Microsoft MVPs

Microsoft MVPs

All Microsoft MVPs that have added their award to their speaker profile.

  • 852 speakers
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Guy Glantser

Guy Glantser

Guy Glantser, Data Platform MVP, is the leader of the Israeli data platform community and also the CEO and founder of Madeira Data Solutions. His career has been focused on the Microsoft Data Platform for the past 25 years, performing various data roles as either an on-site data architect, an external consultant, or a speaker. Guy is involved in many activities in the Microsoft Data Platform community. He occasionally speaks at community events, such as PASS Data Community Summit, SQLBits, Data Saturdays, and user groups around the world. He also co-hosts the SQL Server Radio podcast.

Guy Glantser, Data Platform MVP, is the leader of the Israeli data platform community and also the CEO and founder of Madeira Data Solutions. His career has been focused on the Microsoft Data Platform for the past 25 years, performing various data ro... Show more

Rebecca Jackson

Rebecca Jackson

Rebecca is a self-confessed nerd who works at the intersection of people and technology to solve problems for the enterprise through product management, technology adoption and employee experience design. She’s happiest when she can combine her loves of technology, creativity and human behaviour to build inclusive workplace experiences.

She has been building intranets, nurturing enterprise social and facilitating internal communications since 2009, is a 3 x Microsoft MVP (M365 Apps & Services) and is enhance the workplace experience at Avanade as a Manager and Product Owner in IT responsible for Collaboration. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business (Marketing) and is pleasantly surprised that it still comes in handy.

In her spare time Rebecca is a serial hobbyist, and while some obsessions come and go, sketching has been a constant. She’s been drawing since she could grip a crayon, and is a “failed” art student who now shares her love of sketching and sketchnotes whenever the opportunity presents. She’s currently studying Psychology to enhance her current work practice and to further her work as an advocate and ally for chronic illness, neurodiversity and first nations people.

Sharing knowledge is her default and she enjoys blogging, tweeting, presenting and coaching as a way to give back, learn and meet interesting people.

Rebecca is a self-confessed nerd who works at the intersection of people and technology to solve problems for the enterprise through product management, technology adoption and employee experience design. She’s happiest when she can combine her loves... Show more

Alexander González

Alexander González

Hey, I´m Alexander González! I´m addicted to traveling, exploring, and enjoying the little things that life offers, family and friends. Passionate about technology. Cloud and AI geek, faithful friend of data, always trying to analyze and understand what those pixels and words tell us that almost nobody pays attention to, giving them the treatment they deserve with the help of AI. Open to knowledge, learning, observing, reflecting, and then getting the best of myself to share it with others, since 2015 as a Microsoft Student Partner and since 2020 as a Microsoft Artificial Intelligence MVP. I'm passionate about creating new AI platforms and services to help others in personal or business cases, thinking one day of managing big software projects! Interested all the time in listening to teachers, developers, geeks, or people who are simply interesting and creative. Share, communicating, and teaching are a privilege and a gift. Do not hesitate to contact me!

Hey, I´m Alexander González! I´m addicted to traveling, exploring, and enjoying the little things that life offers, family and friends. Passionate about technology. Cloud and AI geek, faithful friend of data, always trying to analyze and understand ... Show more

Dario Kondratiuk

Dario Kondratiuk

Microsoft MVP. Web Developer with 15+ years on the web industry. Author of Puppeteer-Sharp. Passionate about C#, the web, remote work, and the open-source community.

Microsoft MVP. Web Developer with 15+ years on the web industry. Author of Puppeteer-Sharp. Passionate about C#, the web, remote work, and the open-source community. Show more

Andreas Willich

Andreas Willich

Andreas Willich has been using SpecFlow, the BDD tool for .NET, for more than 10 years and has been the main maintainer of SpecFlow since 2015.
He has used BDD and SpecFlow in both small and large customer projects in the past. Currently, he works on SpecFlow and the .NET BDD tooling ecosystem with his team at Tricentis.

