filho

Sou professor, 62 anos, cientista social, gosto de caminhar e adoro cinema.

Sou professor, 62 anos, cientista social, gosto de caminhar e adoro cinema. Show more

Xandi Wright

Xandi Wright

Xandi Wright (they/them) is an experienced educator and learning designer focused on both higher education and non-formal community learning contexts. Their areas of focus include writing to learn, student-directed learning, and digital literacy and equity in the online classroom.

Xandi Wright (they/them) is an experienced educator and learning designer focused on both higher education and non-formal community learning contexts. Their areas of focus include writing to learn, student-directed learning, and digital literacy and ... Show more

Bruno Miranda

Bruno Miranda


is the Founder of Chilibangs: the biggest Web3 community in Portugal and soon to be in Europe He organises Web3 gatherings every Wednesday & is also the portuguese Ambassador of great Web3 international projects & communities.

started Chilibangs community a few years back and has now extended it to Web3 in order to ally with purposeful people & Web3 technology. Visionaries, artists and degens are joining forces to change the world together as a trustworthy community.

After 1 year of building a strong web3 community, Bruno will be launching his Chilibangs NFT in 2023 membership to consolidate / scale his spicy ecosystem.
One will be able to recognise Bruno from his pepper necklace or tattoo, which represents the first membership version of his community. Find Spicy Bruno!

Speaker in several conferences:
NBX 22 Berlin|23 Warswa and Berlin|24 Warsaw | WOW Summit 22| NFT NYC23 | NFC 22|23| TON LISBON HUB | Web3 Stronger together | Blockchance23|

Organizer Hackathon : Kirobo

Amb: | NFC Summit | Hyperlens | AILAND |

ChiliBangs : Founder and CVO
Web3 Wednesday LX : Founder and CEO
World Web3 Womens Summit : Founder and CVO

Bruno: is the Founder of Chilibangs: the biggest Web3 community in Portugal and soon to be in Europe He organises Web3 gatherings every Wednesday & is also the portuguese Ambassador of great Web3 international projects & communities. started Ch... Show more

Magali Barreyat-Baron

Magali Barreyat-Baron

J’ai eu le privilège de travailler au cœur d’une diversité et d’une richesse de cultures, de géographies et de métiers peu communes. 10 ans en Angleterre, 10 ans au Pérou en Amérique Latine. Dans des multinationales de la taille d’Unilever, du groupe Danone et de Cadbury Mondelez où, dans mon dernier poste, j’ai dirigé la plateforme d’Innovation globale sur le thème du Wellbeing. Puis en agences créatives et d’innovation jusqu’à monter ma propre structure. Un studio d’Innovation, Red Thread, basé à Lima jusqu’en 2021 et qui a été au service des plus grands groupes péruviens et chiliens, toutes industries confondues.

Ce que j’en ai retiré ? Une certaine addiction au changement, aux rencontres et à la découverte et un sentiment profond de réalisation professionnelle tout du long.
A un niveau plus personnel, une prise de conscience que le fil rouge qui relie tout cela est la dimension humaine que je partage avec toutes les communautés que j’ai croisées.
Formulé autrement, ce chemin m’a amenée à vivre concrètement et consciemment ce que nous -coaches- pouvons parfois mentionner trivialement: qu’au meilleur de nous-mêmes, nous sommes câblés tête-cœur-corps, que cela transcende toutes les différences et nous permet d’identifier ce qui nous rassemble et nous reconnnecte.
Formée à l’Embodiment coaching grâce à la communauté de Embodiment Unlimited fondée par Mark Walsh (réseau ICF), je souhaite partager aujourd’hui avec tous comment notre capacité de transformation individuelle, collective et organisationnelle se décuple quand nous reconnections notre intelligence corporelle à nos intelligences cognitive et émotionnelle.

