Physical & Life Sciences

Scholars dedicating their careers to the study of living organisms and non-living systems

Emma Tunstill

Emma Tunstill

Emma is Head of Chemistry at County Upper School, where she teaches chemistry and computer science. She is also a regular presenter of courses for the Norfolk and Suffolk Science Learning Partnership.

Emma is Head of Chemistry at County Upper School, where she teaches chemistry and computer science. She is also a regular presenter of courses for the Norfolk and Suffolk Science Learning Partnership. Show more

Jack Linke

Jack Linke

Jack Linke tends to learn the hard way - and shares the lessons from those experiences with others through blogging, tweets, and speaking engagements. He has been developing software and hardware projects off-and-on for most of his life, but much of his relevant web development experience has been hard-earned over the past four years during development of Watervize - a B2B2B SaaS web application (written in Django) to help irrigation water utility companies improve efficiency, analysis, and communication with staff and agriculture customers.

Jack’s technology interests include Python, the Django project, security, DevOps, HTMX, simulation, GIS, graph theory, data storytelling, and visualization. He is a frequent contributor to the open source community and a contributing member of the Python Software Foundation.

Outside of coding, Jack takes his Husky (Lady Duchess) on adventures, solves unusual math and logic problems, and makes a mess in the kitchen (and life).

Jack Linke tends to learn the hard way - and shares the lessons from those experiences with others through blogging, tweets, and speaking engagements. He has been developing software and hardware projects off-and-on for most of his life, but much of ... Show more

Gabriela Gonzalez

Gabriela Gonzalez

Gabriela González es profesora de física y astronomía en la Universidad Estatal de Luisiana, dedicada a la búsqueda de ondas gravitacionales con el equipo de LIGO. Nació en Córdoba, Argentina, se recibió de licenciada en Física en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, y terminó su doctorado en la Universidad de Syracuse, en EEUU, en 1995. Trabajó en el MIT y en la Universidad Estatal de Pennsylvania antes de mudarse a Luisiana en 2001. Lideró la colaboración científica de LIGO en el período 2011-2017, y participó en 2016 del anuncio del primer descubrimiento de ondas gravitacionales. Ha recibido reconocimientos de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de EEUU; de la Academia Nacional de Ciencia y de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (ambas argentinas); de la Cámara de Senadores de Argentina; y del gobierno provincial de Córdoba. Su grupo de investigación trabaja en mejorar la sensibilidad de los detectores LIGO y en analizar sus datos.

Gabriela González es profesora de física y astronomía en la Universidad Estatal de Luisiana, dedicada a la búsqueda de ondas gravitacionales con el equipo de LIGO. Nació en Córdoba, Argentina, se recibió de licenciada en Física en la Universidad Naci... Show more

Bappaditya Dey

Bappaditya Dey

Dr. Bappaditya Dey is a Senior R&D Engineer, Advanced Patterning at IMEC, Belgium. He is also responsible for developing and optimizing deep learning algorithms and architectures for solving challenging industrial problems in EUV/EBEAM Lithography and SEM Metrology as well as interdisciplinary research collaboration with multiple universities and research teams (across the globe) and mentoring students for their research thesis (MS/PhD) in this domain.

He joined IMEC in 2018 and worked in various roles since then. He received his PhD degree, majoring in Computer Engineering, from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies (CACS), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Physics (Hons.) and Electronic Science from University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and the second M. Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering. from MAKAUT (formerly known as WBUT), Kolkata, India in 2010. He also received his third M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies (CACS), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA in 2017. He is a member of IEEE and SPIE. His research interests include VLSI, microelectronics, reconfigurable hardware, machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and semiconductor process optimization. Till now, he has authored/co-authored 35+ publications and has presented at several international conferences. He has also filed 9 patents so far.

