Transports & Logistics

Experts in the efficient movement and storage of goods, covering procurement, inventory management, distribution, warehousing, transportation, and risk management

Elizabeth McCartney

Elizabeth McCartney

As a cartographer in the US Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Program, Elizabeth serves as lead for the National Digital Trails Project and National Map Support Themes (Transportation, Structures, and Boundaries).

Past roles include Applied Research at the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center where her focus was improvement of vector data themes through partnerships, data sharing, and research; team lead for the USGS Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) project known as The National Map Corps; and regional POC for the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) where she provided technical support and training to seven states in the creation and management of NHD products.

As a cartographer in the US Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Program, Elizabeth serves as lead for the National Digital Trails Project and National Map Support Themes (Transportation, Structures, and Boundaries). Past roles include ... Show more

Lacroix Scott

Lacroix Scott

Lacroix is an NYC based Web 3.0 strategy consultant who has spent over the past 10+ years leading digital transformation for global media brands such as Conde Nast, Viacom, and Disney.

She has worked with NFT creators and collectors on the growing interest in web 3.0 for women and historically excluded communities and how they can be represented and supported.

During NFT NYC 2021 she hosted the first all-female & BIPOC panel, “ Women in NFTs: Making Space in the Metaverse” and will be presenting at NFTNYC 2022.

Lacroix is an NYC based Web 3.0 strategy consultant who has spent over the past 10+ years leading digital transformation for global media brands such as Conde Nast, Viacom, and Disney. She has worked with NFT creators and collectors on the growin... Show more

Freddie Bennett

Freddie Bennett

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger”

Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission.

Do you know anyone who went from:

Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executive…

...To complete the world toughest footrace across the scorching Sahara Desert, fighting blizzards, frostbite and polar bears to run across the Arctic towards the North Pole, and is featured in the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest person to ever run a marathon…dressed as a fisherman?

You do now.

Described by Men’s Health magazine as ‘The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance’, Freddie Bennett is a bestselling author with ‘Starting at Zero - The Guide To Making Your Dreams Come True With Everything Else is F**ked', Apple Top-25 Podcast host, sought after consultant and speaker at a variety of leading global brands including Coca-Cola, Amazon, Microsoft, IHG, Vodafone, Heineken, PwC, Accenture, Virgin Atlantic… and The United Nations.


When it comes to resilience, performing under pressure, strength in adversity and leading through change, Freddie gives you experience, insight and emotion like no other.

Other speakers talk about it. Freddie is the only speaker who has lived it.

New Zealand media calls him “The saviour of the professional services industry” and Men’s Health magazine described him as “The foremost expert in mindset, resilience and high performance”.

But this is not your bog-standard, unrelatable, ‘rally the troops’ yawn-fest delivered by a cookie-cutter, square-jawed ‘motivational speaker’ dropping tired-old cliches.

What makes Freddie unique is that he’s NOT an ex-Navy SEAL, a professional athlete, privileged adventurer or a smooth-talking life coach. He was an everyday corporate manager who battled depression, addiction,imposter syndrome burnout and and breakdown…

…then decided to become extraordinary.

Now, he proves to businesses and individuals that they can achieve the goals they once considered impossible.


From Amazon to Virgin Atlantic, from Coca-Cola to Vodafone, and from PwC to Heineken via IHG, Freddie has graced some of the most iconic stages in the US, Australasia and Europe on topics like:

- Turning a Disruption into Your Unfair Advantage
- How to Create a Win In a Losing Streak
- Fit for The Future: Creating Confidence & Resilience Through Change.
- The Mask of Confidence: Why Imposter Syndrome Is Your Secret to Success
- From Burnout To Breakthrough
- ‘Time-Folding’ to Turbocharge Productivity
- The Authenticity Myth: How to Profit From Your True Nature
- Anabolic Thinking: How to create a win in the toughest of markets

“I learned about decision-making when a drug dealer held a gun to my head and pulled the trigger” Freddie Bennett is a man on a mission. Do you know anyone who went from: Stressed, depressed, addicted, unfit and overweight corporate executi... Show more

Diego Álvarez

Diego Álvarez

Con más de 15 años navegando por el dinámico mundo de la arquitectura de software, me he dedicado a construir, diseñar e implementar soluciones robustas y escalables para diversos sectores de la industria. Mi compromiso es con la innovación y la eficiencia, y a lo largo de mi carrera, he adoptado y perfeccionado mis habilidades en tecnologías clave que han sido esenciales para el éxito de mis proyectos.