Andreas Willich has been using SpecFlow, the BDD tool for .NET, for more than 10 years and has been the main maintainer of SpecFlow since 2015. He has used BDD and SpecFlow in both small and large customer projects in the past. Currently, he works ... Show more

Krishna Vandanapu

Krishna Vandanapu

I am Krishna.Vandanapu, a proven Power Platform Solution Architect, Business Applications MVP, MCT, and a PowerApps Superuser for the last 2 years with 16 years of IT experience. Delivered more than 50 sessions in Power Platform, O365 Saturdays, and local user groups. I have provided 300 solutions in the PowerApps community.

I am Krishna.Vandanapu, a proven Power Platform Solution Architect, Business Applications MVP, MCT, and a PowerApps Superuser for the last 2 years with 16 years of IT experience. Delivered more than 50 sessions in Power Platform, O365 Saturdays, an... Show more

Xavier Geerinck

Xavier Geerinck

As a Technical Lead at Proximus, Xavier Geerinck is responsible for all technical decisions and paths forward in the ATA (Advanced Things & Analytics) group - which falls under the enterprise segment - of one of the biggest Telecom companies in Belgium.

Besides serving as a Technical Lead, Xavier performs extracurricular tasks as 1) the founder of the Dapr JS SDK, 2) sharing of knowledge through his personal blog at and finally 3) being a Microsoft MVP for everything Azure

As a Technical Lead at Proximus, Xavier Geerinck is responsible for all technical decisions and paths forward in the ATA (Advanced Things & Analytics) group - which falls under the enterprise segment - of one of the biggest Telecom companies in Belgi... Show more

Ed Leighton-Dick

Ed Leighton-Dick

Ed Leighton-Dick is a Microsoft MVP, SQL Server performance and architecture specialist, and Founder/Principal Architect of Kingfisher Technologies. He is a frequent volunteer with PASS, including roles as regional mentor, chapter leader of I-380 PASS SQL Server User Group, and organizer of SQLSaturday Iowa City. He can often be found teaching sessions at local, regional, and national events, including user groups, SQLSaturday, and PASS Summit.

Ed Leighton-Dick is a Microsoft MVP, SQL Server performance and architecture specialist, and Founder/Principal Architect of Kingfisher Technologies. He is a frequent volunteer with PASS, including roles as regional mentor, chapter leader of I-380 PAS... Show more

Tobias Almén

Tobias Almén

Tobias have a long background working with enterprise mobility and have a deep understanding on how we think about security and management when we move into the modern workplace. Apart from working as a solution architect, he often come in as a trusted advisor during or in the beginning of a project to make sure the right decisions are made strategically.

Tobias have a long background working with enterprise mobility and have a deep understanding on how we think about security and management when we move into the modern workplace. Apart from working as a solution architect, he often come in as a trust... Show more

Mahender Pal

Mahender Pal Show more

Hilton Giesenow

Hilton Giesenow

An industry veteran of well over 20 years, Hilton is a 12-times Microsoft MVP with experience across varied development, IT and consulting roles, geographies and industries. Highly passionate about Microsoft Teams, he leads a company focused on building apps to make Teams more effective, more functional, and more productive.

An industry veteran of well over 20 years, Hilton is a 12-times Microsoft MVP with experience across varied development, IT and consulting roles, geographies and industries. Highly passionate about Microsoft Teams, he leads a company focused on build... Show more

Giovanni Bassi

Giovanni Bassi

Software architect and developer, agilist, rock climber. Giovanni is founder and Chief Software Architect of Lambda3 in Brazil. He develops software as a passion, and he believes self managed people and teams are more efficient and productive than outside managed ones. He was awarded as a Microsoft MVP over twelve years ago, and has 20+ years or experience developing software. He has spoken in conferences, user groups and online about .NET, Rust, microservices, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Node.js, frontend and backend development, agile development and many other topics, all around the world. He has lead some user groups in Brazil on topics such as software architecture, .NET, and Docker.

Software architect and developer, agilist, rock climber. Giovanni is founder and Chief Software Architect of Lambda3 in Brazil. He develops software as a passion, and he believes self managed people and teams are more efficient and productive than ou... Show more

Harri Jaakkonen

Harri Jaakkonen

I have been working with Microsoft based solutions for 24 years now and with the Microsoft cloud from the it's early days.