Dr. Bappaditya Dey is a Senior R&D Engineer, Advanced Patterning at IMEC, Belgium. He is also responsible for developing and optimizing deep learning algorithms and architectures for solving challenging industrial problems in EUV/EBEAM Lithography an... Show more

Collin Quiring

Collin Quiring

Collin Quiring is a capable professional with over 20 years of experience in several industries supporting Business Intelligence, Project Management, Resource Management, Product Development, Systems Administration, and Training.
Collin is certified in Power BI and has trained 1000's of individuals in the usage of Power BI ranging from introductory to advanced courses. His passion is for users at all levels to get the most out of the software as possible to be able to produce results that are meaningful and actionable.

Collin Quiring is a capable professional with over 20 years of experience in several industries supporting Business Intelligence, Project Management, Resource Management, Product Development, Systems Administration, and Training. Collin is certifi... Show more

Marc Lamberti

Marc Lamberti

Marc Lamberti is a data engineer, head of customer education at Astronomer, and Udemy instructor with over 60,000 students.
He started his journey with Airflow in 2017 and fell in love with it. Today, he creates content and courses to help as many people as possible get started with Airflow and enjoy its features.

Marc Lamberti is a data engineer, head of customer education at Astronomer, and Udemy instructor with over 60,000 students. He started his journey with Airflow in 2017 and fell in love with it. Today, he creates content and courses to help as many p... Show more

Slobodan Kletnikov

Slobodan Kletnikov

Audrey Long

Audrey Long

Audrey Long is a Senior Security Software Engineer at Microsoft in the Commercial Software Engineering team (CSE), which is a global engineering organization that works directly with the largest companies and not-for-profits in the world to tackle their most significant technical challenges. To Audrey, security is like solving a puzzle, but with real life impact- and she loves to break these puzzles. Because security is such a focal point for many customers, but there are so few people, and especially women in the space, Audrey is passionate about making security accessible both to software engineers and as a career for girls in STEM. She holds DoD secret clearance and a Master of Science degree in Cyber Security at Johns Hopkins.

Audrey Long is a Senior Security Software Engineer at Microsoft in the Commercial Software Engineering team (CSE), which is a global engineering organization that works directly with the largest companies and not-for-profits in the world to tackle th... Show more

Nicolas Reiß

Nicolas Reiß

Nicolas Reiß studierte Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der TU Darmstadt und begann nach einer Tätigkeit in einem Beratungsunternehmen im Bereich Operations 2012 seine Promotion am KIT in Karlsruhe. Dort leitete er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter drei Jahre die Forschungsgruppe Entwicklungsmethodik und -management und begleitete mehrere Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekte im agilen Kontext. Seine Arbeit konzentrierte sich auf die Entwicklung von Ansätzen zur Steigerung der Methodenakzeptanz in agilen Entwicklungsprozessen. Von 2018 bis 2022 arbeitet er als Agile Coach bei Mercedes-Benz und beschäftigt sich mit der Vermittlung agiler Werte in der Organisation, der Weiterentwicklung und Implementierung agiler Methoden sowie dem Coaching der am agilen Prozess beteiligten Rollen. Seit 2022 gestaltet er als Colaboration Manager die Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen der digitalen Transformation bei der EnBW.

Nicolas Reiß studierte Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der TU Darmstadt und begann nach einer Tätigkeit in einem Beratungsunternehmen im Bereich Operations 2012 seine Promotion am KIT in Karlsruhe. Dort leitete er als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter drei... Show more

Mollie Callahan

Mollie Callahan

Mollie Callahan is a Principal High-Tech Anthropologist® at Menlo Innovations, a custom software and organizational development firm in Ann Arbor, MI. Her work includes UX research/design, teaching, and consulting with Menlo clients to create sustainable process and culture change. Mollie’s project experience spans multiple industries, including healthcare, automotive manufacturing, energy, finance, logistics, and insurance. She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan and held a faculty position at Oberlin College prior to joining Menlo.

