Transports & Logistics

Experts in the efficient movement and storage of goods, covering procurement, inventory management, distribution, warehousing, transportation, and risk management

Jared Smith

Jared Smith

Jared Smith is a developer with 10 years experience working mostly with web applications and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) but has also dabbled in hardware emulation, Linux programming, and WebAssembly. These days he's slinging Typescript for the Web Platform team at Kroger. When not writing code or playing video games he's usually on a boat, at the beach, or hiking with his two daughters.

Jared Smith is a developer with 10 years experience working mostly with web applications and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) but has also dabbled in hardware emulation, Linux programming, and WebAssembly. These days he's slinging Typescript ... Show more

Bastien Odic

Bastien Odic

Depuis 2016, j’ai accompagné de nombreuses entreprises dans leur digitalisation interne.
D'entreprise de bricolage européenne, à l'un des leaders de l'industrie du transport maritime, en passant par les institutions publiques et les hôpitaux et aujourd’hui au Canada, j’ai travaillé dans de nombreux secteurs différents.

Mon master en Marketing et stratégie digitale me permet d'avoir une vision plus large et de ne pas seulement voir mes missions comme des projets informatiques.

De par mon parcours, j’assume un double rôle :
- un rôle fonctionnel, centré sur l'expérience utilisateur, la collaboration et la vision stratégique.
- une approche pragmatique, s'appuyant sur le suivi du projet, en analysant les impacts ROI, les KPI, etc.

Depuis le début, je travaille dans un environnement Microsoft, qui apporte des évolutions continuelles d'un point de vue technique, mais aussi sur l'état d'esprit lié à ces sujets.
Ces évolutions orientent et remettent en question les décisions stratégiques et numériques que j’apporte à mes partenaires.

Depuis 2016, j’ai accompagné de nombreuses entreprises dans leur digitalisation interne. D'entreprise de bricolage européenne, à l'un des leaders de l'industrie du transport maritime, en passant par les institutions publiques et les hôpitaux et aujo... Show more

Jason Judd

Jason Judd

Jason’s true passion is turning data into information to optimize the decision-making process. Using state of the art technology in ML/AI, his teams optimize the decision-making process beyond what the human mind can attain. Previously, Jason lead the algorithm team of a successful software startup in the Supply Chain Optimization domain resulting in a $1.5B evaluation. He is currently the SVP of Engineering and Innovations Lab Lead at Optilogic (and Chief Tinkerer at home). Jason holds a PhD and Master’s degree from Virginia Tech in Operations Research and two Undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Economics from Southern Utah University.
Jason is an experienced Supply Chain optimization leader, deep in the field of OR, ML and AI. Driven by innovation and impact, he takes pride in providing the most optimal solution while keeping it simple. As an innovator, his goals include mentoring the next generation of people, tools, and technologies to disrupt the industry.
In addition to his primary job functions, Jason is a technical hobbyist who recently sent two high-altitude balloons to near-space with a successful recovery of the photos and gear, while enjoying 3D printing, rockets, planes, drones, and automobiles.

Jason’s true passion is turning data into information to optimize the decision-making process. Using state of the art technology in ML/AI, his teams optimize the decision-making process beyond what the human mind can attain. Previously, Jason lead ... Show more

David Pineda

David Pineda

Ingeniero electricista Universidad de Chile, desarrollador de software, (c)Magister en ciencia de datos UChile, integrante del área de Geodesia en CSN. Activista por la cultura libre y los bienes comunes, tejedor de redes del común. Literario, profesor de tecnologías y herramientas libres, buen compa :) Me quedo varios días y así participar en cualquier actividad relacionadas que se genere a partir de las propuestas desarrolladas.