Tecnologías más usadas:
- .NET Core: Versiones superiores a 2.1
- .NET Framework: Desde la versión 2 en adelante
- SQL Server: Experiencia desde la versión 2005
- Lenguaje de programación: C#

Mi pasión radica en resolver desafíos complejos y en llevar las ideas desde el concepto hasta la realidad utilizando las mejores prácticas y herramientas disponibles

Con más de 15 años navegando por el dinámico mundo de la arquitectura de software, me he dedicado a construir, diseñar e implementar soluciones robustas y escalables para diversos sectores de la industria. Mi compromiso es con la innovación y la efic... Show more

Feliana Citradewi

Feliana Citradewi

Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feliana Citradewi is a passionate entrepreneur with a multitude of achievements in numerous domains. Founder of the start-up LiVert, which is disrupting the e-commerce sector, as well as its predecessor ShopMate, in parallel she promotes international business relationships through FC IMD consulting. Co-founder of Women Circle Club and Vice-President of Asian Female Founder Foundation as well as President of honour of FemmEntreprendre.

She was a former consultant and business manager at Randstad consulting subsidiary Uno&Company, a corporate communication manager for the CEO of L'Oreal group, a project manager for an open government program at the OECD, a project manager at Préfecture and mayor office at Ardennes department, as well as a consultant at Fitch ratings.

She started her journey in France by studying Public law, then pursued double degrees twice: firstly a Master of International law & Master of Political sciences at SciencesPo;
secondly, she graduated from Sorbonne and the École Nationale d'Administration (ENA), where she was the first Indonesian woman who had ever entered this prestigious school where most French presidents and ministers were educated. Finally, she also did online courses in Philosophy from MIT, in Negotiation from HEC, Business Creation Engineering from VentureLab and English classes at Oxford colleges.

Besides serving as an immense pride for herself and her family, the multiple courses allowed her to deepen her understanding related to government decision-making and the impact of private/public policies, and allowed her to become an expert on public affairs and international matters.

While working on difficult challenges, her driver is the Indonesian proverb "Diligence is the beginning of brilliance."
In a perpetual quest for meaning, Feliana would be keen to pass on the ecological values ​​instilled by a mother from the Borneo forest, as well as contribute to creating wealth and its more fair distribution in the world. Thus, she is open to any opportunities that would be a stepping stone for that purpose through her professional and personal projects.

Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, Feliana Citradewi is a passionate entrepreneur with a multitude of achievements in numerous domains. Founder of the start-up LiVert, which is disrupting the e-commerce sector, as well as its predecessor ShopMate, in parall... Show more

Maha Koutb

Maha Koutb

Hi, my name is Maha,
Data professional and Operation control engineer with 12 years of professional experience, passionate about data, process improvement, and management.
Started my career as a chemical engineer in 2012 and gained professional experience in chemicals manufacturing in the QC, production, RD sectors, and sales management as well. After that, I followed my curiosity to discover a new industry and accepted an offer from a leading company in marine services as a reefer operation engineer in 2015. There, I started working with a huge amount of data and ERP systems.

My journey has many chapters, as I am a curious person who is addicted to learning and discovering the world around me, even in my career. I was courageous enough to shift my career twice, but I don't really call it a shift. I call it widely increasing my areas of knowledge. I worked as a chemical engineer and sales engineer before starting my career as a reefer service engineer. Once I started working in the marine industry, especially container service, I realized that I was working with a huge amount of data and needed to learn more about data management tools to improve the quality of my work. So, I decided to learn more about data and started my journey with analytics. started learning data in 2020 with FWD and earned my first degree in data, the Advanced Data Analysis Nanodegree, from Udacity after one year.

Data Experience 2020 to present.

I am a highly motivated and experienced data analyst with a Proven ability to analyze large data. I have a deep understanding of the data analysis process and I am skilled in using a variety of tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights from data. I am also an excellent communicator, and I can present my findings in a clear and concise manner.