My true passion with the community is to help people grow and achieve more with their skills.

I'm the owner for and writing articles on Microsoft Previews and study guides for the community.

Open for mentoring and speaking at online conferences or user groups about Identity and security.

⭐️ I have Microsoft Valuable Professional award with Enterprise Mobility area and target on Identity and access management. ⭐️

Primary specialties:

Azure B2B and B2C
M365 services and identity
Exchange in all it's forms from On-premises to Cloud
Azure infrastructure and security solutions
Cloud governance and compliance
Federation and SSO
Automating Identity management
PowerShell, PowerShell and PowerShell!
IAM solutions from different providers
ZScaler Zero trust framework

Secondary specialties:

Microsoft Windows Servers (Clustering, AD -design and analyzes, direct access)
Azure Web App and IIS (usage optimization, shared configuration and advanced troubleshooting)
SFB and Teams (Enterprise voice, direct routing, Hybrids, enterprise scalability and automation with PowerShell)
Microsoft SQL Server (Advanced troubleshooting, Migrations, Clustering) and SQL databases in Azure

I have been working with Microsoft based solutions for 24 years now and with the Microsoft cloud from the it's early days. My true passion with the community is to help people grow and achieve more with their skills. I'm the owner for Cloudpart... Show more

Rodrigo Crespi

Rodrigo Crespi

Rodrigo Crespi is a database specialist. Awarded Most Valuable Professional [MVP] in Data Platform since 2017. Certified in administration and development of SQL Server databases since 2000 [MCSE]. Currently, he holds the position of director of technology at CrespiDB – Solutions in data platform and university Professor. Founder and Leader of the PASS Chapter SQL Server RS in Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. National and international speaker, author of several articles on websites, magazines and blogs specializing in Software engineering and databases. Learn more at

Rodrigo Crespi is a database specialist. Awarded Most Valuable Professional [MVP] in Data Platform since 2017. Certified in administration and development of SQL Server databases since 2000 [MCSE]. Currently, he holds the position of director of tech... Show more

Przemysław Kłys

Przemysław Kłys

System Architect with over 14 years of experience in the IT field. Skilled, among others, in Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange and Office 365. Profoundly interested in PowerShell. Software geek.

System Architect with over 14 years of experience in the IT field. Skilled, among others, in Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange and Office 365. Profoundly interested in PowerShell. Software geek. Show more

Marcelo Paiva

Marcelo Paiva

Entusiasta de novas tecnologias e comunidades, Microsoft MVP, AWS Community Builder. Tecnólogo em processamento de dados, desenvolve soluções de controle de acesso e biometria por Softprime Soluções. Atualmente desenvolve projetos com Internet das Coisas e Inteligência Artificial

Entusiasta de novas tecnologias e comunidades, Microsoft MVP, AWS Community Builder. Tecnólogo em processamento de dados, desenvolve soluções de controle de acesso e biometria por Softprime Soluções. Atualmente desenvolve projetos com Internet das Co... Show more

Demian Raschkovan

Demian Raschkovan


MVP Show more

Mathias Olausson

Mathias Olausson

Mathias Olausson is the CTO and co-founder of Solidify, focusing on cloud native development and engineering practices. With a solid background in software development Mathias helps organizations improve their ways of working and capability to successfully deliver software. Mathias has been named Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) since 2009 for his commitment and knowledge-sharing within the Microsoft DevOps community.

Mathias Olausson is the CTO and co-founder of Solidify, focusing on cloud native development and engineering practices. With a solid background in software development Mathias helps organizations improve their ways of working and capability to succes... Show more

Sander Stad

Sander Stad

Sander is a SQL Server DBA with over 20 years of experience in IT. He has worked with SQL Server since version 2000 and is a Cloud and Datacenter Management (CDM) MVP.
He is a huge PowerShell enthusiast and will try to automate processes as much as he can.