Ingeniero electricista Universidad de Chile, desarrollador de software, (c)Magister en ciencia de datos UChile, integrante del área de Geodesia en CSN. Activista por la cultura libre y los bienes comunes, tejedor de redes del común. Literario, profes... Show more

Jonathan Briggs

Jonathan Briggs

Jonathan resides in Ohio with his wife Beth and their 3 kids that are now in the 5th grade. He’s had 3 basic sectors across his career of supply chain robotics, ecommerce and omni channel fulfillment and small parcel delivery. He’s currently the VP of Sales & Solutions at Nimble Robotics where he heads up sales and their parcel strategy. He has also been at Dexterity Robotics where he was focused on automation for the parcel carriers. Prior to that he headed up sales at Quiet Platforms a 3rd Party Fulfillment provider for ecommerce and omni channel brands that recently got acquired by American Eagle. He also worked at DHL eCommerce, FedEx, DHL Express and UPS across many roles in those organizations. When he’s not working you will most likely find him at youth sport fields and gyms supporting his kids in soccer, football, basketball, golf and other such sports. He is also proud to be a Clemson Tiger and is always happy to chat about the college football landscape.

Jonathan resides in Ohio with his wife Beth and their 3 kids that are now in the 5th grade. He’s had 3 basic sectors across his career of supply chain robotics, ecommerce and omni channel fulfillment and small parcel delivery. He’s currently the VP o... Show more

Sjuul Janssen

Sjuul Janssen

Sjuul is working as SRE within Toyota Motor Europe and trying to introduce the concept of SRE there. His background is in python, monitoring and cloud.

Sjuul is working as SRE within Toyota Motor Europe and trying to introduce the concept of SRE there. His background is in python, monitoring and cloud. Show more

Michael Mann

Michael Mann

20 years in Software Development have given me a broad perspective. I worked in Javascript before frameworks like Angular and React existed. I long for simplicity in software systems. My recent focus has been on reducing cycle time and resource waste, and building observability and resiliency into software systems.

20 years in Software Development have given me a broad perspective. I worked in Javascript before frameworks like Angular and React existed. I long for simplicity in software systems. My recent focus has been on reducing cycle time and resource wa... Show more

Mashhood Rastgar

Mashhood Rastgar

Mashhood leads the engineering team at He enjoys building awesome products and working with open source technologies. He is also an active developer community member, is currently serving as a Google Developer Expert. He is often seen speaking at conferences and mentoring different startups.

Mashhood leads the engineering team at He enjoys building awesome products and working with open source technologies. He is also an active developer community member, is currently serving as a Google Developer Expert. He is often seen... Show more

Jim McLaughlin

Jim McLaughlin

Jim is the Lead Technical Architect at YRC Worldwide, HQ'd in Overland Park, KS. He started his professional software development career the Kansas City area in 1988 after graduating from Graceland University (IA) with a degree in Computer Science. Jim has worked with a wide range of technologies over the years including C++, JavaScript, Java, and C#/ His current interests include Java Spring, JavaScript, PowerShell, Python, Serverless Cloud Computing, and Functional Programming.

Jim is the Lead Technical Architect at YRC Worldwide, HQ'd in Overland Park, KS. He started his professional software development career the Kansas City area in 1988 after graduating from Graceland University (IA) with a degree in Computer Science. ... Show more

John Stovin

John Stovin

John has been a software developer for longer than he cares to remember. He learned to program on a Commodore PET back in the 1970s.

He lives in the heart of the Peak District and has spent the last 20 years working for various companies in and around Sheffield, working on systems for Marine Navigation, DVD production, and Educational Administration among others. He also teaches part-time at the Department of Computer Science at The University of Sheffield.

He regularly attends and occasionally presents at the Sheffield .NET User Group and at (def_shef), the Sheffield Functional Programming interest group. He has also presented at DDDNorth and DDDSouthWest on several occasions, and at other user groups.

John has been a software developer for longer than he cares to remember. He learned to program on a Commodore PET back in the 1970s. He lives in the heart of the Peak District and has spent the last 20 years working for various companies in and ar... Show more

Alejandro Oviedo

Alejandro Oviedo

Alejandro is a developer who loves learning new things. He is passionate about education, electronics, Open Source, and community-driven events.