Data Analysis and visualization tools :
◾ Power BI
◾ Matplotlib
◾ Seaborn
◾ Google Data Studio – Looker
◾ Pivot Chart – Excel

Data Cleaning & preprocessing tools
◾ Excel
◾ Power Query- Query editor
◾ Python
◾ Pandas

Data Manipulation tools
◾ NumPy

Other tools
◾ Jupyter
◾ Google colab

Finally, I enjoy spreading the power of data and believe that learning is never-ending. I will always be eager to learn more.

Contact me :

◾ linked in :
◾ Youtube :
◾ GitHib :
◾ Portfolio :
◾ Facebook :

Hi, my name is Maha, Data professional and Operation control engineer with 12 years of professional experience, passionate about data, process improvement, and management. Started my career as a chemical engineer in 2012 and gained professional ex... Show more

Antoine Bermon

Antoine Bermon

Technology enthusiast

Member of the "containers" team at SNCF (France) for 6 years, contributing and promoting our internal kubernetes service and containers practices, and now the cloud-native ecosystem.

Technology enthusiast Member of the "containers" team at SNCF (France) for 6 years, contributing and promoting our internal kubernetes service and containers practices, and now the cloud-native ecosystem. Show more

Alena Keck

Alena Keck

I consider myself to be an Agile and Lean Enthusiast navigating Automotive Transformation challenges and helping OEMs and Tier 1 Suppliers to deliver business value faster. With courage, passion and delight I drive Agility in the most complex environment of automotive embedded systems.
My vision is to help Automotive industry to reinvent itself and solve its toughest challenges by tapping into the power of Lean-Agile Transformation.
My mission is to be a strong change agent and to generate a critical mass of Lean and Agile leaders, capable to drive the change in Automotive by creating empowered cross-functional self-organizing teams, embracing the concept of value stream and flow and taking an active role in removing transformation roadblocks.
Dedicating my entire career path Automotive challenges, I started my agile journey at the Daimler's corporate incubator and innovation hub "Daimler Business Innovation", known as "Lab 1886”. Later on I was a strong catalyst of Scaled Agile Transformation at the Digital Solution Center at Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA, bringing energy, fun and delight to the first Agile Release Train. After that as part of Engineering leadership team I shaped Lean-Agile Transformation journey for Advanced Safety and User Experience product line at Aptiv, helping large co-located and distributed engineering program teams to leverage the benefits of lean and agile principles in complex embedded system environment.

I would love to promote agility in such a complex environment as automotive to a broader audience in order to encourage agilists around the world not to give up challenging transformations.

I consider myself to be an Agile and Lean Enthusiast navigating Automotive Transformation challenges and helping OEMs and Tier 1 Suppliers to deliver business value faster. With courage, passion and delight I drive Agility in the most complex environ... Show more

Dan Dang

Dan Dang

En recherche constante de sens, et de relations humaines, passionné du digital et du produit, amateur de sport de raquettes, fasciné par l'humain et ses interactions… j'ai trouvé LE terrain de jeu parfait dans le Product Management, et désormais le Product Growth en concevant des produits / services / expériences qui font sens et apportent un réel impact positif pour la Planète et l’Humain.

En recherche constante de sens, et de relations humaines, passionné du digital et du produit, amateur de sport de raquettes, fasciné par l'humain et ses interactions… j'ai trouvé LE terrain de jeu parfait dans le Product Management, et désormais le P... Show more

Dilraj Singh

Dilraj Singh

Cloud Architect with more than 13 years of experience, certified in multiple cloud (AWS, Google and Azure) also certified in Kubernetes and Infrastructure As Code having hold on project management as certified Scrum Master and Product Owner.

Cloud Architect with more than 13 years of experience, certified in multiple cloud (AWS, Google and Azure) also certified in Kubernetes and Infrastructure As Code having hold on project management as certified Scrum Master and Product Owner. Show more

Jim Kudirka

Jim Kudirka

With over 30 years of software engineering experience and 22+ years of leading development teams and projects, Jim Kudirka is the Founder and Chief Architect of Premier Software Systems, a company that helps organizations achieve sustainable and repeatable best practices in software engineering. He is an expert in software design techniques and engineering principles that optimize quality, time-to-market, and cost-effectiveness.

As a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach, Jim dedicates his time to sharing his knowledge and skills with other software professionals and organizations. He has a passion for creating and delivering innovative solutions that meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders. Jim has extensive experience in agile methodologies, .NET, and RESTful APIs, and has successfully led and implemented several large-scale and complex projects across various domains and platforms.