Sander is a SQL Server DBA with over 20 years of experience in IT. He has worked with SQL Server since version 2000 and is a Cloud and Datacenter Management (CDM) MVP. He is a huge PowerShell enthusiast and will try to automate processes as much as ... Show more

Chris Kent

Chris Kent

Chris Kent is a M365 Development MVP and Senior Platform Architect at Takeda. His experience spans across multiple platforms, industries, languages, and approaches. Chris is a member of the Microsoft 365 Developer Community core team (PnP) where he is especially focused on List Formatting and the SharePoint Framework. He is passionate about mapping technology to real-world solutions.

Chris is a highly-rated speaker and has presented at user groups, SharePoint Saturdays, webinars, and conferences. Every session focuses on practical advice and takeaways. He also posts regularly to his blog,

Chris Kent is a M365 Development MVP and Senior Platform Architect at Takeda. His experience spans across multiple platforms, industries, languages, and approaches. Chris is a member of the Microsoft 365 Developer Community core team (PnP) where he i... Show more

Leonardo Fonseca

Leonardo Fonseca

Hi there!

My name is Leonardo Fonseca and I'm a Database Engineer, MVP Data Platform and AWS Community Builder.

I speaks, teaches & blogs about SQL Server.
Holds several certifications including MCSE for the Data Platform and MCT.

Learn more at


Sou Leonardo Fonseca, Engenheiro de Banco de Dados, MVP em Data Platform e AWS Community Builder.

Palestrante e escritor de artigos técnicos relacionados à SQL Server para ajudar e capacitar pessoas.
Possuo algumas certificações incluindo MCSE em Data Platform e Microsoft MCT.

Saiba mais em

[EN] Hi there! My name is Leonardo Fonseca and I'm a Database Engineer, MVP Data Platform and AWS Community Builder. I speaks, teaches & blogs about SQL Server. Holds several certifications including MCSE for the Data Platform and MCT. ... Show more

Mauricio Gamboa

Mauricio Gamboa

Microsoft MVP Business Applications. Data Analytics Manager at EY

Microsoft MVP Business Applications. Data Analytics Manager at EY Show more

Peter Foot

Peter Foot

Experienced software developer and technical author specialising in IoT and mobile apps. Xamarin-certified Mobile Developer and Microsoft MVP for Windows Development.

Experienced software developer and technical author specialising in IoT and mobile apps. Xamarin-certified Mobile Developer and Microsoft MVP for Windows Development. Show more

Morten Christensen

Morten Christensen

Morten works at Umbraco HQ where he helps build Umbraco Cloud and the Headless Cloud offering. Morten is also an Azure MVP, Azure Lover and community addict. He lives in Copenhagen where he helps organize meetups and other community events. When he is not working on Azure or doing Community events you can find him either learning about the newest things in Azure or building/buying LEGO sets (there should probably have been a "LEGO addict" part somewhere in this profile as well - according to his bank account statements).

Morten works at Umbraco HQ where he helps build Umbraco Cloud and the Headless Cloud offering. Morten is also an Azure MVP, Azure Lover and community addict. He lives in Copenhagen where he helps organize meetups and other community events. When he i... Show more

Mohammad Al Rousan

Mohammad Al Rousan

Mohammad is working as a senior cloud consultant for Azure Solutions based in the Netherlands

As an architect he is part of several teams, realizing new and innovative solutions, preferably using the Microsoft Cloud.
He is a subject matter expert in Cloud Infrastructure Architecture helping customers scaling their use of Azure safely and securely, accelerating their adoption of the cloud, and driving the value of their investment in Azure while acting as a technical liaison between customers and product teams to help evolving the Azure platform

His passion is to share knowledge, with his colleagues, customers, and peers.

Microsoft has recognized his efforts for the community by awarding him a Microsoft MVP award.