Alejandro is a developer who loves learning new things. He is passionate about education, electronics, Open Source, and community-driven events. Show more

Essam Shaaban

Essam Shaaban

I am a Microsoft Power Platform Senior Developer with over five years of experience building solutions and digitalizing organizational processes. I have worked with bp company to develop and implement innovative solutions that have helped to streamline and improve business operations. My expertise lies in leveraging the capabilities of the Power Platform to create custom applications that are intuitive, user-friendly, and tailored to the organization's needs. I have extensive knowledge of the Power Platform, including Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI, and I am passionate about helping organizations realize their digital transformation goals.

I am a Microsoft Power Platform Senior Developer with over five years of experience building solutions and digitalizing organizational processes. I have worked with bp company to develop and implement innovative solutions that have helped to streamli... Show more

Scott McCue

Scott McCue

- 34 years experience in airline aircraft maintenance
- Elite sportsperson in rowing, cycling and motorcycle racing
- Mentor and coach in high human performance
- Conference speaker

- 34 years experience in airline aircraft maintenance - Elite sportsperson in rowing, cycling and motorcycle racing - Mentor and coach in high human performance - Conference speaker Show more

Tiago Aurich

Tiago Aurich

Com uma experiência geral de 27 anos em TI, atuando em gestão e condução de projetos, mapeamento de processos, coordenação e capacitação de equipes para o desenvolvimento de produtos digitais, integração de sistemas, migração de sistemas legados e gerenciamento de implantação. Vivência em empresas nacionais e multinacionais nas áreas de Saúde Suplementar, Mercado Financeiro, Logística, Comércio Exterior, Aviação Civil, Serviço Notarial e TI Industrial.

A variedade de projetos pela qual passei me concedeu muitas oportunidades de aprendizado e me permitiu desenvolver competências como ampla visão sistêmica, forte articulação, uma grande flexibilidade para atuar em ambientes dinâmicos e resiliência para sistemas de alta criticidade. Já pude contribuir atuando em variados papéis como Coordenador de Equipes, Gerente de Projetos, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Analista de Processos, Analista de Sistemas, Líder Técnico, Administrador de Banco de Dados e Desenvolvedor.

Meu foco principal é o comprometimento com a palavra dada e o alinhamento com o propósito e a missão da empresa, contribuindo com tudo o que aprendi ao longo da carreira para a maximização dos resultados. Busco um constante desenvolvimento técnico e cultural em tudo o que faço a fim de poder prestar um melhor serviço. Me especializei na abordagem ágil com Scrum, Kanban e DevOps, e sigo de perto a forma como as empresas têm buscado meios híbridos de gestão para atingir seus objetivos.

Com uma experiência geral de 27 anos em TI, atuando em gestão e condução de projetos, mapeamento de processos, coordenação e capacitação de equipes para o desenvolvimento de produtos digitais, integração de sistemas, migração de sistemas legados e ge... Show more

Seth Samuel

Seth Samuel

Seth Samuel is a versatile DevOps Engineer at Youverify, an identity verification company. With a master's degree in Management Information Systems and numerous cloud engineering certifications, including AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Google Professional Cloud Architect and Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer, Seth excels in automating and optimizing software delivery using tools like Terraform, GitHub, Grafana, Docker, ArgoCD, Kubernetes etc. His digital marketing background enhances customer engagement and user experience.

Previously, Seth spent over five years as a Lead Consultant, advising clients on marketing strategy and imparting skills in website design, social and search campaigns, and training. Seth is a highly motivated, results-driven professional with a commitment to excellence and collaboration.