Mollie Callahan is a Principal High-Tech Anthropologist® at Menlo Innovations, a custom software and organizational development firm in Ann Arbor, MI. Her work includes UX research/design, teaching, and consulting with Menlo clients to create sustai... Show more

Chrisna Khuon

Chrisna Khuon

Chrisna Khuon is a community org. consultant, scholar, activist, and emerging artist. Her ceramic work currently explores her conflicted identity, joy, intergenerational trauma, social justice, and traditional Cambodian ‘Kbach’ design, sometimes intersectionality. She was an apprentice with Cambodian Master Ceramist, Yary Livan, for 2 yrs working under traditional apprenticeship grants in MA. Chrisna has a B.A. of Peace and Conflict studies from UMass Lowell. She is the founder of a community festival, former director of the Lowell Southeast Asian Water Festival, and former project manager at the Center for AsAm Studies, UMass Lowell. She is now the program assistant for the Anti-Asian Racism Project at the Institute for Asian American Studies, UMass Boston.

Chrisna Khuon is a community org. consultant, scholar, activist, and emerging artist. Her ceramic work currently explores her conflicted identity, joy, intergenerational trauma, social justice, and traditional Cambodian ‘Kbach’ design, sometimes inte... Show more

Vlado Vivoda

Vlado Vivoda

Vlado Vivoda has a PhD in international relations, with research focus on global strategy, security and policy aspects of extractive industries. He is an Associate Professor / Associate Researcher at Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He is also an Industry Fellow at the University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute. Vlado was formerly a Senior Lecturer in Strategic Studies at Deakin University and Academic Advisor, Defence and Strategic Studies Course at the Australian War College, Canberra, Australia.

Vlado Vivoda has a PhD in international relations, with research focus on global strategy, security and policy aspects of extractive industries. He is an Associate Professor / Associate Researcher at Rabdan Academy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. H... Show more

Emily Strickland-Dimarco

Emily Strickland-Dimarco

As an ex-Microsoft Senior Customer Success Manager, Emily is an experienced professional with a strong track record of delivering business value for customers, providing extraordinary customer experiences, and driving a people-centric culture of growth. She is passionate about creating a positive impact in her community by volunteering her time as the Executive Director of the Distinguished Young Women of Pennsylvania Scholarship Program which aims to reduce the financial burden of higher education for young women across the state.

As an ex-Microsoft Senior Customer Success Manager, Emily is an experienced professional with a strong track record of delivering business value for customers, providing extraordinary customer experiences, and driving a people-centric culture of grow... Show more

Radek Ostojski

Radek Ostojski

Radek is a DevOps in heart and a multi-cloud architect with many hats on his head during decades of IT.
Dawid is a security expert walking the red path of offensive security, yet he knows the blue world of cyber defence upside down.
We both have a passion for security, and we have been talking about bringing knowledge of it to the community on the same stage together for ages. We hope the day is today and you will enjoy talking and chatting with us about it outside the stand.

Radek is a DevOps in heart and a multi-cloud architect with many hats on his head during decades of IT. Dawid is a security expert walking the red path of offensive security, yet he knows the blue world of cyber defence upside down. We both have a... Show more

Chester Santos

Chester Santos

Chester Santos – “The International Man of Memory” has left an impression on all corners of the earth. With his unique ability to not only demonstrate extraordinary feats of the mind, but also educate others to do the same, this U.S. Memory Champion is widely regarded to be the world’s leading memory skills expert. Through his entertaining & educational television and movie appearances, professional seminars, and best-selling books, Chester has helped millions of people around the world to realize the benefits of an improved memory and sharper mind.

He is highly sought-after by the media for his exceptional skills and expertise. CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, CBS, BBC, and the Science Channel have all featured Chester and his memory building tips for viewers. When newspapers and magazines need memory improvement tips for their readers, they also seek out Chester Santos. He has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, and most recently, TIME Magazine featured his advice for remembering numbers in a December 2018 Special Edition entitled, “The Science of Memory”. The 2020 documentary film, "David vs. Goliath" features Chester Santos and his memory skills training.