Mohammad is working as a senior cloud consultant for Azure Solutions based in the Netherlands As an architect he is part of several teams, realizing new and innovative solutions, preferably using the Microsoft Cloud. He is a subject matter expert... Show more

Joost van Schaik

Joost van Schaik

Senior Mixed Reality Software Architect @Velicus. Nearing 30 years in software, 23 years in Geo-ICT, 10+ years of blogging and twittering, 10 years Microsoft MVP, and since about 5 years badly infected with the Mixed Reality virus. And still developer(++) – managed to avoid job descriptions like 'consultant' or 'project manager' - prefer to do real work. Lover of wife, technology, nature, gardening, and single malt whisky. In that order.

Senior Mixed Reality Software Architect @Velicus. Nearing 30 years in software, 23 years in Geo-ICT, 10+ years of blogging and twittering, 10 years Microsoft MVP, and since about 5 years badly infected with the Mixed Reality virus. And still develope... Show more

Yawer Iqbal

Yawer Iqbal

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Yawer is a technology evangelist, Microsoft MVP and MCT. He has been designing and delivering applications to the public and private sectors in his career span of 14+ years. He is passionate about community and contributes to it as a speaker and blogger.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, Yawer is a technology evangelist, Microsoft MVP and MCT. He has been designing and delivering applications to the public and private sectors in his career span of 14+ years. He is passionate about community and contribu... Show more

Nijo Joseph Raju

Nijo Joseph Raju

Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Community Contributor, Power Community Organizer, Powerapps UG Leader. Who believes community is the way to grow.

Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Community Contributor, Power Community Organizer, Powerapps UG Leader. Who believes community is the way to grow. Show more

佳芮 李

佳芮 李

Jiarui Li is the co-founder & CEO of JuziBot, she is a serial tech entrepreneur recognized as one of the Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) in the artificial intelligence (AI) category by Microsoft.

She is the co-author of Wechaty, an open-source project with over 7400+ stars recognition on GitHub, the framework has created and managed a global chatbot developer community. Jiarui is an expert in product development, design, and operation based on WeChat platform, she’s also the lead author of the book: “Chatbot From 0 to 1: Guide to Conversational Interaction Design”

In the past 6 years, Jiarui led a team that provided technology and operational services around WeChat ecosystem to over 100 clients, including Amazon, Tencent,, Xinhua Net, Lenovo, Microsoft, Philips,, etc.

Jiarui Li is the co-founder & CEO of JuziBot, she is a serial tech entrepreneur recognized as one of the Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) in the artificial intelligence (AI) category by Microsoft. She is the co-author of Wechaty, an open-source... Show more

Alex Verboon

Alex Verboon

Alex Verboon is a CTO & Principal Cyber Security Consultant at baseVISION in Switzerland who is specialized in designing and implementing Microsoft 365 security solutions.

Alex has been working in the field of Windows workplace management since the early 90s and has since then developed a passion for managing Windows in the enterprise. He loves using PowerShell, KQL, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Microsoft Sentinel, AzureAD and many other solutions of the Microsoft Security stack. Nowadays Alex supports his customers to improve their security posture. In addition to his daily job since many years Alex is sharing his knowledge through his blog 'Anything About IT' (,

Alex Verboon is a CTO & Principal Cyber Security Consultant at baseVISION in Switzerland who is specialized in designing and implementing Microsoft 365 security solutions. Alex has been working in the field of Windows workplace management since t... Show more

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Microsoft MVPs

Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) are recognized experts in their respective technical communities who actively share their knowledge and expertise with others. The MVP award is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the Microsoft community through their involvement in technical forums, user groups, conferences, and other events. As a result, many MVPs are sought after as speakers at industry events, sharing their knowledge and insights with others.

When an MVP adds their award to their speaker profile, it can serve as a powerful endorsement of their expertise and credibility. Event organizers and attendees alike recognize the MVP award as a symbol of excellence in the field of Microsoft technology, and are more likely to view MVP speakers as authorities on the subject matter they are presenting. This can help MVPs secure speaking engagements, as well as increase their visibility and recognition within the community.

In addition to the benefits for the MVPs themselves, including the ability to network with other experts and gain exposure for their work, the community as a whole can benefit from the contributions of MVP speakers. By sharing their knowledge and insights with others, MVPs help to elevate the level of expertise and understanding within the Microsoft community, ultimately leading to better products and services for everyone.