Seth Samuel is a versatile DevOps Engineer at Youverify, an identity verification company. With a master's degree in Management Information Systems and numerous cloud engineering certifications, including AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Google Prof... Show more

Vincent Martin

Vincent Martin

Ingénieur d'études puis chef de projet, je mets le doigt en 2009 dans la marmite Agile et je deviens Scrum Master. Depuis cette date, j'accompagne les équipes et les organisations dans la mise en place et leur transformation vers l'agilité.
Je suis coach agile chez CGI depuis 2019.

Ingénieur d'études puis chef de projet, je mets le doigt en 2009 dans la marmite Agile et je deviens Scrum Master. Depuis cette date, j'accompagne les équipes et les organisations dans la mise en place et leur transformation vers l'agilité. Je suis ... Show more

Bryant Avey

Bryant Avey

Bryant Avey is the Chief Geek for internuntius. Bryant has over twenty years of technical and management experience in a wide range of industries and organizations from start-ups to Dow 30 corporations. He has also worked with over 40 state and local government entities. Bryant specializes in data integration and data architecture as well as application and solution architecture. He is the author of the upcoming book, Data at the Enterprise Level: The Next Convergence.

Bryant Avey is the Chief Geek for internuntius. Bryant has over twenty years of technical and management experience in a wide range of industries and organizations from start-ups to Dow 30 corporations. He has also worked with over 40 state and local... Show more

Ankur Saini

Ankur Saini

Ankur Saini is a technologist who partners with CXOs, Product Owners and Developers to deliver business value through successful technology initiatives. He has over 15 years of experience leading multimillion dollar software development and IT infrastructure support initiatives. With a love for problem solving and technology, Ankur aspires to develop solutions that reduce complexity for everyone.

As the Director for Information Technology at Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Ankur is responsible for establishing the technology strategy for FMCSA that enables the agency mission of reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. Prior to joining FMCSA, Ankur served in Program Management roles at General Services Administration (GSA) managing low-code application development initiatives for the GSA Real Estate Exchange (G-REX) and leading digital transformation initiatives for the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU). Before joining the federal workforce in 2016, Ankur worked in the private sector for over 15 years in roles with federal government contractor firms that demonstrate progressive growth – from an individual contributor as a software developer to leading a team providing infrastructure operations to a leader running business operations for an entire division.

Ankur is originally from New Delhi, India but has lived in the Washington, DC metropolitan area for almost 20 years. He has Bachelor’s degrees in Physics and Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Maryland. When not staring at a screen, Ankur can most likely be found playing cricket or exploring the globe satisfying his wanderlust.

Ankur Saini is a technologist who partners with CXOs, Product Owners and Developers to deliver business value through successful technology initiatives. He has over 15 years of experience leading multimillion dollar software development and IT infras... Show more

Patrick Marlow

Patrick Marlow

Patrick is a Staff Engineer on the Vertex Applied AI Incubator team, where he focuses on building tooling and reusable assets to extend Google’s cutting-edge LLM technologies. He specializes in the Conversational AI ecosystem, working with products such as Vertex Agents, Vertex Search and Conversation, and Dialogflow CX. Previously, he was an AI Engineer in Google’s Professional Services Organization. Prior to Google, he was the Principal Data Architect at Levelset, a construction technology company, specializing in NLP Data Pipelines and OCR tooling. Patrick also worked as the Director of Engineering and Data Science for, a Conversational AI company, delivering chat and voice bots to Fortune 500 clients across the Banking, Hospitality, Entertainment, and Retail verticals.

Patrick studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin.
He is the author and maintainer of several Open Source works including CXLint, an automatic linter for Dialogflow CX, and the Dialogflow CX Scripting API (SCRAPI) which is utilized by developers worldwide to supercharge bot building and analysis in Dialogflow CX.