Chester is also a best-selling author. His first book, “Instant Memory Training for Success”, was published by leading academic publisher John Wiley & Sons (Wiley) in 2016. It quickly became a bestseller in WHSmith stores across the UK and also on the Amazon UK website in multiple categories. Chester’s second book, “Mastering Memory: Techniques to Turn Your Brain from a Sieve to a Sponge”, was published by leading nonfiction publisher Sterling Publishing (Sterling) in 2018. It is currently (as of 2019) still featured in the Psychology section of almost every Barnes & Noble store across the USA. Chester’s books have been acquired by 246 public libraries worldwide.

As the preeminent thought leader on memory skills and their effect on one’s professional, personal, and academic success, Chester has been booked to give presentations in over 30 countries. He has entertained and educated people of varying backgrounds, including executives for CEO Clubs International and YPO, investment professionals for NASDAQ and Credit Suisse, students for organizations at Berkeley, Stanford, and Harvard, and even actors for the Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) Foundation.

His keynote speaking credits include TEDx with some of the nation’s most highly regarded professors and scientists, the prestigious Talks at Google program featuring “the world’s most influential thinkers, creators, makers and doers”, and the International Festival of Brilliant Minds in Puebla that had him speaking to an audience of 5000 people along with Nobel Prize winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, and other luminaries.

Chester Santos is also the personal memory and mind coach to some notable celebrities, politicians, professional athletes, and high-powered executives.

Chester Santos – “The International Man of Memory” has left an impression on all corners of the earth. With his unique ability to not only demonstrate extraordinary feats of the mind, but also educate others to do the same, this U.S. Memory Champion ... Show more

Xiaochen Zou

Xiaochen Zou

Xiaochen/笑尘 is a Ph.D. candidate at University of California, Riverside. His research is primarily concentrated on Linux kernel fuzzing and program analysis. Xiaochen has developed security tools that discovered multiple Linux kernel vulnerabilities, based on the program analysis techniques. He also has a track record of successfully developing multiple Linux kernel exploits in the past, leading to local privilege escalation on the latest Ubuntu kernel.

Xiaochen/笑尘 is a Ph.D. candidate at University of California, Riverside. His research is primarily concentrated on Linux kernel fuzzing and program analysis. Xiaochen has developed security tools that discovered multiple Linux kernel vulnerabilities,... Show more

Ana Aranda

Ana Aranda

Ana Aranda has more than 25 years of experience in product/project management and business development in multinational companies across the globe; she has been working as as business consultant as well as a trainer in different countries and companies (mainly in Telecom and Bank companies)

She has been working in Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Netherland, USA, Mexico, Panama, Indonesia, Egypt, Sudan, China, India, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Iran, Israel, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, UK, ... handling different kind of teams and different kind of projects, and training all kind of teams in every area related to Project Management (Tools like SAP/PS, Methodology, …) and Human Skills.

Ana is comfortable with challenges and with handling cultural diversity. One of her roles is to foster Project Management culture and improving the human skills aspect in the companies she works for.

She's Telecommunication engineer and she has an executive Master degree in Human Resources Management, she has strong business and technical background that allows fast learning and enables immediate value added generation.

Specialties: She's perseverant, good in communication skills and flexible.
her background allows her to easily understand customers' expectations and demands; helping them to turn problems into opportunities, leading teams in order to "make things happen", to think creatively.
Strength in managing and maintaining long term Customer relationships.
Large IS/IT Background.

Ana Aranda has more than 25 years of experience in product/project management and business development in multinational companies across the globe; she has been working as as business consultant as well as a trainer in different countries and compani... Show more

Timothy Stiles

Timothy Stiles

Timothy Stiles is a San Francisco based software engineer and computational synthetic biologist who writes most of his bioinformatics tooling in Go.