With over 30 years of software engineering experience and 22+ years of leading development teams and projects, Jim Kudirka is the Founder and Chief Architect of Premier Software Systems, a company that helps organizations achieve sustainable and repe... Show more

Rick Bojahra Bojahra

Rick Bojahra Bojahra

As a Director of Hyper Automation, I bring my process reengineering, software development, IT operations, UX/UI and senior leadership experience to each customer engagement. I work with various organizations to improve their processes, collaboration, teams, and management practices. Helping organizations as they build out technology solutions, process improvement/reengineering, and digital transformation. This includes governance and planning around using the Microsoft ecosystem, such as Office365, Teams, Project Online, Power Apps, Flow, and other Power Platform products.

As a Director of Hyper Automation, I bring my process reengineering, software development, IT operations, UX/UI and senior leadership experience to each customer engagement. I work with various organizations to improve their processes, collaboration,... Show more

Rob Reid

Rob Reid

I've been developing software professionally since 2006 and in that time, I’ve written backend, frontend, and messaging solutions for the police, travel, finance, commodities, sports betting, telecoms, retail, and aerospace industries.

I've been developing software professionally since 2006 and in that time, I’ve written backend, frontend, and messaging solutions for the police, travel, finance, commodities, sports betting, telecoms, retail, and aerospace industries. Show more

Godfrey Nolan

Godfrey Nolan

Godfrey Nolan is founder and president of RIIS LLC a mobile development firm in the Detroit Metro area. He is also author of Agile Swift (Apress), Agile Android (Apress), Bulletproof Android (Pearson), Android Best Practices (Apress), Decompiling Java (Apress) and Decompiling Android (Apress).

Godfrey Nolan is founder and president of RIIS LLC a mobile development firm in the Detroit Metro area. He is also author of Agile Swift (Apress), Agile Android (Apress), Bulletproof Android (Pearson), Android Best Practices (Apress), Decompiling Jav... Show more

Alison Chaiken

Alison Chaiken

Alison is an automotive systems programmer and kernel engineer and has worked at Nokia, Mentor Graphics, Peloton Technology and Aurora Innovation. In 2014-2015, she collaborated on-site with a customer in Germany. Alison has spoken at events including ELC and ELCE, USENIX, LibrePlanet,, Automotive Linux Summit, SCALE and Maker Faire. She lives in Mountain View , CA where she rides bikes, attends concerts, drinks beer and studies German.

Alison is an automotive systems programmer and kernel engineer and has worked at Nokia, Mentor Graphics, Peloton Technology and Aurora Innovation. In 2014-2015, she collaborated on-site with a customer in Germany. Alison has spoken at events includin... Show more

Selinay Filiz Parlak

Selinay Filiz Parlak

Selinay Parlak is the Co-Founder and COO of Bluedot, a payment platform designed for electric vehicle drivers and fleets. Bluedot serves electric vehicle users and fleets in the US by offering the world's first electric vehicle charging card solution. Bluedot has received investments totaling over $5 million from leading investors such as Samsara Ventures, Porsche, Ford, Y Combinator and other top Silicon Valley investors.

Selinay Parlak is the Co-Founder and COO of Bluedot, a payment platform designed for electric vehicle drivers and fleets. Bluedot serves electric vehicle users and fleets in the US by offering the world's first electric vehicle charging card solution... Show more

Ovidiu Hutuleac

Ovidiu Hutuleac

Ovidiu is Solutions Architect for AWS, passionate about helping developers and enterprises build modern applications using the transformational capabilities of AWS services. His professional experience started in 2007, consists in different roles ranging from Software Developer, Database and Sys admin and Devops Engineer. He leverages his experience to help people bring new ideas to life, focusing on data-driven architectures, distributed systems and devops culture. Loves reading and triathlon.

Ovidiu is Solutions Architect for AWS, passionate about helping developers and enterprises build modern applications using the transformational capabilities of AWS services. His professional experience started in 2007, consists in different roles ran... Show more

Hitesh R Padhiyar

Hitesh R Padhiyar

Hitesh Padhiyar

Experienced Software Engineer in Oil and Gas Industry.