Patrick is a Staff Engineer on the Vertex Applied AI Incubator team, where he focuses on building tooling and reusable assets to extend Google’s cutting-edge LLM technologies. He specializes in the Conversational AI ecosystem, working with products s... Show more

Anuj Patil

Anuj Patil

Spatial Data Scientist at Volunteer Transportation Center. With a passion for spatial analysis, I decode patterns hidden within pixels, transforming them into actionable pathways. Whether optimizing transit routes or mapping rural communities, I bridge data science and geospatial magic.

Spatial Data Scientist at Volunteer Transportation Center. With a passion for spatial analysis, I decode patterns hidden within pixels, transforming them into actionable pathways. Whether optimizing transit routes or mapping rural communities, I brid... Show more

Carsten Lund Meilbak

Carsten Lund Meilbak

Carsten has done Microsoft communication for more than 10 years – before that many years in the telco industry. Working with meeting rooms has become his new passion.
Carsten is Microsoft MVP in Teams

Carsten has done Microsoft communication for more than 10 years – before that many years in the telco industry. Working with meeting rooms has become his new passion. Carsten is Microsoft MVP in Teams Show more

Chika Onoh

Chika Onoh

Developer avid [hecked #cyromaventools]: #davidconoh | #gizmodabneon for securing experiences on cloud environments. 🎉

Developer avid [hecked #cyromaventools]: #davidconoh | #gizmodabneon for securing experiences on cloud environments. 🎉 Show more

Alvaro San Roman Garcia

Alvaro San Roman Garcia

Logistics and Purchase management. Business Intelligence and Power BI Development

Logistics and Purchase management. Business Intelligence and Power BI Development Show more

Steven Coochin

Steven Coochin

Senior Dev Advocate Lumigo, AWS Community Builder. Dev/Maker/Geek/Speaker/streamer/ruralite 🐴🐶🏞️ Prev @snyksec @IBMDeveloper @telstradev @XeroAPI @PayPalDev

Senior Dev Advocate Lumigo, AWS Community Builder. Dev/Maker/Geek/Speaker/streamer/ruralite 🐴🐶🏞️ Prev @snyksec @IBMDeveloper @telstradev @XeroAPI @PayPalDev Show more

Torsten Ahlemeyer

Torsten Ahlemeyer

Torsten Ahlemeyer has been implementing billing and master data applications in major projects for over 19 years. The business informatics graduate started out as a developer and then made a name for himself as a project manager in software development in the field of international projects. The Microsoft technology from the operating system to the programming languages was used in all projects in the same way as the MS SQL server (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, ...). As an IT consultant, Torsten Ahlemeyer helps customers of arelium GmbH mainly in the role of project manager but also as an architect, DB consultant or T-SQL specialist in the implementation of more complex database projects.

Torsten Ahlemeyer
Project manager / IT consultant

Tel .: 0049 2173 2699970
Mobile: 0049 171 2863685

Torsten Ahlemeyer has been implementing billing and master data applications in major projects for over 19 years. The business informatics graduate started out as a developer and then made a name for himself as a project manager in software developme... Show more

Sheldon Peacock

Sheldon Peacock

Developer, Implementation Consultant and Product Manager with 20 years NAV/BC experience from multiple industries.
Now leading Aptean's next gen Food and Beverage program for Fresh.

Developer, Implementation Consultant and Product Manager with 20 years NAV/BC experience from multiple industries. Now leading Aptean's next gen Food and Beverage program for Fresh. Show more