Timothy Stiles is a San Francisco based software engineer and computational synthetic biologist who writes most of his bioinformatics tooling in Go. Show more

Abel E Vasquez

Abel E Vasquez

Biochemist (Universidad de Concepción, Chile) and Ph.D. in Biochemistry (Universidad de Chile, Chile). Head Biotechnology Section, Chilean Public Health Institute (ISP), Chile since 1996. Professor at Universidad del Alba, Santiago, Chile, since 2021. My main research focus is centered on the study of GBS, primarily the development of vaccines based on the sip protein, the development of new detection techniques, and the study of GBS carriage in Chilean pregnant women.

Biochemist (Universidad de Concepción, Chile) and Ph.D. in Biochemistry (Universidad de Chile, Chile). Head Biotechnology Section, Chilean Public Health Institute (ISP), Chile since 1996. Professor at Universidad del Alba, Santiago, Chile, since 2021... Show more

Stéphanie Lescarret

Stéphanie Lescarret

control and data engineer

control and data engineer Show more

Natalie Silmon de Monerri

Natalie Silmon de Monerri

Dr. Silmon de Monerri is a microbiologist with >15 years of experience in basic research in infectious diseases. Dr. Silmon de Monerri received her undergraduate Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Bath, United Kingdom. During her undergraduate years, she developed a passion for infectious diseases and protein biochemistry, while focusing on Staphylococcus aureus mechanisms of immune evasion. She received her PhD in Infection and Immunity in 2010 from the MRC National Institute for Medical Research in London, United Kingdom, which focused on proteases that regulate the malaria parasite life cycle. In 2011, Dr. Silmon de Monerri moved to New York for her postdoctoral training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, which focused on posttranslational modifications and epigenetic regulation using molecular and systems biology approaches in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.
Dr. Silmon de Monerri joined Pfizer in 2017 to focus on microbial genomics and transcriptional regulation in bacterial pathogens. She has been the Molecular Biology / Microbiology team lead for Bacterial Vaccines since 2018, and leads a team of bench scientists focused on early-stage vaccine antigen development and preclinical research. Dr. Silmon de Monerri is the Research Scientific Lead for the Group B Streptococcus vaccine program, where she is responsible for leading scientific strategy as well as internal and external research projects and to support licensure of the Pfizer GBS vaccine candidate.

Dr. Silmon de Monerri is a microbiologist with >15 years of experience in basic research in infectious diseases. Dr. Silmon de Monerri received her undergraduate Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Bath, United Ki... Show more

Aishwarya Das

Aishwarya Das

Aishwarya Das, a graduate of BE Biotechnology from Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, now a Junior research fellow at Central Research Laboratory (CRL) of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences in the field of Microbial Genomics, from a humble background in a financially disadvantaged family, Aishwarya's journey is a testament to her resilience, determination, and unwavering passion for scientific exploration.

Driven by her keen interest in Microbial Genomics, Aishwarya embarked on a project during her undergraduate studies, focusing on the genomic study of Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) organisms(ESKAPE pathogens). This project not only showcased her intellect but also highlighted her ability to navigate complex research methodologies with limited resources.

Recognizing her exceptional young talent and potential, the CRL provided Aishwarya with the necessary guidance, mentorship, and access to state-of-the-art research facilities. This support proved to be instrumental in her extensive genomic studies on Streptococcus agalactiae, where she unraveled critical insights into its genetic diversity, virulence factors, and antibiotic resistance mechanisms.

Despite the challenges she faced, Aishwarya's determination y have made her excel in her research. Her achievements, both academically and professionally, are a testament to her transformative impact on the opportunities and support provided by the CRL. Genomics is poised to make a lasting impact on scientific research and the lives of countless individuals especially in Low-Middle Income Countries

Aishwarya Das, a graduate of BE Biotechnology from Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, now a Junior research fellow at Central Research Laboratory (CRL) of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences in the field of Microbial Genomics, from a humb... Show more

Adrian Tudoran

Adrian Tudoran

Fueled by a relentless passion for technology innovation and agile strategy, Adrian Tudoran is a dynamic leader committed to turning imaginative concepts into practical solutions. As VP of Engineering and Co-Founder at Kubeark, Adrian plays a pivotal role in the deployment of software products to the cloud in record time, obviating the need for complex manual scripts or code. He leads internal team operations, develops tools to expedite product development, and manages the cloud infrastructure utilized by Kubeark.