J’ai eu le privilège de travailler au cœur d’une diversité et d’une richesse de cultures, de géographies et de métiers peu communes. 10 ans en Angleterre, 10 ans au Pérou en Amérique Latine. Dans des multinationales de la taille d’Unilever, du groupe... Show more

Ed de Almeida

Ed de Almeida

Old timer. Developing software since 1984. Mathematician (PhD - Dynamical Systems - MSc Differential Geometry), lecturer, writer and youtuber. Father to Dionysio, a handsome, funny and smart 9-yo autistic guy.

Old timer. Developing software since 1984. Mathematician (PhD - Dynamical Systems - MSc Differential Geometry), lecturer, writer and youtuber. Father to Dionysio, a handsome, funny and smart 9-yo autistic guy. Show more

Thies Johannsen

Thies Johannsen

Thies Johannsen arbeitet an der Schnittstelle zwischen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und den MINT-Disziplinen. In seiner Forschung und Lehre beschäftigt er sich mit Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Nach Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen Forschungsprojekten und in der Forschungsverwaltung hat er mit Praxispartnerinnen* aus Wirtschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung duale Studienangebote entwickelt und koordiniert.

Thies Johannsen arbeitet an der Schnittstelle zwischen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und den MINT-Disziplinen. In seiner Forschung und Lehre beschäftigt er sich mit Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Nach Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen Forschungspro... Show more

Raphael Wimmer

Raphael Wimmer

Raphael Wimmer ist akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik an der Universität Regensburg und leitet die Forschungsgruppe "Physical-Digital Affordances".

Raphael Wimmer ist akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik an der Universität Regensburg und leitet die Forschungsgruppe "Physical-Digital Affordances". Show more

Tiara Jamison

Tiara Jamison

Tiara Jamison
CEO, Millennial Project Management Group

Tiara Jamison is a visionary leader with over 9 years of experience in the project management industry. She founded Millennial Project Management Group in 2022, driven by her extensive background working for tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. With a commitment to Empowering Excellence and Inspiring Impact, Tiara leads her team in redefining project management beyond its conventional boundaries.

Professional Philosophy:
Tiara is propelled by a passion for empowering organizations to thrive and instigating positive change. Her approach transcends traditional project management, focusing on strategic foresight and leveraging cutting-edge technology to not only achieve success but also drive societal impact.

As the CEO of Millennial Project Management Group, Tiara's mission is clear: to empower organizations to thrive in the modern landscape through exceptional project management services. She combines strategic insight, technological expertise, and a commitment to social responsibility to foster lasting success, enrich communities, and inspire positive change.

Tiara envisions Millennial Project Management Group as the foremost global provider of innovative project management solutions. She aims to drive organizational success and societal impact through cutting-edge strategies, technology integration, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Consulting Expertise:
Under Tiara's leadership, Millennial Project Management Group's seasoned consultants bring a wealth of experience to the table. They offer tailored insights and solutions that optimize project management processes, driving sustainable growth for their clients.

"We're not simply managing projects, we're empowering organizations and enriching communities. Our dual commitment to excellence and social responsibility ensures every project leaves a positive footprint on the world." - Tiara Jamison, CEO

Tiara's leadership is characterized by innovation, social responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. She believes in shaping a future where every project holds the potential for positive change, and her dedication to this vision drives Millennial Project Management Group forward as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of today's dynamic business environment.

Tiara Jamison CEO, Millennial Project Management Group Tiara Jamison is a visionary leader with over 9 years of experience in the project management industry. She founded Millennial Project Management Group in 2022, driven by her extensive backgr... Show more

Prof. Dr. Derya Gür-Şeker

Prof. Dr. Derya Gür-Şeker

Derya Gür-Şeker ist Professorin für Kommunikation und Gesellschaft mit Schwerpunkt Soziale Medien an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Als Medien- und Diskursforscherin befasst sie sich mit medialen und sozialen Praktiken in digitalen Kontexten.

Derya Gür-Şeker ist Professorin für Kommunikation und Gesellschaft mit Schwerpunkt Soziale Medien an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. Als Medien- und Diskursforscherin befasst sie sich mit medialen und sozialen Praktiken in digitalen Kontexten. Show more

Freddie Bennett

Freddie Bennett

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger”

Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission.