Hitesh Padhiyar is a dynamic and results-driven software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications (BCA), graduating in 2022. With a strong passion for technology and a keen interest in the Oil and Gas industry, Hitesh Padhiyar has quickly become a key player in the field.

Professional Experience:

With over two years of experience in the Oil and Gas sector, Hitesh Padhiyar has been instrumental in leveraging technology to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and ensure the seamless integration of various systems. As a software engineer, Hitesh Padhiyar primarily specializes in REST API integration and has successfully connected ERP systems to automation software, including SAP, among others.

Areas of Expertise:

RESTful API Integration,

ERP System Integration, Automation Software,


SAP Integration,

Oil and Gas Industry Software Solutions.

Passion for Technology:

Hitesh Padhiyar's passion for technology extends beyond the workplace. They are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the software engineering field, ensuring that their skills and knowledge remain cutting-edge.

Speaking Engagements:

Hitesh Padhiyar is embarking on their speaking journey, eager to share insights and expertise in technology and software engineering. While this may be their first speaking engagement, they bring a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to the stage.

Connect with Hitesh Padhiyar:

Feel free to connect with Hitesh Padhiyar on professional platforms such as LinkedIn and Email to stay updated on their work.

Hitesh Padhiyar Experienced Software Engineer in Oil and Gas Industry. Hitesh Padhiyar is a dynamic and results-driven software engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications (BCA), graduating in 2022. With a strong passion for tech... Show more

Edgar Ssensalo

Edgar Ssensalo

Edgar Ssensalo's Bio:
I am a Software Engineer with over half a decade of experience building solutions in technology and creating impact in different sectors such as HR, environment, and construction.
I currently work as an engineer at (Comstruct)[] where I contribute to building an overarching data layer for the construction industry that will potentially span across Europe and beyond.

As an ML Engineer, capable of building deploying, and maintaining Machine Learning (ML) and deep learning models in production. I often follow software development best practices such as Test-Driven Development (TDD), using Version Control (VC), and DevOps, I am currently adopting data-centric AI approaches when building ML models.

I enjoy collaboration and contribution through open source.

Edgar Ssensalo's Bio: I am a Software Engineer with over half a decade of experience building solutions in technology and creating impact in different sectors such as HR, environment, and construction. I currently work as an engineer at (Comstruct... Show more

Jolie Tanigawa-Dillon

Jolie Tanigawa-Dillon

Hello, I'm Jolie, and I'm truly passionate about Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management. Since 2018, this ERP has been at the center of my professional journey. My sole mission is to help companies recognize the immense value this platform offers, especially from a Finance perspective.

Hello, I'm Jolie, and I'm truly passionate about Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management. Since 2018, this ERP has been at the center of my professional journey. My sole mission is to help companies recognize the immense value this platform ... Show more

Mukta Dhanuka

Mukta Dhanuka

My name is Mukta Dhanuka - a seasoned product leader with extensive experience building high performing teams and commercially successful B2B2C products across organization and product maturity spectrum.

My name is Mukta Dhanuka - a seasoned product leader with extensive experience building high performing teams and commercially successful B2B2C products across organization and product maturity spectrum. Show more

Karishma Golani

Karishma Golani

Karishma is an experienced full-stack engineer who possesses a deep passion for crafting captivating user experiences for webapps. With more than four years of hands-on experience in the field of software engineering, she has refined her skills in creating flawlessly detailed and performance optimized applications, ensuring seamless user interactions. Presently, she’s leading the engineering team at shipmnts.

Karishma is an experienced full-stack engineer who possesses a deep passion for crafting captivating user experiences for webapps. With more than four years of hands-on experience in the field of software engineering, she has refined her skills in cr... Show more

Emad Ehsan

Emad Ehsan

Emad is a Google Developer Expert from Pakistan. Currently a Senior Software Engineer at Bayer.

He has been a Top Trending Developer on GitHub and contributes regularly to open source. He has spoken at Tech Conferences in UK, Denmark, US, Pakistan, & Malaysia.