Adrian's expertise spans DevOps, Python, Go, Kubernetes, and Cloud Ops, making him an invaluable asset to the Kubeark team. He delights in enabling his teams to accomplish more while staunchly adhering to 100% compliance.

Before co-founding Kubeark, Adrian dedicated more than five years at UiPath, first as an Infrastructure Engineer and later as a Software Engineer. In these roles, he honed his skills in designing, developing, troubleshooting, and debugging Infrastructure as Code solutions across multiple cloud platforms. Earlier in his career, Adrian held technical roles at IBM and Bitdefender, where he gained crucial experience in providing steady state support for various systems, troubleshooting and resolving customer issues, and managing complex technical tasks.

Adrian holds a Bachelor's degree in Computerized Systems of Networking and Telecommunications and an Economic Engineer degree in the electric, electronic, and power field from the University Politehnica of Bucharest. With his robust understanding of telecommunications, networking, and data transmission, Adrian is uniquely equipped to address the challenges of today's digital landscape. When he's not leading the charge in technological innovation, he immerses himself in exploring the latest tech trends and spending quality time with family and friends.

Fueled by a relentless passion for technology innovation and agile strategy, Adrian Tudoran is a dynamic leader committed to turning imaginative concepts into practical solutions. As VP of Engineering and Co-Founder at Kubeark, Adrian plays a pivotal... Show more

Olowookere Emmanuel

Olowookere Emmanuel

Olowookere Adeoluwa Emmanuel is a young man passionate about impacting the world starting from his locality. This, he achieves, one step at a time, influencing the next person around him while being optimistic about life and what it has to offer.

In an impatient drive for human development, Adeoluwa founded ÌTÀN in May 2020. ITAN is an online community with over 1100 humans of budding impact, where stories and conversations that matter are shared to inspire Millenials and Gen Z to achieve more. ITAN won the Custodian PLC at 25 Awards for
the most innovative idea for the pandemic in July.

He also founded S&W Tags in 2017. S&W Tags is a brand that makes name tags, door tags, badges and labels for students, organizations and companies boasting of 11 different Universities, Organizations and Churches in its clientele. He was nominated for 25 Under 25 Awards by SME 100 Africa in 2020

His love for business development using social media as a tool has given him opportunities to served as: Chief Operations Officer of The Echo Digital, Executive Producer of TEDxOAU and the Brand Developer of Imagine Cinemas ,Ashley Adegoke Foundation and Head of Events Flux (YC W21)

Currently serving as Product Marketer for
Nguvuhealth and Digital Strategist for Oh Two Studios

He has taught over 3000 people the importance of content marketing, social media optimization, brand
development and securing deals both online and offline.

He has spent over $5000 to $7000 on digital ads for brands and he handled digital campaigns for The Voice
Nigeria, Four Cousins Nigeria, Les Damiers and Fenty Africa with over 1 million impressions across the media platforms.

He has been a Judge for Ife Business School Hackathon (Health Vertical) and Hult Prize, Oduduwa University.

Adeoluwa is a public health enthusiast and a Medical doctor currently serving as the Head of House Officers at Federal Medical Centre, Ebute Metta.

Alongside being a sportsman, he enjoys talking, playing video games and dancing

Olowookere Adeoluwa Emmanuel is a young man passionate about impacting the world starting from his locality. This, he achieves, one step at a time, influencing the next person around him while being optimistic about life and what it has to offer. ... Show more

Ben Strong

Ben Strong

Ben Strong is a technical product lead at Earth Genome, where he oversees the development of the Earth Index project, a quest to build an AI-powered search tool for the environment. Prior to joining Earth Genome, he was a Research Scientist at Google X, working on early stage geospatial ML projects. Ben holds a PhD in geophysics from Stanford University.