Do you know anyone who went from:

Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executive…

...To complete the world toughest footrace across the scorching Sahara Desert, fighting blizzards, frostbite and polar bears to run across the Arctic towards the North Pole, and is featured in the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest person to ever run a marathon…dressed as a fisherman?

You do now.

Described by Men’s Health magazine as ‘The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance’, Freddie Bennett is a bestselling author with ‘Starting at Zero - The Guide To Making Your Dreams Come True With Everything Else is F**ked', Apple Top-25 Podcast host, sought after consultant and speaker at a variety of leading global brands including Coca-Cola, Amazon, Microsoft, IHG, Vodafone, Heineken, PwC, Accenture, Virgin Atlantic… and The United Nations.


When it comes to resilience, performing under pressure, strength in adversity and leading through change, Freddie gives you experience, insight and emotion like no other.

Other speakers talk about it. Freddie is the only speaker who has lived it.

New Zealand media calls him “The saviour of the professional services industry” and Men’s Health magazine described him as “The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance”.

But this is not your bog-standard, unrelatable, ‘rally the troops’ yawn-fest delivered by a cookie-cutter, square-jawed ‘motivational speaker’ dropping tired-old cliches.

What makes Freddie unique is that he’s NOT an ex-Navy SEAL, a professional athlete, privileged adventurer or a smooth-talking life coach. He was an everyday corporate manager who battled depression, addiction,imposter syndrome burnout and and breakdown…

…then decided to become extraordinary.

Now, he proves to businesses and individuals that they can achieve the goals they once considered impossible.


From Amazon to Virgin Atlantic, from Coca-Cola to Vodafone, and from PwC to Heineken via IHG, Freddie has graced some of the most iconic stages in the US, Australasia and Europe on topics like:

- Turning a Disruption into Your Unfair Advantage
- How to Create a Win In a Losing Streak
- Fit for The Future: Creating Confidence & Resilience Through Change.
- The Mask of Confidence: Why Imposter Syndrome Is Your Secret to Success
- From Burnout To Breakthrough
- ‘Time-Folding’ to Turbocharge Productivity
- The Authenticity Myth: How to Profit From Your True Nature
- Anabolic Thinking: How to create a win in the toughest of markets

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger” Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission. Do you know anyone who went from: Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executi... Show more

Guillaume Lapierre

Guillaume Lapierre

Guillaume is a senior enterprise agile coach that truly unleash the power of organizations helping them to maximize business value delivered to their customers. With a strong background of over 25 years in digital solutions development, he had the chance to play multiple roles within multiple contexts.

His journey led him to help teams of different organization’s area: IT full spectrum including DevOps, PMO, Portfolio Management, C-Levels, Marketing, Sales, Operations, Legal, Digital, People Management and more. He Coached and trained over 2700 people with the last years with profiles from all around the enterprises. From team members to C-Level Executive, Guillaume has a great pragmatic way to the approach people, organizations, and problems so it becomes clearer to see and choose what options suits them best.

Guillaume is one of the rare DAC Instructor in the world and his implication with Disciplined Agile as an Active member of the DA community in the world. His career is also backed by a Degree in IT as well as many certifications like Microsoft Certified Professional, Professional Scrum Master, Safe Product Owner Product Manager, Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, Certified Disciplined Lean Scrum Master, Certified Disciplined Value Stream Consultant, Certified Disciplined Agile Coach and of course Certified Disciplined Agile Instructor.

A great humanist and passionate, his happiness is realized through the success of others in the accomplishment of their adventure. His mission now is to unleash the potential and talents of all through personalized coaching and high-quality training, recognized worldwide.

Guillaume is a senior enterprise agile coach that truly unleash the power of organizations helping them to maximize business value delivered to their customers. With a strong background of over 25 years in digital solutions development, he had the ch... Show more

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