Emad is a Google Developer Expert from Pakistan. Currently a Senior Software Engineer at Bayer. He has been a Top Trending Developer on GitHub and contributes regularly to open source. He has spoken at Tech Conferences in UK, Denmark, US, Pakistan... Show more

Kelvin Omozokpia

Kelvin Omozokpia

I am the CEO of Darkel Microsystems Limited and a senior Frontend Engineer at MyMoneyKarma in India. I have worked for various companies in the banking, e-commerce, food, and education sectors, such as Zenith Bank PLC, Equity Bank (Kenya), Ricive, Vendease, and Decagon. I am also pursuing an MBA degree at Lagos Business School and running the YouTube Channel Code By Moonlight. I am passionate about web development, cloud computing, data analytics, and personal finance. I use React, Nextjs, NestJS, MongoDB, MySQL, AWS, and TypeScript to create user-friendly, scalable, and secure web products that can make a positive impact on the society.

I am the CEO of Darkel Microsystems Limited and a senior Frontend Engineer at MyMoneyKarma in India. I have worked for various companies in the banking, e-commerce, food, and education sectors, such as Zenith Bank PLC, Equity Bank (Kenya), Ricive, Ve... Show more

Patrick Blitz

Patrick Blitz

Tech, Team and Coffee. Engineers software (backend, iOS, Android), manages products, shapes teams and makes great coffee. Not necessarily in that order

Tech, Team and Coffee. Engineers software (backend, iOS, Android), manages products, shapes teams and makes great coffee. Not necessarily in that order Show more

Yasin Ali Badruddin

Yasin Ali Badruddin

I am a Fellow of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK), having professional experience of around 13 years and worked in various sectors such as Hospital, Oil and Energy and Foods and Resources.

I am a Fellow of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK), having professional experience of around 13 years and worked in various sectors such as Hospital, Oil and Energy and Foods and Resources. Show more

Raja Srinivas Konda

Raja Srinivas Konda

I am a very qualified and dedicated professional with 9+ years of on-desk and onsite operations experience in GIS and Remote Sensing services for Oil & Gas, Mining Industries. I am currently working for an Oil and Energy Organization where I am responsible for creating, updating, and Quality check-ups of geospatial and non-spatial information regarding Oil and gas leases of various counties in different states in the USA. In the past, I have worked for a Mining Consultancy where I was responsible for Processing and Supervising GIS data and preparation of Maps portraying Location & Accessibility, Geology, Geophysics, Geochemical Assay Results, Master plans, Topographic and field Visit Spatial Data for various Metallic and Non-metallic Mineral commodity projects located in Oman, Tanzania, Uganda, Guinea, Guyana, UAE, Zimbabwe & India. I also have experience in onsite field operations working for Mineral Exploration projects located in West Africa, Middle East, and South America.

I am a very qualified and dedicated professional with 9+ years of on-desk and onsite operations experience in GIS and Remote Sensing services for Oil & Gas, Mining Industries. I am currently working for an Oil and Energy Organization where I am respo... Show more

Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo van Dam

Michelangelo is a passionate IT professional relying on over 10 years of experience with Azure Cloud Technology, Infrastructure, Networking, Security and Compliance. He has over 20 years of experience in Web Application Development & Architecture, Automated Testing, Continuous Integration and Deployment Strategies (CI/CD). A natural-born community enabler, coach and mentor. Azure MVP Reconnect.

Michelangelo is a passionate IT professional relying on over 10 years of experience with Azure Cloud Technology, Infrastructure, Networking, Security and Compliance. He has over 20 years of experience in Web Application Development & Architecture, Au... Show more

Sebastian Perez Martinez

Sebastian Perez Martinez

Senior Engineer helping startups be successful. Bests practices run through my blood. And it's contagious for your team. Full Stack/Mobile Problem Solver. Coding professionally for the last 6 years

Senior Engineer helping startups be successful. Bests practices run through my blood. And it's contagious for your team. Full Stack/Mobile Problem Solver. Coding professionally for the last 6 years Show more

Raj Krishnan

Raj Krishnan

Raj Krishnan is Director - Industry Digital Strategy at Microsoft with over 25 years of experience in high technology and in multiple industries. He has helped many fortune 500 companies with Digital Transformation, Data, AI, and ML, Enterprise Architecture, Industry 4.0 initiatives and Cloud Computing.

Raj Krishnan is Director - Industry Digital Strategy at Microsoft with over 25 years of experience in high technology and in multiple industries. He has helped many fortune 500 companies with Digital Transformation, Data, AI, and ML, Enterprise Archi... Show more

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