Ben Strong is a technical product lead at Earth Genome, where he oversees the development of the Earth Index project, a quest to build an AI-powered search tool for the environment. Prior to joining Earth Genome, he was a Research Scientist at Google... Show more

Nur Fathiha Seeum

Nur Fathiha Seeum

Nur Fathiha Tahiat is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at BRAC University in Bangladesh. She currently works as a Senior Manager in the R&D department of a well-known non-profit organization Bangladesh Extension Education Services (BEES) and has experience as a Student Tutor (ST) and Research Assistant (RA) in several organizations. She is currently a Gold- Microsoft learn student Ambassador having experience working with Azure Machine learning studio, LUIS, and Azure Cognitive services. With a passion for exploring data, doing analysis and drawing conclusions, she considers herself a Data Science and Machine Learning enthusiast. She is particularly interested in the intersection of AI and Public Health Research. In her free time, she enjoys writing, singing, and spending time with her family.

Nur Fathiha Tahiat is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at BRAC University in Bangladesh. She currently works as a Senior Manager in the R&D department of a well-known non-profit organization Bangladesh Extensio... Show more

Nathan Case

Nathan Case

Nathan Case is a successful executive and builder, pushing for change in security and the culture surrounding it. Leading strategic initiatives and the creation of new technologies in the healthcare, information technology and cloud industries, focusing on security. A passion for Incident Response, and operational security in all forms. Pushing the bounds of threat detection and response. Finding new thoughts and bringing them to the fields of security and technology.

Nathan Case is a successful executive and builder, pushing for change in security and the culture surrounding it. Leading strategic initiatives and the creation of new technologies in the healthcare, information technology and cloud industries, focus... Show more

Steven Hinkes

Steven Hinkes

Owner of Surfside Pro Boca. Surfing Instructor

Owner of Surfside Pro Boca. Surfing Instructor Show more

Robert Kellner

Robert Kellner

Ich studierte Diplom Physik an der Universität Bayreuth, promovierte im Bereich der STED-Mikroskopie am MPI für biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen und an der Universität Heidelberg. Nach acht-jähriger Industrietätigkeit bin ich seit 2016 Professor für Physik an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim. Ich verwende aktivierende Lehrmethoden, synchrone und asynchrone digitale Lehre und bin darin interessiert den Lernerfolg der Studierenden immer weiter zu verbessern.

Ich studierte Diplom Physik an der Universität Bayreuth, promovierte im Bereich der STED-Mikroskopie am MPI für biophysikalische Chemie in Göttingen und an der Universität Heidelberg. Nach acht-jähriger Industrietätigkeit bin ich seit 2016 Professor ... Show more

Prachi Garodia

Prachi Garodia

Dr. Garodia is board-certified in Internal Medicine, and a Diplomate of Integrative Medicine and lifestyle medicine. She has also trained in Functional medicine, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Meditation, Mindfulness techniques, positive psychology, Yoga, Acupuncture, Biofeedback, Clinical Hypnosis, Yoga Nidra and various other Complementary and Integrative health modalities. Her Journey in Integrative medicine started 20+ years back. She is passionate about educating and empowering her colleagues and patients.

She serves as the National Education Champion for Whole Health at the OPCC&CT, Whole Health Service Chief and clinical Medical Director at Miami VA, Co-chairs the happiness science and positive health MIG of the ACLM, and serves on the Board of directors for several nonprofits. She has published several journal articles and coauthored several book chapters.

Dr. Garodia is board-certified in Internal Medicine, and a Diplomate of Integrative Medicine and lifestyle medicine. She has also trained in Functional medicine, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Meditation, Mindfulness techniques, positive psychology, Yoga, Ac... Show more

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