Julio Xicay

Julio Xicay

Soy un apasionado de la innovación tecnológica y tengo una sólida experiencia en el desarrollo y la implementación de soluciones utilizando la Power Platform de Microsoft. Durante los últimos 10 años, he liderado numerosos proyectos en los que he aprovechado al máximo las capacidades de Power Apps, Power Automate y Power BI para impulsar la eficiencia operativa y la toma de decisiones basadas en datos.
Algunos de mis logros destacados incluyen:
• Desarrollo de una aplicación personalizada de gestión de procesos internos utilizando Power Apps, que redujo los tiempos de respuesta en un 30%.
• Implementación de flujos de trabajo automatizados con Power Automate, lo que resultó en una optimización significativa de los procesos de negocio y una reducción del error humano.
• Creación de paneles de control dinámicos y visualmente atractivos en Power BI para proporcionar insights en tiempo real a los equipos de dirección, contribuyendo así a una toma de decisiones más informada.
Habilidades informáticas: Mi formación y experiencia profesional me han dotado de una amplia gama de habilidades informáticas, que van desde el desarrollo de software hasta el análisis de datos. Entre mis habilidades destacadas se encuentran:
• Diseño de interfaces de usuario intuitivas y centradas en el usuario.
• Experiencia en el diseño y mantenimiento de bases de datos relacionales y no relacionales.
• Conocimientos sólidos en análisis de datos y creación de informes.
Como CEO de Smart502, lidero un equipo dedicado a la entrega de soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras para nuestros clientes. Desde nuestra fundación, hemos sido pioneros en la adopción de tecnologías emergentes, incluida la Power Platform de Microsoft, para ofrecer soluciones empresariales personalizadas y eficaces. Algunos de nuestros logros notables incluyen:
• Desarrollo de aplicaciones personalizadas para empresas de diversos sectores, utilizando la Power Platform como piedra angular de nuestras soluciones.
• Colaboración con Microsoft en proyectos conjuntos para impulsar la adopción de la Power Platform en la región.

Soy un apasionado de la innovación tecnológica y tengo una sólida experiencia en el desarrollo y la implementación de soluciones utilizando la Power Platform de Microsoft. Durante los últimos 10 años, he liderado numerosos proyectos en los que he apr... Show more

Glebs Kiselovs

Glebs Kiselovs

I left job at J.P.Morgan back in 2016 in order to launch my own company in Building Automation industry in Latvia - Echoo Group.
After growing this company to 75 people and acquiring the largest Parking Automation manufacturer in the Baltics - BISS, we set a big goal - to become No.1 Company for the customers in Building and Parking Automation.

Now I constantly challenge myself to become the best at everything we do for our customers - best product, best processes, best team, best sales.
I thrive to build something that will bring industry to the next level.

I left job at J.P.Morgan back in 2016 in order to launch my own company in Building Automation industry in Latvia - Echoo Group. After growing this company to 75 people and acquiring the largest Parking Automation manufacturer in the Baltics - BISS... Show more

Guri Grewal

Guri Grewal

Analytics, AI/ML leader and strategic advisor with 20+ years’ industry experience driving digital transformation, business strategy and growth for some of the largest F500 enterprises including Amazon (AWS), Hitachi, GE, Visa and Walmart. Known for visionary and innovative “data-as-a-product” approach that has enabled customers monetize value in their data at-scale and launch new digital products with faster speed to market. A hands-on Analytics and ML expert, with track record of packaging complete turn-key digital solutions spanning sensors-to-edge-to-cloud. Vast experience driving large and complex digital transformation initiatives in manufacturing, telecommunications, transportation, retail, healthcare, financial services and energy.

Analytics, AI/ML leader and strategic advisor with 20+ years’ industry experience driving digital transformation, business strategy and growth for some of the largest F500 enterprises including Amazon (AWS), Hitachi, GE, Visa and Walmart. Known for v... Show more

Greg Cupal

Greg Cupal

Greg Cupal began working in manufacturing where his career advanced by using Lean Process Improvement techniques to build efficiency in his departments. His business insights and technical ability eventually lead him to support, design and testing roles at a major ERP software vendor. Greg has been using mental models to diagnose collaboration and coordination problems throughout his career. The practical application of mental models has inspired him to learn and apply the related topics of Systems Thinking and Complex Adaptive Systems.

Greg Cupal began working in manufacturing where his career advanced by using Lean Process Improvement techniques to build efficiency in his departments. His business insights and technical ability eventually lead him to support, design and testing ro... Show more

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